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艺考文化课分数线将提高 超8成考生属半路出家--亲稳网络舆情监控室

艺考文化课分数线将提高 超8成考生属半路出家 艺考文化课分数线将提高 超8成考生属半路出家 艺考文化课分数线将提高 超8成考生属半路出家


2013年省外高校艺术专业测试昨天在八大关小礼堂开始接受考生报名,With the large province recruitment of students test time conflict of shandong university of art and design,Despite the 6 led by hubei academy of fine arts colleges and universities recruit students at the same time,But the site is still cold and cheerless,The end of the day a total of 1276 students to sign up,Enter oneself for an examination of hubei academy of more than 600 people,Less than half of last year.


艺考报名人数锐减 Art exam registration number


昨天上午9时30分左右,Reporters at the scene of the badaguan small auditorium sign up to see,A candidate only thirty or forty people,The registration hall appears empty,6所高校中只有湖北美术学院的摊位前挤满了考生and家长,The central university for nationalities/Guangdong ocean university/Beijing institute of fashion technology/广东工业大学and陕西科技大学摊位前的考生寥寥无几.


"This is an opportunity for shandong examinee,You get to sign up."湖北美术学院的吴老师热情地跟考生and家长说,Tone of the show is more of a helpless."Shandong examination enrollment situation is very bad this year,Online registration is only more than four hundred people,Less than a third of the year."Mr Wu said,Shandong is hubei academy admissions outside the province the most provinces,But in recent years, enrollment has been shrinking,This year is down to low."Maybe next year we will consider whether to set the examination site in Qingdao."Mr Wu said,In the shandong examinee collapse at the same time,Number of students is increasing in the southern provinces,Including hubei academy in the centre of guangdong province online application number has reached more than 5000 people.


"Qingdao examination site registration number so little."Mr Yang told reporters from yantai fushan district residents,He from weifang examination arrive to Qingdao in the morning,For daughter to enter oneself for an examination Beijing institute of fashion technology,"Weifang examination site people mountain people sea,Light almost waiting in line for an hour."Mr Yang's daughter is weifang attend the exam of tianjin normal university,The visibility is less than the colleges and universities of hubei academy of fine arts in weifang examination site attracted more than two thousand students to sign up.


没看简章白跑一趟 No general rules white ran a visit


昨天上午9时30分左右,来自滨州市惠民县第二中学的苏超and两名同学一行三人出现在了八大关小礼堂,The purpose of their visit is to enter oneself for an examination of hubei academy of fine arts,"We arrived yesterday afternoon,Live in a small hotel near a train station."SPL told reporters,Hubei academy is three people choose the first school,The whole art they are ready to enter oneself for an examination five or six schools during the test.


记者看到三人填好报名表之后,Before the registration booth of hubei academy of fine is in trouble,"We don't accept the registration,Need to register online."Admissions teacher told three people.ah!Three people obviously stunned.Recruit students the teacher said,Three SPL to enter oneself for an examination of hubei academy of fine arts/艺术管理and艺术设计学三个专业,General rules expressly indicate the three professional does not need to field application,Don't need to confirm on site,Only need to sign up on the Internet,And will own an article masterpiece appreciation can be mailed to school.


SPL told reporters,The three of them from binzhou sat for three hours of car to jinan,Take train from jinan to Qingdao,车票and住宿费浪费了不说,All be delayed two days.


加班确认考生信息 Confirm the examinee information to work overtime


没看招生简章就跑来报名的远不止苏超等人,不少家长and老师打算替考生报名,The results found at the scene,Hubei academy of the confirmation should be done I hold id card,"We need pictures acquisition candidates's on-site confirmation,Must I come."Mr Wu said."My daughter still take the exam in jinan,Sure won't come before five o 'clock in the afternoon."An examinee's mother try so hard to say.


湖北美院今年是首次实行网上报名,Many students don't know the situation,Rushed to the scene found that need to online registration to confirm first,The school's online application system at 12 noon yesterday was shut down,After the coordination of recruit students teacher,Online registration system delay closed at 4 PM."Can't let the examinee white ran."Mr Wu said,Registration hasn't started the day before yesterday afternoon,There is examinee arrived they live in the hotel registration,"Have the examinee to hotel at 7 this morning knocking at the door,Because he want to catch the train to weifang at half past eight."According to introducing,Considering that many students catch less than the badaguan small hall before 5 PM,Hubei academy of exceptionally in the hotel at night to work overtime for the candidate to confirm information,To make sure they have the opportunity to attend school today or tomorrow the professional test.


超八成考生半路出家 More than eighty percent students halfway decent


"I'm from high school began to learn art.""My child learn art more than half a year."记者在报名现场调查了多名考生and家长,More than eighty percent of the students belong to"Halfway decent",Other cities in the province of the candidates for academic achievement is not good enough to learn the art of more abound."My grades in the class is middle level,By academic examination a good university, no hope."Huimin He Xuemei told reporters in the second,Art class of students in each class is the main source of academic achievement is not very good students,Of course also have as hobbies,But the students' achievement is very good."I don't like art,Purely in order to get into college."Huimin 2 the SPL told reporters,He has no talent in fine arts,Although given the province fine arts nationwide examination of undergraduate course certificate,But the score is not high,He selected are mostly do not need to undertake professional test,Admitted to the school student admitted by the academic scores from high to low.


考生少缘于撞上大户 The examinee less due to hit


市招办招生处副处长朱海峰表示,Qingdao examination site to sign up fewer people there are three main reasons,Qingdao has always been a slow first test venue,In recent years, to sign up to basic don't fire a few days ago;另外一个重要原因是山东艺术学院and山东工艺美术学院都在进行专业测试,Most of the students are drawn to jinan;The third reason is to green instruction in higher levels of colleges and universities,Sign up to green the examinee of shelter-forest are mostly professional level,Students at this level of quantity is not too much.


新闻链接 明年艺术类拟提分数线 News link art NiDi fractional line next year


教育部日前下发通知,Since 2014,Improve control fractional line of literacy class of recruit students of the arts.Among them,Fine arts class undergraduate course specialized students' academic scores control,Not less than 70% of the ordinary the admitted students culture with batch;Music professional students can't below batches with ordinary liberal arts examinee culture grade of 65%.

  日前教育部下发 《艺术学门类专业招生工作的指导意见》文理本科第一批录取分数为573分和582分。如果按照不低于同批次普通类高考分数线的70%来看,那么美术类考生(文理科)第一批录取的分数线分别要达到401.1分和407.4分。而2012年我省艺术类本科文理科分数线均为300分,比70%的比例低了100多分。

日前教育部下发 [The art class specialized recruitment of students work guidance]文理本科第一批录取分数为573分and582分.If less than 70% of the general college entrance examination scores with the batch run,The fine arts class examinee(The admitted)第一批录取的分数线分别要达到401.1分and407.4分.In 2012 our province arts undergraduate liberal arts fractional line is 300 points,Less than 70% of the 100 points.

  一名高中老师表示,分数线的控制是由省招考院根据高校招生计划,以及考生高考成绩按照一定比例划定,如果非得划定一条很高的分数线,势必会导致部分高校招不到学生完不成招生计划。“这一措施有利于提高艺术类人才的综合素质,但不一定实用。”一所高校的招生负责人表示,高校招收艺术类学生更看重的是考生的艺术素养、潜质等,只文化课好但出不来好作品,根本没有用处。(记者 臧旭平 王建亮)

一名高中老师表示,Fractional line control is proportion by the province to act according to the college enrollment plan,And of the university entrance exam examinee delineated according to certain proportion,If you have to draw a very high score,Will inevitably lead to some universities recruit students finish enrollment plan."This measure is helpful to improve the comprehensive quality of artistic talent,But not practical."A college admissions officers say,College art students focused on the candidate's artistic accomplishment/Potential, etc.,Only mix but not to good works,Don't use.(The reporter ZangXuPing Wang Jianliang)


(Qingdao morning post)
