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最近,Read the second day wang let the parents feel very strange,A fiddling with before returning home on computer,But the performance is improved steadily,And the study enthusiasm also increased a little,Wang parents really scratching their heads.The original,Wang introduced in class"Turn the classroom"The teaching mode.As America's most popular model of education,The relevant experimental middle school will this pattern is introduced into the school,After a period of time after contact,The students and teachers feeling?Whether effective"Turn over"The traditional education mode?


何为翻转课堂? What is a reverse classroom?

  “翻转课堂”从英语“FlippedClass Model”翻译而来,目前是美国日渐流行的学习模式。传统的教学模式是老师在课堂上讲课,布置作业,学生们回家做作业。而“翻转课堂”则完全相反,学生在家利用老师提供的相关课件自己学习,提问和作业则是放在课堂上,由老师答疑和解惑。课堂变成了老师学生之间和学生与学生之间互动平台,从而达到更好的教育效果。

"Turn the classroom"From the English"FlippedClass Model"Translation to,Now is the growing popularity of learning model.The traditional teaching mode is the teacher in class lectures,Homework to,The students go home do my homework.while"Turn the classroom"Is completely the opposite,Students the teacher provide related courseware at home myself,提问and作业则是放在课堂上,由老师答疑and解惑.课堂变成了老师学生之间and学生与学生之间互动平台,So as to achieve better education effect.


"Turn the classroom"The another big characteristic is make full use of the Internet quality education resources.学生的基础and学习能力都是层次不齐的,Some students do not have enough to eat,Some students, however, could not probe into.The use of teaching resources of Internet,Students do not have enough to eat can read attentively the school teaching courseware,Use the Internet to assist with knowledge;Students do not have enough to eat according to their own ability,In addition to our courseware,More can enjoy learning other wider knowledge on the Internet.With the relevant high school students, for example,某班两名学生一直位于第一and倒数第一的位置,After the"Turn the classroom"After a period of trial,The first students dine phenomenon is gradually improving,Rank, grade solid improvement;And the last student is up to the level of the middle class,Test range in the level of knowledge mastery improved remarkably."Turn over"Results produced results!


 我们如何“翻转”? How do we"Turn over"?


美国实施"Turn the classroom"Schools must meet two conditions:Teachers make learning courseware(video)/And teachers to carry out the study session.The former is for the teacher,The latter is aimed at students.Making courseware is not traditional video teaching,Put the teacher video recorded in online play,This is only in its form way of teaching.Even in the Internet a more developed in the United States,In order to achieve the first condition is somewhat difficult,Has a great requirement for teachers.If in China,又改如何解决课件The problem呢?


行知中学的校长吴虹也想到了这一个难题,In order to turn the classroom truly effective,Her first thought of professional partners,Hj is one of the country's largest Internet education platform.Wu Hong thought of exploring the principal"Turn the classroom"Based on network education mode,Are derived from contact with the hj penned classic.The earliest,Cadets Wu Hong President is the son of hj,Learn by hj for a month,Incredibly smoothly passed the zero base of N2 in Japanese,.For a mid-term exam (microblogging) before the child is very not easy,Also let Wu Hong headmaster saw a kind of new way of learning.Holding the psychology to try,She mobilized the students to use hj happy word games to memorizing words,If you patterns such as angry birds back word tools immediately hit the relevant school,while老师and家长[微博]也能通过背词的后台来掌握每个学生的进度,Teachers worry/The parents at ease/The students also happy.This time,,在Turn the classroom课件The problem上,Wu Hong principal exploration of this kind of new education model also has the backing of hj.在经过沪江专业老师的分析and调查下,By hj for the relevant student specially making courseware,Teaching emphasis/Refining the language of instruction,And illustrated,更容易让学生接受and理解.


解决了课件The problem后,学生们and家长们又能接受这一新兴的学习模式吗?Wu Hong principal is on reflection,and家长们也沟通保证了多次之后,In the children's achievements lifted the concerns of the parents."Parents are afraid of exam is influence the children,The teacher didn't taught unconsciously afraid of children,Don't agree with.At that time we also exploring some of the new education pattern,Some children also felt that the new model is more suitable for themselves,He said active with their parents,Let me have a try,Not immediately the original class last time.The results found that,Children particularly love your home,Who learn the second day,Who eat,Even little children,Children or swallowed,The teachers ask to ask out,Then gently lead,Let them have to do your homework in class,Watch over and over again,To do so far.For a period of time,Parents are very happy,There are several grades of students significantly,Parents also reward them buy tablet computer,Let them learn more easily."

  翻转课堂的前景 Turn the classroom的前景


教育改革该怎么做/How do I get,这也是目前大家都在思考的The problem.The relevant secondary schools"Electronic schoolbag",To introduce"Turn the classroom"Is to do some of the basic education innovation.Turn the classroom whether adapt to China's education system,You also need to test after a longer time,More students participate in,拿出更多的成绩and案例才能证明其大范围开展的可实施性,For this,Have confidence Wu Hong President said."Turn the classroom have been many successful cases in foreign countries,From the university/Elite schools to ordinary schools are carried out,In addition to can teach the children knowledge,More exercise their self-study/A comprehensive personal ability,这Is not a就我们一直探索的素质教育教学方式吗?We now turn class children,In addition to grades improve,More important is no longer exclusive class/No longer afraid to raise your hand,Learning to learn way gives me more pleasure than they are now tested good points!"


while对于Turn the classroom是否适合在中国大规模开展,Wu Hong President has his own worry:"Turn the classroom对教育informatization/Fair education is a very effective way,But for the courseware making,Is a very high threshold.Can you say that,The stand or fall of courseware directly determines the flip the classroom effect now.I think flip the classroom,In addition to flip the students way of learning,Need more flip society treat education point of view,To get more power to participate in the education reform to explore"
