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导语: Guide language:搜狐2013高考季,我们将高校招办访谈进行了全新改版升级,倾力推出《汇聚"U8"名校论高考》高端对话系列。首发高校最新高招新政和动态速递,更希望通过与8所名校招办主任的深度对话,掌控高考改革的“关键词”,包括“U8”对人才培养、大学教育、国际化等方面的建设理念和实际行动都将代表中国大学的未来发展趋势,树立名校标杆、发挥典范力量。同时,期待听到更多高校对热点的发声和态度,共同探讨教育制度存在的现象和问题。[详细]

Sohu season 2013 college entrance examination,We are going to colleges and universities manages the interview new version upgrades,Pour out[convergence"U8"School of college entrance examination]Series of high-level talks.Starting university the latest moves to the New Deal and the dynamic of express delivery,More hope that through dialogue with the depth of the 8 school manages director,Control of the reform of college entrance examination"Key words",including"U8"For personnel training/大学education/Internationalization aspects such as construction of idea and action will be the trend of future development on behalf of the Chinese university,Set up the school post/Play a powerful example.At the same time,Looking forward to hear more of hot spots of voice and attitude of colleges and universities,共同探讨education制度存在的现象和问题.[details]

  访谈时间:2013年4月27日9: 00-10: 00 访谈时间:On April 27, 2013, 9:00-10:00

  访谈地点:搜狐教育会客厅 访谈地点:搜狐education会客厅

  访谈嘉宾: 访谈嘉宾:

  外交学院招生处副处长 郭延凯老师 Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions Guo Yankai老师

  访谈实录 访谈实录


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:各位搜狐的网友大家好,欢迎收看本期搜狐教育会客厅特别栏目——《“中式英语”是败笔还是突围?》主题论坛,本场论坛邀请的嘉宾是外交学院招生处副处长郭延凯老师,首先请老师介绍一下今年在全国的招生计划?

Dear sohu net friend everybody is good,欢迎收看本期搜狐education会客厅特别栏目——["Chinese style English"Is failure or break?]Theme BBS,This BBS is invited guests, deputy director of admissions at the college of foreign Guo Yankai teacher,First of all, please the teacher to introduce in the national enrollment plan for this year?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:外交学院全国招生计划340人,今年我们跟去年基本上是持平的,略有增加。总计划增加了一个日语班20人,招生省份就是在去年基础之上,今年增加了6个省份。这样实现了在全国所有省份都有招生,在各个省的所有招生计划都在提前批次,本科一批次没有招生计划。

Foreign affairs college enrollment plan, 340 people across the country,This year we are basically flat with last year,A slight increase.The total plan added a Japanese class 20 people,Admissions province is based on last year,Increase the six provinces this year.It implements all the provinces throughout the country have admissions,In all the provinces enrollment plan in batch in advance,Undergraduate enrollment plan for institutions of a batch no.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:在北京招生计划和政策是否有一些调整呢?

The admission plan and policy in Beijing if there is some adjustment?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:外交学院情况跟北外情况基本差不多,我们在北京的总计划是64人,去年是70人,减少了6个。招生政策方面跟往年都是一样的。

Foreign affairs college status to beiwai, basic almost,We always plan in Beijing is 64,Last year was 70,Decreased by 6.Admissions policy is the same as previous year.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:如果有意向报考外交学院以及北外的学生,特别想知道本科教学上是否有一些特色呢?

If you have intention to enter oneself for an examination foreign affairs college and students in beiwai,Especially want to know whether there are some characteristics on undergraduate teaching?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:外交学院整个的办学,大概总结出来四句话吧。第一句,以外交为优势,外交学院所有的专业不管你是外交学也好,还是语言类,还有国际英语贸易,金融、法律这样的专业,我们外交这一方面特色是非常明显的。这个课程都是结合外交的,比如英语语言类专业,可能你在做口译、笔译,相关外交,国际政治这一方面多一些。还有突出外语优势,我们整个办学都突出外语优势,外交学院的语言教学一直也有非常好的传统,这些年专四,专八通过率都是非常高的,基本都是百分之百,平均分也在国内非常高。我们自己的办学特色就是发挥体制优势,我们是外交部唯一直属的一所高校,依托体制优势,包括请了好多咱们国家驻外使馆的经验非常丰富的老大使们,给学生做直接面对面授课,来讲授外交实践这样的课程。同时外交部有好多活动需要这样的志愿者,我们学生也有机会去。还有一个特色就是高水平、高质量的就业。我们学校近几年就业率都是在97%以上,而且就业层次也非常高,像每年考研和出国的学生基本都占毕业生总数的一半,实际就业的话,目前也是三三制,大概去外交部占四分之一,在北京市做公务员大概占三分之一,新华社、中央电视台等新闻媒体,包括像一些事业单位占四分之一,还有大的国企、外企占四分之一,整个就业不仅数量比较高,就业质量也非常好。

Foreign affairs college of the whole school,Roughly summed up in four words.The first sentence,To foreign to their advantage,All the foreign affairs college professional no matter you are diplomacy,Or a language class,English and international trade,The financial/Legal professional,Our foreign this feature is very obvious.This course is combined with foreign,Such as English language class,May be you doing interpreting/translation,Related to foreign,International politics which on the one hand more.There are outstanding foreign language advantage,We all outstanding foreign language advantage throughout the school,College of foreign language teaching has been also has a very good tradition,Over the years only four,Eight pass rate is very high,Basic it is one hundred percent,Score is also very high in China.Our own characteristics is the advantage of system,A college is the only directly under the ministry of foreign affairs of us,With the advantages in the system,Please include a lot of our country's embassies of very experienced old ambassadors,Make direct face-to-face teaching for students,To teach foreign practice such courses.There are many activities need volunteers at the same time, the ministry of foreign affairs,Our students also have the chance to.Another characteristic is the high level/High quality of employment.The employment rate is over 97% in recent years in our school,And the level of employment is also very high,Like every year one's deceased father grind and abroad students basic accounts for half of the total number of graduates,The actual employment of words,Now is the three-thirds system,Probably accounts for a quarter to the ministry of foreign affairs,Do civil servants account for around a third in Beijing,The xinhua news agency/China central television news media, etc,Including some institutions accounted for a quarter,There are large state-owned enterprises/Foreign firms account for a quarter,The employment is not only the number is higher,Employment quality is also very good.

   搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:感谢老师介绍。贵校都是非常重视外语学习的,接下来谈一谈最近的热点话题,那就是中式英语,前段时间一段央视记者采访赞比亚官员的视频在网上走红,视频中,央视记者操着一口流利的中式英语向赞比亚官员提问,而且赞比亚官员居然也能听得懂,这引发了一次对中国式英语学习的思考。现在国人越来越注重对英语的学习,孩子从小开始上各种英语兴趣班,四六级考试是大学生必考科目之一,但为什么口语水平还是欠佳呢?老师有什么观点? Thanks to the teacher to introduce.Your school is very attach importance to foreign language learning,Then talk about the recent hot topics,That is Chinese style English,Some time ago a CCTV reporter interview official video on the Internet,In the video,CCTV reporter fluent chinglish to zambian officials to ask questions,And zambian officials also can understand it,This raises a thought of Chinese learning English.Now the people more and more attention to English learning,All kinds of English programmes will on their children from childhood,Cet exams is one of the students study subjects,But why my spoken English is poor?The teacher what's point of view?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:我觉得从咱们国家整体上来讲,英语水平特别是口语应用能力越来越强,我们上学那会儿更主要注重语法,背单词,应用型不是很强。现在去看包括中小学教材,包括看孩子的作业,英语照以前比好多了。现在英语还是比较注重于应用的。从发展趋势来说还是好的。

I think for our country as a whole,English especially spoken language application ability more and more strong,When we go to school more pay attention to grammar,Memorizing words,Applied is not very strong.Now go to include primary and secondary school textbooks,Including the children's homework,English is much better than before.Now English is focused on the application.From the development trend is good.


而且只能说这是一个个例,English should be better in two levels.As a tool,I can express,Such as I go,I was able to express clearly,Also can understand each other.But for as a reporter,Or, as our two many college graduates to concerning foreign affairs,So need more some professional knowledge,For his level should have a more professional level requirements.And this two years our two schools may like to media should also pretty much,includingThe xinhua news agency/China central television (CCTV) has,These two years I think CCTV recently,includingThe xinhua news agency整个考核的标准还是挺高的,Basically to the requirement of English in general are very fine,Can only say that this is an example.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:两所学校在语言教学上有什么样特点呢?

The two schools have what characteristics in language teaching?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:外交学院的语言教学我觉得也是有它自己的一些特点的,像我们突出的特点有两个,一个是英语这一块,我们语言教学采取小班教学这个传统。尤其大家知道现在很多大学扩招得很厉害,我大概了解了一下。原来有的三十人一个班,现在学语言的甚至都有四十人,五十个人一个班,我去一个大学发现教室里根本连走动的地方都没有,满满的都坐着人。我们外交学院一直没有扩招,还是坚持小而精教育理念,所有专业班级不超过20个人,都是十七八个人一个班,可以保证教学质量。像非语言类专业,我们语言教学现在抓得非常的紧。像教育部规定语言类专业,比如像英语大学四年课时应该不少于1700个课时。我们学校非语言类专业,按照教育部规定达到1300就可以,我们非语言包括外交、法律、经济这些专业,英语课时达到1700课时,非语言类学生他们上四年时间的英语课程是其他学校其他专业的英语课时量,他们毕业的时候都有非常好的英语的水平。

I think college of foreign language teaching also has its own features,As we have two outstanding characteristic,A is a piece of English,We adopt small-class teaching the traditional language teaching.Especially you know now a lot of university enrollment expansion very badly,I'll probably take a look at.The original some 30 people in a class,For learning languages and even now has 40 people,Fifty people to a class,I go to a university found that root even without room to move around in the classroom,Full of sitting.We haven't expand foreign affairs college,还是坚持小而精education理念,All professional class has no more than 20 people,A class is seventeen men,Can guarantee the quality of teaching.Like the language class,Our language teaching grasp very tight now.像education部规定语言类专业,University four years, such as English class time should not less than 1700 hours.Non-language classes in our school,按照education部规定达到1300就可以,We are not including the foreign language/The law/These professional economy,English class of 1700 class hour,Non-language classes students their four years of English course is on the other other professional English class in school,When they graduate has very good English level.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:希望培养出什么样类型的外语类型的人才呢?

Want to develop what type of foreign language type of talent?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:外交学院我们的培养目标应该是这样的,大概总结四句话,底力深厚,放眼世界,精通外语,善于沟通这样复合型人才。讲二十一世纪都说最缺什么样的人?最缺懂得世界的人。外交学院原来的院长吴建民大使就说外交学院要培养什么样的人,就是要培养懂得世界的人才。

Our foreign affairs college training objectives should be like this,Probably summed up four sentences,Deep end force,Look around the world,Proficient in a foreign language,Good at communication such inter-disciplinary talent.21st century all say the lack of what kind of person?The lack of a man who knows the world.The dean of foreign ambassador wu jianmin, said foreign affairs college should cultivate what kind of person,Is to cultivate talent who know the world.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:有许多人觉得其实语言是一种工具,从就业角度来说,如果只会一门外语,那么就业选择是比较少的。学校是否会设置一些辅修专业呢?

There are a lot of people think language is a tool,From the perspective of employment,If only a foreign language,Employment option is less.The school will set up some minor professional?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:这个问题我非常同意许老师的观点,英语有几个层次。第一是外语是不是一个专业?还只是一个工具?还有学外语是不是只学外语,还有一个如果学外语的学生想学其他专业,有没有什么途径?先说第一个,我个人觉得外语确实是一个专业,因为大家很多人说不是学外语的,也可以把外语学得很好。就像计算机这样的专业,现在没有人不会玩计算机的,但是真正玩得特别好,想玩得精还要经过专业培训。北外是语言类专业,这种训练还是进行过专业训练的学生出来以后,他的外语水平比一般人还要高出很大一块。

The problem I am very agree with Mr Xu,English has several layers.The first is a foreign language is not a professional?Is just a tool?And learn a foreign language is learning a foreign language only,There is a if students want to learn other professional learning a foreign language,Is there any way?Say the first first,Personally, I think really is a professional foreign language,For everyone a lot of people say not learn a foreign language,Can also learn a foreign language is very good.Such as computer professionals,There is no one who is, won't play computer,But the real playing particularly well,Want to play with to receive professional training.Is Beijing foreign language class,This kind of training for professional training of students come out later,His foreign language level a lot higher than the average person.


还有外语是不是只学外语,Other professional,As foreign language teaching,Curriculum is not only a foreign language,After foreign language throughout the curriculum,As for diplomacy,The law/The economy/Financial involves a lot of courses to get.Now, it should be said to cultivate outstanding compound cultivation model for foreign language.


现在学校including北外也good,Other schools or,Take the essey, double,Our school is so.College students in learning a foreign language,The new school year to the sophomore year,If you want to minor,You can minor in the second bachelor's degree,Can get two degree after graduation,Such graduation can two degrees.I learn English to learn diplomacy,After graduation can understand English,And knowledge related to diplomacy,Have such inter-disciplinary talent is more affected by employing market favor.

搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:国际化发展是高等教育发展的一个必然趋势,贵校在国际化发展上采取了哪些举措呢? 国际化发展是高等education发展的一个必然趋势,What measures does your school adopted in the development of the internationalization?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:国际化这一块,因为现在很多家长也问,学生以后有没有留学或者公派出国这样的机会,外交学院目前情况是这样的,我们学校学生人数比较少。本科生每年三百人左右,这两年给学生提供公派留学的机会,总量上不会像其他综合类院校那么多。但是因为人少嘛,我们基本上有那么几所非常好的,完全能够满足想要出去交流学生这种需求。像我们学英语语种的学生可以去美国哥伦比亚大学,包括霍布金斯大学,包括学法语的同学,一般可以去巴黎一大,十一大,里昂政治学院,都是当地属于世界一流的大学。包括学金融、国际与贸易的同学可以去法兰克福财经学院,这个是欧洲最好的金融学院,机会还是相当多的。

Internationalization of the block,Because now a lot of parents also asked,After students have to study abroad or to pay to such opportunities abroad,Foreign affairs college at present situation is like this,Less the number of students in our school.Undergraduate students each year about three hundred people,These two years providing students with professional study abroad opportunities,The number not as much as other comprehensive colleges and universities.But because the person is less,We basically have a few very good,This demand, fully able to meet the want to go out exchange student.As we learn English language students can go to the United States at Columbia University,Including Mr. Kingston university,Including students learn French,A general can go to Paris,Eleven large,Lyon political college,Are all local belongs to the world first class university.Including learn financial/International trade and the students can go to the Frankfurt school of finance and economics,This is the best European financial institute,Opportunity or quite a few.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:看来针对学生国际化活动还是非常多的,异地高考这两年是一个教育性的热点话题,今年也是异地高考实施的第一年,各地均出台了异地高考的实施方案。异地高考让大家对于教育公平有了期待,针对教育公平,贵校有哪些举措呢?

So being aimed at international students activities very much,异地高考这两年是一个education性的热点话题,The first year of implementation is beyond the university entrance exam this year,All parts issued beyond the college entrance examination of the implementation of the scheme.异地高考让大家对于education公平有了期待,针对education公平,What measures do you have in your school?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:作为招生来讲教育公平一般指起点公平,过程公平和终点公平。招生应该算是起点公平,给学生提供同质量的教育,应该属于过程公平。受了同样的教育,然后有一个很好的出路,有一个高水平就业,是否能得到同等待遇的就业是终点公平。对于招生主要是在起点公平,我们学校这两年积极按照教育部要求,加大对中西部地区,包括基础教育的欠发达地区的投入,今年新增加六个省份,内蒙、广西、青海、宁夏、海南、贵州,这些都是经济欠发达地区,我们今年在这些省份投了招生计划。

作为招生来讲education公平一般指起点公平,Process fairness and fair.Recruit students starting point should be fair,给学生提供同质量的education,Process should be fair.受了同样的education,Then there is a good way,There is a high level of employment,Whether can get the same treatment is fair end of employment.Mainly in the starting point fair for recruitment,我们学校这两年积极按照education部要求,More to the Midwest,including基础education的欠发达地区的投入,The new six provinces this year,Inner Mongolia/guangxi/qinghai/ningxia/hainan/guizhou,These are economic less developed areas,We are in the province this year enrollment plan.


说到education公平,Personally, I think I can't simple increased enrollment plan is unfair,I think I should still analyzing the deeper reasons.我是觉得一方面要想education公平,The government has a leading role,education部正在积极出台一些政策,Lead some of the increase in colleges and universities in the Midwest,Economic investment,Enrollment plan ways to this aspect has a tilt.Another point,I do think the local government also want to play with the right boundary should be.What do you mean??Now abandon the narrow local protectionism,Now, many local governments generally have requirements for state colleges and universities,Through the building,Some requirements or province to build, and so on,I give you dial the money,Must ensure that how much percentage of admission cannot under this area.To take the consideration of a chess game.Also prepared to recruit students and employment hook,Because now a lot of countries increase the investment in the central and western regions,But many students we actual statistics such as the Midwest to the Beijing school,After school really return to local employment proportion is relatively not very high.This is likely to cause a Matthew effect,The more developed regions,May be due to your base, the better,To retain talent,The less developed area,Base a little bit short,The more do not leave,So, the better the better,The worse of the worse.根本的问题国家要加大对于中西部地区基础education的投入,including高等education的投入.


education反映的是The economy,有的时候只要是基础education/高等education不发达的省份,General is also relatively underdeveloped region economic and social development,So fundamentally to more efforts to this aspect.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:看来教育公平是一个非常复杂的问题,牵扯到各方面因素,希望通过高校的努力推动教育公平的发展。清华大学第一任校长梅贻琦老先生曾经说过一句非常经典的话“大学之大,非大楼之大,乃大师之大”,您认为大学之大在于什么?

看来education公平是一个非常complicated的问题,Be involved in various aspects,希望通过高校的努力推动education公平的发展.Tsinghua university, the first mei yi-qi old man once said a very classic sentence"University of,The building of the great,Is the larger of the master",What do you think of the university of is what?


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:前一段时间网上报道云南一所大学校园里建星级酒店,好多学校大门越来越大了,越来越高了。但是很多高校把钱用在基础建设这些方面。我个人觉得朴素办学这个精神还是要坚持的,我想西南联大,抗日战争时期,西南联大是数亿校址,到处奔波流离,走一路,走到云南。但是不影响培养了一批世界顶级大师,80岁还坚持在清华大学教书的杨振宁教授,诺贝尔奖获得者,西南联大也没有那么好的环境,但是人家培养出来一流的大师。包括美国霍布金斯大学首任校长吉尔曼曾经说过要把钱用在人的身上,而不是用在砖块和泥浆身上,这个观点非常同意。这个钱不是不能花,但是这个钱要花在刀刃上,包括用来优化学校校园环境这是非常必要的。我们学校隶属展览路,西城区这一块,地处市中心,校园环境55年建校,有50年了, 83亩地很小。我们为了改善教学环境, 01年开始立项,北京沙河高教园区建设新校园。2012年正式投入使用,新校区整个环境比老校区要好得多,一期占地433亩,包括学生住宿条件各方面得到很大的提升。老校园基本上7到8个人间,新校区女生两人一间,男生三人一间,整个学生环境,生活环境各方面都得到很大的改善。包括今年9月10号温家宝总理视察了外交学院新校区,也对整个新校区的建设,包括学校师生精神面貌给予了非常大的肯定。

For a period of time before online report for a university in yunnan building on campus star hotel,A lot of school gate is more and more big,More and more high.But many colleges and universities put money on infrastructure construction in these areas.Personally, I think simple this spirit will keep on running,I want to southwest of the general assembly,During the Anti-Japanese War,Southwest is hundreds of millions of site,Running from,Go all the way,Go to yunnan.But does not affect the training a batch of the world's top masters,The 80 - year - old still insist on teaching in tsinghua university professor Yang zhenning,The Nobel Prize winner,Southwest of the general assembly also does not have such a good environment,But the somebody else trained first-class master.Including the United States first President Mr Mr Perkins university gilman once said to put money in people,Rather than using on brick and mud,Very agree with this opinion.This money is not can't spend,But this money should be spent on the blade,Including is used to optimize the environment of the school campus which is very necessary.Our school is part of ZhanLanLu,Xicheng district,Is located in the downtown,55 years of the campus environment,For fifty years, 83 acres of land is very small.We in order to improve the teaching environment, 01 start project,The construction of new campus of Beijing shahe higher education park.In 2012, officially put into use,The new campus environment is much better than old campus as a whole,First phase covers an area of 433 mu,Including student accommodation on various aspects have very big improvement.The old campus is basically between seven to eight people,The new campus girls between two people,Three people a boy,The whole students environment,The living environment on various aspects have been greatly improved.Including this year on September 10, premier wen jiabao visited the foreign affairs university new campus,Also for the whole of the construction of new campus,Include school teachers and students mental outlook given the very large.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:高考还有40多天就要开始了,高考学子正在进行最后冲刺阶段,请在最后送出对于高考学子的祝福。

The college entrance examination will be started in more than 40 days,Students in the college entrance examination is the final sprint stage,Please send students to the university entrance exam at the end of blessing.


郭延凯【外交学院招生处副处长】: Guo Yankai[Deputy director of the foreign affairs college admissions]:高三在这个时候该学的知识基本上都已经学完了,更主要的是建议学生调整好自己的心态,保养好了自己的身体,然后以一个最佳的状态迎接人生的这么一次非常重要的考验。最后也预祝所有的考生能够考出自己理想的成绩,能够上自己理想的大学。

Senior year at this time the learning knowledge basically all have learned,More main advises students to adjust their own state of mind,Maintain good your body,And then in a best state to meet life's such a very important test.Finally also wish all examinee to got the ideal result,Can go to my ideal university.


搜狐教育主持人: 搜狐education主持人:好,谢谢老师的祝福,也感谢二位老师的做客,本期教育会客厅就到这里结束了,感谢大家的收看。

good,Thank you for the blessings of the teacher,Also thanks to two teachers,本期education会客厅就到这里结束了,Thank you for watching.
