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京本科计划录取率52.7% 报名人数第7年下降--亲稳网络舆情监测室
The city has a total of 72736 people enrolled in the university entrance exam this year,Lower than last year more than 700 people,This is also the city college entrance examination enrollment falling for 7 years.
今年在京Recruit students total annual target for more than 52000 people,Plan acceptance rate is about 77.6%,Undergraduate program acceptance rate is about 52.7%.yesterday,Municipal education ets Gao Zhaoban plan published 2013 Beijing ingenious ways,Interpretation and entrance policy.
报名人数少700余人 Turnout is little more than 700 people
昨晚,Beijing municipal education ets Gao Zhaoban Yuan Huailian, director of the guest[Education face to face]Show that,The city has a total of 72736 people enrolled in the university entrance exam this year.Compared with 2012 in 73460,Reduce the total enrolment this year more than 700 people,This is also the city college entrance examination enrollment falling for 7 years.The examinee 67368 people attended the exam this year,Among them,History class examinee 20913 people,Science examinee 46455 people.In addition,Sign up for the higher vocational education of the only action that study sheet of examinee, 5368 people.
今年在京招生院校共790所,Recruit students total annual target for more than 52000 people,Does not include the arts/College enrollment plan, and other separate enrollment plan,Such as the independent recruitment of students/unripe/Art especially immortal/High level athletes, etc,Plan acceptance rate is about 77.6%.Yuan Huailian said,Undergraduate enrollment plans this year to about 35500 people,Undergraduate program acceptance rate is about 52.7%;College enrollment plan is about 16600 people.
据了解,This year liberal arts class enrollment plan is about 16000 people,Class of about 36000 people,wen/Science accounted for about 30.8% and 69.2%,Compared with last year,History class enrollment plan by 0.3%,Class of reduced by 0.3%.
今年将进一步扩大扶贫定向招生计划,At the same time the admissions to the central and western regions/In rural areas/The remote/Poor and minority areas.
加分政策与去年一致 Bonus policy in line with last year
Yuan Huailian introduction说,This year to take care of the bonus policy/Enjoy to take care of the points of the project and the scores are consistent with last year.Taking care of number plus a total of more than 13000 people this year,Among them,Enjoy plus the number of candidates for more than 9700 people,Preferential admit students enjoy the same conditions for more than 3600 people.Yuan Huailian said,From next year,Will execute after the adjustment to take care of the bonus policy.
今年高考/Entrance policy and maintain the basic stability.Yuan Huailian introduction,To college/Admission to the system/Batch setting and cast archives rules remain unchanged as compared with last year.This year, continue to implement this/Specialized application separately,May 12 to 17, 24 for undergraduate college time,Higher vocational recruit volunteer during the same period provided that study sheet.After the undergraduate admissions,On July 28 to 29 college volunteer is allowed.Undergraduate volunteer group set up ahead of two order,Each volunteer fill 1 school.Undergraduate course a batch/Second batch of/Three group of volunteer each set two order,The first volunteer setting 1 volunteer school;The second parallel volunteer to volunteer,Set 3 volunteer school.Above each volunteer school set up five volunteer,Examinee wants when applying to indicate whether to obey the professional dispensing.
录取期间,According to the examinee has at the end of the admission application,如当前批次高校计划未After the成,According to the situation for the examinee volunteer.Recruit volunteer fill and admitted in the next batch admission prior to the start.Solicitation parallel volunteer to volunteer,Set 3 volunteer school.
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