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On the national two sessions this year,The CPPCC national committee,Vice chairman of the central committee/Vice President of China education society Zhu Yongxin continue past their style,Brought in more than ten proposals about education,How to rational allocation of education resources/Promote the education fair/Such as deepening the reform of basic education proposed his own view.yesterday,Zhu Yongxin in People's Daily online"Power BBS"Accepted our reporter's interview.
关键词1 Keywords 1
教育公平 Education fair
希望所有人的起点相对公平 Hope everyone's starting point is relatively fair
Zhu shin,Over the past five years,To rural education resources in remote areas/Ethnic minority areas/Poverty tilt,Education fair progress,But need to further study how to make money,We will deepen reform of the education,To promote the balanced development of compulsory education.
"Education fairness is the foundation of the whole social justice,Is to establish social stratification,According to a person's intelligence/Ability to,To adjust a person's social status is very important"/"Education fair starting point fair/Process justice and result justice."Zhu shin,"Why do we need to narrowing the difference of education between urban and rural areas,Even the differences between urban schools,Hope is the starting point of all relative fair.Starting point fair also cannot have important and general schools.In the stage of compulsory education,All the public schools should be in accordance with a standard to do,In this way,The education resources disposition the direction is clear."
关键词2 2 keywords
资源配置 The allocation of resources
教育主管部门应知道最差的学校在哪 Education departments should know where the worst school
Due to the achievements preferred the inertia of thinking,Some of the local education bureau is used to make superior leadership to check the best school in the.But in Zhu Yongxin view,Each of the local bureau of education leadership,Should know where the worst school district,Promoted several bad schools each year,Are included in the government education resource allocation of tasks,Included in the assessment of education department.
Zhu shin,Now the configuration of education funds,Special funds too much,It's easy to cause"Run the money into",And will continue to produce new imbalance.He thinks that,Should be according to the area size as much as possible/How much the number of students for education funding,This can guarantee the school education funds to relative equilibrium.He criticized,In some areas of education resource allocation,The icing on the cake in a good school,Timely to remote areas.
关键词3 3 keywords
考试指挥棒 The exam baton
用高考的方式来对待中考是不对的 In the college entrance examination way to treat an examination is wrong
Yang hua, graduated from hunan normal university has philosophy graduate diploma,The hexi a famous high school in changsha, director on duty.She told reporters,Love the education career of myself often in contradiction and confusion."I don't agree with the essence of education lies in the students' test scores,but,The students' test scores has been as a teacher/School evaluation index,so,Most of the time we have to act around the baton."She admits,To outsiders,Their children in the school and the teachers are very glamorous,But, in fact heart of the happiness index is not high.
Zhu Yongxin told reporters,Have been looking at the central committee of the examination system reform,After research, put forward a lot of reforms,Advising the introduction of the third party test organization, etc."I don't think examination is recruitment exam,But a standard test,Should not use recruitment exam ways to treat.Now we use the way to treat an examination in the college entrance examination is not right."
面对面 Face to face
领导干部要带头让孩子就近入学 Let the children near the entrance leading cadre to take the lead
Changsha evening news:There are parents called,Now only to the good school"There are students"Open the door,this"There are"is"There is strength/Has the resources/Have the power",After which both refer to their parents,What do you think of this problem?How to crack this problem?
Zhu Yongxin:Powerful education is well worth attention.In fact this is the face of unfair education is very important.High quality education resources excessively to concentrate in some schools,In these schools threshold is very high,This is in violation of the basic principles of education fairness.I think,Leading cadres should take,Don't put for her children/Transfer note,Their home to send their child to the school,Rather than to sent to good schools.
Private education in the children's education is to bear the rich more requirements,But not from public education.The government's role is to protect fair of education/Guaranteed basis,Ensure that all schools can meet the basic requirements of most of the students in the area of.
提议设立国家教育拨款委员会 Proposal to set up the state commission of education funding
Changsha evening news:How do you evaluate the proportion of fiscal spending on higher education and basic education?
朱永新:高等教育和基础教育的投入比例问题,的确是需要研究的。温总理在《政府工作报告》专门提出,我们怎么样把这占GDP4%的教育经费用好。我认为,应该建立国家教育拨款委员会,由教育部的专家、财政部的专家、教育学的专家、社会力量,专门研究国家的教育经费往哪里投,重大项目做什么。过去大规模兴建大学城,几千亩、上万亩的学校,几个亿、十几个亿地建设,我觉得这不是我们的方向。(特派记者 谭琳静)
Zhu Yongxin:About higher education and basic education investment proportion,Is really need to study.Premier wen jiabao in[The government work report]Specially put forward,How can we put the education of increases-by funds with good.I think,National education appropriations committee should be established,By the ministry of education experts/Experts of the ministry of finance/Education experts/Social forces,Specializing in national education funds where to vote,Major projects to do.Large-scale construction of college town in the past,Thousands of acres/Tens of thousands of acres of school,A few hundred million/A dozen billion to build,I think this is not our direction.(Correspondent Tan Linjing)
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