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女硕士创业卖“幸福早餐” 第一天仅卖出6个包子--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The original title:Master of female entrepreneurship on the first day only sell six steamed stuffed bun

女硕士创业卖“幸福早餐” 第一天仅卖出6个包子 创业开始以来,沈婷婷每天都会忙碌地销售早餐。(由受访者提供) Entrepreneurship since the start of,Shen Tingting busy selling breakfast every day.(Provided by the respondents)


At half past four in the morning,Northeast university of finance and economics MBA graduate student Shen Tingting began to sell the steamed stuffed bun,This is her business:Happy breakfast.A year later,From the first day of the sale of six steamed stuffed bun to now sold more than 1000 every day,Shen Tingting have breakfast with happiness as a happy experience.


“卖包子”引发的创业实践 "Selling steamed stuffed bun"The entrepreneurial practice


Shen Tingting jixi heilongjiang province,In 2003, graduated from kunming university of science and technology,Is a former administrative manager and sales director, etc,In 2010 won the northeast university of finance and economics, a postgraduate student in school full-time MBA.

  就读MBA的第二年,在老师推荐下,沈婷婷参加了创业课,接触了一些企业家导师。这让她更认识到,创业不仅要有新奇的想法,还要经过调研分析诉诸实践。2011年11月的一天,沈婷婷在-10℃的天气里和两名同学到软件园路边卖包子。“第一天我们批发了6个包子,这是创业导师给我们制定的计划。”她仍然记得那一天的情景:“根本张不开嘴叫卖,就在路边站着,还好最终这6个包子都卖完了。 ”

In the second year of an MBA,On the recommendation of a teacher,Shen Tingting took part in the business class,Contact with some entrepreneurs to mentor.This lets her know more. To,Entrepreneurs should not only has a novel idea,Pass analysis research to practice.One day in November 2011,Shen Tingting in - 10 ℃ weather and two classmates to software park road selling steamed stuffed bun."On the first day we wholesale the six steamed stuffed bun,This is mentors plan to us."She still remember that day:"Don't open mouth,It stood on the side of the road,Ok finally the six dumplings are sold out. "


The next day sold 18 steamed stuffed bun,On the third day 36 steamed stuffed bun……Shen Tingting slowly beginning to dare to sell,Difficult the first step to finally take out.


一年创业销售额近50万 Business sales of nearly 500000 a year


At present,Shen Tingting has established dalian billion tasted happiness catering management company,She served as general manager.


More than a year of business,The company sales of nearly 500000 yuan,From production to sales,To some additional product,Directly and indirectly led to the employment/Social practitioners hundreds of people,Women employees accounted for 41%.


From Monday to Friday,At half past four in the morning,Shen Tingting into the working state:She wants to coordinate 10 sales outlets.


Shen Tingting company produces the steamed stuffed bun are individually packaged and heat preservation,Customers receive the steamed stuffed bun and soya-bean milk is hot.


now"Happy breakfast"Can provide ten kinds of filling of dumplings in the morning,Four to six kinds of porridge,As well as soybean milk/Sandwiches and rice balls,Let customers more choice.


想打造幸福连锁早餐 Want to make happy chain breakfast

  硕士生卖包子,沈婷婷不是没碰到过蔑视的眼神。“以前上导师的课,老师介绍我是卖包子的,我看到过同学轻蔑的眼神。但现在我的很多硕士班的同学要和我合作,因为他们知道,我的创业和小商贩是不一样的。 ”沈婷婷说,她的公司有一套现代运营模式,依靠计算机管理,“我们的方法和思维模式也不一样,会在早餐这个平台之上有更大的发展。 ”

Master selling steamed stuffed bun,Shen Tingting not met contempt of look in the eyes."Tutor class before,The teacher introduces I was selling steamed stuffed bun,I've seen students contempt of look in the eyes.To master but now many of my classmates want to and I cooperation,Because they know that,My startup and small businesses is not the same. "Shen Tingting said,Her company has a modern operation mode,Rely on the computer management,"Our approach and mindset is different also,At breakfast the platform has a bigger development. "

  沈婷婷认为,早餐利薄,但是市场空间大。为提高产品品质,让兼职学生不再淋雨,未来公司准备改换成便携早餐车,并扩大加工规模,增加销售点。“近期我们还在洽谈早餐店面,让更多的快餐店加入到我们‘幸福连锁早餐’的行列。 ”“给大学生提供工作岗位我很开心,而且我给他们的工资是一些大型快餐企业给的两倍。在我们团队里,很多大学生已经签到了很好的工作,但却在寒冷中经受考验,当成对自己的锻炼。 ”记者辛敏娟

Shen Tingting think,Breakfast, thin,But the market space is large.In order to improve product quality,Part-time students are no longer in the rain,The future company is going to change into a portable car for breakfast,And enlarge the scale of processing,Increase the point of sale."Recently we are in negotiation breakfast store,Let more fast food restaurants to join us‘Happiness chain breakfast’The ranks of the. ""I am very happy for college students to provide jobs,And I gave them the salary is some large fast food enterprise for two times.In our team,Many college students have got a very good job,But in the cold test,As for your workout. "The reporter XinMinJuan

  我记得林楠(林家铺子罐头的总经理)老师对我说的一句话,‘没有人可以剥夺你追求梦想的权利’。 ”“2012年8月6日,大连遭遇了水灾,信奉着给消费者风雨无阻的销售态度,我和员工们一直坚守在雨中,这让很多公司白领因为感动而买下我们的早餐。那天虽然有销售损失,但我们仍很开心。 ”

I remember Lin Nan(The general manager of linjiepuzi canned)The teacher said to me a word,‘No one can be deprived of their right to pursue it’. ""On August 6, 2012,Dalian suffered from floods,Embrace the attitude of sales to the consumer in rain or shine,I have been stand in the rain, and the employees,White-collar because moved and many company buy our breakfast.Although have lost sales that day,But we still very happy. "


Shen Tingting
