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上纽大考生签协议不泄考题 严防死守不透考点--亲稳网络舆情监测室
为了公平,The school will take the first exam and students sign the confidentiality"agreement":Don't discharge examination questions,Shanghai first at the university of New York"Campus day"Add a lot of mystery.
上海纽约大学对首场"Campus day"Test site,Even student accommodation locations are"Have been kept secret",Not disclosed to any media.and,After many discussions in school,Decided not to invite the media into the on-site interview."To make such a decision is to maximize to protect the interests of the examinee,Let them have a quiet environment is not disturbed."The school is responsible for the publicity of personnel told,This time a total of 500 mainland students were invited to participate in activity,Due to space limitation/Examination of need,Six games for the school,Time span of about a month,If ahead of time will be announced the inspection content,To participate in the examinee of unfair."Please be sure to think of the students,Don't be in"Campus day"Disturb them during,Thank you very much!"This is the headmaster YuLiZhong morning paper reporter yesterday.
上海纽约大学的"Campus Open Day"Will arrange to present through a whole day's activity.Will fully investigate students in English,The fusion to discuss/A variety of forms such as games,Including public speaking/writing/团队合作以及面谈等一Department of列活动.The interviewer will be through the student's performance in activities,Understanding of each examinee's real state,Choice is suitable for students of Shanghai New York university admissions concept.The school also emphasized,Parents declined to attend.
对参加这场全新的"Campus day",Some students say nervous.A Shanghai students worry about their spoken English:"The entire English ah,Now every day at home and family in English dialogue."While more candidates for this kind of new appraisal method concerned.
在今晚的欢迎晚宴上,Every one involved in their children with a meaningful thing to to himself,In the email to remind the school to the students:"Don't need special items,But please pay attention to,All the activities shall be conducted in English."School officials said,With such an easy link,Is also going to try and give students more experience,As for the how to use items,Also the inconvenience revealed more information.
俞立中:Invited as a life experience,Rather than"good"define
上海纽约大学面向全球招收第一届本科生 300名,吸引全球5000多名考生报名,其中内地10个省份报名者超过2000人。校方通过“校园活动日”的考核,筛选出250名学生。
上海纽约大学面向全球招收第一届本科生 300名,To attract more than 5000 candidates around the world,One of 10 provinces on the mainland has attracted more than 2000 people.The school by"Campus day"Assessment of the,Selected 250 students.
俞立中通过微博提醒受邀考生:“这个机会来之不易,希望大家珍惜,但不需要花很大精力去准备"校园日活动"。请展示一个真实的自我,使学校有可能选择到最合适的学生。请大家记住,你的竞争对手不是周边的同学,而只是你自己。 ”
俞立中通过微博提醒受邀考生:"This hard-won opportunity,I hope you cherish,But I don't need to spend more energy to prepare"Campus day activities".Please show a true self,Make our school students may choose the most appropriate.Please remember,Your competition is not the perimeter of the students,But only you. "
“希望大家把申请上海纽约大学作为一次人生体验,而不要把它当成对"优秀"的定义。 ”(记者 董川峰)
"Hope you apply for Shanghai New York university as a life experience,And don't think of it as a right"good"The definition of. "(The reporter Dong Chuanfeng)
作者:Dong Chuanfeng
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