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80后农村小伙过年磕头100余个 称过年“真累”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网邢台2月15日电(记者 张鹏翔) 2月14日是中国春节的腊月初五,俗称“破五”,过去这一天后中国的春节已经到了尾声。从初一到初五这短短的五天,做为80后的河北农村小伙张金祥告诉记者,这个春节给长辈拜年磕头细数下就有100多个,过了今天这个年终于是“磕过去了”。
中新网邢台2月15日电(The reporter Zhang Pengxiang) February 14 is the Chinese lunar fifth day of the lunar New Year,Commonly known as the"PoWu",In the past the day after the Chinese New Year has come to an end.From the first to the fifth of the short five days,As the hebei rural guy Zhang Jinxiang told reporters after 80,The Spring Festival to elder happy New Year kowtowing to count down has more than 100,After the year-end and today"Ke is over".
当除夕的第一声炮响后,In hebei province according to the custom to elder happy New Year also formally started.Hebei hengshui peasant Zhang Jinxiang told reporters after 80,He usually get up at five o 'clock in the morning at the beginning of every year,Eat dumplings will give parents kowtow before,This is formally opened the prelude of Chinese New Year.Thanks to her parents over years,Started with peers of our brothers,In the village door to elder happy New Year.Now although not speak a lot of heart,But kowtow is a must,Granddad in our village/Uncle a lot,Don't kowtow will laugh don't understand etiquette.The first day for relationship recently elders first happy New Year,This day will be upon more than 40.
过了初一就要给自己的直系亲属磕头Happy New Year了,Zhang Jinxiang number while told reporters,He has four aunts/Three uncle/Two uncle/Three gu,His wife and two uncle/4 the gu/Three uncle,This is have to move around,Etiquette is not bad.After the relative dept. head,There are some friends grew up together,Close the elder brothers also want to go home,Which close to cutting to elder happy New Year,There is just come home.
Zhang Jinxiang said,He many peers feel in our New Year's day is very tired,Especially after this batch of 80 in their village,There is a basic characteristic,Is the immediate family a lot,There was a man who had several aunt/uncle/My uncle/aunt,Of these relatives statecraft can't be little.Everyone has a say,I feel have a New Year"Very tired, very complicated".
"Today even the basic years passed,A lunar New Year kowtowing has more than 100,Is really too tired."Zhang Jinxiang said.
Happy New Year是中国民间的传统习俗,Is for old people/A way to express best wishes each other.古when"Happy New Year"The original meaning of the word is for elder New Year send greetings,To the elder kowtow upon/Congratulations on the New Year/Greetings from living well, etc.(After the)
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