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肇事老人掏零钱赔受伤教师不忍 车祸撞出忘年交--亲稳舆论引导监测室
Hurt by the people?General process are the police,And who pay for medical bills, etc,Sometimes the couple do not coordinate,Even took to the court.however,In nanchang an ordinary traffic accident happened last week,But let a person feel the really is good in the world.The older female victims to see who hurt by life difficult,Not only don't lose money,Still in good health with a special gift after the visit the perpetrators,To dispel the psychological burden of him.She let the traffic police are dealing with the incident of love deeply touched,Also spontaneous donations to the perpetrators of this life difficult.
On 27 February 16 PM,Nanchang aviation university teachers Dai Haigong come to Confucian zi lu and fasten Ma Zhuang road,A three-wheeled electric vehicle suddenly rush to her through a red light!"Electric cars without slowing down,Directly to me,I was knocked down,Cutting head is heavy on the ground."Dai Haigong said,When his lying on the ground,Still can't move.After the accident,The passing crowd came up to help,The traffic police also came in a timely manner,You will help her get up.At this time,Dai Haigong to see who is a old man,Sitting in the car to get confused.
Who wan tong woman this year at the age of 82,Just lake the peach blossom in nursing homes,Walking his open electric three-wheeled want to to the bayi park to act in an opera in the elderly,Didn't hit people.See Dai Haigong gradually regained consciousness,The traffic police to all the big ye accompany Dai Hai red with go to the hospital for treatment,And pay the relevant expenses,But Dai Haigong refused.Dai Haigong said:"I see him so big age,Walk all the trembling,How have the heart to let him with me to the hospital,I wanna tell the big ye don't worry about it,It felt like they didn't have enough big,Let him go back first,I just arrived in to family accompany bottom go to the hospital."
On March 1,,Dai Haigong with big ye got a call from the dealing with traffic accident,Let them to the traffic police brigade received treatment.The field survey of traffic police,That all the big ye bear full responsibility of the accident,Dai Haigong medical costs paid by all the big ye.
"Because the knock to the head,Take a big bag on his head,So focusing on the bones of the head and legs,Whole body soft tissue contusion and bruises are nothing.All the inspection fees and expenses for medicine is more than 1000 yuan."Dai Haigong said,This is not big number than the big ye also accepted,But when the big ye trembling took out a plastic bag,Shake out when the note inside,Dai Haigong shocked!
"One yuan is most/5 yuan/Old $10 bills,A look at will know that all the big ye life more difficult,1000 yuan is not a big number for us,But for all the big ye may be the money."Dai Haigong immediately said,Not all the big ye was responsible for the accident,He also don't pay any fees.D. a listen to these words,Tears flow to come out at that time,Pull Dai Haigong hand bother to say sorry.See this scene,Even the police also were deeply touched by dealing with the incident,Took out 100 yuan to the big ye,Let him go to fix the car.Million for the son of the big ye Dai Haigong sent text messages,She said:"With generous,Kindness of heart,Rare earth,Sincere thank you."
On March 5,,身体已经没有大碍的戴海红Through the民警联系上了万大爷,And with the gift came to nursing homes to visit him."I just want to make all the big ye know,My body no matter,He don't worry about not to have what concerns."When he saw the Dai Haigong,The 82 - year - old man can't help career,"The girl,I'm sorry you ah……"
面对老人的自责与感谢,戴海红告诉记者,她要和万大爷结下“忘年交”,只要今后有空就来看看他,也希望他能从这件事里走出来,消除心里负担,好好保重身体。(记者 蔡颖辉)
Facing the old era and thank you,Dai Haigong told reporters,She want to meet all the big ye have"To forget",As long as have time take a look at him in the future,Also hope that he can from coming out of this matter,Eliminate the burden of the heart,Take good care of the body.(The reporter Cai Yinghui)
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