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武大现85后教授 网友羡慕嫉妒恨学霸也可以高富帅--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Now, wuhan university professor after 85
Net friend envy jealous of hate:Learn bully can Grosvenor LTD handsome

yesterday,Professor net detonation wu3 da4 appeared after 85.Reporters to the relevant person in charge of wu3 da4 personnel verification,Professor called Deng Hexiang,Was born in April 1985,Has just introduced in college of chemistry and molecular sciences wuhan university,The youngest professor or the school.
85后教授引来网友羡慕无数 85 after professor drew envy countless Internet users
18,"Dr PETD Asia to organization"One of the microblogs blasted pot on the Internet."Young professor was born in 1985,This is to playing god?"Bloggers find Wu Daxin scholars Deng Hexiang national youth one thousand signing of the plan,The sunshine boy, was born in April 1985,Introduced professor Wu Dahua courtyard was named after.
"Is 85,The somebody else all the professor,I haven't graduated from Dr,What about me!"Net friends all envy jealous of hate,For thousands of microblogging forwarding.Many netizens call:The postdoctoral originally is not all"Too smart",Can also be full of youthful spirit,"Learn bully can Grosvenor LTD handsome"!
武大年初引进的博士后海归 Wu3 da4 early introduction of postdoctoral returnees
Reporter Wu Dahua academy website,Found the Deng Hexiang resume.According to your resume,XiaoDeng in 2011 in the United States the doctor's degree in chemistry at the university of California, Los Angeles,In the school/Engaged in the postdoctoral research at the university of California, Berkeley.Earlier this year,Join Wu Dahua court,Professor now at the hospital.
We have learned,Deng Hexiang is wuhan people,Graduated from wuhan to 49.He had three times to complete major projects for the department of energy (doe),As a first author in twice[science]Published an article.
Reporters to the relevant person in charge of wu3 da4 personnel verification,XiaoDeng is the youngest professor or not?The other said,"Should be."Wu Dahua court President and deputy secretary of the of the work of who in charge of personnel,Talent introduced shortly,Don't want to be too much attention.
80后当教授成全国趋势 When professor into national trend after 80
We have learned,Deng Hexiang not wuhan first after 80, a professor of media attention,Last year after the 80 sea turtles Yuan Quan became the youngest female professor Wu Dahua courtyard.Reporter statistics,To state the latest batch of 4"Youth one thousand plan"As an example,185 young scholars,More than twenty percent after 80.
"Professor came after 80 is a trend all over the country",Wu3 da4, vice-minister of personnel Lu Changning said,Since 70 into the university scientific research at present/The teaching force,After 80 is no longer as rare as imported from overseas."Not only wu3 da4,Through the one thousand national youth programs lead to project,A large number of young talent,Many of them are after 80".
The reporter understands,Huazhong university of science and technology from the university of California, Santa Barbara, scholars Xia Fan after 80,Is now in the school, professor of college of chemistry and chemical engineering;Wuhan university of science and technology, introduced in the latest British scholar wang tao graduated from the university of Sheffield,Born in 1980.
80后教授多有海归背景 After 80 professors have overseas background
Reporter observed,More active after 80 in wuhan university professors have overseas background,Engaged in the study of natural science.
Sea turtles are becoming the key factor of home as a professor in the background?Wu3 da4 Lu Changning, vice-minister of personnel,"The school each department introduce these young talents,And when they take a fancy to their academic level,Also comply with discipline development needs,Such as rare earths Yuan Quan research field/Deng Hexiang green energy storage field,At the international cutting edge,Make up the blank of departments related academic field."
He also said he,These overseas talent evaluation of professors,Passed the academic committee, professor of faculty credentials,Conform to the title evaluation criteria of the school,"Has nothing to do with age".(The reporter Li Jia)
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