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男友不愿意做亲子鉴定 女幼师携情书索抚养费--亲稳网络舆情监测室
男友拒做鉴定,女子携情书索抚养费 Her boyfriend refused to do identification,Women with love letter cable support
法院依法推定亲子关系成立,双方达成和解,男子同意支付抚养费 Court in accordance with the law, presumption of parent-child relationship was established,Both parties reached a settlement,The man agreed to pay child support
本报常德讯 一对情侣同居生下孩子后,男方不承认孩子是自己的,也不愿意做亲子鉴定,女方无奈将男方告上法庭。桃源县法院近日审结这起同居关系纠纷案,承办法官依据女方提交的多份情书、照片,依法推定亲子关系成立。
This newspaper changde a couple living together after giving birth to children,He acknowledged that child is not his own,Also don't want to do paternity tests,The woman will be the man to court.TaoYuanXian court has adjourned the cohabitation dispute,Submitted to judge according to the woman more than a love letter/photos,In accordance with the law, presumption of parent-child relationship was established.
lili(Not his real name)Is a preschool teacher,Divorced many years ago.In 1997,,Lily divorce from has not yet hold a sneaking up the cohabitation.In 2000,,Lily gave birth to a baby girl,But it has not been made public.Until 2003,Sheng after a divorce,The public living life together,But still did not deal with marriage registration.In 2012,,Both sides feelings change sharply,Start living,Lily asked a liable for child support,During the request processing cohabitation of the common property.But a resolute don't agree,And admit that child is not his own.
In desperation,Lily a lawsuit will be filed a lawsuit against a TaoYuanXian the court.In the trial,Lily lists the number of photos/A love letter to prove it,And asked to do a paternity tests.In the letter,Hold a call the child"daughter",Call her nickname and intimacy.Lili to provide the photos,With her and hold a/Children, three of the photographs,Family and both parents are present.In the face of the evidence,A still deny children are biological,And do not agree to do paternity tests.
Think before the court,In handling disputes about parent-child relationship,Lili to provide evidence to form reasonable evidence chain,But sheng one but there was no evidence to the contrary and resolute don't agree to do paternity tests,The people's court may, in accordance with the relevant provisions,The presumption of the plaintiff's claim,Rather than cooperate with court in paternity test of the defendant a should bear the legal consequences of losing.
After trial judge cohabitancy law repeatedly,One has finally agreed to pay child support,The original/Under the auspices of the defendant in court,Made by the defendant a payment of 5000 yuan a year maintenance of the mediation agreement.
Reporter LiuZhiJie correspondent wen ZuoLong Zhou Yongsheng
[法官说法]未婚妈妈要注意收集证据 [judge claim] unmarried mothers should pay attention to collect evidence
The judge said,According to the[Marriage law judicial interpretation(three)],In handling disputes about parent-child relationship,If one party provides evidence to form reasonable evidence chain may exist or not exist parent-child relationship between the parties,On the other side has no evidence to the contrary is resolute don't agree to do paternity tests,The people's court may, in accordance with the become effective as of April 1, 2002[The supreme people's court about civil action evidence certain stipulations]The provisions of article seventy-five of the processing,Presumption the people's court may request confirmation of parent-child relationship was established.
The judge said,The out-of-wedlock births phenomenon more and more found in handling the case,He reminded the unmarried mother should have the consciousness of self protection and rights.The judge said,Engage in a lawsuit to collect evidence,There should be enough evidence to prove that the parent-child relationship.He reminded his female friends,Can be stored together when both parties together dribs and drabs of life,Such as the letter/photos/gift/Margie, records, etc.,These all can become in the future was presented.
Reporter LiuZhiJie correspondent wen ZuoLong Zhou Yongsheng
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