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2013年4·13公务员考试已经结束,According to the calendar year in henan province officeholder exam schedule,Civil service examination in henan province in 2013 is expected to start in August or so,The written time usually arranged in a month after the announcement.Henan province in 2011 to 2085 the number of civil servants examination enroll,Finally, review the number 100000,Take the test number is 94028,Starting ratio is 45:1.In the civil service examination enroll in henan province in 2012 and 2012,Compared with 2011 increased by half the number of enrollment,Starting ratio also increases.
面对如此这般激烈的公考,Henan civil service exam(HTTP: / / www.hngwy.org)Remind to attend 2013 henan civil service exam students,In advance to prepare for,Preempt the review head is necessary.Henan civil service exam public subjects for administrative professional ability test/Essay two,Full marks in all the subjects were 100 points.In henan civil service exam exam outline content reference public subjects exam exam outline for the exam.Test is not specified the counselling,Not held any institutions entrusted to hold exam tutoring class.
2013年国家公务员考试大纲已经公布,Examinee is to view 2013 national civil servant exam outline content, and combined with the civil service exam review materials, henan in 2013(HTTP: / / http://www.chnbook.org/goods.php?Id = 40)An intensive review.This set of textbooks by 2013 latest edition[General teaching material of new civil service exam](Basic knowledge of improved version)And along with the book 2013 civil service examination in henan province for the sake of supporting materials(Practical ability raise)Two of this material.Comprehensively covered in henan civil servants employed the test content,including:Administrative professional ability test report/Essay article/Henan province feeling and sentiment analysis/Discuss face to face with the current politics hot spot/Calendar year bo to review.
考生在选择教材复习时,In line with the learning progress step by step to review,The in the mind to avoid complacency.Distance now henan civil service exam in 2013 still have four months to review time,Therefore suggested that the examinee may be on a monthly basis as a review cycle,Walk the first step in henan civil service exam review in 2013:
第一月:了解河南公务员行测考试内容。 The first month:Understand the henan civil service exam content measurement.
参加过公务员考试的考生都知道,Line measure not only the topic quantity is big,And the test content is also very complex,For the test time grasp the bad students,Often there will be a topic without finish.So according to the experience of the previous candidates,Line need candidates in the test for civil servants test has to grasp as a whole,Must first know what line measurement module distribution test,Secondly about the exam and the topic quantity arrangement,Grasp the overall plan,To form a system of knowledge.
河南公务员考试行测including言语理解与表达/Number of relationship/Judge the reasoning/Data analysis and common sense.In 2013 in henan civil service exam review materials in the first part of administrative professional ability test paper to the line of each test module for students to the interpretation of the system,Combined with the questions, carries on the detailed analysis.The examinee can not only to grasp from the exam can also sum up their own problem solving method.
第二个月,对公务员考试进行专项练习。 The second month,The civil service exam in practice.
所谓专项练习,The examinee is in a period of time need to repeatedly training a certain topic,Do a lot of practice.A lot of participation in male candidates are reflected,In the civil service examination line test,Belongs to the quantitative relationship between measurement module and takes a lot of data analysis module,Large amount of calculation and analysis of data,Not careful analysis is wrong,Make the topic are wasted.so,After mastering basic knowledge,Candidates can go in their weak measurement module for special training.There are a lot of candidates against the workbook,But for line review,Don't have a lot of practice is of no effect.Line not only pay attention to the candidate's knowledge,But also need candidates have certain problem solving speed,So only through constant practice and combining 2013 examinee answering technique in henan civil service exam review materials to improve their problem solving several degrees.
第三个月,练习答题速度,掌握答题方法。 The third month,To practice problem solving speed,To grasp the method of problem solving.
At this time,Candidates need to follow oneself in one month before the formation of the problem solving model,Quickly to problem solving.As is known to all,Civil servants test exam than is speed,If the examinee in at ordinary times not to speed up training process,So in the exam,Even though some questions will do,Due to the slow speed to solve the problem,Also can not finish within the time prescribed problem solving.so,Speed training is necessary.
第四个月,坚持模拟训练,调节答题心态。 The fourth month,Adhere to the simulation training,Adjust the problem solving mentality.
一般在快考试一个月里,Many students think you've fully review content,No need to see what and what to do practice,The blundering psychology.It's not,In the last month of the sprint,Students need to find our own test.Such as in step by step to solve the problem and exam time arrangement.The candidates need to strictly according to the test time to answer.Can choose the usual bo or simulation training.
或者考生可根据2013年河南公务员考试复习教材书背面的防伪码到公务员教材中心下载最新时政/Essay hot and happy;Prepare for guidance/Special training and the whole simulation.By simulating the answer the examinee can rapidly understand yourself missing points,And make up for the early,To do a good job of exam fully prepared.
以上是Henan civil service exam为考生准备参加2013年河南公务员考试考前冲刺阶段的复习计划相关介绍,Believe the candidates for the civil service exam exam sprint review plan of know already.Through the above steps to review the four months,Candidates can be combined with their own situation to make timely adjust,Daily review,Believe the examinee in the examination will be greatly improved.
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