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三一重工“裁员门” 梁稳根三年前承诺成做秀--亲稳网络舆情监控室


三一重工“裁员门” Sany heavy industry“Layoffs door”

  梁稳根三年前承诺成做秀 Three years ago a LiangWenGen commitment of show


According to the Chinese cew has been reported,After a period of sany group effort,“Layoffs door”Events seems to have appeared turnaround。a,A just and trinity juki remove labor contract agreement signed by the engineer said,Now the mood is very complex,Need to interview to find a job。It is reported,Shanghai region about more than 70 colleagues made his choice-took $15000 in damages from trinity。In addition to about 20 engineers have agreed to leave a gang or transfer。

  ◎ 2009年初,面对席卷而至的全球金融危机,三一集团曾以“董事长梁稳根只领一元年薪、董事全体降薪90%、高管降薪50%”,但对普通员工则承诺“不裁员、不减薪、不接受员工降薪申请”的姿态,迎接挑战。如今却因“变相裁员”而引发市场持续关注,这似乎表明梁稳根三年前承诺是做秀。

Money in early 2009,Facing the global financial swept to the crisis,Sany group had to“The chairman LiangWenGen only brought a yuan yearly salary、The director takes 90%、Executive salaries by 50%”,But for ordinary employees is promised“No job cuts、Don't pay cuts、Don't accept staff salaries application”attitude,Meet the challenges。But for now“Layoffs in disguised form”And sparked concern,This seems to show that LiangWenGen commitment is three years ago show。

  宝钢再迁30%产能 Baosteel again moved 30% capacity

  上海转型涉深水 Shanghai transformation in deep water


According to《The international financial report》report,a,Shanghai baosteel group corporation, and the government(Referred to“baosteel”)To promote the Shanghai baoshan area of baosteel steel industry structure adjustment signed the related agreement。Agreement says,From 2012 to 2017, the Shanghai baoshan area of the steel industry structure adjustment,After completion of the expected adjustment,Shanghai region will reduce the total capacity of about 5.8 million tons of iron、Steel capacity of about 6.6 million tonnes,The corresponding to a decrease of 3 million tons BiaoMei energy consumption。According to media reports,This account for around 30% of the capacity of baosteel part,And of the move is special steel and stainless steel main departments。

  ◎ 即使现在不搬迁,基础工业搬迁这类的动作迟早也会发生。从城市发展的角度,上海正在从一个中心城市向世界城市转化,从生产型城市向服务型城市转化,重型企业在上海是不太适合的。

Even now don't move money,Basic industry of this kind of action of the move will also happen sooner or later。From the point of view of the city development,Shanghai is from a central cities to the world into the city,Production from the city to a service city transformation,Heavy enterprise in Shanghai is not suitable。

  二季度百城住宅用地 In the second quarter of stores in housing land

  楼面均价同比上涨18.6% Floor average rose 18.6% year-on-year


According to economic observation nets reported,July 12,,China index academy released the 2012 housing land prices in the second quarter report。Through to the national 100 key city monitoring observe,The city in the second quarter of 2012, the average price of the plot floor year-on-year annulus comparing all rose,Total area and the total amount clinch a deal and the land transfer premium rates also begins to rise。

  报告称,2012年二季度,百城住宅用地楼面均价为1474元/平方米,同比上涨18.6%。其中52个城市住宅地价同比上涨,比一季度增加24个,31 个城市下降(其余17 个城市相关时期无成交)。

The report says,In the second quarter of 2012,Hundred cities housing land floor price for 1474 yuan/square metre,Rose 18.6% year-on-year。52 cities of residential land prices rising,In the first quarter than increase 24,31 city down(The rest of the 17 cities related period without a deal)。

  ◎ 限购政策依旧决定着不同城市的命运。出台限购政策的城市平均价格同比上涨仅为1.1%,而非限购城市上涨达49.7%。房地产调控在这个关键时刻不能放松。

Policy decision 限购 money still with different city's fate。限购 policy on the city average price to rise compared to just 1.1%,Rather than 限购 city rise of 49.7%。Real estate control at this critical moment can't relax。

  罗氏瞒报事件涉及药物6种在华销售 Roche botched blood-collection drive drug sales in China involves 6

  食药监局约谈安全官 Food safety officials, the administration's interview


According to xinhua news agency,Shanghai roche pharmaceuticals limited company 12 response xinhua,This involves in the United States“Potential adverse events not timely report”The total of eight kinds of drugs,Six of them in the Chinese market has the sale,Statins are was the d、herceptin、mabthera、's tarceva、xeloda、pegasys,Mainly for the anti-cancer drugs and hepatitis treatments。The company said the spread,Related situation has to China's state food and drug administration report。


Roche pharmaceuticals that day in the statement says,Based on current evaluation,Did not find the safety of products of roche's impact。

  ◎ 据国家食品药品监管局称,从目前情况看,该事件涉及药品在我国不良反应监测中尚未发现异常报告。不过,家食品药品监督管理局已约谈了罗氏(中国)公司安全官,责成罗氏(中国)公司报告该事件的评价结果;并向世界卫生组织和英国、美国药监机构了解有关情况,希望及时通报该事件的调查结果。同时国家食品药品监管局表示,加强对罗氏公司在中国销售的相关品种的不良反应监测。

According to the state money the food and drug administration bureau says,From what we see,The incident involving drug adverse reaction monitoring in our country has not been found abnormality report。but,Home food and drug administration has interviewed the roche(China)The company safety officer,Instruct the roche(China)The results of the evaluation of the incident report;And to the world health organization and the UK、The United States about the drug watchdogs,Hope this incident promptly inform the survey results。At the same time the state food and drug supervision bureau said,To strengthen roche's sales in China's related kind of adverse reaction monitoring。


 跨国公司 Multinational company

  在华采购信心指数降至近两年最低 In China, purchasing confidence index fell to the lowest in the past two years

  据新华社报道, 上海跨国采购中心12日发布的今年第二季度跨国采购信心指数为52.13,低于第一季度的54.44,已降至这一指数自2010年9月发布以来的最低点。

According to xinhua news agency, Shanghai international procurement center released 12 in the second quarter this year multinational purchasing confidence index of 52.13,The first quarter of less than 54.44,Has fallen to the index since September 2010 the lowest since the release。

  ◎ 这在一定程度反映了以欧美日为代表的发达经济体在华采购呈现持续探底之势,由于欧美日是中国企业出口主要市场,因此对下半年的出口前景尚难作出乐观估计。

The money to a certain extent in the U.S. and Japan to reflect, as a representative of the developed economies in China for the present purchase agent of power,Because the U.S. and Japan is Chinese enterprise mainly export market,So the second half of the year is difficult to export prospects to optimistic estimate。
