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Since August 2009 CBRC published《Consumer finance companies pilot management approach》(Said the“Management measures”)So far,Domestic consumption financial industry will go full 3 years。


recent,Has been“silently”Operation of the consumer business action again and again,More and more domestic and foreign financial institutions involved in the pyramid to or,Quite have the institutions rob food、The smoke at first glance up of power。


According to a person close to the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) said,The second half of this year to early next year will open new domestic or several consumer finance company pilot。


For the present for China,The designed for students、The blue-collar and farmers and other low-income people provide for the purpose of consumption of the unsecured loans to small service,Is still in a large commercial bank has no intention of lean strength“Blue ocean”of。And from experience to look at,It as a financial system in traditional bank credit business effectively complement,In the developed countries has formed certain scale and influence,And in helping retailers increasing sales volume and stimulate demand、Promote economic structure transformation role, etc。

  逐鹿之势 Competing in the potential of the

  7月9日,中国驻大阪总领馆经济商务室网站上的一则消息显示,日本非银行金融机构积极开拓新兴国家市场,其中,消费金融公司Credit Saison计划于2013年春天在中国设立公司,在天津开展手机、电脑等的分期付款业务。

July 9,,Chinese embassy in Osaka economic business room website system of a news show,Japan non-bank financial institutions actively explore emerging market countries,Among them,Consumer finance companies Credit Saison plan in the spring of 2013 in China by the company,In tianjin in mobile phones、Such as computer installment payment of business。


June 28,,Nanjing bank(601009,Shares it)Consumer financial center(Shanghai)opening,Immediately and French Paris bank introduced two cooperation of personal consumption loan products。


June 27,,Hong Kong financial institutions within the territory of guangdong in allowed in consumer finance business......


For the Chinese market is not only the stir“newcomers”。


And before the march,Spain santander consumer finance company with 306 million yuan RMB to north silver consumer finance company capital injection and get 20% of the shares,Both have reached a tentative cooperation agreement。

  此外,本报了解到,国内首家外资消费金融公司,捷信消费金融有限公司(下称“捷信消费”)也即将迎来一位新高管——其母公司PPF集团传讯负责人Milan Tomanek即将出任捷信消费政府及公共关系总监,旨在更快地推动捷信在中国的消费金融业务拓展。

In addition,Our understanding to,The first domestic foreign consumption finance company,The jie letter consumer finance Co., LTD(Said the“The jie letter consumption”)Will also have a high tube--its parent company PPF Milan Tomanek will head the group cited as the jie letter consumption government and public relations director,Aims to promote the jie letter faster in China's consumer finance business development。


“Consumer finance in China very big development space,For China got,I'm looking forward to。”Milan told the。


At present,There were four domestic consumer finance company pilot,All was established in 2010,By Beijing bank respectively(601169,Shares it)、Chengdu bank、The bank of China(601988,Shares it)As the main contributor to the north of the silver consumer finance Co., LTD、Sichuan JinCheng consumer finance Co., LTD、Boc consumer finance Co., LTD. And the jie letter consumption。Four enterprise can respectively in Beijing、chengdu、Shanghai、Tianjin pilot business。

  事实上,捷信消费金融的母公司——中东欧最大的私人投资财团PPF集团,在中国的业务开展得要更早。PPF集团在2004年即进入中国,之后其子公司捷信集团(Home Credit)成立了捷信中国,并于2007年7月开始在广州启动业务,主要与银行合作;2009年开始跟信托合作,其给客户的消费贷款均从所发行的信托计划发放。

In fact,The jie letter consumer financial parent companies, central and eastern Europe's largest private investment consortium PPF group,Business in China develops to earlier。PPF group in the year 2004, namely into China,International company after the jie letter group(Home Credit)Set up the jie letter to China,And in July 2007 in guangzhou start business,The main and bank cooperation;Beginning in 2009 with the trust cooperation,The consumer lending to customers are issued by the trust from the plan to issue。


By the end of February 2012,The jie letter China in the country has more than 40 cities for business。Guangdong is the jie letter in China to enter the first、Portfolio is also the biggest provinces,Accounting for more than 50% of its business,Total loans of 3 billion yuan。


And in the future,Hong Kong financial institutions in guangdong to carry out consumer business,Will certainly will present the biggest business with the jie letter“Short soldiers meet”,The geographical area in the competition since the pilot which is first。

  “可能管理层对几家内地消费金融公司的发展不是很满意,想从香港引入一些新的血液。”一位国内消费金融行业的人士称。“捷信希望中国的消费金融能有更多参与者,因为这将加快人们对消费金融的了解,用户的认知和接受是在中国做大该业务的首要前提。一个行业的培育包括市场教育,进入一个良性竞争,需要行业参与者包括消费者和监管者共同努力。”捷信集团亚洲首席执行官Pavel Vyhnalek说。

“Management to several mainland may consumer finance the development of the company is not very satisfactory,Want from Hong Kong introducing some new blood。”A domestic consumption financial people in the industry say。“The jie letter hope China's consumer finance can have more participants,Because it will speed up the people to the understanding of the consumer finance,The user's cognition and accept is doing in China the first premise of big this business。The cultivation of a industry including market education,Enter a benign competition,Need industry participants including consumers and regulators work together。”The jie letter group Asia chief executive Pavel Vyhnalek said。


Close to the CBRC a people said,The second half of this year to early next year will open new domestic or several consumer finance company pilot。

  上述国内消费金融行业的人士分析,从目前看,新开放试点的思路或是区域引进,例如,Credit Saison进入天津,上海也可能引入第二家试点公司。

The above domestic consumption financial industry analysts,Look from current,Open the thinking of the new pilot or regional introduction,For example,Credit Saison into tianjin,Shanghai may also be introduced into the second home pilot company。

  风控考验 The wind control test


Consumer finance companies face customers are mainly in the ZhongDiDuan income groups,They often do not have a credit records,But it provides the loan amount is small to thousands of dollars、Swift and without the mortgaged property,so,The key factors to determine its earnings also or core competitiveness,Is the risk control mechanism and the operational process。


It is reported,general(ge)Consumer finance companies have entered China earlier than the jie letter,For a variety of reasons eventually failed to develop business。


And the jie letter in China to develop and grow business,And IT was related operation and wind control。The jie letter history customer database support risk management and crossover sales,The Russian and the Czech republic covering about more than a third of the family,Business in the two countries share of consumption in the financial markets also ranked first。It is reported,IT will be in the mature markets of the IT operations and wind control system to improve and perfect,Applied to the Chinese market。“The customer be sorted out all of the data and to organize,Then through some complex model analysis customer behavior patterns,And can be cut credit reports and external information,And in a limited amount of time to make the result of examination and approval。The examination and approval procedures required very routing,The system is strong concentration。This makes IT a very early in the high costs,And improve and perfect the、Fast and the right process。Bank service more diversified,But consumer finance companies are offering this comparison is concentration and the specificity of the service,And need to be more to realize the profit scale。”Pavel told the,“We currently in China has already formed the stable profit model and began to realize the profit。”

  “我们为新兴市场而设的有效的风险管理,赋予我们更优质的资产、更高的市场份额和更多的利润。”捷信欧洲首席风险控制官Jakub Kudrna称。

“We for emerging market and set of effective risk management,Give us more high quality assets、Higher market share and more profit。”The jie letter Europe's chief risk control officer Jakub Kudrna says。

  上述南京银行消费金融中心 (上海)表示,与其合作的巴黎银行将会把国外成熟的风险管控技术实现本土化转变和应用。

The bank of nanjing consumer finance center (Shanghai)said,The bank will cooperate with the Paris foreign mature risk control technology to realize the localization and application change。

  海外借鉴 Overseas reference

  在海外成熟市场,有两种主要的消费金融供应商类型:消费金融公司和零售银行。前者向大众、低端和中高端客户提供灵活信贷产品,主要有捷信集团、GE消费金融公司、Citi fi-nancial等;后者为选定的客户主要为富裕阶层提供消费产品,作为更广泛产品组合的一部分,主要有BNP PARIBAS、Citibank、HSBC等。

In mature markets overseas,There are two major kinds of consumer financial supplier type:Consumer finance companies and retail bank。The former to the public、Low and high end customers with flexible credit products,Mainly has the jie letter group、ge consumer finance company、Citi fi-nancial, etc;The latter for the selected customers mainly for the better-off provide consumer products,As part of the product mix more widely,BNP PARIBAS main、Citibank、HSBC, etc。


Different from bank have fixed business network,Consumer finance companies mainly in the retail stores(Such as electronics stores、Supermarket and so on)Provide loans in,Can help increase the income of the retailers and manufacturers to support China's new retail growth。

  捷信集团(Home Credit Group)首席执行官兼主席Alexander Labak告诉本报,在一些发达国家,约50%的家电是在消费金融服务的提供之下而售出的,显示其在刺激消费方面的作用。希望消费金融业务能够在中国全国开展业务,如果捷信能跟苏宁这类零售商在全国范围内合作,相信消费金融可以帮助零售商提高1/3的销售业绩。

The jie letter group(Home Credit Group)Chief executive and chairman of Alexander Labak tell our newspaper,In some developed countries,About 50% of home appliance is in the consumer financial services and provide sold under,Showed that its role in stimulating consumption。Hope consumer business to the national business in China,If the jie letter to su ning such retailers nationwide in cooperation,Believe that consumer financial can help improve a third of retailers sales performance。

  此外,消费金融提供临界附加值以促进国内消费。Pavel表示,因为消费金融的服务目标是拥有稳定收入的大众消费者,尽管该群体通常不是主流信贷供应商的焦点,但却占据人口的很大一部分。捷信统计的数据显示,截至今年3月份,其在中国有73.59%的客户收入区间为1000~ 3000元。消费金融提高了这部分客户的购买力,同时也帮助他们建立自己的个人信用记录,填补了银行服务未能全面惠及的中国金融体系。

In addition,Consumer finance provide critical added value to promote domestic consumption。Pavel says,Because financial services consumer goal is to have a stable income of the general consumers,Although the group is not usually mainstream credit the focus of the supplier,But but it occupies a large part of the population。The jie letter data,So far this year march,In China it has 73.59% of the customer income interval for 1000 ~ 3000 yuan。Consumer finance raised this part of the customers' purchasing power,At the same time also help them to establish their own personal credit records,Fill the bank service failed to fully benefit of China's financial system。
