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期指多头减仓 净空仓超9000手--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  本报讯 股指期货周二早盘低开高走,瞬间砸破“钻石底”,在创下3年来新低后,期指各大合约逐渐企稳。午后期指快速冲高,一度上涨超过1%,部分多头资金增仓比较明显,但成交量并没有立马跟上,市场收盘前再次冲高回落。

Report from our correspondent stock index futures in early trading Tuesday at a lower high to go,Instant hit a“Diamond bottom”,In three years after the low,To each big contract of stabilising gradually。The afternoon of rapid rushed to high,Once up more than 1%,Part of the bull fund ing more apparent,But volume doesn't immediately follow,Market closing again before blunt high fell back。


According to figures released zhongjin display,Top 20 bull yesterday and not taking advantage of the plate with a rebound storehouse,But is decrease a storehouse 413 hands,Main obstacle clearance warehouse continue to expand to 9280 hands。Although the top 20 in short also decrease a storehouse,But only decrease a storehouse 136 hands,Second main short hand to cathay Pacific airways、Futures has、Haitong futures、In ShenYin WanGuoJun positions well,Among them the futures of has sold more than 11000 single hand。

  业内人士分析,早盘跌破了2132点,马上反弹翻红,随后便缩量震荡。主要有两个要素导致,首先 2132点磨的时间太久了,反而将多头锐气消耗了,特别是5周内反复出现的诱多,使得多头不敢动;其次是股指期货持仓继续高位运行,空头对趋势把握牢固,中证期货11000手的空单仍处于历史较高的水平,这样的阴跌模式会延缓反弹时间,需要急跌方有超跌反弹。

Analysis of the personage inside course of,Dipped below 2132 points in early trading,Immediately rebound turn red,And then it SuLiang concussion。There are two main elements cause,First of all 2132 points of grinding time too long,It will cost more than your spirit,Especially 5 weeks of lure appeared again and again,Make bull dare not move;Next is the stock index futures position to continue running high,To grasp the trend short firm,The empty hand has futures 11000 single is still in the history of the higher level,Such Yin fall would delay time mode rebound,Need tumbled are super fall rebound。

  中证期货研究部副总经理刘宾昨日向《大众证券报》表示:“2132点跌破之后,期指迅速反弹,但多头令人失望并没有加仓,反倒是出现减仓,这可见市场多头主力反攻的信心依然没有;盘中瞬间拉起一个是对技术面的反应,一个则是PMI预览值数据公布形成的短暂利好,市场依然下跌趋势仍在延续,预计空方将继续形成主导力量,目前找不到利好能够持续支撑资金做多,有的也只是一些资金投机做多。” 记者 徐海峰

Deputy general manager futures research has LiuBin to yesterday《Public stock certificate report》said:“2132 points after below,Phase refers to rebound,But more disappointing and not to add a storehouse,But there is a decrease a storehouse,This is bull market confidence still is not main counter-offensive;Plate instant pull up a is the reaction of technology,One is to PMI data of the formation of the published preview a positive news,The market is still continuing trend down,Empty will continue to form is expected to leading power,Now can't find good can continue to support funds do much,Some also just some of the money to do much speculation。” Reporter xu haifeng got
