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  多家电商网站被爆资金链断裂 上市无望“节衣缩食”

Several DianShangWang station was critical capital chain rupture listed hopeless“Frugally.you saved”


recently,Buffets nets and Stanley point 100 due to capital chain rupture into respectively the plight of job cuts and discontinued operations。While Chinese companies in the United States investment community quick freezer,Some even say U.S. investment bank“10 years don't touch the Chinese company”,The industry is expected to,DianShangWang stand this year will also to fall。But on the other hand,At present, many famous traditional enterprise are actively planning and recruitment,Speed up the layout of the electronic commerce。Are predicted in 2013 through the channel of the sale on a commission basis and self-built sweeping into the way,Pure electric business the cold of the winter seems to have become the traditional enterprise spring。


Wen/reporter xue song

  本报讯 国内电商网站目前的“节衣缩食”与去年的“一掷千金”形成鲜明对比。前日,国内时尚百货B2C网站耀点100公告称,因办公室和机房升级搬迁,暂停网站运营,且7月28日起不再接受订单。但是公告未给出恢复运营的大概时间。耀点100自去年10月已传出裁员消息,今年3月后更传出面临破产。有分析指出,耀点100暂停运营或因资金烧尽,难以承担租金压力被迫搬家而暂停运营。

Report from our correspondent domestic DianShangWang stand at present“Frugally.you saved”And last year's“splurge”Form bright contrast。some,Domestic fashion department stores B2C website "point 100 announcement said,For office and room upgrade move,Suspended website operation,And on July 28 up will no longer accept orders。But gave no public announcement about the recovery operation time。"Some 100 since October last year already spread layoffs news,In march this year more spread after bankruptcy。Have pointed out,"Some 100 suspend operation or burn because of money,Hard to bear the rent was forced to suspend operation pressure to move。


Another DianShangWang stand buffets nets recently reported a department store and Intel from may B rounds of financing,But many buffets nets staff recently in online publishing news said they suddenly“Was to resign”,And on the net also headed the buffets nets of job cuts toll to half。Taste YangPeiFeng network CEO foreign said,The job cuts to optimize the management,Said the capital chain without any problems。And for left the company,Buffets nets mean to give the labor law category beyond wages(Based on the labor law,Add a monthly wages)And in recruitment website for leaving employees do post is recommended。


 中国公司遇事多 China more than his company

  关联投行损失大 Loss of large investment Banks association


The move burn money too quickly,And subsequent investment of capital market to turn cold and could not reach the designated position,By the end of last year,Netease shang pin、Call ha nets、ChengDaPin together have shut down the nets,Since this year,DianShangWang stand is compressed cost of survival in succession。In the first half of this year,China is also only is tasted can only 1 Chinese companies listed in the United States。


The first American financial securities company chairman and chief executive LiuJinHang think,The current,American investors to Chinese companies lack of confidence,Especially with muddy water companies, such as the agency frequently do empty rounds,Chinese company basically go unattended。The United States Watson · Byrd law firm partners lee Betty said,Experience more after events,Linked to the us investment bank、Accounting agencies suffered heavy losses,Chinese company was the United States investment community quick freezer,Some even say investment bank“10 years don't touch the Chinese company”。


传统企业有望占据 Traditional enterprise is expected to occupy

  电商半壁江山 Electricity traders now status


As SuNingYi purchase、Gome KuBa、Bele optimal buy the rise,Traditional enterprise more and more to stand in the forefront of the e-commerce market。Erin B2C statistics in the rankings,Top 20 3 other have traditional enterprise background(SuNingYi purchase did not include the statistics),And at last list enterprise but home 1。In 2012 the traditional enterprise electric business has stepped into the mainstream,In the economic-,More goods and capital advantage with the traditional enterprise speed up the steps of business into electricity,In 2013, there will be more of a traditional background electric business surface,China's e-commerce market and the pattern of the nutrition。


In 2011 the United States e-commerce sales ranking in the amazon、ShiTaiBo、The top three apples,Traditional enterprise electricity traders will occupy the two seats;And in the first 15 ranking,More than half from traditional brands and retailers,Compared to 2010,Traditional enterprise in electric business sales account for further enhance the list of the than。


But in China this trend also more obvious。Have traditional enterprise of the background of the electric business enterprise,In the capital of the winter in 2012,With funds in、goods、The advantages of the supply chain,Have started to force,Quicken brand and the expansion of the category。Jingdong mall assistant President before、Now that the traditional enterprise LiuShuang founder NOP the business points“Three sections of”:First conflict,Then do the area lies between,Finally it can fusion。


From the current market process look,The most traditional enterprise business in the first stage of or to the second stage of the excessive。If can be in 1 ~ 2 years will electric dealer business and the traditional business completely get through,Excellent traditional enterprise in electronic commerce market were expected to occupy a position,Such as the market occupy electricity traders now native land。


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