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2012 如新大师趋势论坛在京举办--亲稳舆论引导监测室


“poverty”Has been many social problems“Twin body”;Especially recently with the debt crisis and global economic recession of the steep situation,The global economy facing more serious、Social problems,The gap between rich and poor problem increasingly difficult。

  8月13日“2012 NU SKIN大师趋势论坛”上,NU SKIN如新集团特别请到“穷人银行”创办人、诺贝尔和平奖得主穆罕默德·尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)来华,做「一个人,可以改变世界」的演讲。尤努斯教授首创的小额信贷理念,已在全球100多个国家推行,并成功帮助数亿贫困人口脱贫; 他提倡的「社会型企业注1」(Social Business)新概念,更具体改革了资本主义的经济弊病,戮力于实现富足新世界

On August 13,“2012 NU SKIN master trend BBS”on,NU SKIN such as new group special please go to“The poor bank”founder、Nobel peace prize winner muhammad yunus(Muhammad Yunus)In China,Do "a man,Can change the world "speech。Professor yunus pioneering microfinance concept,Already in more than 100 countries,And successfully help hundreds of millions of poor shake off poverty; He called for a "social enterprises note 1"(Social Business)New concept,More specific reform the capitalist economic ills,Committed to achieving rich new world。

  论坛上,特邀嘉宾知名独立媒体人袁岳、中国扶贫基金会执行副会长何道峰、北京师范大学中国社会责任研究院学术委员会主席华威濂教授、NU SKIN如新集团大中华区域总裁范家辉还与尤努斯教授精采对话,探讨可持续公益模式和“社会型企业”在中国的实践经验。

BBS on,Special guest famous independent media people yuan yue asked、China foundation for poverty alleviation executive vice President HeDaoFeng、Beijing normal university institute of China's social responsibility academic committee chairman huawei professor poon、NU SKIN such as new group the greater China region President FanGuHui also with professor yunus brilliant dialogue,To explore the sustainable public mode and“Social enterprises”In China's practical experience。

  尤努斯导入「社会型企业」新思维 改变世界的力量

Yunus import "social enterprises" new thinking the power to change the world


Muhammad yunus said:“Poverty is not the average distribution in every corner of the world,Although some countries in the past 30 years to enjoy the fruits of economic development,But also pay a high price。Along with economic growth and is worsening social problems,Without cabined market economy form let not equal worse,Social type enterprise is an important force to solve social problems。”


therefore,Professor yunus positive promotion“Social enterprises”,Think social enterprises can let people have the opportunity to thaland,Don't need too many resources,Can create future or can be in the world play influential enterprise。When the concept of social enterprises when began to be popular,This new thinking out caused by the power of the world is likely to have a great transformation。

  呼应社会型企业 NU SKIN 用“善的力量”改变世界

Echo social enterprises NU SKIN use“Forces of good”Change the world

  身为抗衰老领先品牌之一,NU SKIN秉持着「善的力量」推动公益,长久以来,NU SKIN以其科研的努力并结合全球事业伙伴的加入,持续投入弱势儿童关怀并解决全球的饥饿问题。透过发起「NTC受饥儿滋养计划」援助,提供超过二亿六千万份「蜜儿餐」给全球的贫困儿童,更在马拉威创办「农业自立学校」,提供农民及家属教育培训,最终帮助其经济独立。NU SKIN大中华区域总裁范家辉表示,与其授人以鱼,不如授人以渔的理念,不仅呼应尤努斯教授的社会型企业,也让NU SKIN成为企业社会责任(CSR)的具体实践案例。

As a leading brand of anti-aging,NU SKIN clung to the "good power" to promote public welfare,For a long time,NU SKIN with its scientific research efforts and combined with global business partners to join,Continuously invest disadvantaged children care and solve the problem of hunger in the world。Through the launch "NTC by hunger son nourish plan" aid,To provide more than two hundred and sixty million copies "honey son eat" to the global poor children,More in Malawi established "agricultural independent school",Provide farmers and family education training,Eventually help its economic independence。NU SKIN greater China region President FanGuHui said,And teach them to fish,As the concept of teach them to fish,Not only echo professor yunus social enterprises,Also let NU SKIN become enterprise social responsibility(CSR)The concrete practice of the case。

  2008年四川汶川地震后,NU SKIN 除一次性无偿捐赠400万元人民币,为帮助灾害救援和灾后重建, 引入了小额信贷模式, 与中国扶贫基金会合作建立了“如新5·12小额信贷基金”,为受到自然灾害重创的贫困人群,提供了进行创业、最终摆脱贫困的机会。在此基金资助下,数千农户得以完成灾后重建;截止2012年6月底,该项目基金已发放贷款超过1亿1千多万元,受益农户达4261户。今年8月,NU SKIN如新集团再次为“5·12小额信贷基金”注资100万人民币。

2008 years after the wenchuan earthquake in sichuan province,NU SKIN except one-time free donated 4 million yuan RMB,In order to help disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction, Introduced the microfinance mode, And China foundation for poverty alleviation cooperation established“Such as the new 5 · 12 microfinance funds”,For by natural disasters of a poor people,Provide a venture、Final chance to get rid of poverty。In the fund support,Thousands of farmers completed post-disaster reconstruction;By the end of June 2012,The project fund loans has more than 11000 ten thousand yuan,Benefit 4261 peasant households。August,NU SKIN such as new group for again“5 · 12 microfinance funds”Capital of RMB 1 million。


A person also can change the world


The poverty in museums


Muhammad yunus think“Better world up to imagine,Promoting world,Is never experts,But dream home”。In the world of high speed changes,Every citizen should keep dream and adhere to the faith,After efforts to target toward the direction of the positive action,Because everyone has enough inner energy,Set an example for themselves and contribute to human welfare。Professor yunus convinced that as long as the determination to adjust social mechanism and policy,Let everybody with new knowledge to change,Construct different point of view,Eventually will surely can create a no lean society,Wait until the moment coming,We can only see in the museum to poverty。

  注1:社会型企业(Social Business)是以公共利益为目标的营利事业,但其营利不全是为了出资股东,而是为了提升竞争力、永续经营、扩大服务。最著名的是诺贝尔和平奖得主穆罕默德·尤努斯创立的乡村银行,且在欧美亚非各洲都有成功复制的经验。许多人认为社会型企业就是非营利性组织,其实社会型企业还是普通企业中的一种,只是社会型企业是主动地担负起其社会责任,对社会整体起向上的作用,这就是社会型企业的含义。

Note 1:Social enterprises(Social Business)Based on the public interest as the goal of the profit-seeking enterprise,But its profit is not all in order to contribution shareholders,But in order to enhance competitiveness、Sustainable management、Expand service。The most famous is the Nobel peace prize winner muhammad yunus created the grameen bank,In Europe and the United States and Asian and African states have copied successfully experience。Many people believe that social type enterprise is a non-profit organization,In fact the social type enterprise is one of the common enterprise,Just social type enterprise is actively take on its social responsibility,For society as a whole on the role of the upward,This is the meaning of social enterprises。
