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  主编: 熊曼琳 记者: 赵晟 摄像:樊金峰

editor: XiongManLin reporter: ZhaoSheng camera:FanJinFeng

  一、投资遭遇壁垒,民营500强有喜有忧 a/Investment barriers to encounter,Private 500 strong mixed feelings


On August 30, 2012,The national association of industry and commerce issued[2012 China top 500 private enterprise research analysis report],The report says,In the past period of time modern business and logistics field,resources/Energy and other basic industry,Financial services sector has become the top 500 private enterprises into the most three investment fields,There were 160/156 and 142 into,Defense science, technology and industry investment in the field of construction into a private enterprise into a minimum of industry,Only six,Policy housing construction field,culture/Tourism and sports undertakings and other areas also attracted dozens of private enterprise into.


The report shows that,although"Article 36 folk investment"Expand the folk capital investment fields,But there is as high as 51.8% of the top 500 private enterprises believe that relevant government departments concept did not turn/To the implementation of policy does not reach the designated position,38.8% of the enterprise think monopoly industry enterprises to new entrants have larger conflict,33.4% of the enterprise think monopoly industries high threshold.


Chengtai group co., LTD., chairman of the board NaCunHui said,Although oneself cover a lot of power station,But has been can not get power of sale.Seven years ago,NaCunHui decided from more and more thin profit margins/More and more intense market competition of electrical appliance manufacturing field turn do energy,On the one hand, can extend the enterprise production chain,Pull the business industry development,On the other hand can also develop a new field of profit.After many investigation,At that time NaCunHui decided to move into the international popular solar power industry.


NaCunHui put in a great deal of resources for technical research and development,And start planning for the construction of the solar power,But then China's clean energy field or wind power of the world,Solar power and didn't get the corresponding policy support,Especially in the international solar industry when aggressively expanding,Used for solar power polysilicon prices all the way rapid development.2008 use solar energy hair kilowatt-hour price was up to 28 block,The Internet is much higher than the price.And NaCunHui according to the international experience in the construction of the tower is located in the step by step power station and because the cause of the system cannot be sold directly to consumers.


NaCunHui revealed,The relevant state regulations,Only guodian corp.,Or south network company,Can be lawful sale electricity,Other companies cannot sell electric,Otherwise it is illegal,Won't get value-added invoices.NaCunHui now have done a lot of power station,But still can't sell electric.


In NaCunHui also for solar energy industry in the development of the rack one's brains,New hualian(000620,guba)The group's chairman of the board FuJun are worry about how to make a breakthrough in the field of finance investment.


New hualian group chairman of the board FuJun said,Over the years,They always want to in the business field a breakthrough.Now new hualian group has several investment bank,Basically all is in the form of equity participation.The private enterprise business philosophy need to break through,The private enterprise can do a big shareholders,This is FuJun and his company has recently been considering problems.


China's financial sector on private capital has been the controlling problem is limited,On May 26, 2012,The China banking regulatory commission[About encouraging and guiding the folk capital into the banking of the implementation opinions].Will the Lord do village bank launched from the lowest shareholding ratio of 20% to 15%,And allow the folk capital wholly-owned holding rural financial institutions.meanwhile,Another news also follow,Da hinggan mountains in heilongjiang province city will establish the first a rural commercial bank,The news that FuJun shine at the moment,He realized that,This will be a good chance to participate in bank holding.


FuJun know this information later,Immediately found the greater hinggan mountains the rural commercial bank chairman of the board,Want to pass with the President the key figure of the contact,Judge his ability do a good job in agricultural businesses,As well as the thought liberation enough to want to let the private enterprise to do shareholders.Da hinggan mountains and also at the same time in examining the new hualian group for capital increase ability and business integration ability.FuJun and chairman of the board of directors in Beijing after further conversation,Told reporters,Agriculture firm to the chairman of his own company interested in investment projects,And approved private enterprises investment on bank development role.Finally, in FuJun effort,Both sides agreed,FuJun from his bank holding dream more and more close.FuJun also said,Now let's have a look at,The private enterprise investment do shareholders or compare the government support,Propulsion soon,With the cooperation of da hinggan mountains is hope,He also says the da hinggan mountains restructuring after the rural commercial bank,Will go all out private enterprises do a good job in financial field.


FuJun good luck also seems to be transferred to the chengtai group NaCunHui,Financial crisis makes the European and American countries photovoltaic industry shrink dramatically,Polysilicon production capacity severe excess,Price has plummeted 80%,This suddenly makes photovoltaic power generation cost greatly reduced.Countries also began releasing policy,The power of solar energy subsidies,And with the contract energy management way,Encourage enterprises to build solar power station.


Chengtai solar energy technology co., LTD. Vice President scores show Hui said,The company make an to electricity,Can the digestion,Per KWH can sell to a piece of -,Actually got the country's 50% subsidy,The power station mode,In fact is profitable,About ten years to recover the investment.


According to the national association of industry and commerce of the report,By the end of 2011,In the top 500 private enterprises more than 163 enterprises the early bird catches the worm,In the national development and reform commission (NDRC) actively promote the seven major strategic emerging industry to carry out substantial investment,Net interest rate of the sale and/Assets net interest rate reached 5.04%/5.63%,Are higher than did not enter the strategic emerging industry enterprise 0.42%/0.05%.These private enterprise investment strategic emerging industry's enthusiasm and the government is to encourage and support relationship.[The report]display,Up to 40.6% of the enterprise said,Choosing to enter emerging industry is to encourage and support the government.

  二、主业行业低迷,投资实现民营企业转型 two/Main industry downturn,To realize the transformation investment private enterprises


In our reporter investigation also found,In some of the industry downturn at present,Some of the corporation through the transformation investment direction to realize the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.New hualian group chairman of the board FuJun told reporters,Nearly two years of national macro adjustment and control makes the real estate market enthusiasm rapid cooling down,And the real estate is the new hualian group is one of the major industry,Now they have to consider the change of investment direction.


The present new hualian is anhui/Hunan investment(000548,guba)One hundred more than build tourism/Culture real estate projects,Hope can through the transformation of the development direction for enterprise to bring the new growth space.The company is ready to 90% from the past do house,10% is to do business,Adjust breakthrough to future half make residential,50% make business/Cultural property.


In addition to the new hualian,In the transformation of the investment and the new Austrian group,In fact as early as in 2004,The new Austrian group had from city gas operators to gas producers to a transformation and upgrade,And plan in the national provinces invested a huge sum of money to build production base,however,The outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 for the new Austrian group co., LTD., chairman of the board WangYuSuo saw such a large-scale energy field to the danger,From then on he was considering investment direction transformation.


After carefully in consideration,WangYuSuo think,With enterprise accumulated for many years of technical experience and research and development ability,Let the new Austrian for another from energy producers to provide energy solutions transformation of integrated service providers,Not only may give enterprise to bring the new market and profit space,Also for each big energy consumption subject to save a lot of money and energy consumption.


In the new Olympic group to denounce is gigantic endowment ecology,The new Austrian group flood can technology center project manager wang cheng to introduce us the new Olympic group energy solutions to the practical application.In such a flood can stand in,There are four ways to get heat,Respectively is geothermal/solar/gas/And peripheral enterprises park generated waste heat,Wang cheng told reporters,Through the company developed flood can table,To its economy,Energy efficiency type and structure of the environmental protection index analysis and research,Then what time decision-making in what kind of heating way more economic and efficient.The rational allocation of energy in order to achieve the purpose of cost savings,Is the new Austrian group energy solutions of a key ring.


According to[2012 Chinese private enterprise research analysis report],Based on the main industry development of private enterprise of research enterprise number of 74%,The said adhere to advocate course of study is 11%,To the correlation industry and other industry the development of appropriate investment account for 29.2% and 39.2% respectively.resources/Energy and other basic industry become the future 3 years top 500 private enterprises preferred investment fields.


The national association of industry and commerce chairman HuangMengFu think,The figures reflect manufacturing status not too optimistic,Although now manufacturing profit fell more than other industry profits decline,Profits in a relatively low level,So as an independent private enterprises will consider out of manufacturing.But manufacturing is China's fundamental,The government will give strong support.Difficulties enterprise have to hold on,Cannot withdraw to,Back in the future will have big development prospects.HuangMengFu expect,In the tide of market economy,Can have a large number of private enterprises have this in mind,Don't be myopia.

  三、多方支持,助力民营企业腾飞 three/Polytropic support,Booster private enterprise boom


[Article 36 new]Encourage private enterprises to go out,Reporters also learned,In order to promote private investment,Many departments and units for the private enterprises to provide convenient.


A is the people's livelihood bank negotiation loan traders horse manager told reporters,Last year it is in the people's livelihood bank under the strong support,They enterprise just successfully completed a hundreds of millions of dollars of overseas mineral resources(Coking coal)M&a major.And like last year's this project,Main coking coal market in the international market are relatively scarce,Completing the company a lot.At that time he gave acquisition leave time only a month.If not minsheng bank support,The company completed mergers and acquisitions will be difficult many.


Minsheng bank trade finance division President LinZhiHong said,Now Chinese enterprises go out merger and acquisition case more and more,Countries in the policy also give for multinational acquisition of enterprises to provide more and more convenient,Minsheng bank and the government also has carried out many cooperation,For the private enterprise to go out to provide more financial support.


HuangMengFu told reporters,The national association of industry and commerce now with a lot of home bank signed a strategic cooperation intention,Recommend large private enterprise as the national association of industry and commerce and bank strategic cooperation partner,The bank is also very welcome this cooperation.He also revealed,This year our country overseas acquisitions/Merger and overseas investment market larger projects have done 45,Amount reached nearly 30 dollars.


According to the national association of industry and commerce issued[2012 Chinese private enterprise research analysis report],In 2011 in the top 500 private enterprises major project put into production with 267,Accounted for more than 53.4%,Next to a major breakthrough,There are 98 home,Accounted for more than 19.6%,There are 66/And home/32 home and 26 enterprises have the domestic m&a/Material assets reorganization/International merger and acquisition and listed major events,Private enterprise sales growth of 33%,The growth of the private enterprise assets reached 32%,Private investment in China's economy the proportion of the overall investment in step by step.

  不过我们还要看到来自全国工商联的另一组统计数字, 2011年中国民营企业500强利润之和仅仅为工行、建行、中行、农行、交行等五大银行利润总额的七成。而由中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会发布的“2012中国企业500强榜单”上,前30名都是国有企业。几个数字对比,我们看到实际上民营企业所拥有的财富还是微乎其微。

But we also see from the national association of industry and commerce of another group of statistics, In 2011 China top 500 private enterprises of profit only for icbc/CCB/boc/Agriculture bank/Five in the seventy percent of the total amount of bank profits.And by the China enterprise confederation/Chinese entrepreneurs association released"2012 China top 500 enterprises list"on,First 30 names are state-owned enterprise.Several digital contrast,We see in fact private enterprises have wealth or very little.


so,In the future, on the one hand, we want to encourage private enterprise into energy/Finance and other monopoly industry,With the power of folk to market the self-adjustment,Make the folk capital to better play to the initiative and creativity,Balance the development of China's economy structure.


On the other hand, need to government departments at all levels actively cooperate with the central economic policy,Let the new 36 rules can exemptions,More important is related departments would like to will benefit with both hands.and reaching.Only clear the this obstacle,One will access threshold refinement/operational,The private enterprise is possible through the swing door,Seek greater development.
