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银华90向下折算成首例 杠杆投资遭重创--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  本报记者 陆玲 发自北京

Our reporter from the Beijing LiuLing


The stock market fell for Yin,That leveraged investment also there is no escape from fate.


On August 30,,After many empty bilateral fierce confrontation later,Yin, such as enhanced right 90 classification fund(Hereinafter referred to as"Yin 90")Lever end(Silver JHNCC the)Unit net value of finally fell to 0.25 yuan"Relief valve",Trigger the contract stipulates the down to point tramp reduced,Become a hierarchical fund's first trigger downward reduced case.


The so-called to point reduced,Also called"Tramp reduced",Usually divided into"Downward to point reduced"and"Upward to point reduced".specific,Enterprising share the net worth fell to valve value or mother fund net value of share above threshold,Steady share/Enterprising share/Mother fund net value of share were adjusted for 1 yuan,Adjusted the number of all kinds of share sliding scale,Robust and enterprising share proportion according to initial reserved,The rest will be converted to a mother fund share,Assigned to share holders.


In addition,With the continuous adjustment of the market,Citic prudential 500 index classification fund equidistance downward"To point reduced"Valve value also more and more nearly.


进取份额现亏损 Enterprising share now losses


According to the fund contract provisions,Yin 90 in two kind of situations"To point reduced",One is when the mother of fund net value reach 2 yuan will trigger"Upward to point reduced",The second is when silver JHNCC the net value of 0.25 yuan,trigger"Downward to point reduced".On August 30,,The silver JHNCC unit net value of 0.25 yuan,Down under the scheme start.


According to Yin 90 fund manager boyer is introduced,Down to point corrected concrete way is:Xin the/Aodelaisi inc/Mother fund net value shall be for 1 yuan,Xin and return to the initial 2 times leverage.To ensure that share the same proportion,Redundant aodelaisi inc will share according to net value reduced for mother fund share,Investors can be directly redemption.announcement,The JHNCC silver and silver HuaJinLi reduced ratio is about 0.2435,Silver HuaJinLi reduced for increased the proportion of 90 field mechanism to share is about 0.8026.


Simple example,Assumption and three types of customers before each hold different share of 10000,To YuXinLi share holder speaking,After the open fund share is a 2430 copies,At the same time,Xin and return to the initial 2 times lever level.To share holder aodelaisi inc,After the removal of 8030 will receive 90 share mechanism,And 2430 of silver HuaJinLi share.For mother fund Yin 90 share holders,Under the open is only a share of the conversion process,Convert all before and after total assets remain unchanged.


As for the specific profit and loss,Boyer said,Silver HuaJinLi share although not in its realized agreement income cash income,But its already realize the agreement of the income and the next precursor now net and after the next down conversion for part of the shares,The income is still holder have assets rights,As for the holder,Down under the share is the quantity and the corresponding net value change;Silver JHNCC the holder's assets change value is the secondary market to buy cost and split after the silver JHNCC secondary market the difference between the price.


On September 4,,Under the complete dismantling after brand of silver JHNCC and harden,Premium rate over 10%;Yin 90 robust end silver HuaJinLi is opening drop stop.


On the gold stock(600109,guba)Fund analysts ZhangJianHui looks,Although silver JHNCC the harden but holder practical and earn money.Based on aug. 31 RiYin JHNCC the closing price of 0.28 yuan is calculated after conversion,Holder got the new silver JHNCC the price is 1.15 yuan.And although the silver JHNCC harden,The price is 1.119 yuan,In fact still loss 0.039 yuan.


Downward reduced means Yin 90 facing redemption pressure.but,In the previous media communication meeting,Yin fund(blog,Micro bo)Quantitative investment department director ZhouYiZe said,"Through the communication and part of institutions,Tend to keep the majority of shares,The timing and the resolution,But would not rule out part of the arbitrage profits funds will be played".


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Since July,Yin fund released nine times the risk prompt notice,To remind investors pay close attention to the silver JHNCC share of the net value of the recent fluctuations,And alert to possible tramp share reduced risk.


But the whole July,Otc money continue to face,By the end of July,Silver JHNCC the fund share is already more than 6.7 billion copies.the,On August 20, week,The silver JHNCC net once fell to 0.4 RMB yuan,Silver JHNCC the/Silver HuaJinLi from 6.981 billion a share purchase jumped to 7.74 billion copies,Week of increased by 759 million.


Massive into institutions,The logic is very simple:Good short-term market rebound.Near the conversion of silver JHNCC the lever up to 4.5 times the left and right sides,Is the best means to rebound;And even if the open start,Relaunch of xin and still have 2 times the lever,In the expected strong rebound when there is a large premium is still possible.


but,On August 30,,The silver JHNCC unit net value of 0.25 yuan,Reduced scheme start."Silver JHNCC the moment open,Let reduced front dash into capital have become meaningless".Northeast securities(000686,guba)Fund LiuChaoYang researchers(blog,Micro bo)said.


It is reported,Reduced before,In east China famous"Forlorn hope"Led hot money,Look at the bank of China JHNCC near the valve value as high as five times the leverage ratio,Unrestrained gambling rebound.However, after after conversion,Even silver JHNCC the resumption of harden,These funds are still not solution set.


Institution is the biggest winner.The second quarterly report shows that,Hold silver JHNCC the individual investors reached 67.94%,Institution investment accounts for more than 32.06%.And the top ten in the holder,Risk endowment occupy 4 mat,Brokers set finance occupy 2 seats.Especially since July this year,QFII and insurance company institutions massive silver HuaJinLi said,Hold proportion has exceeded 60%.


Expert analysis,Silver HuaJinLi quite so a put option products,The stock market fell sharply to the fund performance price more advantageous,And in the domestic similar products rarely at present,QFII and are of particular concern.


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"If there is no to point reduced mechanism,The mother of fund net value dropped to a certain degree,Enterprising share equity may fall to zero,The steady share agreement income can not be achieved,And continue to fall can lead to steady share equity is damaged.And to point reduced mechanism,Due to the net value of share of progress to 1,And can continue to undertake the obligations agreed to pay income,Is reduced after the steady share agreed income can still guarantee."Boyer told times weekly newspaper reporters.


According to the quantitative calculation,The future if the Shanghai index from 2050 points to 1900 points down,Mother fund lost about 7%,But the silver JHNCC as leverage multiple gradually enlarged,Fall will be as high as 40%.


Recent market continues to dip,Who will be"next"Trigger reduced case?Data display,Citic prudential 500 index classification of fund to point reduced has set up a file in the approximation.As of August 27,,Demonstrated again 500 index fell 18%,Would trigger reduced.


In addition,"All enterprising distance valve value already very close to.August 31,,"All enterprising net value is 0.1250 yuan,Distance valve value already very close to.but,According to ShenWanLing letter fund officials say,"Thousands of enterprising and silver JHNCC the product design and the contract have great differences,Achieve valve value is not to the next and reduced,But the adjustment of income distribution mode.


According to the fund contract:"And all/"All income and mother with a fund with fall.After rising to shenzhen composition index,"All aggressive earnings priority complement" all income, and the principal of the benchmark income,To be "all enterprising share equity recovery 0.1 yuan,"All income and enterprising share and restore fixed income and leveraging the normal risk characteristics.
