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As quanzhou government financial services office director Chen ai-guo,This paragraph of time is the most headache thing is how to deal with the reporters interview - journalists from his mouth hope to capture"Financial reform"Even a tiny bit news.


The pearl river delta wenzhou and after,Quanzhou is expected to become the third national financial heddle change test site.


Chen ai-guo accepting our newspaper reporter to interview,He repeatedly:"How do we face the media,Leadership also has some specific requirements."


The basic is all local officials caliber.Quanzhou hair change bureau economic system reform in charge of the department to our reporter Chen ai-guo response is:"Financial reform is initiated by the municipal government,By the municipal government subordinate financial do in the execution,Not the change bureau in the operation."So does not wish to disclose other news.


This feeling is to the outside world;In gold change on this topic,Seems to each quanzhou government officials are afraid of touching a root mysterious"Bottom line"- perhaps the cautious attitude from quanzhou is now standing in"Gold change"Key crossroads,Prospect is uncertain.


Early August this year,Quanzhou gold change plan submitted to the state council's surface.According to[The Chinese times]reports,In fact the scheme in March this year has been reported by quanzhou of fujian province,And soon message switching the state council.


may,Namely quanzhou report after scheme,Introduced in fujian province[About financial service entity economic development article 11 measures notice]Clearly put forward,Promote quanzhou national financial service entity economic comprehensive reform pilot area construction.


Let the quanzhou to gold to plan low-key one reason is,On March 28, 2012,The state council executive meeting for approval[Zhejiang wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area overall scheme],This induced a lot of local government application impulse,Such as Inner Mongolia erdos(600295,guba)/Hunan changsha, etc are going to apply for national gold to test site,And have submitted to the national gold change scheme,Enthusiasm high.Therefore the relevant state ministries and commissions is very prudent,Don't want to hype.


Although Chen ai-guo repeatedly said that at present not facilitate foreign revealed gold change plan application process,But he thinks:"Quanzhou entity economy needs financial support,Have itself reform of endogenous power and realistic demand."


Active variable,Or passive change?


As one of the three major cities in fujian province center,Quanzhou total economic output has for 11 consecutive years ranked the first,Numerous private enterprises,Mainly to small and medium-sized enterprises,Total more than 60000.At the same time,Folk lending is very active,By the national folk financing listed in the top ten key monitoring area.


According to conservative estimates,Quanzhou folk precipitation capital 400 billion yuan.In October 2008,When the first micro-credit company in fujian province pilot operation so far,Quanzhou has developed out of the 14 home small loan companies,At present, there are also four companies approved preparation.Quanzhou city a total of more than 40000 home in industrial enterprises,More than 90% of small and medium-sized enterprises,But some of them and the bank credit relations enterprise accounts for only a quarter.This means that there are nearly 3 of small and medium-sized enterprise fails to obtain loan from the bank, can only be through the folk channel solution financing needs.


Overseas Chinese university college of business administration to ChenJinLong professor also echo the government's statement,He think in China, the three private economy and the manufacturing industry in the developed areas,Wenzhou and dongguan economy have appeared very big problem,Quanzhou situation compared to the former,Situation slightly"better"."Wenzhou capital from manufacturing to take early,Into all kinds of capital operation and real estate,Just recently capital operation out of the question,Real estate is out of the question.A lot of capital is then pumped to the virtual economies,So the problem earlier.secondly,The dongguan is"Two head"out,Is it out of raw materials,Market also out,Restricted by the outside world larger,The financial crisis is affected significantly."


Quanzhou government financial do director Chen ai-guo think with wenzhou usury crisis DaoBi out different gold change,Quanzhou is"Active seek"-- it don't want to continue on the story of wenzhou."2004 years later,Quanzhou is the appreciation of the renminbi/National export tax rebate effects,Completely export/Low value-added industry then began to slowly adjusted.So far,Quanzhou important characteristics is relatively complete industrial chain,Some say ten big industry cluster,Such as water/Sports brand/Textile...These has formed cluster effect products,Most of them are of sale in domestic market,Not all give priority to with export,This makes by international economic climate affect a little bit a little bit small."ChenJinLong said.


Even so,Quanzhou small and medium-sized enterprises still have to face more problems;Banks and private capital and tighten the faucet,artificial/Raw material prices/RMB exchange rate/The debt crisis/Overseas market competition, etc.Is more terrible,In 2012 began to appear rare"Order drought".


Crisis led to the reform,Severe situation for quanzhou government and the business community consensus - quanzhou private enterprise must"Start a new undertaking".In recent years,Quanzhou city in fujian province, the government and the government has been thinking about how to use capital and financial means,Including has promulgated a supporting policies,Effectively promote"Start a new undertaking".


ChenJinLong professors think in"Start a new undertaking"In the process of transformation,Destined part of the enterprise will exit the historical stage of manufacturing industry,This means that the quanzhou area folk idle fund can"out".


According to a statistics data show,2012 1 - July,Quanzhou small loans to small and medium-sized enterprise the company total loans of 8.294 billion yuan.


ChenJinLong said:"Why there is a need to reform?Because the original is not this aisle,Or channel is very narrow.The folk capital before is through the underground/Private financing way into the enterprise,This is not standard,The risk is very big,Cause market interest rates on the high side.Make regular want to do industry enterprise can use the money,Of the annual rate of 30,Now the enterprise profit margin which have so high?"


Quanzhou economic and trade commission small and medium-sized enterprise superintendent of CengYuan blessing when accepting a reporter to interview:"Now the folk the cost of borrowing is very high,A gold after the change,Although high than Banks,But than folk relative would be a little bit better.Let us go down enterprises to know about,They reflect or financing difficult.Especially now economic downturn,Enterprise each other between the phenomenon of default is more also.Delay in payment for two or three months to give you,Liquidity pressure is very big.We want the state council can make financial reform pilot area for batch of down."


On his future financial reform give hope is:"Financial reform can see the bank villages and towns to we have a breakthrough,Let go a little."


"Now policy may be tilted a little,But how about behind also should see environment,This is bad to say."Quanzhou carp city exchange xin micro-credit company chief nguyen cen said.His company was founded in 2010,By fujian septwolves group co., LTD. 13 famous enterprise and individual contributive establish and become,Registered capital of 300 million yuan.


If the gold changed through,Means like septwolves such quanzhou traditional enterprise will become capital dignitaries as their agents,Now have cash flow of big companies are on the aim"cake".


To policy,Or to reform?


At present quanzhou gold to plan the main content covers three parts,Respectively is to solve the folk capital outlet problem/Introduction of Hong Kong, Macao and financial capital and attract Banks and other financial institutions established.But because of the quanzhou city government related department mouth shut,So far the public don't learn this scheme more detailed content.


In may this year,The release of a government of fujian province[About financial service entity economic development article 11 measures notice],this[notice]From some kind of degree also for quanzhou gold to provide a direction.


this[notice]requirements,Quanzhou support in the national approved by national financial service entity economic comprehensive reform pilot area before to try first,Push in fujian establishments of all financial institutions set up branches in quanzhou,Guide has set up a file in the quanzhou an organization's financial institutions to expand the county in the network coverage;Promote foreign bank in quanzhou to establish commercial institutions or representative office;Support in quanzhou"Regional set optimal debt financing mode"pilot,Expand the quanzhou bond financing scale,The development of all kinds of equity funds;To carry out pilot folk financing registration management system,Timely issued folk financing management measures,Service quanzhou private enterprise start a new undertaking.


this[notice],Considered quanzhou gold change plan's main frame.


Fujian unified finance condition of anonymity officials met the gold to plan,He revealed to our reporter,The total scheme from eight aspects,Namely, to establish service materialization economic diversified organization system;To increase the small and medium-sized micro enterprise financial support;Improve the rural financial service;Strengthen financial cooperation overseas QuanTai Hong Kong and Macao;Planning the development of folk financing;To expand the scale of direct financing;Strengthen the function of the insurance;Risk prevention and control.


"A bit like a mixed bag,Less of a sense of taste."This is the official finish see this plan feelings.


He judge this scheme may be quanzhou local departments cooperation achievements,Such as people's bank of/Silver inspect bureau/Securities regulatory bureau/The bureau and other departments each writing a block,Piece together out of the gold to plan.


He thinks,Only from gold to the point of view of the scheme,Quanzhou than wenzhou's plan for,The greatest of faults is"Goal is not clear",Wenzhou gold change goal is very clear - solve folk lending sunshine change.


In fact,Quanzhou have begun to follow the example of wenzhou's reform mode,In the folk lending sunshine change somewhat as,Promote the establishment of folk loan registration service center.


Quanzhou government wanted to through the gold to build three system,Namely organization system/Market system and innovation system,But in the plan out,These three systems have not reflected.


"Organization system how to do,Market system to do,Innovation system to do?These all have no clear goals."


In fujian financial system the official looks,Quanzhou the biggest difficulties is not gold to the difficulty of itself,And the first step is the scheme can smoothly through the examination and approval.


Quanzhou gold change after launch,Is opinions vary,Even with a view quanzhou more like this"This is a politician of reform,Rather than bankers do reform",Meaning to the country to policy.


For quanzhou gold for change,All of the future is full of uncertainties,It can only be quiet waiting for the final approval.
