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  “西凤酒2010年是亏损4个亿”。 9月6日晚,深圳市盈信投资集团(以下简称“盈信集团”)董事长林劲峰坦言。

"XiFengJiu 2010 is losses". On September 6th night,Shenzhen full letter investment group(Hereinafter referred to as"Full letter group")The chairman LinJinFeng said.


It is shaanxi XiFengJiu group co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"West chicken stock")On September 4, 2010 by xinhuanet out huge deficit after 420 million yuan,West chicken stock and its shareholders of the party for the first time a positive response.Full letter group,Is the third largest shareholder stake in the west.


XiFengJiu is one of China's four great wines,In 2008 and 2009,XiFengJiu equity and baoji government CengGuangFa hero letter,Hope to introduce external capital.Between a,A number of PE funds flocked to west chicken stock.finally,By citic industrial fund topped the,In the second half of 2010 brought threw a big hot project,This round of financing in,West chicken stock altogether introduce 1 billion yuan of investment.


LinJinFeng then explained:"The $400 million deficit,In the past many years accumulation formation,Before the basic no withdrawal accounts receivable and inventory loss.More than 2010 home outside investors after go in,One-time patch withdrawal,For future listed obstacles,Here is not, as some media referring to a large number of connected transaction or benefits of transportation and other cause annual loss."


looks,The move is west chicken stock"Lost car insurance handsome"practice:One-time treatment in the history of the deficit,Begin from 2011 earnings,Three years after earnings performance,That can be declared IPO.


But behind the,Seems to be far is not so simple.


XiFengJiu shaanxi province is baoji and local government officials heart regret,Even a piece of heart.


In 1952,,XiFengJiu and maotai(600519,guba)wine/fenjiu/Luzhou old cellar(000568,guba)together,In the national review the cocktail party was named four national wines.But the west chicken stock(And its predecessor)Not successful enterprise,Performance far do not say to go up four big famous status,Is weak XiFengJiu will be extended to the national.So XiFengJiu has been partial in shaanxi,In the northwest region influence are weak.


Citic industrial fund in a promotion materials is introduced,West chicken stock 2009 years of income for 1.37 billion yuan;In the domestic market sales revenue,In 2004 only more than 4000 yuan,By 2009 square more than 300 million yuan.


And maotai share sales income is yuan level,Escape the market level.Other wines in capital market also told the story of the imagination,With the market value of the hundreds of billions.Compared with,XiFengJiu as if reduced to a second class wine.


therefore,Shaanxi government has been XiFengJiu seek for outside investors,Hna group with successively/Cofco talks over cooperation,And to other famous industrial capital thrown over the olive branch.But these are not for XiFengJiu draws a large investment.


When the calendar turn to 2009,The situation is very advantageous to XiFengJiu:This year,Countless fund flows to China's primary market,Seek high quality not listed enterprise investment;maotai/Wu liang ye(000858,guba)The share prices of wines such as revelation,But not listed liquor enterprise can be counted on one's fingers.


so,When west chicken stock and the local government,In the local official website/Financial media/The western property rights exchange public summons,And entrust the capital broker seek investments,Counterparts gathered.Famous PE fund is delighted,Even the sequoia capital so partial VC but give attention to two or morethings consumption industry fund,Also and west chicken stock negotiations had more than round.The personage inside course of study calls"XiFengJiu everyone go to see".


however,Ever been to the west chicken stock in private equity fund,There is no lack of the initiative to give up.One reason is that the west chicken stock performance general,But represents extremely magnificent blueprint,And quite high price.

  前文指出,西凤股份2009年的收入为13.7亿元。林劲峰告诉记者,西凤股份2007年前一直是亏损的。几位PE人士告诉记者,西凤股份2008、 2009年的利润也就一两千万,这一数据,也得到了林劲峰的确认。盈信集团2007年时即已成为西凤股份的股东,对西凤股份的历史颇为清楚。

Already pointed out that,West chicken stock 2009 years of income for 1.37 billion yuan.LinJinFeng told reporters,West chicken stock 2007 years ago has been the losses.Several PE sources told reporters,West chicken stock 2008/ 2009 years of profit is 120 million,The data,Also got LinJinFeng confirmation.The letter group in 2007 that has become west chicken stock shareholders,On west chicken stock history quite clear.


At the same time,West chicken stock avow,Plan by the end of 2012 listed,2015 annual sales income amounted to 10 billion.It plans to need to recapitalise 1 billion yuan,Willing to transfer 25% of the shares,Valuation is 4 billion yuan.This means that,West chicken stock and behind the local government,Expect investors into share price p/e ratio of more than 200 times,There is no doubt that is purchased.


 利润两头漏 Profit two head leakage


In addition to high p/e ratio,A PE people have noticed the west chicken stock marketing ability not:Many well-known enterprises in shaanxi province,In the west chicken stock batch customization wine,Such as time custom 1000 bottles,Used for banquets and gifts,The price is only ex-factory price or a little into."Can you imagine maotai to ex-factory price to changhong group do a batch‘Changhong maotai’??This shows XiFengJiu sales not ready."


This is similar to the popular today"Group purchase",High-end brand of disdain.


And the other a PE JiangXi people(alias)Is to see the west chicken stock deeper problems:The company management team management ability can also,But in the upper reaches of the suppliers,Such as providing base/Packaging materials,Downstream distributors are west chicken stock's affiliate,West chicken stock from upstream high purchase,When to sell wine low sales,Profits from these two leak out.

  蒋希告诉记者,西凤酒有近100个包销买断的品牌酒,这些是西凤酒的子品牌,比如叫红西凤,就是由西凤股份低价卖给经销商,利润的大头被经销商拿走。这些 供应商和经销商,跟西凤股份的管理层和地方政府有着盘根错节的关系,“甚至不是陕西省国资委和宝鸡市国资委能搞得掂的”。

JiangXi told reporters,XiFengJiu nearly 100 underwriting buyout brand of wine,These are XiFengJiu son brand,Such as call red west chicken,Is the west chicken stock at a low price to sell to the distributor,The profits by dealers away.These suppliers and distributors,With west chicken stock management and local government has a complicated relationship,"Not even the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of shaanxi province sasac baoji can make the phase modulation".


finally,Citic industrial fund and west chicken stock two-way choice success,Investment 360 million yuan for 60 million shares,15%.Light daikin charged with two companies investment of 135.6 million yuan,Accounted for 5.4% of the shares;Old shareholders full letter group also to throw some money,Maintain its shareholding ratio unchanged.(Shareholders list see table 1)West chicken stock do need to recapitalise 1 billion yuan,Enterprise valuation is 2.4 billion yuan.


The valuation,A west chicken stock 2009 performance,Is 2 times city pin rate,More than 100 times the p/e ratio.


 赎买利益相关方? Redeem stakeholder?


After this round of financing,West chicken stock shareholders,From 4 to 26.


Handle the financing,Is ZhangBaoQian deputy general manager.He claimed that he,"Complete investment is in October of 2010,That is all money come in.These investment agency contract is divided into two group of time,A group of is in June 2010,A group of in 2010 7-9 months."


ZhangBaoQian on September 5 in xian open west chicken stock shareholders,But he refused to disclose the contents of the meeting,To respond to XiFengJiu 2010 giant kui matters.

  林劲峰介绍:“这一次投资中,入股者基本上不是战略投资者,就是经销商。比如,陕西飞龙糖酒副食有限公司、董小军、宝鸡市香溢有缘酒营销有限公司都是经销 商,西安智德通品牌推广营销有限公司是咨询公司。经销商入股,是西凤股份一开始就考虑过的,战略投资者也都同意和支持,反正入股价格不低,大家增资的价格 都一样。”

LinJinFeng introduced:"This time investment,Become a shareholder is basically not strategic investors,Is dealer.For example,Shaanxi dragon sugar and wine fushi co., LTD/DongXiaoJun/Baoji sweet overflow is predestined friends the wine marketing co., LTD. Is distribution business,Xian wisdom DE pass brand promotion marketing co., LTD. Is a consulting company.Dealers in,Is the west chicken stock start considered,Strategic investors are all agree and support,Anyway buy-in price is not low,All the price of capital is the same."


LinJinFeng mentioned several suppliers,Accounted for the proportion of the shares from 0.7 to 0.8%;After them,There are many natural person shareholder,Holding more for 0.1 0.23%.


This piece of shareholders in the list,No west chicken stock


The name of a manager.LinJinFeng told,Strategic investors came in,In addition to set up a company,To the management equity incentive.The equity of the company,The original is XiFengJiu trade unions and workers hold part,Shaanxi province is currently the XiFengJiu factory("XiFengJiu factory")Subsidiary of,Equity is also referred to in the XiFengJiu factory name."The management equity is a few points,Added up to no more than 5%".


LinJinFeng deny west chicken stock and between supplier and distributor have interests delivery,He only said:"In addition to set up a distribution company/Its is nearly's brand,Are all the practice of liquor brand.XiFengJiu was slowly reduced child brand,Strengthen the leading brand influence."


Citic industrial funds strategic investors after XiFengJiu,In addition to giving management/Dealers stakes,Tapers son brand,Then there is:In 2010 XiFengJiu giant kui 4,This year the tax sales income is 2 billion yuan only.LinJinFeng emphasized,Haven't heard about 2010 sales income statement,Also don't know this data source.

  林劲峰解释,造成这一结果主要是补税、补计提存货、坏账损失;西凤股份2007年前一直亏损,亏损包括包装材料和废料,但这些并未在以前的报表中充分反 映。当被问到“白酒为何有存货损失”时,林劲峰说:“白酒包装存储后就不一定是越陈越好的酒,有的卖不出去就计提了,包装材料等也是损耗的大头。”

LinJinFeng explain,Cause the result is mainly BuShui/Complement withdrawal inventory/Bad debt losses;West chicken stock 2007 years ago have been losses,Losses including packaging materials and waste,But this does not in a previous statement against fully reflected.When asked"Liquor why inventory loss"when,LinJinFeng said:"Liquor packing storage after the Chen is not necessarily good wine,Some don't sell is the provision,Packaging materials and so on is also the loss of the big head."


this,JiangXi said do not understand,"Haven't heard of liquor will have inventory loss."He analysis,There is a may be,This part of the liquor only exist in the book,But in fact are not.In addition,"Bad debt is caused by the who,Who is to give the flush out"?


finally,JiangXi analysis,This approach"Is likely to redeem".Management and dealers for equity,In the history of the inventory/Bad debt losses wiped out,Reduced child brand,Like a combination:Side one-time foreclosure off part of the stakeholders,As part of the stakeholders with west chicken stock interest tied up.


"West chicken stock restructuring the key to success,Is the company listed in the interests of the future after,To a stakeholder in vitro(Refers to the subject shares outside the west)Earn money??"The former interest when more,The company can one up and down.

  中信产业基金自己制作的推介材料中,将西凤股份作为其代表作介绍,提到跟陕西省、宝鸡市政府紧密合作,让当地政府愿意放权;为西凤股份引入了总经理徐可强 和财务总监。徐可强今年已经67岁高龄,曾先后执掌五粮液(000858.SZ)和酒鬼酒(000799.SZ),是中国酒业的传奇人物。

Citic industrial fund make your own promotional materials,West chicken stock as its representative works is introduced,Mentioned in shaanxi province with/Baoji government close cooperation,Let the local government would like to decentralization;For west chicken stock into the general manager xu can be strong and financial director.Xu can be strong this year has been 67 - year - old,Once successively in wu liang ye(000858 SZ)And drunk wine(000799 SZ),Is China's wine industry legend.


Citic industrial fund investor of the strategy, such as many practices,Is our best for the west chicken stock to build a perfect modern enterprise system.The effect of how to,May be to 2014 announced can - if west chicken stock in the future A shares listed on the main board,The need to wait at least 2014 years,Party have three years profit performance.


LinJinFeng, told reporters:"West chicken stock 2011 years of sales and profit growth,Net profit of more than 100 million yuan.In the first half of this year is also very good,The company operating all normal."


A once for west chicken stock investors looking for capital broker,Said he to the west chicken stock several shareholders are very well.He told reporters:"West chicken stock 2010 profit I forgot,2011 years is good".Later he changed for"2011 it is said that good,In the first half of this year is very good".
