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Field at China


Four years ago four trillion investment stimulus plan,Let China's successful"The eight",But also left some sequelae,Now the Chinese government is actively promote the transformation of the mode of economic development,More efficient to promote economic and social justice/Open and sustainable development.


And this is precisely these days young and middle-aged reform and opening BBS(Moganshan meeting)The focus of discussion.yesterday,Former vice chairman of the NPC standing committee/Economists at the meeting Mr Cheng to series hot issue to respond,And put forward for China to resolve the economic development of original some negative effect,Have to make three important steering,namely:Overseas market demand guide to domestic demand guide/Epitaxial growth to connotation growth/External forces drive to internal force driving.


For four trillion stimulus plan,Mr Cheng the discovery after measuring,If there is no 2008 years of economic stimulus plan,2009 years of economic growth will be only 2.4%,But in fact increased by 9.2%.But everything has two sides,Excessive economic stimulus policy negative effect is obvious.


Mr Cheng lists excessive economic stimulus policy has brought more negative effects include:Excessive investment cause excess capacity;Now due to reduce,Add excess capacity lead to inventory backlog;Investment profits down,In 2009 only 0.3% investment growth factor;A large increase of environment cost.


In addition,A lot of money issued one result is that caused the inflation,The second is the place debt increase quickly,The third is rising asset bubble.


In this case,To realize the economic growth is transformation of the mode of economic development,Mr Cheng puts forward three"Outward turning inside"scheme.

  让工资和CPI挂钩 Let the wages and CPI hook


To domestic demand about the steering,Mr Cheng think,It is not easy to do,Because real to rely on consumer spending,First of all to improve people's purchasing power,Let everybody have the ability to consumption,And the process need to do some institutional arrangements.The first arrangement is to make people's income growth generally;The second is to let wages and CPI hook,Now 30 provinces, cities and the minimum wage has and the CPI hook,But the salary is not.With the labor productivity,Laborer income will increase.


Mr Cheng also think,Promote consumer credit is also very important,Most bank loans are loans to government/enterprise,Loans to individual part only 15%,Is mainly mortgage,Foreign bank loans 60 is of loans to individuals.Consumer credit is actually the future income to get today,The purchasing power of residents in improving have certain effect.


The present social security system is based on the society plans as a whole and individual account on the basis of the combination of,Overall coverage is wider,But level is low,At the same time is also facing the future generation balance issue,Now the social security is to rely on the young/People working in consumption,In the future if this a batch of people approaching retirement age,They can enjoy the same treatment?


For the recent hot debate society is the social security gap problem,As the national social security fund board of directors is Mr Cheng also respond,He said:How big is the gap,We also have different calculation,Some say one hundred and eight trillion,This is a cumulative number,Dynamically calculate not so much.


Countries in ten years ago set up social security funds,Now run up to one trillion.Mr Cheng said,This scale is not enough,Social security fund is not lay motionless,Want to go to the investment value,Form a benign circulation:On the one hand is to guarantee every year a certain growth rate;On the other hand,Should have at least five trillion base do security,Of course this also need to further efforts.

  提高劳动生产率 Improve labor productivity


Transformation of the mode of economic development second is the extensionality growth turning inward ductility growth,Mr Cheng explained,Epitaxy growth is add,To increase the production capacity is built a new plant,Can also pull GDP,But it can't improve every man can create social wealth.In ductile growth from improve efficiency/Cost etc to improve everyone can create wealth,This is the most important.


European countries manufacturing labor productivity,Greek and Portugal is the lowest,Germany is the highest,Difference of several times,Low labor productivity that wealth is not enough to support gao fuli society,Eventually lead to crisis.And the situation in China,Mr Cheng after calculation found,China's manufacturing employees is about two hundred million people,In 2011, industrial added value is 18 trillion,Is also a person to create added value of ninety thousand yuan,This added value and three parts,The government through the tax take part,Enterprise keep part of the,And then to individuals.Mr Cheng said,If China does not improve labor productivity words,Forever only in low level/Under low social security development,Because there is no more wealth source,So must be much more power to improve labor productivity.


"If is able to improve productivity,Take this piece of cake do more,It is more advantageous to realize common prosperity,More conducive to achieve common distribution."Mr Cheng said,In addition to improve labor productivity outside,To improve efficiency in the use of funds,Now capital turnover efficiency low,It is only through the capital turnover can generate more profit,Now China's capital turnover and efficiency compared the difference is too big.

  改革的动力来自人民 The impetus for reform comes from the people


Mr Cheng proposed third transformation is from the exogenous power steering endogenous power.Exogenous power is to depend on the government's preferential policies,Relying on government subsidy and external factors,And endogenous power depend on worker,Rely on the people's initiative and creativity.


Mr Cheng said,The reform and open policy the power eventually come to our people,People have enthusiasm can keep on working hard,Constantly creating higher value.For the ascension of endogenous power,Rely on innovation,The government should encourage all aspects of people go to innovation,Is not only a technological innovation,And management innovation/System innovation.From a long-term point again,Rely on education,If you want to improve the quality of workers,From the more in the long run to improve people's thought/culture/Moral level,The cultivation of the innovative talents,To improve the national quality.


finally,Mr Cheng think,If the three outward turning inside are done,China's economic development mode change will be able to realize."To explore further step,The current reform has entered a new stage,After eighteen big,I believe that the reform will have new measures and propulsion."
