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The China, Japan and South Korea free trade area if we can gradually establish,Will form the cycle of the Asian region,And now are facing greater uncertainty.

  本报记者 张涵 北京报道

Our reporter Denton reports from Beijing


Brewing 10 years in Japan and South Korea free trade area(FTA)Just turn,This may benefit 1.5 billion Asian trade finance cooperation plan,May be because of the influence of recent diaoyu islandtaiwan and with humour variable.


"Recent sino-japanese diaoyu islandtaiwan will give the China, Japan and South Korea free trade negotiations to cause adverse effect,In Japan and South Korea in the liberalization of trade and investment/Facilitation process."The national development and reform commission of foreign economic research institute experts on September 18, wang zy to our newspaper said.


"China and South Korea free trade negotiations between the duly go according to plan,"Wang zy said,"This situation will make Japan in northeast Asia and east Asia regional cooperation is the role of significantly weaken,Japan in the influence of the area will also sell at a discount greatly,This is Japan in regional economic cooperation oneself active lose points."


On August 30,,China's ministry of commerce minister Chen deming was revealed,in/day/Korea has already November start FTA negotiations have agreed terms.after,On September 11,,Japan"Purchase island"events,Sino-japanese dispute continuously upgrade.


Wang zy said,Three kingdoms leaders have agreed to years free trade negotiations,Should be in accordance with the procedures."The current tension to negotiations brings negative effect is certain,Although unable to determine the extent of the impact,But increase the uncertainty of the negotiations."

  FTA变数 FTA variable

  谁得益?谁受损? Who benefit?Who damaged?


In may this year 13,,Held in Beijing in the fifth time that Japan and South Korea leaders meeting,The leaders agreed to years start free trade negotiation.On the same day,Three kingdoms also signed investment agreements.Chinese premier wen jiabao Suggestions,Three kingdoms to close coordination,Ensure years formally initiated triple the fta negotiations.In the negotiations should adhere to the open/Fair and transparent principles,Also want to take care of each other concerns,To achieve mutual benefit and win-win results to the greatest extent,For east Asian economic integration into the strong power.


In addition,The establishment of a free trade area,Can make the China, Japan and South Korea to further strengthen macro economic cooperation,In the reform of the financial system/International financial policy coordination/Common preventing financial risks and against the international financial crisis, etc speak with one voice,Discuss the appropriate scheme,To ensure that the China, Japan and South Korea economic and financial security,And maintain peace and stability in northeast Asia.


Specific the China, Japan and South Korea trade sub-regional plan has also lines.In 2011, the state council through[Shandong peninsula blue economic zone planning]Put forward,Deepening the Marine economic and technological international cooperation,Japan and South Korea in the construction of regional economic cooperation test site,Make northeast Asia international shipping comprehensive hub/International logistics center/The country's important bulk raw materials trade and price forming centre,To construct China's participating in the economic globalization of the important platform.


This in high-rise speech also have to confirm.In may this year 13,,The state council premier wen jiabao and commerce in the fourth china-japan-korea joint summit speeches said,The Chinese initiative use of east China's shandong province adjacent to the location advantage of Japan and South Korea,Japan and South Korea in the construction of local economic cooperation demonstration area,And actively considering in Japan and South Korea choose cooperation of the regional,Establish three kingdoms industry cooperation base.


Wang zy said,For Japan and South Korea in the sub-regional cooperation between,Originally the leaders had formed the tacit understanding,Next, it is necessary to carry out the relevant departments negotiations.Japan"Purchase island"After the incident,This process may inevitably affected.

  昆仑财经分析员杨涛向本报表示, “日本对中国依存度达到40%。自由贸易区建立后,人民币的小范围国际化进程就加快了。 ”

Kunlun financial analyst Yang tao to our newspaper said, "Ratio of dependence on Japan to China reached 40%.After the establishment of the free trade area,RMB internationalization of the small scope has accelerated. "


He thinks,The establishment of a free trade zone will form the Asian regional self pulmonary circulation.Can from dollar control.This is the United States is not willing to see.Dollar hegemony status temporarily can't be completely broken."In order to maintain this state,(The United States)Natural to crush out small free trade area."


"Diaoyu islands event benefit is the United States,Japan and China's long-term insecurity to go down,Against the yen and RMB credit will be affected considerably,Dollars and will be adored.The dollar index will be affected by the risk of mood well."Yang tao said.


The Asian free trade movement has been very alert,Always doubt it will be exclusive,So it has been using and Japan and South Korea and other Asian countries"Military mutual"Relationship to influence,The United States and Singapore/South Korea and Australia of free trade movement shows it"Multiconductor collapse"strategy,It does not hope the China, Japan and South Korea free trade become a real integration of Asian trade flow platform.

  长期关注中日投资并购的Chinalyst 投资顾问公司CEO孙田夫向本报表示,中日韩自贸区谈判可能会因钓鱼岛事件而被拖延,但应该会继续进行合作,“这对双方都有利,而且也并不损害美国的根本利益,推进是早晚的事”。

Long-term focus on the investment of the merger and acquisition Chinalyst investment consulting company CEO SunTian husband to our newspaper said,The China, Japan and South Korea free trade negotiation may be due to diaoyu islands event and be delayed,But should continue to cooperate,"This is good for both sides,But it doesn't damage the fundamental interests of the United States,Propulsion is sooner or later things".

  谈判的时机与条件 The timing of the talks with conditions


In fact,in"Purchase island"Dispute occurred,This significant progress not only in Japan and South Korea free trade negotiations.The financial transactions years also increase,From the renminbi and the Japanese yen currency swap/Each other to buy national debt/QFII approved quota and quantity increase and the renminbi and the Japanese yen direct trading.


Wang zy said,The Japanese lack of sense of the overall situation and the strategic judgment error action,Leading to the present china-japan economic and trade relations have been affected.Japan will be"Purchase island"Farce pay a heavy economic cost.Just out of the Chinese market produce spontaneous reaction and boycott,Japan has made from products to service,From trade to investment,From a manufacturing economy to a tourism aviation,Comprehensive Chinese market by the boycott and strike.Financial as for economic and trade investment service industry will also affected."Now don't say the two countries the central bank and financial regulators to communicate,Even many of the current sino-japanese non-governmental exchange activities have also stopped


check."Wang zy said.


"Institutions and government organization after the talks have postponed or cancelled,And the enterprise communication is also affected by a lot of resistance,Our business in China almost stagnant."On September 18,,Tokyo stock exchange Beijing representative office is a personage to our newspaper said.


The person in charge said,Nearly two weeks definitely feel communication work appeared in the resistance,"Tokyo stock exchange special this week with Beijing office communication,requirements"Proceed with caution".


According to our understanding,Including nomura securities, some Japanese financial institutions in China are off to deal with the recent conflict between the sensitive period of time.


"This two days Japanese investment circle of friends are said to China investment should be stopped."The first listed company in Japan founded the Softbrain company founder SongWenZhou to our newspaper said,Japanese investors worry most about possible financial sanctions,Including Japan to invest money for special sex sanctions/Through the bank of Japan to do trade financing affected/Make a profit can't conveying returned to their own land, etc.

  事实上,关于制裁的议论在近日确有升温的趋势。《人民日报海外版》及《中国日报》均发表评论文章,建议制裁日本,《中国日报》更以《应该制裁日本》(“Consider Sanction Japan”)为题。

In fact,Talk about sanctions in recently is heating up trend.[People's Daily overseas edition]and[China Daily]All comments on this paper,Suggest sanctions against Japan,[China Daily]More in order to[Should sanctions against Japan]("Consider Sanction Japan")issues.


"Was the Japanese investment in China is not,Always emphasized that such political"China's risk",And with China's current economic slowdown,More make financial investment glide."SongWenZhou said.


According to the data provider CEIC digital display,According to the Chinese government data calculation,In 2011 China from Japan's foreign direct investment of usd 6.3 billion,Since 1996, accumulative total $69 billion investment.The amount and compared the us and Europe difference.


As for the fallout in the financial future in the field of influence,Wang zy said,In the short term is more difficult to evaluation,Due to a series of complicated factors or so.Long-term influence will see how Japan next performance.


SongWenZhou hold a pessimistic expectations,He thinks,Bilateral financial cooperation between the two countries will be subject to political relations.In the sino-japanese relations before easing,Financial cooperation"Can't get progress,Has begun to will stop,Don't start the talks".
