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金改“十二五” 市场化是关键--亲稳网络舆情监测室


The state council has approved by the people's bank of China/The CBRC/CSRC/circ/Jointly compiled by the ministry of the safe[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning],Mainly involves many aspects of financial reform.This to our country monetary policy and related industries have any influence?Brokers research think:

  货币政策稳定物价 直接融资占比提升 Monetary policy to stabilize prices for direct financing than ascension


⊙ guotai junan securities research institute

  一、金改规划的两大量化目标 a/Gold change planning two big quantification target


Gold change planning mainly has two big quantification target,One of the main target is total finance sustain steady and fast growth.All-round development of financial services,"1025"Period financial services sector accounted for the proportion of GDP remain at around 5%,Social financing scale maintain moderate growth.


Since 2005,The financial industry of GDP than continue to rise,2009 years of financial industry than GDP has more than 5%,2009-2011 years of financial industry than GDP has been maintained at more than 5%,therefore,"1025"Maintain and improve during the financial services in GDP is 5% of the target can be realized.


2009-2011,Financial services in the GDP accounted for stable than at around 5%.hypothesis"1025"The name during economic scale grew by 15% a year,By the end of 2015 the financial services industry added value of 42 trillion yuan of above.


Gold change planning another main objective is to"1025"The final,Non-financial enterprises of our country direct financing accounted for the proportion of social financing scale increased to more than 15%.


Non-financial enterprises of our country direct financing is divided into debt financing and equity financing,Over the past ten years non-financial enterprises of our country direct financing growth is very rapid.Non-financial enterprises of our country direct financing/social financing ratio growth,In 2011 reached 14%,2012 years ago the accounts for July than has surpassed 15%,Up to 15.3%.In credit growth is slowing/In the process of the development of bond financing,The enterprise of direct financing than social financing amount to more than 15% and can be in"1025"Done during target.The future credit growth will slow for a long time,The stock market downturn will limit the relative enterprise equity financing,Corporate bond financing will be in the future a long period of time gradually become the main mode of enterprise financing,Its importance will gradually over credit and equity financing.

  二、货币政策突出稳定物价 two/Monetary policy outstanding stabilize prices


"1025"period,Currency regulation will be more outstanding price stability target.As the macroeconomic regulation and control policy,The policy to the starting point of gold in the change[planning]Put forward eight major policy point of strength first.


China's monetary policy has been much targeting,Among them maintain economic growth/Maintain price stability is the most important two goals.Currency regulation more outstanding price stability target,Means that the inflation target in the central bank monetary policy than ever before the weight is increased.


The current inflation environment actual moderate,Comprehensive to see in September CPI is expected to 1.9%,The food chain is 0.7%,Up to 3.0%;The food chain is 0.2%,Up to 1.4%.In the current inflation environment,Monetary policy in existence space to relax.In the federal reserve QE3 driven,Commodity prices will remain in a higher level,But as long as domestic monetary policy to keep a proper,The domestic inflation level will still is mild.

  三、推进利率市场化改革 three/Promote market-oriented interest rate reform


Gold change planning emphasizes"To promote financial market benchmark interest rate system construction,Shanghai further play to the interbank loan interest rates reference role,To expand its market products in the application,Improve the long-term market yield curve", etc.


With the interest rate marketization process of the expansion,Financial products off-balance sheet business development,And commercial Banks to compete for deposit to benchmark deposit rate to rise,Market interest rates and the difference between the benchmark interest rate has been very clear,To SHIBOR as the importance of market benchmark interest rate continuously improve.

  四、完善人民币汇率形成改革 four/We will improve the RMB exchange rate reform


Gold change planning emphasizes"We will improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism,Gradually make the yuan convertible under capital accounts,Further improve the foreign exchange reserve management".


In the interest rate marketization and RMB internationalization synchronous propulsion era,In the exchange the RMB exchange rate fluctuation change level increase flexibility/Increase currency swap/Vigorously develop offshore RMB market/The development of renminbi derivatives,These are the details of the operation.


Along with the advancement of RMB internationalization,The and offshore RMB exchange rate movements more and more highly consistent.Since since December 2008,The people's bank and South Korea/Japan/Middle East/Australia/Asean and other countries and regions signed currency swap,RMB currency swap scale rapid growth.

  五、金融宏观审慎监管 five/Financial macro prudential supervision


Gold change 1025 planning emphasizes the currency credit and liquidity management and total amount control and strengthen the combination of macro prudent management.In 2008, the international financial crisis after the outbreak,Constructing macroscopic prudent policy framework become one of the focal points of international financial reform.Macro prudent policy refers to prevent systemic financial risk as the goal,Mainly USES the prudent tool,With the necessary management framework for support of relevant policies.Macro prudent policy is macro/Countercyclical policy,The goal is to better prevention and management span the time dimension and the multi-industry dimension of the whole financial system risk,The financial system to solve the economic cyclical and systemic risk concentration of problem,Make up for microscopic prudential supervision and traditional monetary policy tools to prevent systemic financial risk insufficiency.


therefore,The future and the macro economic and financial system regulation will be more solid and comprehensive,Microscopic prudent/Macroscopic prudent/The traditional monetary policy are combined with each other.

  银行业:进入大有可为战略机遇期 banking:Enter the have a brilliant future period of strategic opportunities


⊙ Orient securities research institute


Major opportunity period embodied in the financial industry function greatly strengthen,Rather than total growth.[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning]Does not require financial speed growth,Only expresses the value added of the financial industry than to keep at around 5%.But to strengthen the function put forward a full range of requirements:(1)Promote the main structure of the diversified financial institutions,Plans to"1025"The final will be of direct financing than from 11% to more than 15%."The bank/securities/Insurance and other major financial industry industry structure and organization system is more reasonable",Namely expand securities/Insurance not silver body weight.(2)The allocation of resources more by market and non-bank to complete,"The market in the allocation of financial resources to further strengthen the basic role".(3)The above two aspects is straighten out the problem of quantity,And on the price,"Interest rate marketization reform made obvious progress,The RMB exchange rate formation mechanism to further improve".(4)Financial institutions growth point is that financial innovation,"In order to improve the financial service ability and efficiency as the basic purpose,Encourage and strengthen financial organizations/Products and service mode innovation".


New regulatory framework means countercyclical credit availability has become the past tense."To establish/Perfect countercyclical buffer capital and prospective provision system","According to system importance financial institutions set up more strict capital and liquidity requirements",These mean that the bank countercyclical credit availability will bear huge cost.


The silver growth opportunities significantly greater than the bank.from[planning]The phrase can see:"perfect"Banking system,"encourage"Built modern insurance,"Active support"Securities companies do best and stronger.China's financial structure height imbalances,The main policy differences is to correct the main structure of the imbalance.


Administrative promote bank business differentiation.Bank supervision on business performance of the alienation of guide tendency:To construct a group of good brand image and the international competitiveness of a large commercial bank;Encourage small and medium-sized commercial Banks to choose reasonable market position,Improve the sustainable development ability and competition ability;Promote the local small and medium-sized commercial Banks more focus on community residents and small micro enterprise financial services.


Investment strategies and Suggestions:The expected future of China's financial industry will have fast to strengthen the function of the period of strategic opportunities,The silver financial proportion is expected to rise significantly.The banking industry will continue to have the total amount of growth but than will decline,And between the different bank strategic difference degree will significantly expand.Continue to recommend long-term strategic advantage of minsheng bank(600016,guba)/Bank of communications(601328,guba)Bank shares, such as.

  证券期货业:最直接受益于金融创新发展 Stock futures:The most direct benefit from the development of financial innovation


⊙ countries gold securities(600109,guba)institute


Compared with"11th five-year plan"planning,"1025"Planning more clearly show that support securities company"Do best and stronger"attitude.Securities and futures company is still financial innovation and development is the most direct benefit industry,But can look forward to the future of the innovation policy in more than expected.[planning]Put forward"1025"Period to"Encourage innovation,Speed up the construction of the multi-level financial market system","Speed up the construction of the nationwide unified supervision of the over-the-counter market"/"Explore establish international plate"/"The positive development of the bond market"/"To promote the development of futures and financial derivatives market",Securities and futures companies will as intermediary organizations actively involved,Share the financial industry development,Improve profitability.But can look forward to the future policy in the expected,Has launched innovation business only two melting/Straight investment business display profit contribution.


will"Asset management business development"Ascension to important height,Financial market development securities under information tube with opportunities challenges.Supervision layer to"The development of the asset management business/Expand institutional investors"Attitude is very clear,[planning]Puts forward to want to"To promote the venture investment and equity investment institutions healthy development,The normalized development of private equity institutions.Encourage a securities company/The fund management companies, and other financial institutions continue to expand the asset management business,Timely research push the futures companies in asset management business".We expect,Regulators to relax after a securities company asset management business investment area,Will also expand public offering fund investment scope.We also bold speculation,"1025"Period will have generalized asset management business development.In the face of the expanding of investments/Product form,As well as from the bank/trust/Public offering of competition,Brokers endowment tube with opportunities challenges.


Other non-bank financial:Futures benefit products promote + business innovation,Will have new prosperity;Rural financial institutions and small credit company won the support;Trust and financial leasing no explicit reference.


futures:[planning]Explicitly support"Futures companies through the merger and reorganization/Increase endowment spread, etc further expand scale and strength,Promote quality futures companies to carry out overseas futures brokerage business/The asset management business, etc".In addition,industry"To promote the development of commodity index futures/Commodity option/Crude oil futures/Carbon emissions futures, etc,Timely launch t-bond futures,The active and steady development of other rights and interests kind financial futures and options products,And interest rates/Currency futures option financial derivatives products, etc",For the futures industry prosperity and development to create a good opportunity.


Rural financial institutions and small credit company:Financial 1025 planning emphasizes the weak areas of financial support,Focus on the rural financial and small micro finance field.[planning]mentioned"Support the establishment of private participation in village bank/Loan company/The rural mutual cooperatives and so on the new rural financial institutions and petty loan company",To strengthen the"Agriculture, countryside and farmers"And small micro enterprise's financial services.


trust/lease:"11th five-year plan"Planning mentioned:"The trust and investment companies will be provide asset management/Financial advisers and other services professional financial institutions.Play a financial leasing company in enterprise technology update/Equipment transformation and small and medium-sized enterprise financing, such as positive role,Encourage commercial bank shares or to set up financial leasing company",During the trust and financial leasing company really won the high speed development.and"1025"Planning to trust and financial leasing industry did not have the key point mention.


Investment advice.Securities industry:Value industry long-term development trend,But from the Angle of investment strategy is still suggest careful with short-term rebound.Industry at present business is not have produced the basis of market trend,Recommend combination:Valuation security + performance low risk,To maintain citic securities(600030,guba)/Haitong securities(600837,guba)And Yangtze river securities(000783,guba)recommendation,Still can pay attention to high elastic + performance improvement trend good soochow securities(601555,guba).


Futures industry:Products promote + business innovation,Will enable the futures industry into a new round of high-speed growth,Continued good futures industry's later development,Recommend Chinese middle(000996,guba)And zhejiang east(600120,guba).
