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Combined with new structure economics theory,Should be through the"Beyond the Keynesian",Carried out large-scale global infrastructure investment plan,In order to reduce the economic crisis


In June 2012,Justin yifu Lin former world bank senior vice President/The position of chief economist,From Washington back to Beijing university green garden,With the national development research institute of Peking University honorary President of the identity retry pointer.


The bank's work four years,He is the world bank President Robert zoellick's chief economic adviser,At the same time for development economics research.Based on the deep research in the world and academic thinking,Justin yifu Lin further perfected the backward countries late-development advantage theory,And its sublimation for"The new structure economics".He hope that through this theory,In the new classical economics"Total balance"Based on,Innovation into"structure"concept,Adhere to the developing countries and developed countries than its comparative advantage depends on their respective factor endowment consistent position,After the financial crisis for global economic growth open new prescription.


Returned after three months,Justin yifu Lin in the four years in the research results published collection,[The new structure economics]/[Prosperous search]/[From the west to the east]And so on the work caused attention from all walks of life,Also trigger some academic debate.in[From the west to the east]book,Justin yifu Lin system analyzes the causes of the financial crisis in 2008,Combined with new structure economics theory,Through the"Beyond the Keynesian",Put forward"Large-scale implementation of global infrastructure investment plan/For poor countries to bring new opportunities,For developed countries out of the crisis to create conditions"Policies advocated.He's still in the Keynesian"Class ko"On the basis of monetary hypothesis,Founded in put forward paper gold for the global reserve currency reform ideas.


The book through to both economic theory/The cause of the crisis subversion and rectification,In the economic circle both at home and abroad caused more and more attention.In this argument,Justin yifu Lin had and more than Nobel economic prize winner,For example SiDiGeLiCi/Gary becker/Buddha Kruger/HeKeMan/MaiErXun etc.of academic debate.


A few months,Justin yifu Lin is still in public clarify many times to China's economic development present situation and the future trend of the view.He thinks,2008 years after the Chinese government leading"Four trillion"Stimulus package on the whole more good than harm;According to the economic growth is the technology innovation and industry upgrading facts,China's current will need to investment primarily to pursue the developed countries;, in/Korea/China Taiwan economy use of advantage of backwardness of development experience,Mainland China the next 20 years there are still grew at an average annual rate of 8% of the potential.


Golden autumn,Justin yifu Lin twice to accept[financial](blog,Micro bo)interview,New structure economics/Financial crisis causes/"New Marshall plan"/The international monetary system reform/China's development road, and other questions proceed system interpretation.He expects to laozi's"Often no"Mentality look at the world,So as not to"Lesson before,Tao hua and the beginning of fools"Blemish of.


Huainan for orange,Huaibei thunb for.He thinks,Some developed countries both economic theory,Is not completely suitable for developing countries,Cannot simply copy,Besides the developed countries theory itself is constantly in the development,The old theory unceasingly for the new theory sublation.


 上篇:寻求增长新动力 Retrospection of:Seek the new growth

  失衡之源 Source of imbalance


[financial]:In the latest issue of you[Ontology and frequently have no:The dialogue about economics methodology]Presented in the book,Should be"Often no"Mentality economics problems,Why study economics to hold this state of mind?


Justin yifu Lin:This book is about the methodology.Begin from 1995,I advocate China economics research must be localization/standardization,Then is the internationalization.


Theory is a simple logic system,Theory must first internal logic to self consistency.All theory in explaining the phenomenon behind several variables causal relationship,A combination of theoretical reasoning must follow to explain the phenomenon of consistent.Natural science is relatively easy to refutation,Because it can be controlled test.Social science refutation to some difficult,In this process,All kinds of questions/Arguments are unavoidable,This is also the process of falsification.


About 2008 this round of the cause of the financial crisis,Foreign theorists and the media is generally believed that comes from international trade imbalance,And the trade imbalance is caused by the east Asian economy.There are many theoretical hypothesis.including:East Asia's export orientation strategy;For holding,Rely on exports of accumulate a large amount of foreign exchange;The exchange rate for the renminbi is undervalued.These theory in logic can self consistency.but,We can also build a few theoretical hypothesis,Such as:The United States financial institutions, high leverage and low interest rates,Cause a real estate bubble and excessive consumption;or,China faces the upcoming an aging population,Will surely increase savings;Major economy structure distortion,such.therefore,Cannot because a theoretical logic self consistency will think it is right.


[financial]:On the analysis of this financial crisis when causes,East Asia/Especially in China by most criticism.In your opinion,These criticisms though logic self consistency,But with the facts?


Justin yifu Lin:Some scholars put forward,The international balance of payment,China has accumulated a large number of foreign exchange,And with this the power to purchase the developed countries such as the United States government debt,Down interest rates,Virtually encourage various speculation,Including blow the big real estate bubble.In addition,For a long time,East Asia economic implementation guide of export policy,East Asian countries and learn from the Asian financial crisis in the teaching of the lack of foreign exchange,Cause rising export,Trade accumulation too much,The consequences of the crisis.


These scholars see only part of the problem,This call"The blind man feels like",Even some people know what the problem is not from east Asia,Just out of political interest considerations,This call"deer".


[financial]:In fact,East Asia and China is not the main reasons of this financial crisis?


Justin yifu Lin:I think,The above is just one side of the phenomenon,Rather than cause.


Implementation of the east Asia's export orientation strategy is not nearly 10 years of things.The s after the day/Korea/Chinese Taiwan area,And after the reform and opening of China are export orientation strategy implementation,But global trade imbalances in just over the past few years things.Can't use a have used the five hundred and sixty strategy to explain this decade happen.


if,International trade imbalances is east Asia in order to accumulate foreign exchange and"holding"results,So how to explain happened in Japan and Germany?The Japanese yen and the euro is the international reserve currency,Can completely by printing money to pay for all kinds of needs,Do not need to rely on accumulation of foreign currency holding.But since the new century,They trade surplus increase amplitude and east Asian economies quite.In Japan, for example,In 1993-1994 years of foreign exchange reserves of about 100 billion dollars,In 2006, to $1 trillion.These no captive nations that need,Foreign exchange reserves increase why so many?visible,The above theory is not convincing.


[financial]:At the beginning of the new century in China after joining the WTO,The trade surplus soared indeed,Then aggravate the international trade imbalances.


Justin yifu Lin:This international an important explanation is was undervalued,This is the first Japanese scholars put forward in the spring of 2003.The autumn,The United States to join this"chorus".but,China's trade surplus in more than 1997 and 1998 less.In 1997 and 1998,Most of the international community that the yuan is grossly overvalued.This is not contradictory?


Mainland China to the trade surplus greatly expanded,Is 2005 years later,But in 2005 to 2008,The exchange rate for the renminbi has risen 20%,By rights China's trade surplus with the us should be substantially reduced,But in 2005-2008 China's trade situation is opposite.


The above three hypothesis that global trade imbalance,The us trade deficit to expand from east Asia.so,And east Asia economic competition of other countries in America's trade deficit than should reduce the accounted for.But in the 1990 s,The United States and east Asia's trade deficit account for 51% of the total amount of the us trade deficit,The first ten years of the new century,This accounts for more than 38% reduction.so,The us trade deficit caused by expanding and global trade imbalance reason not in east Asia.


[financial]:If you can understand it like this way,As the world's largest economy,The strong demand.Nearly 10 years,The United States needs further amplification,Is the root cause of the international trade imbalances?


Justin yifu Lin:The United States in recent decades not how general production consumer goods,This part needs to import from Japan,After the Asian tigers,Then turn to mainland China,This is the United States on east Asian deficit larger root.But since the new century,The us trade deficit is due to expand the domestic new policy cause.

  上世纪80年代以来,美国金融监管开始放松,欧洲也是如此,允许金融高杠杆运作,增加流动性。加上2001年,互联网泡沫破灭,美联储在18个月内26次降息,进一步释放了大量流动性。这些流动性,催生了房地产泡沫,产生了财富效应,鼓励家庭过度消费。同时, 因为阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争,美国财政赤字也大增。这是造成美国贸易逆差大量扩大的真正原因。

Since the 1980 s,The United States financial supervision began to relax,Europe is so,Allow financial high lever operation,Increase liquidity.Add 2001 years,The Internet bubble burst,The fed in 18 months and time to cut interest rates,Further release a lot of liquidity.The liquidity,Led to the real estate bubble,Produce the wealth effect,Encourage households to excessive consumption.At the same time, Because the war in Afghanistan and Iraq war,The United States financial deficit also soars.This is caused by the us trade deficit of the real cause of the expanding.


America's trade deficit can maintain such a long time,Because the United States is the international monetary reserves kingdom,Can print money to support all kinds of purchase/Services and debts.otherwise,The United States will appear the shortage of foreign exchange,Excessive consumption can't continue.


In addition to the U.S. trade deficit outside,High lever and loose monetary policy brought about by the huge liquidity also causes a lot of capital outflow.Global capital to the developing country's outflow in 2000, there were more than $2000,Growth in 2007 to $1.2 trillion.And the corresponding,Is not the international monetary reserves countries in the development of the country's foreign exchange reserves from 2000 in less than $1 trillion,Increase in 2007 to nearly $6 trillion.


In addition to monetary dollarization country,These from trade surplus or the capital inflows to the accumulation of foreign currency in the domestic circulation.therefore,Whether private or as China's foreign exchange reserves,Only two choices:One is to lock in the safe,There is nothing;Another is to invest in dollars for the domestic currency country,Of course is the United States,But this is not the American family because of excessive consumption,But the excessive consumption and excess liquidity/Capital flight after the fruit.


so,Trade imbalance or,Real estate foam or,Or financial crisis,The most fundamental problem is the dollar as an international reserve currency,In the domestic and international role role between the conflicts between,Only consider the interests of the former on the one hand,Eventually lead to a series of consequences.


宽松只是“镇痛剂” Loose is just"analgesic"


[financial]:Since the financial crisis,The fed even push three monetary quantitative easing(QE),The day also in quantitative easing,Developed economies interest rates have been reduced to minimum,But this failed to stop the global economic slowdown in the second degree.


Justin yifu Lin:The current focus is the European debt crisis."If Greece/Spain/Italy and other countries can not get the necessary short-term aid,Will soon collapse,Its influence may be less than the lehman brothers collapse more influence to the whole world.


but,Even the European central bank/The international monetary fund for these happen sovereign debt crisis countries to provide the necessary short-term aid,They if not internal structural reform,Reduce wage/Reduce the welfare level/Financial to leverage,The aid is only short-term response painkillers,Short march is,Long is September,The crisis will be in a more serious way back.


In the low interest rates and the push of quantitative easing,The dow Jones index has been restored to the level of 1998 years ago,Even higher,But the real economy did not recover,It also investors.


Now the real estate market in developed countries generally excess,Cheap money will not flow to the real estate,And will flow to the stock market.Without the support from the real economy,This will cause the developed countries the stock market bubble continuing happened/burst.In addition,Excessive short-term funds will also be a lot of going abroad,Not only high oil Fried/Food prices,There will be a lot of speculative capital flows to developing countries of the stock market/housing,Push high exchange rate.


High exchange rate will affect export,When the entity economic growth weakened,High stock market/The housing will become obvious foam.And bubble will burst,Thus speculative capital began to sing empty,A large number of idle funds to pull away.This kind of capital influx and gushed out,Can cause the development of national economy in the great fluctuation,To macroscopic decision-making difficult.

  未来10年、20年,国际经济可能出现所谓的“新常态new normal”,即经济增长率非常低、货币非常宽松、投资风险大但回报较低。

The next 10 years/20 years,International economic may appear the so-called"The new normal new normal",Economic growth rate is very low/Very loose monetary/Investment risk big but returns is low.


[financial]:Don't look too optimistic.We have interview with the President of the United States, a former chairman of the council of economic advisers/Chicago university professor, gul than,He thought that money loose of no help,Only structure adjustment can solve the current problems in economic development.


Justin yifu Lin:But structure adjustment faces many difficulties.First of all,Structural adjustment politically difficult to implement.Structural reform is in the long-term growth rate can improve/competitiveness/productivity,But in the short term will reduce demand/Reduce the economic growth rate/Increase unemployment rate.And the crisis countries the unemployment rate has been very high - Spanish unemployment reached 23%,The young man unemployment rate is above 50%.


In this condition,How they implement the reform of the increasing unemployment?Even if the government bite the bullet carrying out structural reform,With unemployment rate increase,Social spending will increase,Economic growth rate reduce,The government's tax revenue and reduce,The government fiscal deficit continue to increase,Financial markets on the government's ability to service its debt suspicions,Government bond interest burden will further increase,This is hard to continue.


In addition,"Crisis of southern Europe countries don't have their own currency,Not through the currency devaluation to increase exports/Create demand and increase employment way to alleviate the crisis.Even if the euro depreciation,Also will run into the economic structure similar national race to currency devaluation.Before a,The European central bank has just announced to unlimited buy government bonds,In order to increase the money supply,Federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke on the bandwagon right now and the United States also will do it.The fed QE3 after launch,The bank of Japan/The bank of England and Australia's central bank has also join"company",This is the monetary competitive devaluation,Results all have no way through the currency devaluation out of the crisis.


[financial]:therefore,Analgesic can only be the contradictions push back?


Justin yifu Lin:Push back the result is contradiction is piling up,More and more serious.The government debt in the high unemployment/Under the condition of high social spending,Will accumulate very fast.As in Japan in the 1991 years of government debt is only 60% of GDP,Now has more than 230%,The United States also reached 100%.


 启动新马歇尔计划 Start new Marshall plan


[financial]:At the end of his rope without doubt road,Can be looking for a new path out of"The new normal"dilemma?


Justin yifu Lin:Perhaps away from her one more village.Can out of"The new normal"dilemma,I think is possible.


Crisis since in developed countries occur at the same time,Should take global countercyclical"Beyond the Keynesian"measures,That is the world in a positive fiscal policy,Invest in can eliminate bottlenecks/Short-term can create employment/Long-term to expand improve growth potential and competitive traffic/Energy infrastructure/The construction of the environment, etc,In order to increase demand.If the scale is big enough,The effect can be equated to the past individual countries in the implementation of the crisis the effect of currency depreciation,To the crisis countries create structure reform of space.


[financial]:But some experts worry about,"Deficit spending"Will ultimately be liquidated.


Justin yifu Lin:Traditional Keynesian economic circle in the west by the great question.When the high rate of unemployment,The government is using active fiscal policy"Dug hole complement hole"Create employment,This is called Keynesian active fiscal policy.But the government debt will be increased,The future must depend on the tax increase to pay the debts of the now.People in the future is expected to increase taxes,The current even with employment have income,In order to smooth consumption will start to increase savings.The government positive fiscal policy led to increasing public debt,But the total social demand and did not increase,Crisis still go not to go out.


I suggested"Beyond the Keynesian",The key is how to use public debt,To improve the quality of it,Short-term create demand/Create employment,In the long run is not"Dug hole complement hole",But to eliminate a country bottlenecks.this,The effective investment not only short-term to create jobs/Create demand,In the long run,productivity/Productivity and growth rate will increase,The government tax revenue will increase.Through the productivity/productivity/To improve the growth rate increased tax debt service,People will not increase the burden,The government can create employment/Create family income,Common people to spend money,All kinds of demand and increase.


[financial]:Investment in those traffic/Energy infrastructure bottlenecks/Environmental bottleneck project,Because the marginal benefit higher?


Justin yifu Lin:yes,Marginal benefit completely different.For example,New York to Washington's railway 220 miles,The train to go three hours,If it is high iron words a an hour was.From three hours reduced to an hour,Efficiency has been improved a bit.But and Africa some poor countries than no railroad,The same built high iron,Return is tall what is low?


[financial]:Including Africa, the infrastructure investment,For the global economic growth will bring the contribution of how?


Justin yifu Lin:The European commission estimated,The next 10 years to Europe infrastructure spending about $2.8 trillion.The United States civil engineers association estimates,The United States in the next five years $2.2 trillion is needed infrastructure investment.The world bank estimates that,Developing countries infrastructure investment demand of about $1.5 trillion a year.Other measure data higher,Only India in the next five years will need to $1 trillion,Latin America in 2030 to power demand about $430 billion.The Asian development bank estimates,Asian infrastructure investment demand of about $750 billion a year.


McKinsey &company prediction,In response to the continuous investment shortage,Population growth brought about by the expanding demand/The acceleration of urbanization and the effects of climate change,Asia over the next 10 years to infrastructure projects investment will reach $8 trillion.That is,Investment in the development of a country's infrastructure,Will make developed countries and emerging economies a place for excess capacity.


In 1947,,The American secretary of state Marshall proposed European recovery plan,for"World war ii"European infrastructure investment after provides the material guarantee,Led the recovery in Europe.Now if the startup new Marshall plan,Simulation calculation shows that,Infrastructure investment will increase in developing country's GDP growth of 7%,Global GDP growth of 2%.The global economy will from"The new normal"to"New normal",Developing countries in improving the growth rate at the same time,Developed countries will restore robust growth,Thus for structure adjustment to win time and space.


[financial]:but,New Marshall plan seems to be a response?


Justin yifu Lin:2010 Seoul G20 summit issued"Seoul common growth of the consensus",The article first nine measures is to developing countries infrastructure investment.but,The mainstream opinion think,The global economy is out of the crisis,So there is no practical action.That year October the international monetary fund (imf) annual meeting held when,Exit the proactive fiscal policies become a trend,I was reserved,Think out active fiscal time not to,Premature exit will make the recession again.therefore,More important is to improve the quality of active fiscal policy expenditure,I'm glad to see the 2011 international monetary fund meeting of the advice and I 2010 claim the same.


[financial]:so,Funds no?Especially investment Africa and other regions,Lack of money is more a problem.


Justin yifu Lin:The developed countries can be used for additional currency bill fiscal deficit,Can also use additional money to support infrastructure investment,The latter effect will be much better than the former.In addition,A large number of sovereign wealth fund/Pension funds need to find a higher rate of return on the project.Only the sovereign wealth fund at the end of 2008 management of financial assets estimated as high as $3.2 trillion,They have began to developing countries foundation project investment.Emerging markets private equity investment association estimates,Sovereign wealth funds only 18% of investment combination for its outside of the emerging market investment,Of which only small used for infrastructure.


In the current economic turmoil,Many have been regarded as safe inviting investment opportunities lost its appeal.The past pension funds generally invested in government bonds with capital market,Now in"The new normal"Under the background of,Bond with the capital markets are not reliable,Government bonds also increases the risk,Add capital market liquidity surplus/Under the background of interest rates lower,Rate of return on investment is very low,The risk is very big,All this makes the developing countries infrastructure investment on long-term investors more attractive.


From 2008 to now,Members to the international monetary fund financing about 1.5 trillion dollars,Alongside infrastructure investment and the European investment bank/The Asian development bank/Latin American development bank/The world bank and other institutions booster,Global new Marshall plan completely feasible.


[financial]:There is a investment African equity funds,To 2010 years to 27 Africa project investment of us $540 million,And these programs in 2010 but a total investment of us $3.6 billion.Does it mean,African market limited capacity?


Justin yifu Lin:In the short term the African market of course can't replace the European and American market.The United States economy accounts for about a quarter of global,Europe also accounts for about a quarter,Both add up to half of the global economy,While Africa economy accounts for only 5% of the total amount.


But look from the marginal revenue,African obviously more.If the African development quick up,It to capital goods/Consumer demand can increase,It needs capital goods and consumer goods,Just is China and other major economies can offer.Now U.S. European market growth even atrophy,Lead to mainland China and other emerging economies of overproduction,If the hands of excess capital/Machinery and equipment transfer go to Africa,This would also give emerging economies such as China provide ample opportunity.


 贫穷国家新机遇 Poor countries new opportunities


[financial]:New Marshall plan let a person think of new rural construction.The 1990 s China practice market economy after a period of time,Because the production of the phenomenon of quotas,Start to appear excess capacity,You have the paper puts forward the start large-scale rural infrastructure investment plans to digest excess capacity hedge measures.


Justin yifu Lin:yes,The reason exactly the same,This is the difference of structure.When you invest in Africa and other developing countries later,In addition to short-term investment have created the demand,The future local income increase,The consumption demand will increase,To China and other countries products demand will increase,Conducive to industrial upgrading.


[financial]:so,Industrial transfer and along"Echelon pattern"In the emerging market expansion?


Justin yifu Lin:This wave of industrial transfer,I prefer to call it"Leading dragon pattern",It and"Echelon pattern"Truth the same,Difference between the different amount.


In the past 20 years,China's export product composition happens a lot of change.In 1990,,China's export products,Primary products and chemicals accounted for 33.7%,Manufactured goods accounted for 66.3%;In 2009,,The former shrunk to 11.5%,The latter flash to 88.5%,Confirm the industrial upgrading.In 2011,,China's per capita GDP reached $5400,Is medium to high income countries,Equivalent to Japan in the 1960 s/Tigers in the early 80 s,Industry began to transfer the level when the.


Japan in the 1960 s the manufacturing employment is 9.7 million,In the 80 s South Korea is 2.3 million people,Chinese Taiwan area is less than 2 million people,Singapore has only 500000 people;Now China leading global manufacturing scale,Industrial workers estimate is that in 85 million to 100 million between them,So the Japanese/South Korea and other economies is"goose",We are"dragon".


Africa's population is about 1 billion,Manufacturing total employment but only around 10 million.If 10% of China's manufacturing jobs to Africa south of the Sahara,"Leading dragon"Phenomenon enough to make the region manufacturing total employment to quadruple.The same,Brazil and India appear industrial upgrading,Also be disclosed to other countries with low wages transfer employment opportunity.


[financial]:Manufacturing to labor cost lower area transfer,is"Echelon pattern"Essence of.But in mainland China as an example,Before reform and opening up,Is also the labor cost is very low,Industrial transfer does not occur,Economic development is very slow.


Justin yifu Lin:This is a good question.The development of the structure of the,Not much success,Failure is a lot.


I do research shows,From 1950 to 2008 years of 58 years,Only 28 economy's per capita income gap with the United States by 10% or more,Of which only 12 economies is not European countries,Also not oil or production small diamonds,This 12 most economies in east Asia.


The s,Structuralism in economics,Encourage common in agriculture as the foundation/Total economic output lags behind in the development of the country and in industrialized countries of advanced industry,Namely import substitution strategy or surpassing strategy.This idea is ambitious,But committed against the comparative advantage of the fatal error.


Because these products in the world do not have cost advantage,In the market competition to effectively,The governments in these countries to a large number of loss-making enterprises provide protection,Reduce the investment and operation cost,Including awarded monopolies in the domestic market/Down interest rates/Overvalued currency value/Control the prices of the raw materials, etc,Intervention funds to/Foreign exchange and raw material of common shortages.The results,The government has to through administrative channels for the enterprise directly provide resources,Including the socialist countries implement the national plan,And other developing countries implement credit rationing and investment/Industry access permission, etc.For ease of implementation,Many countries also rely on state-owned enterprise development goals industry.


Protection policy will also produce other cost,Such as domestic consumption product portfolio is not in conformity with the most efficient choice;Its economy because of lack of economies of scale production of a small amount of product,Market is divided,Efficiency also damaged.Protection policy also weaken the foreign enterprise competition,Encourage political background take in charge of domestic enterprises to form monopoly rent income,Increase investment and transaction costs.


I published in 1998[China's miracle]book,Detailed demonstrates the development strategy formation and later distortion:Heavy industry priority development strategy,Formed a distorted price of the macroscopic policy environment/And to plan as the basic means of allocation of resources system and no autonomy microscopic management system,Form the integral trinity of traditional economic system.This is also the development economics"Version 1.0".


[financial]:The market and the system is to solve the problem of the silver bullet?


Justin yifu Lin:Market leading right,But the market is not universal.so,Not so simple thinking.


In development economics"Version 1.0"After the fall of the,"Washington consensus"rise,Namely development economics"Version 2.0",Emphasis on developed countries do market system frame of reference,,Through the shock therapy healing,Hair for government intervention in the market..


I often talks to an interesting example:Chile has long-term in middle-income countries traps,Chile per capita income corresponds to the American 30% - 50%,The 1970 s pinochet after he came into power,implementation"Washington consensus",But after failed to develop new industries.Chilean boast industry,Such as wine industry/Salmon industry,Is basically in the 1970 s the government vigorously promote the development.


Before the early 1990 s,Intel's computer chips in most of Chinese Taiwan area production.Intel in order to diversify,Prepare in Latin America find a national factories,It took a fancy to Chile.But the Chilean government said,You will come to,Told me why?Intel said,Billions of/Tens of billions of dollars of investment,I want to infrastructure/Port guarantee,Chilean industry is mainly agricultural and mining,Human capital structure is not the same,You need to help me to form a complete set.The Chilean government says that not line,The market must be fair,I can't go to support you an industry.


The results,Costa rica accepted Intel's condition,Intel's investment and run to go there.


Developing countries if not able to see has comparative advantage industry is what,And according to the characteristics of the industry to provide the necessary infrastructure,Will lose opportunities for development.


Today, looking back development economics version 1.0 and 2.0 version of the failure,Should be the Chinese old saying goes:Huainan for orange,Huaibei thunb for.


[financial]:Then the success of east Asia,It is adhere to the theory of comparative advantage results?


Justin yifu Lin:In the 18th century ago,Western countries spend about 1400 years to realize double per capita income;To the 19th century later,This process with only about 70 years;To 20 century,It only needs to 35 years.Growth accelerated so rapidly,Because after the industrial revolution,Technology innovation accelerated,And agricultural society to the modern industrial society rapid transformation,All kinds of factors of production from the low value-added industry to high value-added industrial transfer.


Economic development is a continuous structure change process,This not only including industrial/Technology upgrade and economic diversification,It should include the employment structure change(Labor from low productivity departments enter high production department),and"hard"(tangible)Infrastructure such as roads/traffic/Port, etc,and"soft"(intangible)Infrastructure such as law/education/The continuous improvement of the financial, etc.Current economics research has vast amount of energy to focus on technology innovation,But for the same important structure change but not enough attention.


The industrial structure by factor endowment structure endogenously determined.Factor endowment structure constantly upgrade,From the relative shortage of capital into relatively rich,Labor from relatively rich into a relative shortage,Industrial upgrade and transfer, it started to accelerating.


Of the four small Asian dragons to industrial development has taken less than 40 years,Mainland China even faster.Development economists from which should be able to find the secret of success after,That is accord with the comparative advantage of export substitution strategy,Insist on the basis of the dominance of the market,The government is responsible for industrial upgrading and diversified development internal coordination problems/Externalities compensation on the make an issue of,In order to reduce transaction costs.I called the new structure economics,Also is the development of economics"Version 3.0".


[financial]:The problem is,The government how to effectively identify the comparative advantage and competitive industry?

  林毅夫:新结构经济学提出了“增长甄别与因势利导框架”(Growth Identification Facilitation Framework),为政策制定者在帮助企业顺利进行技术创新、产业升级方面设计了一套按部就班的方法,主要分为六个步骤:

Justin yifu Lin:The new structure economics puts forward"Growth discrimination and improve the occasion framework"(Growth Identification Facilitation Framework),For policy makers in the help enterprise smoothly technology innovation/Industry upgrading design a set of step-by-step method,Mainly is divided into six steps:


a,Find reference model.usually,As a reference model of the country and country have similar factor endowment structure,The rapid development of the past two hundred and thirty years,By imitating industry products and services in the reference countries have successfully production more than 20 years.This kind of industry in the kingdom with reference to the sunset industry,It is their own sunrise industries.


two,See if existing domestic private enterprises spontaneously enter the first step selected new industry.It means that the enterprise has identified this industry has comparative advantage,The government may consider giving priority to the development of the industry,Help enterprise development and other enterprises enter,Eliminate infrastructure bottleneck restriction,To reduce transaction costs,Make the industry rapidly with the domestic and international competitiveness.


three,If the selected industries in domestic is new,The government can attract reference countries of the enterprise to invest,They will have aggressive use of local cheap Labour.The government should do is to solve the bottleneck of the foreign capital enterprise investment barriers,At the same time take facilitate domestic private companies in these industries measures.


four,Because of technical progress speed,Some new industry recently appeared,In addition to the first step has chosen the industry,The government should also pay attention to domestic enterprises of the spontaneous innovation,Find a market potential of the innovation should be to help the enterprise to solve first in further development on the various obstacles.


five,According to the developing countries with poor infrastructure/The synchronous improve difficult reality,Industrial park set up local improvement,Industrial park and encourage the superiority of industry agglomeration.And the same development degree national competitive advantage is professional,Need to have industry cluster.


six,The government of have comparative advantage industry leading enterprise offer certain compensation incentive:Can be a period of time inside of enterprise income tax exemption,Or provide mutual investment funds,Or get foreign exchange priority for the import of key equipment,Or priority for financial services.


Generally speaking,In the tide of market and enterprise is chunjiang plumbing duck prophet.but,A single enterprise can not solve the industrial upgrade will be produce the coordination and the externality problem,The government in this aspect has the advantage.therefore,The hand of government role indispensable,Structure socialist period is Thursday,Washington consensus is less than a period of judah.


[financial]:Include sub-saharan African countries in poor countries,Will this round crisis in a rare opportunities for development?


Justin yifu Lin:Crisis namely transfer.Poor countries,Including abundant natural resources in the development of the country,In addition to ensure that resources are well managed wealth,Should also make some wealth into infrastructure and human capital,In order to promote the country to the resource sector diversified transformation,Create employment opportunities and realize the inclusiveness growth,And the"Resource curse"into"Resources blessing".


 国际货币体系改革路径 The international monetary system reform path


[financial]:Before you talked about currencies such as the dollar as a global reserve currency,One of their currencies and global currency role conflict between,This is the root of the financial crisis.Even through the new Marshall plan promoting global win-win,But not in addition to know the disease,The same crisis may happen again.


Justin yifu Lin:indeed.The bretton woods system began in 1944,Determine the various countries' currencies against the us dollar exchange rate,The dollar and gold formation $35 per ounce of fixed exchange rate.The system collapse in 1973,Gold out of the international monetary system stage.But no matter in the breakdown of the bretton woods system before or after,Whether fixed or floating exchange rate system,As long as one country currency continue to act as the role of international currency,As a currency reserve countries its interests and global interests conflict will continue to exist.


The collapse of the bretton woods system causes,With this as the financial crisis,Roots in the United States:Because of the Vietnam war financial needs and President Johnson's"Great society"Plan to bring social spending growth,The United States macroeconomic policies to expand obviously,Deficit widened,The results lead to monetary gold reserve in 1968 encounter speculative attacks.


In a few years after the fluctuation,The breakdown of the bretton woods system.


[financial]:It is to see the current international monetary system defects,RMB internationalization begins to accelerate.Multiple reserve currency system seems to be a good choice?


Justin yifu Lin:Don't,Multiple reserve currency system risk greatly.From essentially,It is still a country currency act as global buried single person role.


Multiple reserve currency system if can stability,Need international reserve currency countries economic structure without major defects.But the United States/The European Union and Japan,And emerging economies,Which countries and regions does not exist structural problems?As long as the structural problems,The country's currency will be by speculative attacks.


Last year the debt crisis occurs,Swiss francs and the yen become hedge currency,A large number of hot money inflows,These two kinds of international reserve currency rapid appreciation.While emerging market is in a large number of hot money inflow later,Then a large number of outflow.This massive inflow/outflow,With the domestic economic environment and interest rates not fundamentals.For example, Brazil,In a large number of capital inflow and outflow situation.


The current international monetary system of another inherent instability,In the international investors"Herd behavior"mode.Mutual funds/Pension funds and hedge funds will enlarge the initial fluctuations,Lead to large-scale capital flow and exchange rate and interest rate greatly fluctuation.Security of supply and demand unbalanced assets,May through the"Short-term fluctuation intensifies/Herd behavior and sovereign debt run"A variety of ways such as impact global financial stability.


[financial]:But as an international currency reserve kingdom,With mint tax income.


Justin yifu Lin:Can't understand,Mint tax income difficult to exchange rate fluctuations risk.At present,The dollar being the world's main reserve currency,Every year mint tax income in 800 to $90 billion.And mint tax only by participate in currency basket countries share,The future if the dollar/euro/The yuan a situation of tripartite confrontation,Each party mint tax revenue but $30 billion.In the capital account open cases,Sharp exchange rate fluctuations,The large amount of money in and out of risk far more than the mint tax income.


[financial]:In other words,If the international monetary system not reform,RMB internationalization should postpone or tight control of scale?


Justin yifu Lin:yes,But high fencing,The flood block in dam external.Considering the risk,In Keynesian the"Class ko"Based on the idea of currency,I suggest that creating a future international currency,It has the flexibility of notes,Enough with the world economic growth to provide enough liquidity,At the same time and gold similar commodities such as,Belong to the state monetary system outside of the currency.This money can keep stable exchange rate,And won't cause gold standard deflationary trend,I will be named for"Paper gold".


Paper gold if become an international reserve currency,From an international central bank issued according to the international agreement.Countries would be agreed to,Paper gold can be used for all products/service/Commodity and stock international settlement.Paper gold will play in international trade value storage/Trading intermediary and the role of accounting standards.


Paper gold supply will strictly abide by the friedman's K scaling law(Or revised Taylor rule),The basis is to the world economy and trade growth assets prediction,The exact numerical value K by founding international agreement established independent experts committee decided to.


Paper gold COINS tax can be used to pay international issue institutions operating cost,And used for the payment of the global public goods production.


Countries can keep their currencies,But must and paper gold to establish a fixed exchange rate.Exchange rate parity adjustment need to get the permission of the international monetary institution,And can only be in the balance of payments imbalance of the.


Paper gold reserves and the current reserve currency issuing countries of the foreign exchange reserve/gold/Special Drawing Rights and pre-defined a certain number of domestic currency exchange combination.Countries can use to paper gold for the face value of the fund trade international payment imbalances.


[financial]:3 and a half years before,The people's bank of China governor zhou xiaochuan also once put international monetary system reform ideas,He talked about the international monetary fund"Special Drawing Rights",This and you said paper gold have why to distinguish?


Justin yifu Lin:Special Drawing Rights is a reserve currency in the currency of the country as the foundation,so,Currency reserve countries its interests and global interests conflict will continue to exist,Fundamental contradiction still are resolved.


[financial]:In the 1940 s,The bretton woods system of construction,The American economy accounted for half of the total amount,Now although shrink for a quarter of the weak,But still to the international monetary system reform have quite big influence.The eu economy accounted for another quarter,With Japan and China,Reform is not easy.


Justin yifu Lin:"The new normal"under,Exchange rate fluctuations,The big money into big caused by the huge risk,Will make paper gold get more and more support.If the idea can't realize,Waiting for our,Will be a and a new crisis.Reforming the current monetary system or will therefore and follow.
