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小康·财智2012年第11期 A well-off · smartfortune 2012, p.22


planning|[Well-off · smartfortune]Editorial board

  民营企业 Private enterprises,

  中国经济的动力 China's economic power


Wen ︱ tower husband


The public ownership as the main,Private and other economic sector is a beneficial supplement,Is long to our country social economic composition of consensus.And in the old and new"Non-state-owned 36"in,Are mentioned:The folk capital has become an important part of the economy and society and an important force.But today,this"part"Data looks really amazing.

  “有益补充”的深远社会影响 "Beneficial supplement"The profound social influence


According to the national association of industry and commerce of the reference of the relevant departments of the state statistical data,Among the enterprise as a legal person,State-owned enterprises accounted for 2.4%,Private enterprises accounted for more than 90%,Private enterprises in the town absorb employment proportion of over 70%,Plus rural non-agricultural employment,In fact more than 85%;


Private capital of national economic operation capital sources of more than 60%.In 2011 the total investment in fixed assets is about 30 trillion yuan,the,State-owned capital is about 10 trillion,Accounted for 35.6%,And the private capital investment of more than 60%;


Another according to the state administration of taxation on May release data,This year on April 1 of the state-owned and state holding economies of the tax of enterprises accounted for 31.6% of the total amount of tax -- that is,The private enterprise has become China's tax subject;At the same time,The private enterprise's GDP contribution ratio is more than two-thirds.


today,Single from the data to watch,The private enterprise has become China's economic operation subject.In this many data,If can choose words,Some economists think,Employment proportion of this data is the key - so far,The history of China and the world can prove employment and working way is to people's social behavior affect the biggest key elements.


Someone said this image of the parable,In the end of the 19th century,Go to any one unit work,In the reception office"accusation"when,Will be asked that one sentence"You which unit,A letter of introduction not?"If workmen place unit is not state-owned,It may be slow idle,There are even may be questioned - because in that age,In the non-public ownership economy work,with"Fiddle around"Almost equal.And now,Business between people,Is often pass on a card,Few people will be in the first met when confronting explore whether you work in the state-owned enterprise.


In addition,In the Chinese familiar again/And can decide people life quality high and low some nouns,For example"Carry on"/"Wage differential"/"title", etc,All has faded out or only limited to the state-owned enterprises and institutions - because most of the private economy don't make professional title evaluation,Also have no"Carry on"Say - this shows,Most Chinese people work and life behavior,Indeed for the rise of private economy has been a great change.

  “有益补充”的地位问题 "Beneficial supplement"The status of


Because is"Beneficial supplement",The status of private enterprises has been more subtle.Federations of industry and commerce chairman HuangMengFu said,Private enterprises and state-owned enterprise compared,Face three unequal competition threshold,Respectively is industry admittance threshold/Government resources configuration threshold and include human resources, social resources threshold.


The industry admittance threshold on the surface for the state council respectively in 2005 and 2010, which issued by the old and new article 36,Clear non-public enterprises and state-owned enterprise shall enjoy equal treatment of market access and cancel,But in fact,Threshold still exist.


This can be seen from two aspects:


One is the latest release of Chinese top 500 private enterprises on the list,Almost all are manufacturing enterprise,Sometimes there are some real estate enterprise/Retail enterprises and other industries.If the contrast of the world top 500 enterprises of the top 10 list,You will find,In front of the row almost is oil/power/chemical/Aerospace enterprise monopoly - especially the top 10,Almost all oil companies.


The other is a,Although there are"Article 36 non-public"Published time is relatively late,The private enterprise into the new access industry still needs a period of reason,but"Glass door"/"Swing door"The phenomenon still exists.this,July[People's Daily]Article also pointed out,"Tell it like it is,Article 36 in implement new start on fast enough,Strength also is not big enough,Basic level construction of oral deteriorates,Both corresponding some policy effect produce hysteresis and damage,What is the market confidence to bring some negative effects."


For government resources configuration threshold,Federations of industry and commerce chairman HuangMengFu had made it clear,"Our country puts forward transformation of the mode of economic development has been more than ten years,The adjustment of economic structure and adjustment for more than ten years,But the goal did not realize,The main reason is that policy is still not in place.The government should will guide/Foster emerging industry funds from the administrative to socialization...The government's preferential policies/Fiscal support/Financial support to the advantage industry concentration and configuration."


He stressed that,"The government should reform the investment mode,To reduce as far as possible for the project's direct investment...To effectively utilize enterprise's QuLiXing,Will the main tightening force used to move the market,And not throw in some specific projects,Depend on administrative means to bring up a few pilot project"- because,Not only practical,And beneficiaries are often state-owned enterprises.


For social resource allocation threshold,The national political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Hong Kong Chinese chamber of commerce chairman of board of directors ChenJingWei have the Chinese people's political consultative conference said,"Corporation development up to now,Is not only the problems of financing difficulties of the,And employing difficult/Lack of high-end talent problem,And because the state-owned enterprises have more talent/energy/Land and other social resources of eminent domain",And lead to corporation is difficult to and state-owned enterprises competition.


These show that,The private enterprise's status in China's economy,Was still far from reaching and state-owned enterprises"equal"degree.

  富民的希望在于民营企业 Prosperous common people's hope is that private enterprise


HuangMengFu had earlier this year said,"China's miracle"Goals for the future should be the prosperous common people.Reason is very simple,Since 2008, the world economy since the outbreak of the crisis,It has been realized,Export-oriented economy road have run.But to expand domestic demand,There must be people's consumption capacity - only hidden in people,This road to go through.


and,HuangMengFu emphasize,Prosperous common people's hope is that private enterprise.Because private enterprises of the whole society in the proportion of the largest number of jobs.According to the statistical federations of industry and commerce,At present in private enterprises, the number of employment has reached about 150 million,And every year continue to absorb the more than 80% of the new employment personnel.In our country,More than 60% of the income of urban residents and rural residents income of nearly 40% are from salary income.And more than 70% of urban residents/More than 85% of the migrant workers in the private economy, employment is to say,The private enterprise the stand or fall of management state or not,Directly affect the making this goal can be realized.


secondly,From the macro perspective says,Tibetan abound people is the most efficient way of making use of capital.Central university of finance and economics folk financial group at the beginning of 2006 to 27 provinces and cities of the lending rate survey found,The national folk lending rate 16.4% on average,The debit to private enterprises,This shows that these funds after use rate of return at least in more than 16.4%,Far higher than 4% of national debt interest rates.


In addition,From the perspective of international trade competition said,In the framework of WTO,There are three kinds of commonly"voice",Respectively is technology/Resources and market.


the,Western countries occupy the main part of the technology,Most developing countries output natural resources,And we in the past export-oriented economy on the road,Mainly by human resources to win - also is cheap and high quality labor force.But as the population dividend gradually disappear,We want to continue to remain competitive,To realize the goal of industrial upgrading,Change made in China to created in China.


And hid abound people not only can let us have a population of one billion three hundred million big market,And still can promote to what advantage industry research and development - three times the industrial revolution history has shown,Impulsion from folk.

  问题、压力和未来 problems/Pressure and future


Even if the private economy has reached such an important position,Private enterprises still facing tremendous pressure.


Will be held on November 8 at the Chinese communist party congress 18,Referred to as 18 big,Its representative 2270 people list,Corporation representative 27 people,Renmin representative 131 people,Migrant workers representative 26 people.Even the 27 people,Also from the 16 big start,From scratch,From a limited amount.Although had predicted a direction,But in"delegates"This has the leadership in that group,Absolute quantity just one percent only.


In fact,Private enterprises are faced with high taxes and fees/Industry threshold/Problems such as unfair competition,In our for large corporation interview has bared,Part of the private entrepreneurs is not willing to continue to the next generation in his own business,Would rather let children go to the work or as civil servants.


If the private enterprises can solve the overwhelming majority of the people of employment,Let more people live and work in peace and contentment,Private enterprises will also act as the most important social stabilizer.But in the economic crisis comes,Corporation often bear the brunt.After the financial crisis/Credit crisis after a variety of test,Corporation because of lack of funds and policy strong backing,Survival state deterioration has become a reality.


Europe and the United States enterprise average survival time fixed number of year is 12.5 years,But China's private enterprises average life expectancy is only 2.9 years.Digital behind reflected is corporation survival is not easy.How to make the corporation in the active market at the same time,Can survive for long,Is also the main points of the policy support.


For justice/Fair environment expectations,Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise development promotion association President ZhouDeWen representative enterprise voiced their worry:Hope to have equally enterprise support policy,Policy have continuity/stability,The private enterprise's legitimate rights and interests are protected by law and property.It is the most basic of private enterprise survival rights cry.


In statistical the corporation when delegates,We found that only a small number of representatives of enterprise technology content is higher,Have their own patent technology,Such as sany(600031,guba)And heaven and earth weiye science and technology company,A large number of representative enterprise does not have its own patent technology;Part of the representative enterprise rely on low labor local solutions to the employment problem;Able to create their own brand is chicken hair water caltrop,Hongdou group such as.therefore,To civilian battalion enterprise itself,To realize the sustainable development,Independent innovation is crucial,Create your own brand/Have their own intellectual property rights,This is private enterprise real development direction and the fundamental way out.


In the eighteenth big corporation representative investigation interview also found,A large number of corporation representative is the first time was elected delegates,Don't adapt to their new roles and positioning.In the media interview when they have hope,They more chose to avoid attitude.This and other representative actively communicate with the media and the public,Present their views and opinions attitude,Formed a striking contrast.


Private entrepreneurs can be used as the delegates to participate in the eighteenth big,The private economy is a reflection of the attention.If entrepreneurs can on behalf of the enterprise and the industry,A voice,For the private enterprise's living environment calls for,And the ability to promote the policy issued and implemented,Push the society forward,For social stability to make their own efforts,That's what they participate in the congress of important significance.

  写在附录之前 Before written in the appendix


China since ancient times have"Then the eco-industrial"Social class division,the"quotient"In the last row,Have not prohibit also don't advocate meaning.


Although since the establishment of PRC,All previous national or the party's important meetings,Enterprise representative been occupies certain proportion,But in the real sense,The delegates are mostly state-owned enterprise leaders,On behalf of the state is to carry on the management of state-owned assets management,Is not entirely significance"businessman".


Since reform and opening-up,Private economy began to have the considerable development,So since 16 big began to have private enterprises since the representative,The number of private enterprise on behalf of increasing.According to public information display,The 18 in congress,The party member the leading cadre 1578,Production and work first line 692 party members.the,The central enterprise system a total of 131 people(Does not contain the nomination),Private entrepreneurs and people,A record.This from a certain extent, shows that the Chinese society is undergoing profound changes, this kind of change both the existing system innovation appeals,But also to China since since the warring states formed"Then the eco-industrial"The impact of the concept.


appendix:Since the 16th national congress, private enterprise representatives list

  及企业相关资料 And enterprise related material


16 big private enterprise representative list(seven)


1. LiuSiRong:Guangdong gilding the group co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


2. ShenWenRong:Jiangsu shagang co., the chairman of the company/President/Secretary of the party committee


3. SunShenLin:Chongqing south group chairman of the board of directors


4. ZanShengDa:Jiangsu variety group chairman of the board of directors


5. JiangXiPei:The far east group co., LTD., chairman and President


6. ZhuXiangGui:Senda group chairman of the board of directors


7. QiuJiBao:Leap group secretary of the party committee/The chairman of the board


17 large private enterprise representative list(17)


1. Wei tiny: guangxi bonus pharmaceutical limited liability company chairman


2. SunHongYuan: shanxi ooze new coke co., LTD., chairman and President


3. WangBo: hubei baibuting group President


4. WangGuiLian: jilin huaxing electronics group co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


5. ZhangYouRen: chengdu constant force magnetic materials company director


6. TuJianMin: jiangxi pingxiang iron and steel co., LTD., chairman and general manager


7. LiDengHai: shandong's sea seed industry(002041,guba)Co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


8. ChenXueLi: wei high group co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


9. A year: gansu all holy group chairman of the board of directors


10. Zhou hai jiang: jiangsu red bean share(600400,guba)Co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors/Hongdou group President


11. ShenWenRong: jiangsu shagang co., chairman of the board of directors


12. ZhuXiangGui: senda group chairman of the board of directors


13. ChenAiLian: zhejiang wanfeng, holding group chairman of the board of directors


14. LiangWenGen: trinity group co., LTD., chairman and general manager


15. WangJianLin: dalian wanda group chairman of the board of directors


16. PanGang: yili industrial group co., LTD., chairman and President


17. LiuChongXi: ningxia beauty the paper the chairman


Eighteen large private enterprise representative list(And a,Including classification and introduction)


Eighteen large private enterprise representative if according to China's industrial division standard to classify words,The second industry accounting for the largest number(See chart):


If the provincial administrative districts to differentiate,May see,From coastal developed economy/The private economy composition active representatives of the provinces is not occupy number advantage.


In addition,According to the national media to 18 large private enterprise on behalf of introduction can see,The delegates can be divided into five categories:


The fourth class mostly"Village official",The main achievement is successfully"The villagers"into"residents",And made a great contribution to the construction of urbanization of entrepreneurs,This kind of representative in the enterprise scale not big,Management and operation mode in the long run,May not accord with what we know"The modern enterprise"standard,Such as equity structure is clear,Management decision process is scientific, and many other aspects are worth discussing and discussed,And their respective model contain certain regional humanities characteristics,Replicability is not strong.


But there is no denying the fact is,They have successfully will each subordinate"The villagers"Become in fact"residents",Will his own country into a new town,So great social significance, perhaps this is they can elected 18 representative's reason.

  吴协恩,华西集团董事长 WuXie grace,West China group chairman of the board of directors


Jiangsu, west China group company has 12 big company,"agriculture/work/quotient/built/swim"Five industry,Collective assets exceeds 16 billion yuan,In 1996 by the ministry of agriculture evaluation for the national large-scale a township enterprise,The village a total of 380 households,1520 people,Area of 0.96 square kilometers.In 1999,,"Huaxi village"A shares listed in shenzhen,Huaxi village co., LTD., become the first named after the village of listed company.


West China group, the company existing staff 25000 people,Production flat/tropical/Color plate/wire/flange/fabrics/suit/Chemical fiber/Knitting dyeing and finishing, etc. Series of products.

  原贵生,龙门科技集团董事长 Original your life,Longmen technology group chairman of the board of directors


Longmen science and technology group is a gantry CunDangWei/Seat vigorously develop collective economy,With the common prosperity and create village enterprise.Longmen group leadership is also the main members every party committee,implement"Village enterprises one"Governance structure.


Longmen in coking industry as before,In order to realize the transformation of the cross,Onto the road of scientific development,Longmen village in reluctantly eliminated the pollution enterprise at the same time,Turn down the,Gradually formed a coal/coke/aluminum/electric/Building materials/transport/Tourism, and other seven big pillar industry,Realized by"Black economic"The change to circular economy.


LeiYang chau,Weinan China surplus industry &trade co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


In fact,The establishment of weinan China surplus,Is in order to deal with"By collective all land to all cities,The villagers by rural villagers to urban residents,Income by the agricultural income into industry and trade income"And so on three transformation and make initiative choice.The company is in the integration of the village more than 30 households private enterprise/More than 600 and industrial and commercial door, formed on the basis of,With an average annual output value is about 250 million yuan.

  刘春海,双街置业集团董事长 LiuChunHai,Double street real estate group chairman of the board of directors


Tianjin double street real estate group co., LTD. Industrial park,Was founded in October 1998,The park covers an area of 1200 mu,factory/Office building a total area of 30 square meters,Is located in the national science and technology park beichen technology park.Ten years,LiuChunHai set out to create the first a village of tianjin foreign small and medium-sized enterprise industrial park/The first a green ecology/The first piece of beichen district farmers residential area;The villagers annual per capita income of 2000 yuan by the original development to the present 20000 multivariate,For collective created huge wealth.


The second kind of representative characteristics is also very distinctive - their enterprise has certain regional,And often in local have very good public image,Including recruiting laid-off workers,Positive and the government in with the economic benefits at the same time can well give consideration to the public.therefore,Even if the scale of the enterprise is not very big,But in the local influence is big.


WangZhiXia,Changchun huitong driver training school principal


Changchun huitong driver training school was founded in 1997,In jilin province is driving training industry leading enterprises.At present,Huitong dribing school has more than 400 sets of various training vehicles,More than 500 employees.This enterprise not only help a large number of laid-off workers realized again obtain employment,Has also established a"Stranded poverty alleviation fund",Set up eight poverty alleviation the hardship group,In the enterprise internal for more than 50 family life the needy families placement.


At the same time,This enterprise has repeatedly been granted the driving the ministry of the industry's highest honor"The national civilization integrity/Quality service st"/"The national civilization driving school"/"The national private enterprise ideological and political work advanced unit"/By the provincial/City industry management department awarded"Model st promise"/Provinces and cities"Excellent basic-level party organization model".


FengYaLi,Hailiang group chairman of the board of directors/President/Secretary of the party committee


Hailiang group co., LTD. Is the copper processing/Metal trade/Energy conservation and environmental protection/Mineral development/Equity investment/Foundation education/Real estate as the main body of private enterprise group.Comprehensive strength in Chinese enterprise 500 strong 153th/China's top 500 private enterprises 13th.


The group zhejiang hailiang shares(002203,guba)Co., LTD. Is the largest copper tube/Tongbang r&d/One of the production and supply base,The world's largest alloy copper pipe production enterprises and international famous copper processing enterprises;Mineral development is hailiang group industrial adjusted key in the development of industry,Focus on developing of oil shale/K shale etc. Nonmetal mineral resources;Hailiang education group is zhejiang provincial bureau of industry and commerce official registration of large-scale modern education group,Covers kindergarten/Elementary school/Junior high school/High school/Study abroad prep school all learn segment of education,Is the national basic education stage largest/The highest grade of primary and middle school education group run by the local people.Now has three big campus,Teachers and students in school more than 18000 people.


HuangDanGong:More than large jade GanGuo limited liability company chairman


Big jade GanGuo more limited liability company is located in guangxi flat no Dan bamboo town.In 2000,,HuangDanGong from guangxi modern economic management major TV university after graduation,Follow in his father's footsteps,Use its father successfully produced patent product"Flat Dan"Brand big jade GanGuo more,On industrialization development road.In 2002,,She started guangxi big jade GanGuo more limited liability company,Will the big jade gump more fresh fruit production and processing into fruit wine/juice/tea/Preserved fruit/Preserved fruit, etc. Series of products.


The company registered capital of 2 million yuan,Total assets of more than 5000 yuan.The company has more than GanGuo comprehensive processing workshop of 25000 square meters;With years of processing 30000 tons of fresh fruit more than the GanGuo drinks/Fruit wine/Preserved fruit/Juice production lines such as;The existing staff of 160 people;Currently has 40000 acres of orchard,Seedlings base 250 mu can produce big jade each year more than 1.3 million plants above GanGuo seedlings.


HuangDanGong through the"The company + base + peasant household"model,Drive guigang/liuzhou/stream/baise/Yulin, 50000 farmers more than development GanGuo planting;For 26 poor village provide seedlings 2 million plants,Drive the poor 9283 households per capita income 585 yuan.The company become a national/Autonomous regions science demonstration base,Guangxi scientific and technological demonstration project base.


Liu ying,AXing record industry group company director


Chongqing AXing record industry(group)Co., LTD. Was founded in 1991,Is the collection food chain/Modern animal husbandry breeding/Food deep processing in one of the large private group enterprise.Have five subsidiaries/7 restaurants regular distributors,Food and beverage business a total area of more than 30000 square meters,And an area of more than 800 acres of agricultural cultivated/Slaughter and deep processing base,A staff of more than 1600.


Due to the chongqing AXing remember"Leading enterprises + base + rural professional cooperative + farm households"Cooperation development pattern,For local farmers of great help,So the enterprises in the local have great social influence.


The third class is the first industry make outstanding contributions on behalf of the science and technology enterprises.They often are not very well-known,But as a result of our country is a large agricultural nation,They I and the enterprise to the national food security the contribution made sure to get people's attention and affirmation.


LiDengHai,Denghai seed industry co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


LiDengHai 1970 start engaged in agricultural research so far,Corn breeding research nearly 40 years,and"The father of hybrid rice"Eponymous yuan longping,,Be kind of industry known as"South yuen north lee",called"China the father of compact-type maize hybrids".


In 1993,,LiDengHai laizhou city academy was established,In 1997,,And he set up the laizhou city sea's seed industry co., LTD,And in 2005 listed in shenzhen.By June 30, 2012 the company the total assets of 2.34 billion yuan.Seed industry in China top five third.now,Seed industry's sea in scientific research investment more than 1500 yuan,Have the annual 5 to 10 a corn varieties through the examination and approval of the innovation ability.The sea's seed industry becoming China's first innovative enterprise.The company developed"Super corn"Has been listed as ministry of science and technology"11th five-year plan"National science and technology support plan key project.


LiXiaoDong,Merchant photosynthetic crab industry co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors/Secretary of the party committee


Merchant photosynthetic crab industry was founded in 1999,In the domestic origination paddy rice technology;The river crab ecological seedling technique;The jellyfish factory seedling technique;Access to a number of national/﹑ provincial scientific research achievements/Invention patents and new varieties of aquatic products.


The company through the"The company + peasants + base"Business model,To order agriculture drive the farmer more than 10000 households.Company to join us households has reached 8400.At present, the company has assets exceeds one hundred million yuan,Has jurisdiction over 10 branch,A research and development center,A food processing factory and multiple cooperative breeding base;Have high quality health river crab fingerlings shall cultivate area of 400 hectares,Other species breeding area of 13000 hectares,Factory aquatic fingerlings shall workshop 30000 cubic water,Three consecutive annual output value of 80 million yuan of above,The year tax is more than 5 million yuan.


GeHao new,Fuyang xinfeng seed industry chairman of the board of directors


GeHao new is anhui countries famous large grain.When people go out to be workers/When the land of desertation,GeHao new but determined to pack to grain.For many years,He relying on science and technology,Benefited from the country and benefit policy,Vigorously develop high quality grain production,In the high yield of wheat planting/seed-breeding/Production and marketing cohesion, accumulated a wealth of experience,For local food increase yield and quality improvement and the development of rural economy play a good typical demonstration effect.


In 2009,,He grow wheat area of 10080 mu,Production of wheat 10.5 million jins.In 2009,,His wheat planting area increases to 11280.6 mu.GeHao new gained national"Agriculture, countryside and farmers characters"/"The large grain"/Fuyang city ten people in the news/Fuyang city outstanding rural practical talent honorary title.


The first kind of representative mostly from manufacturing enterprise,And the science and technology content is very high,Even in the international go up to also have a certain influence,The private enterprise is one of the leading enterprises,Including sany/Hainan airlines(600221,guba)/Gansu dayu/Heaven and earth and the great/Chongqing lifan spent no more, a number of other private enterprises:


LiangWenGen,Sany group chairman of the board of directors

  三一重工股份有限公司由三一集团投资创建于1994年,总部坐落于长沙经济技术开发区。自公司成立以来,三一重工每年以50%以上的速度增长。2011年,公司实现营业收入507.76亿元,同比增长49.54%;净利润86.49 亿元,较上年同期增长54.02% ;每股收益1.14元,同比增长54.02%。2011年7月,三一重工以215.84亿美元的市值,首次入围FT全球500强,成为唯一上榜的中国机械企业。

Sany co., LTD., the trinity group investment established in 1994,Headquarters is located YuChangSha economic and technological development zone.The company since its inception,Sany every year by rate of more than 50% growth.In 2011,,The company to realize the business income is 50.776 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 49.54%;Net profit of 8.649 billion yuan,A 54.02% year-on-year increase ;Earnings per share 1.14 yuan,Year-on-year growth of 54.02%.In July 2011,Sany to $21.584 billion market value,Raja global top 500 FT,As the only on this year's list China machinery enterprises.


At present,Sany in the world with 169 sales branch/More than 2000 service center/More than 7500 technical service engineer.In recent years,Sany successively in India/The United States/Germany/Brazil investment construction engineering machinery research and development manufacturing center.


On July 3, 2003,Sany listed in Shanghai;On June 10, 2005,Sany become the first successful reform of non-tradable shares and realize the full circulation of the enterprise,In China's capital market history.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry, machinery manufacturing industry


Time of founding:In 1994,




Capital scale:70.8 billion yuan


Patent number:More than 1200 items


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


note:"Media exposure"Is the basis for a more influential to the national more than 800 media reports the retrieval results made.the"A large number of reports"It is to point to have more than about media to make its reported,"rarely"Refers to less than 20 home media to make its reported.


ChenFeng,Hainan airlines board chairman of the board of directors


Hainan airlines co., LTD., hainan airlines group is the subordinate air transport industry group of leading enterprises,In China's securities market is A shares and B shares listed airlines at the same time.The company was established in 1993,Has reorganized the changan airlines/Xinhua airlines/Shanxi airlines,Is China's fourth largest aviation enterprise.


Due to the business diversification,In the process of enterprise scale expansion,Also exposed a series of problems.Hna group at present are the biggest problem with high leverage/Connected transaction of/Equity structure is clear - according to hainan airlines in the first half of 2012 earnings display,Although has carried on many times the financial structure adjustment,The company asset-liability ratio is still as high as 82%.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - aviation transportation


Time of founding:In 1993,




Capital scale:By June 30, 2012 the total assets of 82.158 billion yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


WeiJianJun,Greatwall motors stock co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


The Great Wall automobile(601633,guba)Co., LTD.,Is China's largest SUV/Pickup manufacturing enterprise,At the same time is in Hong Kong H shares and the mainland a-share listing of large private automobile enterprise.Subordinate subsidiary company more than 30,More than 48000 employees,At present the product covers harvard SUV/The Great Wall car/Wind jun pickup three category,In baoding base/Tianjin base with a total of 800000 cars and parts production capacity,Have the engine/Transmission of core parts independent supporting capacity.The Great Wall automobile twice in Forbes top Chinese enterprise 100 list;Four consecutive years ranked RongLie"China's 500 most valuable brands".


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - automotive manufacturing


Time of founding:In 1984,




Capital scale:By June 30, 2012,The total assets of 36.926 billion yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


LiYu dian,Guizhou areas south when the deputy chairman


In 2007,,When areas in south guizhou bijie,By yunnan areas steed vehicle co., LTD., a full investment,The merger of the bijie revitalize the carriage works,A horse in bijie areas the vehicle co., LTD,The registered capital is 520 million yuan RMB,The total assets of 6 billion yuan.


In May 2009,Horse areas by the state ministry of industry and information approval in bijie production car after qualification,In the same year December investment of 3.3 billion yuan,And the introduction of 22 home supporting manufacturers investment more than 30 one hundred million yuan,In bijie city small BaZhen more than 2000 mu land expropriation start the second phase of technical improvement project,Thus forming an annual output of 200000 cars of the light/Small card/Micro card,In 60000 a card,50000 a heavy card production capacity.In 2011,,Group production of various kinds of cargo 134000 vehicles,Realize output value 8.56 billion yuan,Sales income is 8.13 billion yuan.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - automotive manufacturing


Time of founding:In 2007,




Capital scale:The registered capital of 520 million


Media exposure:Dozens of media


TanChong,Chongqing lifan spent no more group secretary of the party committee


Industrial areas(group)A joint stock limited company for chongqing lifan spent no more holding co., LTD subsidiary,Founded in 1992,Based on scientific research and development/engine/Automobile and motorcycle production/sales(Including export)As its main business of large private enterprises.At present,Areas existing staff of 7695 people,Octave in Chinese enterprise 500 strong.


In 2009,,Industrial areas(group)Co., LTD., achieve sales income is 5.329 billion yuan RMB,Production and marketing engine 1.7302 million sets,Export is usd 275 million,Have effective patent 1631 items;Production and marketing motorcycle 662500 cars,In the national counterparts in the fifth;Production and marketing 43200 cars a month,Production and marketing through machine 407800 units,Chongqing municipality is private enterprise large taxpayer.


Industrial areas(group)Co., LTD., November 2010 in Shanghai stock exchange officially listed.Public offering of 200 million shares,Issue price to 14.50 yuan per share.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - the manufacture of motorcycles


Time of founding:In 1992,




Capital scale:Ended June 30, 2012 the total assets is 11 billion yuan


Patent number:More than 300


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


ChenXueLi,Neville high group co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


Neville high group by the disposable medical devices and drug as the leading factor,The development of military space/Real estate/Securities investment and five big industry,Holding subsidiaries shandong wei high group medical polymer products co., LTD. In Hong Kong in February 2004 to be listed on the gem,In July 2010, listed on the main turn.


The group has more than 400 kinds of/More than 30000 specifications medical devices and drugs,Mainly has infusion consumables/sutures/catheters/Stents and heart consumables/Remaining needle and all kinds of special needle/Biological implant/PVC and non PVC raw material and so on.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - manufacturing(Medical devices and drugs)


Time of founding:In 1988,




Capital scale:Total assets of more than 200 yuan


Patent number:More than 200


Media exposure:Dozens of media


DaiLin,Heaven and earth cause the chairman


Heaven and earth cause digital technology co., LTD. Was established in 1994,Binhai hi-tech zone is things networking high-tech enterprises,With the development of security monitoring product sales for the main business.


Heaven and earth cause institute has a number of independent intellectual property rights and core technology,Products and technology is widely used in the national traffic/Environmental protection/Security prevention and control/Public security organs, and other fields,And national rocket launch center/National tennis center/An xian/Shanghai world expo venue and other large-scale activities and security control.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - manufacturing(security)


Time of founding:In 1994,




Capital scale:Total assets of more than 200 yuan


Patent number:Patented/software copyright items


Media exposure:Dozens of media


WangJinShu,Shandong jade emperor chemical(group)Co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


Shandong jade emperor chemical(group)Co., LTD. Was founded in 1986,Only by a total assets of 80000 yuan village small factory started,It has become a set chemical research and development/production/sales/Logistics transportation in a body comprehensive enterprise group.Now has three production area/Nine subsidiaries/A provincial technology center/A provincial carbon five engineering technology research center,The fixed assets of 8 billion yuan,More than 4000 employees.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - chemical industry


Time of founding:In 1986,



  资本规模: 80亿元

Capital scale: 8 billion yuan


Media exposure:Dozens of media


WangDong,Gansu dayu water-saving(300021,guba)Group co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


Gansu dayu water-saving group co., LTD., founded in 2000,Is a collection of water saving irrigation materials research and development/manufacturing/Sales and water-saving irrigation engineering design/construction/The service is a body specialized water-saving irrigation engineering system provider.


The company has more than 2000 employees and is located in tianjin/lanzhou/xinjiang/Inner Mongolia/jiuquan/present-day/Dingxi areas etc. Eight greatest water-saving irrigation products production base/Water conservancy and hydropower engineering company and design institute,And nearly hundred marketing service branches at home and abroad,And in October, 2009 in to be listed on the gem.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - manufacturing


Time of founding:In 2000,




Capital scale:About 30 more than one hundred million yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


诒 xing sichuan,Modern science and technology group chairman of the board of directors


Hainan modern science and technology group co., LTD. Was founded in 1988,After 20 years of development,Modern group development for has the fixed asset more than 800 million yuan,The annual sales income is 1.1 billion multivariate,Import and export trade in more than $1000 in diversification management of enterprise group.Its core enterprise""International's"Already in February 2008 listed on nasdaq.


At present the modern group has more than 10 at home and abroad with the first-class level of flexible packaging film and color flexible packaging printing production line,With an annual capacity of 40000 tons,At present has become Asia's biggest coating film production enterprises and Chinese cigarette packaging film fixed-point enterprise.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - processing industry


Time of founding:In 1988,




Capital scale:Fixed assets of 800 million yuan


Patent number:16,Is a number of film products national standards makers


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


DingXinMin,Oriental holding group chairman of the board of directors


Oriental holding group is a highway bridge design/supervision/construction/Investment management as its main business,Gradually to coal development/Real estate/Travel fields expand business of large private enterprises,Under the east road and bridge corporation/The east highway industry group/Oriental real estate group/Oriental culture industry group and part of the investment company and subsidiary company.


The east road and bridge corporation has won the construction of Inner Mongolia and ordos(600295,guba)Many of the key city of highway construction and municipal engineering,Completed the huhhot east export highway/Huhhot airport highway autonomous region key highway project.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - building


Time of founding:In 1999,


province:Inner Mongolia


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


The second kind of representative characteristics is also very distinctive - their enterprise has certain regional,And often in local have very good public image,Including recruiting laid-off workers,Positive and the government in with the economic benefits at the same time can well give consideration to the public.therefore,Even if the scale of the enterprise is not very big,But in the local influence is big.


WangZhiXia,Changchun huitong driver training school principal


Changchun huitong driver training school was founded in 1997,In jilin province is driving training industry leading enterprises.At present,Huitong dribing school has more than 400 sets of various training vehicles,More than 500 employees.This enterprise not only help a large number of laid-off workers realized again obtain employment,Has also established a"Stranded poverty alleviation fund",Set up eight poverty alleviation the hardship group,In the enterprise internal for more than 50 family life the needy families placement.


At the same time,This enterprise has repeatedly been granted the driving the ministry of the industry's highest honor"The national civilization integrity/Quality service st"/"The national civilization driving school"/"The national private enterprise ideological and political work advanced unit"/By the provincial/City industry management department awarded"Model st promise"/Provinces and cities"Excellent basic-level party organization model".


Enterprise own industry:The third industry - education training industry


Time of founding:In 1997,


province:Jilin province


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


FengYaLi,Hailiang group chairman of the board of directors/President/Secretary of the party committee


Hailiang group co., LTD. Is the copper processing/Metal trade/Energy conservation and environmental protection/Mineral development/Equity investment/Foundation education/Real estate as the main body of private enterprise group.Comprehensive strength in Chinese enterprise 500 strong 153th/China's top 500 private enterprises 13th.


The group zhejiang hailiang shares co., LTD. Is the largest copper tube/Tongbang r&d/One of the production and supply base,The world's largest alloy copper pipe production enterprises and international famous copper processing enterprises;Mineral development is hailiang group industrial adjusted key in the development of industry,Focus on developing of oil shale/K shale etc. Nonmetal mineral resources;Hailiang education group is zhejiang provincial bureau of industry and commerce official registration of large-scale modern education group,Covers kindergarten/Elementary school/Junior high school/High school/Study abroad prep school all learn segment of education,Is the national basic education stage largest/The highest grade of primary and middle school education group run by the local people.Now has three big campus,Teachers and students in school more than 18000 people.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - manufacturing(metallurgy/mining)


Time of founding:In 1989,




Capital scale:Total assets of more than 300 yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


HuangDanGong:More than large jade GanGuo limited liability company chairman


Big jade GanGuo more limited liability company is located in guangxi flat no Dan bamboo town.In 2000,,HuangDanGong from guangxi modern economic management major TV university after graduation,Follow in his father's footsteps,Use its father successfully produced patent product"Flat Dan"Brand big jade GanGuo more,On industrialization development road.In 2002,,She started guangxi big jade GanGuo more limited liability company,Will the big jade gump more fresh fruit production and processing into fruit wine/juice/tea/Preserved fruit/Preserved fruit, etc. Series of products.


The company registered capital of 2 million yuan,Total assets of more than 5000 yuan.The company has more than GanGuo comprehensive processing workshop of 25000 square meters;With years of processing 30000 tons of fresh fruit more than the GanGuo drinks/Fruit wine/Preserved fruit/Juice production lines such as;The existing staff of 160 people;Currently has 40000 acres of orchard,Seedlings base 250 mu can produce big jade each year more than 1.3 million plants above GanGuo seedlings.


HuangDanGong through the"The company + base + peasant household"model,Drive guigang/liuzhou/stream/baise/Yulin, 50000 farmers more than development GanGuo planting;For 26 poor village provide seedlings 2 million plants,Drive the poor 9283 households per capita income 585 yuan.The company become a national/Autonomous regions science demonstration base,Guangxi scientific and technological demonstration project base.


Enterprise own industry:The first industry


Time of founding:In 2002,




Capital scale:The registered capital of 2 million yuan


Patent number:a


Media exposure:Dozens of media


Liu ying,AXing record industry group company director


Chongqing AXing record industry(group)Co., LTD. Was founded in 1991,Is the collection food chain/Modern animal husbandry breeding/Food deep processing in one of the large private group enterprise.Have five subsidiaries/7 restaurants regular distributors,Food and beverage business a total area of more than 30000 square meters,And an area of more than 800 acres of agricultural cultivated/Slaughter and deep processing base,A staff of more than 1600.


Due to the chongqing AXing remember"Leading enterprises + base + rural professional cooperative + farm households"Cooperation development pattern,For local farmers of great help,So the enterprises in the local have great social influence.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - food processing


Time of founding:In 1991,




Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


The third class is the first industry make outstanding contributions on behalf of the science and technology enterprises.They often are not very well-known,But as a result of our country is a large agricultural nation,They I and the enterprise to the national food security the contribution made sure to get people's attention and affirmation.


LiDengHai,Denghai seed industry co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


LiDengHai 1970 start engaged in agricultural research so far,Corn breeding research nearly 40 years,and"The father of hybrid rice"Eponymous yuan longping,,Be kind of industry known as"South yuen north lee",called"China the father of compact-type maize hybrids".


In 1993,,LiDengHai laizhou city academy was established,In 1997,,And he set up the laizhou city sea's seed industry co., LTD,And in 2005 listed in shenzhen.By June 30, 2012 the company the total assets of 2.34 billion yuan.Seed industry in China top five third.now,Seed industry's sea in scientific research investment more than 1500 yuan,Have the annual 5 to 10 a corn varieties through the examination and approval of the innovation ability.The sea's seed industry becoming China's first innovative enterprise.The company developed"Super corn"Has been listed as ministry of science and technology"11th five-year plan"National science and technology support plan key project.


Enterprise own industry:The first industry


Time of founding:In 1997,



  资本规模: 23.4亿元

Capital scale: 2.34 billion yuan


Patent number:7 invention patent and 38 new varieties of plants


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


LiXiaoDong,Merchant photosynthetic crab industry co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors/Secretary of the party committee


Merchant photosynthetic crab industry was founded in 1999,In the domestic origination paddy rice technology;The river crab ecological seedling technique;The jellyfish factory seedling technique;Access to a number of national/﹑ provincial scientific research achievements/Invention patents and new varieties of aquatic products.


The company through the"The company + peasants + base"Business model,To order agriculture drive the farmer more than 10000 households.Company to join us households has reached 8400.At present, the company has assets exceeds one hundred million yuan,Has jurisdiction over 10 branch,A research and development center,A food processing factory and multiple cooperative breeding base;Have high quality health river crab fingerlings shall cultivate area of 400 hectares,Other species breeding area of 13000 hectares,Factory aquatic fingerlings shall workshop 30000 cubic water,Three consecutive annual output value of 80 million yuan of above,The year tax is more than 5 million yuan.


Enterprise own industry:The first industry - breeding


Time of founding:In 1999,




Media exposure:rarely,Mainly is the local media reported


GeHao new,Fuyang xinfeng seed industry chairman of the board of directors


GeHao new is anhui countries famous large grain.When people go out to be workers/When the land of desertation,GeHao new but determined to pack to grain.For many years,He relying on science and technology,Benefited from the country and benefit policy,Vigorously develop high quality grain production,In the high yield of wheat planting/seed-breeding/Production and marketing cohesion, accumulated a wealth of experience,For local food increase yield and quality improvement and the development of rural economy play a good typical demonstration effect.


In 2009,,He grow wheat area of 10080 mu,Production of wheat 10.5 million jins.In 2009,,His wheat planting area increases to 11280.6 mu.GeHao new gained national"Agriculture, countryside and farmers characters"/"The large grain"/Fuyang city ten people in the news/Fuyang city outstanding rural practical talent honorary title.


Enterprise own industry:The first industry




Media exposure:A handful of reports


The fourth class mostly"Village official",The main achievement is successfully"The villagers"into"residents",And made a great contribution to the construction of urbanization of entrepreneurs,This kind of representative in the enterprise scale not big,Management and operation mode in the long run,May not accord with what we know"The modern enterprise"standard,Such as equity structure is clear,Management decision process is scientific, and many other aspects are worth discussing and discussed,And their respective model contain certain regional humanities characteristics,Replicability is not strong.


But there is no denying the fact is,They have successfully will each subordinate"The villagers"Become in fact"residents",Will his own country into a new town,So great social significance, perhaps this is they can elected 18 representative's reason.


WuXie grace,West China group chairman of the board of directors


Jiangsu, west China group company has 12 big company,"agriculture/work/quotient/built/swim"Five industry,Collective assets exceeds 16 billion yuan,In 1996 by the ministry of agriculture evaluation for the national large-scale a township enterprise,The village a total of 380 households,1520 people,Area of 0.96 square kilometers.In 1999,,"Huaxi village"A shares listed in shenzhen,Huaxi village co., LTD., become the first named after the village of listed company.


West China group, the company existing staff 25000 people,Production flat/tropical/Color plate/wire/flange/fabrics/suit/Chemical fiber/Knitting dyeing and finishing, etc. Series of products.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - processing industry


Time of founding:In 1994,




Capital scale:More than 16 billion yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


Original your life,Longmen technology group chairman of the board of directors


Longmen science and technology group is a gantry CunDangWei/Seat vigorously develop collective economy,With the common prosperity and create village enterprise.Longmen group leadership is also the main members every party committee,implement"Village enterprises one"Governance structure.


Longmen in coking industry as before,In order to realize the transformation of the cross,Onto the road of scientific development,Longmen village in reluctantly eliminated the pollution enterprise at the same time,Turn down the,Gradually formed a coal/coke/aluminum/electric/Building materials/transport/Tourism, and other seven big pillar industry,Realized by"Black economic"The change to circular economy.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - manufacturing and processing


Time of founding:In 1988, its predecessor gantry village coking plant was established




Capital scale:600 million yuan


Media exposure:rarely,Mainly is the local media reported


LeiYang chau,Weinan China surplus industry &trade co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


In fact,The establishment of weinan China surplus,Is in order to deal with"By collective all land to all cities,The villagers by rural villagers to urban residents,Income by the agricultural income into industry and trade income"And so on three transformation and make initiative choice.The company is in the integration of the village more than 30 households private enterprise/More than 600 and industrial and commercial door, formed on the basis of,With an average annual output value is about 250 million yuan.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - processing and transportation industry




Media exposure:Dozens of media


LiuChunHai,Double street real estate group chairman of the board of directors


Tianjin double street real estate group co., LTD. Industrial park,Was founded in October 1998,The park covers an area of 1200 mu,factory/Office building a total area of 30 square meters,Is located in the national science and technology park beichen technology park.Ten years,LiuChunHai set out to create the first a village of tianjin foreign small and medium-sized enterprise industrial park/The first a green ecology/The first piece of beichen district farmers residential area;The villagers annual per capita income of 2000 yuan by the original development to the present 20000 multivariate,For collective created huge wealth.


Enterprise own industry:The third industry - public service


Time of founding:In 2003,




Capital scale:The registered capital of 50 million


Media exposure:Dozens of media


The fifth class has a strong regional characteristics - its business subject mostly with local characteristics and traditional combination is very good,For example, shanxi coal,Fujian woodcarving,Jiangsu textile...These enterprises in the local often much influence,Although in the national awareness is not high,But for the local economy great contributions,Even as the regional economic development of a miniature.


Zhou hai jiang,Hongdou group President


Hongdou group creates in 1957,Industry involves knitted underwear,clothing/Rubber tire/Biological pharmaceutical/Real estate four fields,Jiangsu province is a key enterprise group,The state council 120 pilot enterprises for deepening reform of.


In January 2001,"Red bean shares"In ShangJiaoSuo trading,With its 10 subsidiary companies,Included in the Cambodian industrial park and New York in the United States/Los Angeles two overseas branch,The products are exported to more than 20 countries and regions.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry, textile industry


Time of founding:In 1957,




Capital scale:6.4 billion yuan


Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


SunHongYuan,Wage-earners shanxi new coke co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors


Wage-earners shanxi new coke co., LTD. Was founded in 1967.January 1975 formally put into production,We design production capacity of 1.2 million tons,Coal mine to coal field covers an area of 24 square kilometers.The company has coal/coke/electric/change/material/Logistics and the green industry development and so on seven big industry,By LiYuan/Wage-earners north two big industrial park and 24 subordinate enterprise composition.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - energy


Time of founding:In 1967,




Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


LiFengRong,Good art(lie)Process the chairman


LiFengRong was born in 1963 in fujian putian carved wooden sculpture family.In 1995 LiFengRong self-reliance established good art(lie)Technology co., LTD..In 2003,,Should the Australian government invited,LiFengRong attended the world association of Buddha Australia chapter the wonderful artical excelling nature wood carving art.In 2006,,LiFengRong by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization awarded international folk art"International folk art masters"title.


Enterprise own industry:The third industry - culture


Time of founding:In 1995,




Media exposure:A handful of reports


WangBo,Hubei baibuting group President


Baibuting group was established in 1995,Is the collection of real estate development and community construction/Ship manufacturing and international trade/Culture media, the three big industry plate for the integration of cross-industry/Cross-regional integrated private enterprise group.


Enterprise own industry:The third industry - culture


Time of founding:In 1995,




Media exposure:A large number of reports,Hundred media above


CuiRongHua:Xian splendor group chairman of the board of directors


Xian splendor group regards development of real estate as staples comprehensive private enterprise group,Has the national level of real estate development qualification,So far,Accumulated development area of 300 more than square meters,Registered capital of 124 million yuan,The total assets of 360 million yuan,Has more than 300 employees.


Enterprise own industry:The second industry - construction and manufacturing


Time of founding:In 1995,




Media exposure:A handful of reports
