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Promulgated by the state council in 2009[About promoting Shanghai to speed up the development of modern service industry and advanced manufacturing construction international financial center and international shipping center opinion],This marks the Shanghai international financial center construction has become an important national strategy.Shanghai international financial center construction is a huge system engineering,Not only all aspects need consideration,More need to be strategically situated the top design.This paper, based on the financial ecology and financial development relationship between,The analysis of the current Shanghai international financial center construction are faced with the problem,And put forward the corresponding countermeasures.

  金融生态与金融发展水平的关系 Financial ecology and the relationship between the financial development level


China's financial development is facing a great opportunity,For international financial center for construction,Fall in the effect is especially important.We from the financial agglomeration and radiation/Financial deepening/Financial risk level/The diversity of financial institutions and financial product diversity five aspects of 36 major cities throughout the country the financial development level evaluation,Investigating the international financial center the candidate cities;Then from the economic environment/Trade environment/Infrastructure and environment/Talent environment/The rule of law and of the environment of honesty and credibility five aspects financial ecological environment,And analyzes its and the relationship between the financial development,So as to promote the international financial center construction find good gripper.


We remember the level of financial development for Finance_index,Remember the economic environment for X1/Foreign trade environment for X2/Urban infrastructure for the X3/Human resources environment for X4/The rule of law and the regulatory environment for X5.Through principal component extraction,So as to eliminate the influence of collinearity after,We concluded that affect financial development level of equation:


Finance_index = 0.172 + 0.1996 + 0.1846 * * X1 X2 + 0.1898 * X3 + 0.1423 * X4 + 0.1328 * X5


The above equation means:Economic environment on the level of financial development impact,We have calculated the economic environment and the financial development level of correlation coefficient,Is 90.69%,Is five environment variable in the highest;On the financial development level influence next is infrastructure,Equation of regression coefficient is 0.1898,With the financial development level of correlation coefficient is 87.45%,The corresponding also in second place;On the financial development effect of the ecological factor is the third trade environment,Equation regression coefficient is 0.1846,With the financial development level of correlation coefficient is 86.14%.


overall,From the elasticity and correlation coefficient of watch,Above three factor is the financial development level up absolute effect of variables,They all reflect the economic development(Whether from the point of view of the total amount,Or from the open degree and investment environment Angle)Demand for financial services.Talent environment and the rule of law and regulatory environment on financial development level influence is relatively minor,But these factors may influence is financial development long-term factors.


With the rule of law and regulatory environment as an example,Although it and financial development level all aspects of the correlation is not high,But its and financial risk control level of correlation reached 58.48%,And regional financial risk level decided to leave money the key factors.It talents for the environment,In the current economic development level and industry structure mode,Talents and financial development relationship between cause and effect of each other,Talent is more of as"fruit"factors,But look to the future,A city become provide trading and complex derivatives financial center,The talented person will become important supply factors.


Countermeasures from the point of view,We in addition to seize the main contradiction,Still need to analyze specific index and financial development level of the relationship between the various items,In order to improve the environment into effect.Table 1 is financial ecological environment three children(Economic environment/Trade environment and human environment)Each index and the level of financial development correlation analysis results.


Will the son in the economic environment:GDP/Headquarters economic index/The total retail goods the three index and financial development level of high correlation,Non-agricultural industries output value accounts for ratio and residents' disposable income and its correlation is not high,Former three main influencing capital concentration and radiation,Its relevance level is above 85%.This shows a city financial agglomeration and radiation ability depends on the city's economy/Large number of enterprises/Active degree,And the industrial structure and residents wealthy degree of correlation degree is not high.


This phenomenon reflects China's urban financial agglomeration three characteristics:The first,Financial services in the economy,The real economy of the mass and active degree means that the financial industry's mass;The second,Financial as has obvious characteristics of the industry agglomeration,The entity economy and large number of enterprises high correlation(The correlation of it slightly higher than GDP,Less than the total retail goods,But in the principal component analysis to determine the weight of the objective,The weight of headquarters economy is 25%,GDP and retail goods weight of the total amount of 18% and 16% respectively),Because they need the pursuit of scale/Reduce cost;The third,The economic development of our country is still in a middle stage of industrialization,In the financial level is to service in the enterprise is given priority to(It can from financial institutions diversity and the three indexes of the relationship between the see),Therefore the financial development and consumer financial connection degree is not high,Nor in small business service as the main financing object.


From the trade environment each index and the relationship between financial development level to see,There are at least two interesting phenomenon.


The first,In airport passenger throughput and financial development of the relationship between the various items are obviously higher than the total import and export volume and the correlation of financial development(Financial risk management level exception),We think in airport passenger throughput of this one index seem to have no relation to the financial development,But behind it represents high-end business people activity,This is in the strength of the headquarters economy related,It also once again confirmed the headquarters economy than the economy(Here is the total value of import and export)On the financial role more big.


The second,FDI and financial development level and the capital agglomeration/Risk management level/The diversity of financial products have high correlation,But the highest diversity and financial institutions.We have to carry on the thorough analysis,Discovered FDI investment and foreign bank ratio of the highest correlation,Up to 66.8%,This shows that the multinational enterprise in the country after the investment,The corresponding motherland bank followed into,Multinational Banks into hand bring new business model,On the other hand also improve the local banking competition.


Is talent environment and financial development level in terms of the relationship between,Exist the following characters.


The first,Higher education institutions number and the number of students with financial development level of concern is not big,This shows that the higher education and the relationship between finance is not directly related,Behind the indirect relationship may be economically developed area of education developed accordingly,And financial and economic exists between the close contact.In addition,College students of higher education institutions than the number of more low correlation,This is because a city reserve talented person does not necessarily become the city's future permanent population,On the one hand developed areas of the high cost of living may produce extrusion effect,On the other hand megapolis domiciliary system is more limited.


The second,The financial industry practitioners number and level of financial development is closely related.The correlation between the two highest financial development subitem is capital concentration and radiation and various financial products.The former is concerned,Financial talented person's concentration may be the result of financial industrial cluster;In terms of the latter is,Financial talented person's concentration on the created the diversity of products.In today's information age,The financial industry business process has been greatly simplified,In the past the subscribe of many products are in order to realize network(Such as transfer/Stock purchase, etc),Many of the financial industry talents mostly to serve economic industry research/Risk control/Product design/Market transaction/Compliance management, etc,So when a city the agglomeration of the more financial talents,The financial product innovation ability is stronger.


Table 1


Financial ecological main index and financial development between subitem correlation analysis

  相关性 金融发展水平 资金聚集及辐射 金融风险管理 金融深化程度 金融机构多样性 金融产品多样性

Correlation between the level of financial development funds gathered and radiation financial risk management the extent of the financial deepening financial institutions diversity financial product diversity

  GDP 86.50% 86.52% 57.88% 72.70% 84.82% 76.02%

GDP 86.50%, 86.52%, 57.88%, 72.70%, 84.82%, 76.02%

  总部经济 88.55% 86.92% 67.28% 72.52% 84.08% 77.05%

Headquarters economy 72.52%, 84.08%, 77.05%, 88.55%, 86.92%, 67.28%

  非农产业产值占比 44.55% 40.89% 36.57% 33.06% 46.93% 39.48%

Non-agricultural industries output value accounts for more than 44.55%, 40.89%, 36.57%, 33.06%, 46.93%, 39.48%

  零售商品总额 90.68% 88.35% 68.85% 77.86% 83.13% 79.05%

The total retail goods 90.68%, 88.35%, 68.85%, 77.86%, 83.13%, 79.05%

  居民可支配收入 63.07% 62.40% 40.51% 53.37% 69.90% 48.60%

Residents' disposable income in 53.37%, 69.90%, 48.60%, 63.07%, 62.40%, 40.51%

  进出口总额 82.04% 79.11% 57.61% 69.80% 71.54% 83.52%

The total import and export 82.04%, 79.11%, 57.61%, 69.80%, 71.54%, 83.52%

  航空港年吞吐量 92.90% 92.57% 53.46% 86.42% 84.76% 89.26%

Air port throughput of 86.42%, 84.76%, 89.26%, 92.90%, 92.57%, 53.46%

  FDI 61.86% 61.57% 48.17% 47.35% 63.87% 49.15%

FDI 61.86%, 61.57%, 48.17%, 47.35%, 63.87%, 49.15%

  金融从业人员数 97.16% 96.57% 57.53% 91.73% 85.88% 93.42%

Financial employees number, 97.16%, 96.57%, 57.53%, 91.73%, 85.88%, 93.42%

  高等学校在校人数 34.94% 36.93% 29.70% 27.26% 40.35% 15.43%

Higher school number in 34.94%, 36.93%, 29.70%, 27.26%, 40.35%, 15.43%

  高等教育机构数 58.29% 62.26% 29.88% 56.83% 55.71% 46.65%

Higher education institutions number, 58.29%, 62.26%, 29.88%, 56.83%, 55.71%, 46.65%

  上海的金融发展水平和金融生态分析 Shanghai financial development level and financial ecological analysis


In examining the financial ecology and financial development level of the relationship,We focus on Shanghai's financial development level and financial ecological environment analysis.From the comprehensive evaluation results to see,Shanghai financial ecology in the national ranking first,But financial development level slightly behind Beijing,For this phenomenon we need financial development from the decision of each ecological environment investigation son.


Figure 1 is Beijing and Shanghai in the financial development level of contrast:Beijing in the capital concentration and radiation/Financial deepening two has obvious advantages,Shanghai in the risk management level and financial institutions diversity has obvious advantages,In the financial product diversity both in the difference is smaller.


Figure 2 is Beijing and Shanghai financial ecological five is environmental radar map,Shanghai in the economic environment score in slightly higher than Beijing,In the trade environment was better than Beijing;In talents environment in Shanghai and Beijing has a large gap,In the infrastructure and the rule of law and regulatory environment aspects gaps.


Influence of financial development three of the most important environmental factor is economic environment/Infrastructure environment and trade environment,They mainly affect is the capital concentration and radiation and the extent of the financial deepening.Just in total economic output,Shanghai in the GDP/Disposable income of residents are more than Beijing;Trade environment for gross index total import and export volume and FDI far above Beijing;Infrastructure slightly inferior.But financial center concentration or not in addition to total index of outer,Also with the big enterprise cluster of relevant,Specific index correlation shows that,With the headquarters economy of the two key indicators, headquarters economic index and air port throughput of Shanghai - no more than Beijing,The former Shanghai and Beijing standardization scoring gap is 0.03,The latter gap is 0.08.


In addition,In determining the location of the big enterprise infrastructure environment this factors,Beijing also slightly better.We believe that in the two cities infrastructure are quite perfect conditions,Big enterprise location may be more policy factors to consider,And this point Beijing has more advantages.According to the China enterprise confederation/Chinese entrepreneurs association ranked 2011 Chinese enterprise 500 strong results,Headquarters is located in Beijing with 100,And is located in Shanghai's only 30;In addition,According to[Southern weekend]The introduced in 2006"The world's top 500 best investment enterprises in China list"figures,The world's top 500 in China headquarters in 33 home in Beijing/31 enterprises in Shanghai,And the top eight, only one in China headquarters in Shanghai.


In addition,Payment and settlement system in Beijing focus is also lead to Shanghai capital agglomeration ability is not strong reasons:On the one hand,According to[The large amount of payment system business processing method(trial)]Relevant provisions,Central ticket and the issue of bonds to pay system through the large amount of liquidation,And liquidation of the open market operation system/Bond issue system and central bond bookkeeping system of physical interface in Beijing.On the other hand,All commercial Banks can use inline system and the people's bank of the capital of large payment system(capital)City processing center connection,Can also be made by its head office and local processing center connection.The commercial Banks as the main body of market legal person,Out of funds utilization of overall consideration,Often choose to pay by row system,Then the people's bank of and large payment system connection.Most of the commercial bank's headquarters is located in Beijing,This is also causes the Beijing big system balance ahead of the important reasons for Shanghai.


Will affect financial institutions for the diversity of factors,In addition to GDP/Total retail goods/The total volume of import and export of gross index outside,Another important factor is FDI.We further analysis shows that,FDI investment and foreign bank rate of correlation coefficient reaches 66.8%,More than any other institution diversity index correlation are high,Behind the reflects the logic is to attract foreign direct investment can attract provide the service of multinational Banks.Shanghai and Beijing 2011 years of FDI $1.11 trillion and $0.64 trillion, respectively;The corresponding Shanghai foreign Banks in the standardization of the scoring lead Beijing 0.56.From the financial ecological point of view,Both the community into the new beneficial to improve the whole ecological species of competitiveness and vitality to have the help very much.In addition Shanghai in and financial market related to the number of institutions securities and futures on the number of institutions more than Beijing,Therefore, from the perspective of ecological diversity,Shanghai financial development to have the potential.


Will affect financial products the most significant diversity of talents for the environment,Beijing in each index all over Shanghai,So Beijing in the financial product diversity scoring more than Shanghai.In the financial industry practitioners in number,Shanghai Beijing more than 36000 people,Shanghai is 1.15 times,Because of financial structure is still leading to the bank,Beijing in the bank financing products innovation obviously more than Shanghai,According to Hong Kong and Macao information data results of calculation,Beijing in 2011 years of bank financing products issue a total of 4750 only,And Shanghai only 2800 only.

  当然上海在与市场相关的金融产品创新方面更具优势, 2011年上海在运行基金产品和券商集合理财产品的发行数量分别为527只和30只;北京分别为130只和17只。前者上海是北京的四倍,后者上海约是北京的两倍。造成这一现象的原因是:券商和基金产品的投资标的大部分是债券和股票,为了获取这两类产品的最新信息,机构必须与市场紧密结合。

Of course in Shanghai and the market related financial products innovation more advantages, 2011 Shanghai in the operation fund products and brokers set the number of issued financial products respectively for 527 only and only 30;Beijing, for 130 only and only 17.The former Shanghai is Beijing's four times,The latter Shanghai is about Beijing's two times.The reasons of this phenomenon by is:Brokers and fund product investment target is mostly bonds and stocks,In order to obtain the two kind of product of the latest information,Organizations must be closely integrated with the market.


The rule of law and supervision on the financial environment in the development of the financial risk control level of the highest correlation,Beijing in the ecological environment on the son score slightly higher than Shanghai,But the financial risk control level the former is behind the latter.This is mainly because:The first,The rule of law and regulatory environment on the financial risk's influence is long,It is not like other ecological environment correlation son so high;The second,Financial development level index selection of relatively thin,Only contains two index,And to reflect the government to regional financial intervention"Financing platform loan/financial income"This index is not very stable,Due to the financial information opaque,The government through the platform financing this way it will be difficult to form effective debt constraint mechanism,In the growth of the pressure,The local government has the very strong power to do macromolecules.

  建设国际金融中心上海面临的问题 The construction of Shanghai international financial center are faced with the problem


About the financial ecology and financial development, the relationship between the level of study,Form the international financial center primary conditions include strong economic base and superior geographic position and international trade development,Shanghai in the economic environment/Trade environment and the score is more than Beijing,Infrastructure environment little gap,But in the financial development level total score and capital accumulation and financial deepening two subitem score after throughout Beijing.Behind the highlights problem is in Shanghai of headquarters economy concentration ability behind Beijing,The headquarter economy from the score and air port throughput two index reflected.


In this paper about China's top 500 and foreign capital enterprise's location data has been illustrated with the situation,In addition on private enterprises location provided a fact.According to the 2011 hu run networth statistics,Rich in the top 500 of its enterprise headquarters in Beijing with 111,Although not ranked first,But also more than Shanghai 82.Entrepreneur's residence in part a reflection of a city's livable environment,On the other hand also reflects the city's business environment and the closely related policy environment.At this point,500 strong rich preferred residence is Beijing,There are 111 entrepreneurs settled in Beijing,Settled in Shanghai 80,Ranked third.


The headquarters economy behind the cause financial institutions concentration ability is not strong.In the current bank leading financial structure,The concentration degree of the banking institutions to capital aggregation and radiation ability.From the current situation to see,Registered in Shanghai banking institutions,Only bank of communications(601328,guba)/Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,guba)Large scale of,Can row in the national top 10 Banks range;And the state-owned big four/Three policy Banks,The stock of bank of the people's livelihood(600016,guba)And everbright bank(601818,guba),Headquarters in Beijing,Its assets share account for at least 60% above the bank system.Mechanism of cluster natural cause talents converging,The corresponding cause Shanghai talent competition is difficult to more than Beijing;From the perspectives of supply,Talent as the influence of financial innovation and financial product diversity of the most important factors,Shanghai in the bank financing products competition also weak in Beijing.


In the above financial ecological environment and a not deals with factors,Namely the financial regulatory environment,It to the current Shanghai financial market development also formed the important obstacle.Concrete has the following performance:


The first,Bull supervision and examination and approval system,Direct caused the low efficiency of supervision,Affect financial market development.To enterprise issue of bonds, for example,A QiYeZhai faced with the state council for examination and approval of the line/The development and reform commission (NDRC) project examination and approval/The issue of development and reform commission (NDRC) for examination and approval/The examination and approval of the people's bank of interest rates/Securities regulatory commission underwriting qualification examination and approval/The securities and exchange(Or the central Treasury company registration)Listed for examination and approval,To apply for the issuance of from the listed this process short is one year,Long is three to five years.Long FaZhai cycle natural cannot give full play to the capital market resource allocation function.


The second,Based in Shanghai regulators power limited,Lead to regulatory decision away from the market.At present,Some of the belongs to Shanghai financial supervision department a line the role of regulation is not from the superior financial supervision department of separation,Make Shanghai financial regulators do not have enough market supervision and the development of authority.


The third,Financial markets self-discipline supervision have not been fully realized.The lack of market discipline is China's financial supervision system of a malpractice.The disadvantages in Shanghai, China's financial market center is the main performance of the various exchange without self-discipline supervision authority:Make public policy/Responsible for public audit regulation of listed companies and the implementation of the important function in Beijing by the CSRC scored.Compared with British and American countries,Although the United States securities and exchange commission headquarters is located in Washington,But the United States listed companies listed in the former need only to the United States securities and exchange commission can be declared,Do not have to get approval,Master listed company reserve the right of final decision is as a self-regulatory organization of the industry of the New York stock exchange(NYSE)And America's national association of securities dealers(NASD).

  促进上海国际金融中心的对策建议 Promote the Shanghai international financial center countermeasures and Suggestions

  1.加快经济转型和利率市场化的国家战略 1. Speed up economic restructuring and interest rate marketization national strategy


Shanghai headquarters economy is not strong,Lead to financial agglomeration and radiation ability is weak.From the improvement of the ecological point of view,Shanghai is difficult to through their own efforts to change the headquarters economy is relatively weaker status,Because this is to a great extent the current economic system under the framework of natural selection results.The administrative control and examination and approval system is to strengthen the state-owned and private headquarters to Beijing concentration of important factors.From the current economic situation to see,Strengthen economic transformation is not only a national strategy,And to avoid headquarters to administrative center centralized system distorted,So as to better promote the economic development of Shanghai headquarters.


Is the entity level,The economic system reform goal is to establish the socialist market economic system.So in theory,Enterprise headquarters or is close to the product in the upper reaches of the factor market,Or is close to the downstream products of the consumer market,No matter how to should not be close to policy decider "administrative center.The current enterprise headquarters caused to the administrative center economic background is,Over the past ten years of economic growth to industrial investment pull,In external demand digestion domestic economic surplus.However the great inflection point has come:original"Investment - export"A significant slowdown in linkage system,Demographic dividend window close gradually,Resources and environment price to rise gradually.Economic restructuring has arrived"DaoBi"The gates of,Must change the past"Concentration of funds to do great things"Of extensive pattern,The future reform thinking is:Weakening industrial policy and the role of regional policy,Strengthen monetary and financial policy control status.


From the view on the entity,There are at least two reasons:The first,Departments of industry upgrading innovation not only need to industrial policy planning,Need more market recognition,Because innovation are the high risk high yield activities.Over the past year the solar energy industry in a difficult situation to explain adequately"Industry planning + financial support"This kind of pattern,From the perspective of financial function,Innovation activities or through the qualified investors to take risk tolerance,Either through the financial market high liquidity risk dispersion.The second,Industrialization is accompanied by the middle of urbanization,Public facilities around the investment if completely by the central policy decision was obviously not reality,All over town planning must adjust measures to local conditions,Regional policy corresponding fade out.In the current to accept set branch of the financial system,Public facilities all over the investment period will appear the phenomenon of mismatch,This needs the support of the bond market.


The financial level,Cooperate with the economic transformation of the important aspect is to accelerate the pace of market-oriented interest rate.At the physical level marketization reform in the process of gradually,Capital price system has to be corresponding propulsion,Specifically should focus on promoting the construction of the following two aspects.


The first,To strengthen the bond market construction,Especially to promote the development of credit bonds.It's development has at least the following two benefits:one,The development of credit bonds is beneficial to the improvement of the term structure of interest rate,For monetary policy by the quantity control to control prices fully prepared;The second,The development of local government bonds not only is helpful to solve the current urbanization process of fund maturity mismatch problem,Also on the current local fiscal transparency of plays a promoting role.


The second,Further interest rate floating space.Let go of the interest rate will lead to bank spreads narrow,This will enable the bank to strengthen risk discrimination ability and further improve service efficiency,Change bank has in the past"Alongside a large"The extensive development pattern.Must be aware that the bank is the main service object of the small business(No matter the size of bank),Because the bank is special information screening person,Different financial market in the standardization information on the basis of the mechanism to provide liquidity.Deposit interest rate let go is interest rate marketization completed mark,The current should seize the deposit financial change big trend,Push forward the loan interest rates after let go of the pressure test,Because financial return actually provides the deposit interest rates after let go of a reference.

  2.大力推进债券市场发展 2. To vigorously push forward the development of the bond market


The significance of promoting development of securities market,In addition to the above mention to the promoting function of interest rate marketization,The urbanization process of the financial support as well as to the bank leading financial structure to improve the efficiency of the outside,Its far-reaching significance is that it is an international financial center construction and the key to RMB internationalization.RMB internationalization from the ultimate goal to see,RMB should not only be in international trade settlement currency/Pricing currency,More important is became the various countries' people and governments are willing to hold investment money and reserve currency.Therefore RMB should not only go out,But also for its return to build a big financial market.In the current international financial centre,All have quite a depth of financial markets,And the size of the bond market is far more than the stock market,Because the bond principal has safeguard relatively,Smaller risk.


In Shanghai to promote the construction of financial markets because of its inhere financial center history and profound financial cultural heritage.After the 1850 s,China's trade center is gradually from guangzhou to Shanghai,By the 1930 s Shanghai trade has more than 50% of the whole country.With the foreign trade and foreign investment increase,Foreign Banks in Shanghai concentration,Financial markets are also very active.Chinese businessman in Shanghai stock exchange as an example,The war before a large number of bond trading,In 1946 to recover after the Shanghai stock exchange has set up the stock/Bond paper generalizes two,The absorption of the social capital of 150 billion yuan to 200 billion yuan.When Shanghai gold market turnover is only less than London/New York,And above in Paris/Mumbai, India/Japan's Tokyo and Osaka on the gold market.Shanghai is worthy of the name was far east international financial centre.


After the founding of,Stocks and bonds issued once stop,So also does not exist secondary market transactions.In 1984,,Contemporary China's first only the real meaning of the stock"FeiLe sound(600651,guba)"Issued in Shanghai.In 1987,,The industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,guba)Trust company developed China's first stock index - jing an index.The state council in 1988 approved national debt transfer after the deal,From Shanghai YangHuaiDing on their own hardship spirit in the national Treasury acquisition earned oneself life the first bucket of gold,Become a famous far and near"YangBaiWan".As a representative of the institutional investors KanZhiDong also through the same way makes jing an sales department become the country's largest Treasury bond market,1990 years of average daily turnover reached 10 million.From Shanghai not only created a financial markets more than the first,Market consciousness also deeply in Shanghai in the genes of roots,"Pile driving mold"Is the broker image description.


however,The current regulatory environment for the development of the bond market to form the great obstacles,Must from the following several aspects of reform:The first,Abandoned ShenPiZhi,Implementation of the bond issue registration system,Strengthen the information disclosure regulation.The second,In the abandoned examination and approval system established on the basis of unified centralized bond supervision system.The third,Give full play to the role of market discipline.Self-discipline is the advantage of supervision,Because the bond market regulators in the bond market in,On the market reaction,Especially in the market competition of the participants is more sensitive reaction,Therefore the self-discipline supervision of bond market financial innovation development faster.

  3.大力推动理财市场发展 3. Vigorously promote financial market development


Since 2007,Financial market has experienced the explosive growth.According to the Chinese academy of finance has a financial product center incomplete statistics,In 2011 only bank financing products raise amount is more than 8 trillion,Accounts for about 23% of the savings deposit.Financial products development reflects the profound changes in the field of finance,Namely in economic development to a certain stage of financial service after residents demand more and more diversified and differentiation.


Will tell to Shanghai,Vigorously develop financial products market has special significance.From the perspective of demand,Shanghai residents per capita disposable income since 1992 since the statistics every year is 31 provinces of the highest,In addition Shanghai residents have very strong financing consciousness,These are in Shanghai development finance the congenital advantage of the market.From the perspectives of supply,Financial products are financial institutions carrying out business transformation and adjustment of income structure of the important tool,Shanghai strive to expand the development of financial market,To have money and the advantages of Beijing formation differentiated competition,So as to better promote the international financial center construction.


For the current so hot financial market,Risk condition with hot degree pipe,And the current problems caused by the institutional defects is the main reason.So we think it should be in the following three aspects to improve:The first,Unified financial legal relationship/Clear the basis position of trust relationship.The second,An independent rating evaluation system.Along with the financial product scale growth and varieties of increasingly complex,With the system regarding the issue of financial products by ShenPiZhi steering records,The market urgently needed to fill the regulatory vacuum market discipline.Rating/evaluation system is the most important market discipline part.The third,Set up the information disclosure mechanism.Financial products are becoming increasingly complex.To make the right investment choices,Investors need to get about financial products full and true information.To protect the interests of investors,Information disclosure is financing product sales supervisor of a first when problems.


(This article is the original report excerpt)
