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清华大学经济管理学院白重恩 Tsinghua university economic management academy BaiChongEn

  和讯网消息 第四届张培刚发展经济学论坛于12月1日在北京举行,和讯网全程播报。清华大学经济管理学院白重恩教授发表主题演讲,他表示,让企业的分红用于社保,不仅增加企业市场压力,同时把收入从企业的可支配收入变成居民的可支配收入。

HeXunWang news the fourth ZhangPeiGang development economics BBS on December 1, held in Beijing,HeXunWang full report.Tsinghua university economic management academy professor BaiChongEn published theme speech,He said,Let the enterprise's share out bonus for social security,Not only increase the enterprise market pressure,At the same time, the revenue from enterprise's disposable income become residents' disposable income.


以下为文字实录: The following is a text memoir:


BaiChongEn:Today many experts all speak to we must transform the pattern of economic development,Let the economic growth from investment drive type to benefit drive type transformation,I really agree with this transition,But how do we transformation of the mode of economic development in fact there are many different policy gripper,There are many different channels,Today I want to focus speak a channel,I chose this subject,With today's award relevant,Because the has a close relation with work.From the increase of residents' disposable income than point of view such measures,How can help us promote the changing of economy development mode.


We all know that,Over the past four years we economic growth to a large extent dependent on investment pull,For the past four years we seen rapid TFP growth faster than before 2007 20 years of average dropped a lot,Probably dropped by about half,And over the past four years we capital output ratio is indeed a very fast speed growth,Every year about 5% of growth,In front of 20 years are not happened.So if the transformation of the mode of economic development is a urgent words,We can see the past four years of conditions have such change become more urgent.


How to achieve such a change?I think in this inside investment is an important aspect,In addition to reduce investment accounts for of the proportion of GDP outside,To promote the efficiency of the investment growth.We just said to the front four years of growth is to a great extent by the investment pull/Capital output ratio is increasing quickly,At the same time, we also found,The rate of return on investment has dropped substantially.This is my colleagues and I have been doing this kind of research,We use accounting data calculate rate of return on investment,Adjusted the price factor later after-tax return,In 93, more than 15% rate of return,93 years later step down,In recent years down the better,Now about 5.1% or so,This trend is indeed a very worried,Make we reduce the investment growth rate should be more strong.


Investment related natural and savings,Saving over investment becomes foreign trade surplus,We know that foreign trade surplus in the past few years the proportion of GDP in continually decline,Because we in the global economy rising proportion,So maintain foreign trade surplus is more and more important,So impossible by saving to foreign investment digestion,We savings into domestic investment,If you want to control word of domestic investment,Must control the rate of growth of savings.


Savings growth so fast reason is what?We do a simple analysis,The main reason for the savings rate increase is not from residents,Mainly comes from the enterprise and government departments.This is the work of some conclusion,If we would residents' average savings rate,Can be found that residents savings rate is quite smooth,We just see just saving rate has a very high increase,But household saving is not very big growth,And the government departments of the saving rate has a very large increase,The government is about 50%.At the same time we see different departments savings accounts for the proportion of GDP,The government and enterprises in the proportion of of GDP on the increase,Residents have no increase.In order to control the rapid growth of savings to pay attention to the government's savings and enterprise's savings.


Why the government savings and enterprise savings so much?While residents savings not to rise sharply,But at the same time, residents' consumption and decline,I'm not saying of the absolute value of but than,We residents accounted for more than 46% in 2010, when a few points,Last year, 33% point a few,This is the reason behind the proportion of residents department disposable income in decimated.In order to reduce savings increase too fast,We must pay attention to enterprise and government savings.Some people will say that these three is associated,When the government saving much residents savings reduce,Equivalent this idea promotion to enterprise department,Enterprise become very rich,Because we finally is to become all the residents is the owner of the enterprise,Let enterprise become very rich time we are very good,Our future enterprise there are so many assets where you can let us use,We can reduce the savings,But we see is the residents purchase savings is smooth,And not with the growth of the government and the enterprise growth and reduce,So ricardian equivalence is wrong,This is a very important question,The key is the government's investment and enterprise investment is effective,And equivalence and there is a great relationship between income allocation system,When enterprise have a lot of disposable income,From the outside world to raise money will fall,Rich don't need bank and capital market can investment,When he investments from capital market bound investment efficiency will fall.


The government also,The government has a lot of savings and investments,Because of the pressure of investment,So worried about the government's investment dropped,I am not anyway, the government investment,No this meaning,There are a lot of places that need the government investment,The problem is that we government savings rate 50%,This is the world in one of the government so high,The government has so strong ability for investment,I want to a certain extent affect the efficiency of government investment,We can see a lot of examples,There are some image engineering,There is a city has a very good viaduct,Leaders don't like to leave viaduct blow up to do underground investment,This obviously is a waste.So in order to improve the investment efficiency,We need to make enterprise to invest when a little more difficult,They need to raise funds from the market,We let the government investment must be more difficult,Let them be more constraints and review.


How to reduce the enterprise and the government's disposable income,In turn problem is how to increase the residents' disposable income,One of the most important factors is laborer compensation.Many people know,But is there a way to increase the laborer of remuneration than,Actually not to,The main reason is laborer compensation down the driving factors behind,We found that mainly three reasons:One is the industrial structure,Agriculture to industry and the transformation of service industry,Because agriculture laborers remuneration than accounts for between 85% and 90%,And industrial and service workers pay than accounts for only about 50%,Only when the high weight on the decline,Low on the rise time,Is bound to be on the decline,This will solve the laborer compensation by about 60%,And the rest of the mainly in the industrial sector,We use enterprise data analysis found that the state-owned enterprise restructuring,State-owned enterprise workers pay higher than non-state-owned enterprise,Early state-owned enterprise pay than accounts for above today's state-owned enterprises of remuneration than,State-owned enterprise internal occupy than in down these two trends will bring laborer of remuneration than decline.


Market monopoly degree of increase,A monopolistic enterprise,Although it's income is quite high,But its profit higher,Thus make laborer of lower pay than,But the monopoly enterprise in the economy should be,Monopolies economic impact more time,The whole workers pay down.


The three reasons,The first two reasons of economic structure transformation and state-owned enterprise restructuring we all should not interfere with it,Because they are very important to the development of the economy.And the third reason monopoly we should think of a way to contain,But it can play a role in income distribution,In the laborer compensation than aspects of its influence in fact is very small.So we in the government to influence the proportion of allocation of factor at the same time is very difficult,Because elements distribution is mainly decided by the market.Just now we say residents disposable income than down accounts for the most important reason is laborer of remuneration than down,This aspect we don't much space policy to influence,We have other effects,Residents of income also include consumer income/Tax, etc.The second is residents property income in GDP in decline,Over the past few years have the cause of the system.When we invest in the later we can choose investment,For example they deposit,We residents should be some assets income.And enterprise of share out bonus of lower interest rates,The international monetary fund to do the survey found that the listed company average dividends rate 18%,And the other more than 50 average dividends rate 27%,We is about two-thirds,These can bring for residents property income channels,Also because the cause of the system not clear,So in order to increase the per capita disposable income to solve these problems is very important,Interest rate marketization and in turn will give enterprise pressure.


And one reason is that the process of redistribution?About tax do not want to say too much,The main emphasis on social security,To participate in social security people their pay tax rate is very high,We five risk,Not the public accumulation fund for housing construction,Personal tax/Corporate tax 40%,In fact the enterprise to pay tax on his staff,So 40% of pay rate is very high,We do a simple comparison,Throughout the world, there are 12 countries pay tax rate than our country,This 12 countries in addition to other Latin American countries are transitional economy,Of course this is the root of the history,But we should not let the root of history into the influence tax rate.If reduced into the social security tax rate at the same time and reduce the social security at the same time,Do not increase the residents' disposable income process,Should find other sources increase the residents' disposable income,To contain the rapid growth of investment at the same time can increase the residents' disposable income method,Is that the enterprises of share out bonus of used for social security,Let the enterprise of share out bonus of social security service,With the enterprise after share out bonus,Not only increase the enterprise market pressure,Of course when need more investment from the external raise funds can improve enterprise efficiency,At the same time of share out bonus of enterprise for the word of social security,The income from enterprise's disposable income become residents' disposable income,Of course this process must improve the company system environment,If the system is not improve,Enterprise even liabilities many will also blind investment,So in order to achieve such purpose also needs to improve the company system.


But I just such a proposal,The company system improvement have outside pressure,I think is also subject.In general,Transformation of the mode of economic development is very important,The most important aspect of economic growth from drive type into efficiency drive type of economic growth,This requires us to improve the efficiency of the investment,There are several different channels,To improve the independent premise to reduce enterprise than disposable income accounted for,The rapid increase of the investment can be malicious,At the same time we improve the government revenue growth can also improve the investment efficiency.Therefore carry two measures,One is the marketization,The second is to increase enterprise share out bonus to supplement social security.thank you.
