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  理财周报记者 江勋

Financial weekly JiangXun reporter


This week,Bernanke opens the QE4,This version of the QE4 is essentially QE3 extension.but,The fed surprisingly announced QE and specific 6.5% 2.5% unemployment and inflation threshold clearly hook,This is capital boundary is expected to be of much earlier.


so,Surprise is not QE4,But QE4 why don't look so hawks?Considering the bernanke had already put forward"2015 years"Time threshold,I guess bernanke is to make before he leaves office"BaiDiCheng entrust an orphan to",Not alas.


good,We continue to last week's topic.


In the early 1970 s,Burns as chairman of the federal reserve,Began to accept a single rule,the"Money supply"As a policy goal,The result is 1970 s century big stagflation.If history stay in that moment,Monetarism have bankruptcy.Its successor,Famous hawks volcker began to tough against inflation,It is in the way"Money supply"On a more binding"Target rate",Finally make the landing.


About the regulation of victory,Monetarists beat around the bush praised the accord with"Single growth rules",Freeman received the Nobel Prize in economics in 1976.But in fact,It has a strong taste of John Maynard Keynes.


It is important to note that,The townsend - Alan greenspan co., LTD., President and New York economic advisor Alan greenspan,Is the most fierce opponents,It serves to show the monetary theory of rhetoric have how old.Look back,The volcker against inflation success did not cause high unemployment,Is the output gap smaller,The social distribution of assets in gap is too big.


After things touch the monetary socialist core.In the mid 1980 s,Almost all American "a kind of commercial bank accounts are all bad,A large number of Banks began to collapse.Reason is,In the framework of monetary aggregates,Bank loan and deposit room business model still cannot solve the capital of the paradox,Fierce competition environment,Short-term bank deposit rates even higher than the long-term loan interest rate,Banks have carry business model is on the verge of collapse.


In order to protect the bank,American regulators and later introduced a deposit interest rate ceiling,But this stimulates the serious"Financial disintermediation",Funds from financial institutions outflow,To higher yield of investments,Such as money market financial instruments/Government bonds and later in money market mutual funds,Then also appeared some very similar now bank financing products will save tools.Monetary channel and price system gradually out of control.


In fact,When the United States and the whole environment of China's financial environment are very similar.It shows that,Under the framework of monetarism monetary pricing,Is monetarism itself can not solve the problem.so,After the mid 1980 s,The United States through a series of policy began to ease financial institutions especially bank supervision,Broaden the scope of business,Carried out large-scale securitization,Until 1999 the abolition of 1933"Glass-steagall act".With the information highway,The United States financial industry GDP way hurricane.


Mixed operation and financial innovation dig a unprecedented in human history of asset markets.This market is closely connected to the money market and output market,Effective implement monetary pricing function,And also determine the length of the lever.It in the capital movement of constructing a multi-level balance sheet,Become a cash flow statement and profit statement outside of the third pole,Capital pulse problem to find the solution.


looks,This is not a perfect creation yao?
