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本报记者 李阳丹
Our reporter LiYangDan
Market is expected to,In 2013,"A document no."Will again attention"Agriculture, countryside and farmers".Agriculture to develop,Without the support of the capital.Experts say,Capital on agricultural support mode should be mainly is the tax breaks and subsidies"feedback"form,If capital directly into agricultural production may appear some potential problems,Need pertinently reinforce supervision.
A period of time,Both William ding pigs/LiuJiangDong kind of rice/Lenovo wine keep aquatic..."Capital to"/"Capital into farming"Was preached Hong Kong.To attract business capital into agriculture and agricultural industrialization is top once encouraged direction,This country has introduced many tax breaks/Preferential policies of land requisition,But as the capital into the disadvantages of agriculture gradually exposed,In recent years these policies have been tightened,Policy direction change.
"Into hard drugs crash chicken"Recently become a focus of network,The reason for causing this situation,The root cause lies in breeding in the capital blindly pursue benefit,Ignore other regulations and restrictions.Livestock breeding is assumed to recognized"Eat money"industry,The field of investment cycle is long/High cost/Risk big.And capital"ZhuLiXing"Insist on high risk and high income matching.Once the breeding into the only the pursuit of profit and ignore the law of nature circle,Will inevitably bring harm to the consequences of food safety."Crash chicken"so,"melamine"Milk vice versa.
And once capital into crop production,Is more likely to threaten food security."Rely on the"Crop cultivation also faced a long life cycle/Into big/The problem of high risk.Climate change/Disease and insect disasters could lead to a huge investment"Poured down the drain".The pursuit of profit maximization of capital into the field,Will often try to spread risk,Increases the income.
Some investors to grow as large areas of land contracting after,The actual part only to grow,And most are used to develop higher rate of return on the project,Such as sightseeing agriculture/Tourism picking,Even form of real estate development.The ministry of agriculture said people,At present the country on capital into agricultural supervision and no restrictions on the output,This will give agriculture capital left can drill"hole",This situation if continue to indulge,May threaten China's food security.(Turn the A02 version)
(Connected to A01 version)capital"Savage sexual"Agricultural experts worry that is one of the most important problems.In the process of urbanization,Real estate development has led to a lot of loss of land for farmers,There is no lack of among them capital to promote.And if a large number of capital involved in farmland circulation,Yet the lack of strict restrictions,May aggravate land-losing farmers,Bring social instability factors.
In addition to the two major characteristics of capital outside,The leading capital scale/Factory production with large amount of land/The characteristics of less digestive labor force,Will the interests of farmers and rural form a huge impact.
The experts say,At present,Capital on agricultural support more should be"feedback",That is under the guidance of the government,In the form of tax and subsidy,Through the redistribution in agriculture.Since 2004,Agricultural tax gradually releases and the increase of agricultural subsidies,Are the result of industry regurgitation feeding agriculture.But the agricultural subsidy system design still need further improvement.Such as in the farmer's grain on subsidies,At present is to give certain subsidy per acre of land,And there is no limit to the land output.This will cause some is used as other purposes of the land can still get subsidies.The ministry of agriculture experts said,After the new agricultural subsidies will and output hook.
To have or will be directly involved in agricultural capital requires more strict supervision.Such as,In the protection of cultivated land properties unchanged at the same time,And the output is limited.Expert advice,Encourage capital into the agricultural products processing and circulation and other links,Instead of planting/Breeding and other production link.According to the ministry of agriculture of planning,The future will increase in agricultural reserve talents,Farmland change by"The weak"Farming the present situation of the,At the same time improving agricultural access skills threshold,The cultivated land to real"Will sow the land"people.
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