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文/ 记者陈海玲
Wen/reporter ChenHaiLing
The national bureau of statistics released next week will include industrial production report/Fixed investment report/Social consumer goods report, macroeconomic panorama last year.This makes has shock a week of the Shanghai index is full of variables.
Next week the federal reserve will publish a number of macro data,This is related to the latest purchase debt plan last long.Japan will also vote on a new fund scheme,To boost the economy.
Next week the national economic operation series of macroeconomic data will be released
Consolidation days A share at A crossroads
本报讯 下周国家统计局则将召开国民经济运行情况新闻发布会,发布包括工业生产报告、固定投资报告、社会消费品报告等在内的去年宏观经济全景图。
Report from our correspondent national bureau of statistics will be held next week is the national economy operation news conference,Release including industrial production report/Fixed investment report/Social consumer goods report, macroeconomic panorama last year.
The state news agency xinhua quoted ZhangXiaoJiang, deputy director of the national development and reform commission said,China's 2012 years of economic growth rate can reach 7.7%,At the beginning of more than 7.5% of the intended target.
The Shanghai index in 2280 point a line has shock six trading day,Friday's a piece of shade in line broke the short line balance situation.According to the plate falling time-sharing K line form to track the performance of the change of volume and see,Index decline is not empty square main force can do.The Shanghai index in 2280 points for shock,Many still can not achieve upward breakthrough wishes,Yesterday's fall is its active retreat wash dish results.So can digest short term profit chips,Can also widened the last wave rising space.
In addition,The Shanghai index although below 10 daily line,But form and no effective damage,normally,As long as announced next week's GDP and macro data is not a bad,The market may in 10 daily line driven,Directly upward breakthrough,Complete the Shanghai index since 1949 points at the end of a period of rise.
In addition,The government has suspended last year in the part of the trade related charges(If the entry and exit inspection and quarantine fee)With stable export growth,And since 2013, part of the measures will be expired,So enterprises should as far as possible arrangement as soon as possible to reduce the costs associated with export.
下周美联储多项数据公布 日本也将表决一项新基金方案
Next week the federal reserve announced several data Japan will also vote on a new fund scheme
The spending plan may change
本报讯 下周美联储主席伯南克将发表演讲,同时公布多项宏观数据,这关系到,美国最新的购债计划持续多久。而日本也将表决一项新基金方案,以提振经济,但料将会引发市场对其政府债务的担忧。
Report from our correspondent next week federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke will give a speech,At the same time announced a number of macro data,This is related to,The latest purchase debt plan last long.Japan will also vote on a new fund scheme,To boost the economy,But the material will cause market for its government debt concerns.
HSBC bank business strategy and economic Asia Pacific consultant LiangZhaoJi said,The United States in the second half of last year the economy improved obviously,In the first half is expected to momentum will continue to.He is expected to,The two parties will continue to cut red have a lot differences,Influence market sentiment,To slow down the pace of economic recovery.LiangZhaoJi renewal refers to,Even if financial cliff solve,National debt problem in the coming year will also continue to have the market,Believe that the United States this year withdrawing the quantitative easing monetary policy opportunity very little.
In addition,The Japanese government will build a number of involved in private sector and the government support bank funds,One of the fund to encourage Banks to provide loans enterprise overseas mergers and acquisitions,Another is used to introduce new products or business types of enterprise lending.Supplementary budget will arrange 2.8 trillion(mega)yen,Used for making up pension reserve system of the gap,The budget is expected to be released next week.
欧元区方面,德盛安联董事兼欧洲股票部高级基金经理Thorsten Winkelmann表示,虽然目前仍存在不明朗因素,但现时为投资欧洲股市的良机。因为不少欧洲企业盈利能力改善,而且估值吸引。他指出,欧洲股市已经于2010年见底,最坏时间已过,欧洲整体经济环境正改善中,料股市近期升势可持续至明年。
In the euro area,DE cheng allianz director and European stock department senior fund manager Thorsten Winkelmann said,Although at present there are still uncertainties,But the present investment opportunity for European stock markets.Because a lot of European enterprises to improve profitability,And valuation attract.He pointed out that,European stock markets have been in 2010 see bottom,The worst time has passed,The European economy is to improve the environment of,Stock market in the near future sustainable to rise next year.
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- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
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