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基金业薪酬整体下滑 债券基金经理逆市涨薪10%--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  每日经济新闻(博客,微博)记者 徐皓 发自上海

Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)Reporter XuHao From Shanghai

  被认为是“雷打不动”的基金经理高薪在2012年亦出现松动。虽然这一年相当部分基金还是为投资者赚到了钱,然而行业整体环境下行以及成本缩减使得基金公司普遍有降薪举措,基金经理们也不例外。不过据 《每日经济新闻》记者调查显示,不同资产管理类别的基金经理差别却相当大,而“收入下降将体现在年终奖上”。

Is considered to be"unshakable"Fund managers high salary in 2012 also appear loose.Although this year is quite part of the fund or for investors to make money,But the whole industry environment down and cost reduction makes the fund companies generally have a pay cut measures,Fund managers are no exception.But according to [Daily economic news]Reporter investigation shows that,Different asset management category of fund managers difference is quite big,and"Revenue decline will reflect in the award".

  债基欢喜专户愁 Debt base glad only door sorrow


A fund company human resources department sources,In 2012 the fund manager overall compensation and the year before appear fall modestly,but"Less than other sequence by whole."


In fact,Different asset management category of the fund manager of salary increase and decrease,Bond fund manager is a kind of the highest income growth last year.The human resources department to the public[Daily economic news]Reporter revealed,"The two years of constant return product development rapidly,Good bond fund manager is always in the state of shortage.Bond fund manager last year, a 10% increase in average total compensation,Before the average earning 1.6 million yuan."


Market rumors before 3 million yuan annual salary to recruit outstanding bond fund manager's news,reinforces.The human resources department say,Bond fund manager the two income rose quickly,Originally in all kinds of fund managers in low income,And now more than quantitative investment fund manager,Shoulder to shoulder QDII fund manager salary level.


QDII fund managers in recent years, the overall income decline,"Before overseas assets management personnel is scarce,And now there are overseas management experience more and more."Shanghai a fund company HR think,Another factor is the QDII market in recent years always hard to expansion.The fund manager salary assessment in part and the fund size hook,And in 2012 the whole QDII fund performance although run to win A share funds,But there is still a net redemption,Asset management scale did not then flash.It is understood,Now QDII fund managers average salary down to below 1.8 million.


Overwhelmingly compensation fund manager,Is still actively managed stock fund managers."Last year, the stock fund managers must rise in total compensation,The average annual salary of more than 2 million yuan."Last year was stock base for nearly three years in the best performance of the year,Asset management scale also have rebounded.And the industry of stock investment talent remain a strong demand.


Compared with public offering fund managers are salary,"Investment manager great income differentiation,Doing good and doing bad difference is very big,But market research is whole pay last year fell sharply 30%."The people[Daily economic news]reporters,Because only door investment manager appraisal way and the public offering fund manager differences,Market downturn environment,The poor performance salary will appear to drop considerably.

  年终奖将缩水 Award will shrink


The fund manager 2012 salary income decreased overall is still less than the industry average,Hide one's HuiYue disclosure, 2012 big financial industry total cash income change display,Fund industry dropped by 6.1%."Revenue decline will reflect in the award."A fund company executives said.


A fund company human resources person also expressed confirmed,"Fixed salary part not too will drop,Last year the whole is rising,Floating part of the space(cut)."


Distance hair award points of the more and more close,Some fund companies have begun to employees"blowing"To reduce the psychological expectations.After the industry also rumours that some fund company this year will stop hair award."Don't be completely not hair,But income generally may shrink."The people said.


A large fund company marketing director says,Since last year the budget cuts have see not hard company for cost control,"Award will certainly less."


securities/The fund industry is floating in the financial industry accounted for the largest industry than salary.Award to fund employees overall income more influence.And once saved the whole industry,Executives bear the brunt of.In addition a large fund company officials said,To finish this year profit index,Above the middle management award will be detained.


Award if shrink will probably lead to fund company"Pay state change"Fixed salary and the proportion of floating salary by"Half and half"into"Big small before",So as to bring mentality change."Employees will pay more attention to the front of the solid pay,As for the incentive mechanism also can appear a series of change adjustment."The human resources department people think.


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