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2013年的冬季达沃斯论坛闭幕 央行副行长易纲:今年中国CPI或超3%--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  本报讯 首席记者 徐可奇 2013年的冬季达沃斯论坛刚闭幕,全球主要国家的财经界头面人物汇聚一堂。央行副行长易纲表示担心发达国家的量化宽松政策,同时预测今年的中国CPI可能会超过3%水平。而万科集团董事长王石谈到中国房价时称“有点不正常”。

Report from our correspondent chief reporter xu can odd 2013 winter davos BBS just closing,One of the world's major countries financial community pink gather.Yi gang, vice governor of the central bank of developed countries concerned about quantitative easing policy,At the same time forecast this year's China's CPI may be more than 3% level.And vanke chairman wang shi said when it comes to China's house prices"Not quite normal".


The people's bank of China deputy governor/Yi gang, director of the state administration of foreign exchange"The global economic outlook"BBS said the speech,In 2013 China's CPI may be more than 3%,At the same time in the developed countries, and quantitative easing policy and trade protectionism worried about.Now the RMB exchange rate close to equilibrium level,The market supply and demand roughly balanced,Last year's foreign currency reserves rose scale in the past five years at least.


Canada and central bank governor mark karni said in his speech,For monetary policy is,Is to ensure that the major economies are to maintain a certain growth rate.Japan's economy minister GanLiMing in"The global economic outlook"BBS said,The Japanese government will use all policy tools,Include financial supervision,Tax measures and so on,To ensure economic growth.


Davos BBS in Europe to open,Natural attention to Europe's things.The European central bank President Della auspicious in BBS on Wednesday,The economy of the euro area is gradually stabilised,In the second half of this year will see the eurozone's economic recovery.Last year on the introduction of the new purchase debt plans to remove the euro area's extreme risk is very helpful.But all have been determined,Because have not seen the real economy to improve the situation,Europe must therefore work harder.


The European commission vice chairman and economic and monetary affairs committee Ryan is very funny that:"This time last year,(eurozone)Situation very nervous.I think this year we are from stabilised towards recovery,This means that I have a chance for more cross-country skiing."


China is still one of the key words of BBS discussion,Agenda display directly with China as the theme of the seminar at least five.China Europe international business school professor XuXiaoNian said,He to the global economic judgment is the European economy continues to descending,And the United States has very clearly and obviously on the way to recovery,With silicon valley high-tech industries and Texas energy industry as a representative of two industries will lead the U.S. economy growing.


XuXiaoNian think"China's economy has just started down",In under the pressure of excess capacity,underinvestment,Residents income accounted for the proportion of the national income and decreases year by year,Unable to boost consumption.But China will feel in the next two or three years,The United States on China's export demand recovery of positive influence.


Vanke group chairman wang shi in the BBS said the current China's house price is a bit unusual,Slightly on the high side.For residents and consumers,The house is main or using attributes,If the emphasis on investment properties,May lead to other problems:When prices are not easy to get,It is difficult to sell when prices drop,So will tell to consumer,The house as investment or carefully.
