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地产股命运待“两会”后定 三大评级机构唱多--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “国五条”昨日出台 调控从严可能直接影响房企一季度的“成绩单”

"Five countries"Yesterday issued strict regulation may directly influence the room to quarter"transcript"


S&p announced yesterday,Will China's property market industry rating from negative to rise to stable,However as the AII1 yesterday reported"The industry has revealed control combination brewing"Said it,A shares after the closing"Five countries"issued.the,Mention to strictly implement the commodity housing purchasing measures,Expand individual housing property tax reform pilot range, etc.


Although the room for the effect of enterprise control still doubtful,But experts predict,Real estate regulation has appeared the trend,May affect the real estate market turnover,Which may directly influence the room to quarter"transcript".


Analysts said,In the policy surface clear before,With property or have cut space,But shoulds not be too pessimistic,"lianghui"Can decide again after.

  本报讯 昨日A股收盘后,国务院常务会议确定了完善稳定房价工作责任制、坚决抑制投机投资性购房,增加普通商品用房及用地供应、加快保障性安居工程规划建设、加强市场监管五个方面,被业内人士称为“国五条”。其中,提及要严格执行商品住房限购措施,扩大个人住房房产税改革试点范围等内容。

Report from our correspondent yesterday after closing A shares,The state council executive meeting to determine the perfect house prices stable work responsibility system/Resolutely inhibition speculative investment purchase,Increase the ordinary commodity housing and land supply/The ensuring comfortable housing project planning and construction/To strengthen market supervision five aspects,The industry was called"Five countries".the,Mention to strictly implement the commodity housing purchasing measures,Expand individual housing property tax reform pilot range, etc.


开发商:旺季难受影响 developers:Season bad influence


"The individual feels countries five to the real estate sales the impact is not big.March is the traditional peak season push plate,Our company is expected to march sales however not less than two months."A south China leading room to Marketing Department person in charge told reporters.


And the other real estate leading enterprise of insiders said,"unless‘lianghui’Introduced the specific policy,Affect the market mentality,You don't have obvious influence on sales."He also said,The company without really appeared before the sales volume to drop,Could not come at a discount greatly etc.


专家:或出台更严厉政策 experts:Or issued more stringent policies


however,Real estate the personage inside course of study still smell"Five countries"May give the hot real estate market brought chill.Shanghai yi, vice President of the institute in the real estate YangGongXu [micro bo] the truth,"Five countries"Mentioned must firmly inhibition speculative investment purchase.And demand has been restricted to the implementation of the city in the restricted area/Housing type is restricted/The credentials, etc,According to the unified purchasing requirements perfect measures.Other cities of prices rose too quickly,The provincial government shall require its take timely measures such as purchasing.This actually means a small area is restricted to upgrade.


For real estate tax,YangGongXu said,That very clear,In this year to expand,"The city is not easy to predict,With a line city and a few high house prices mainly second-tier cities,Plus hunan/Hubei this have prepared the Midwest or city."At the same time,He said,In the coming days there may be some refining measures,"Such as the two days of rumors of two sets of mortgage tightening is not impossible."


若有新调控将损首季业绩 If there is a new regulation will damage) performance


According to the chain home real estate [micro bo] statistics,By February and,,Has 54 home a-share listed companies released 2012 profit forecast,Preliminary kui and preliminary reduction room for enterprises than still account for more than forty percent,Large room to profit performance was significantly better than that of the small and medium-sized enterprises room.And vanke A home for benchmarking listed room to January sales amounted to RMB 85.532 billion in total,Link only increased by 6.42%.


With the strategy consulting research center director ZhangHongWei is considered,"Five countries"In the short term may affect some developers sales and profits in the first quarter,but"Clinch a deal will not instantly fell sharply."


Can be estimated,If the follow-up policy is issued,Traditional market in March"Indian summer"By certain will blow,Room to quarter report card may not too good.


三大评级机构唱多中国房地产市场 Three major rating agencies to sing Chinese real estate market


s&p(2 months and days)


Announced the rise of China's real estate market rating,The negative rise to stable.


Fitch ratings(On January 29,)


China is expected to housing construction activities will be in 2013 growth,And in the first half of 2013 sales year-on-year growth in the second half of may be higher.


moody(On January 29,)


Expected the first quarter of 2013 signing of real estate enterprises in China will achieve sales year-on-year growth.


资本市场: Capital market:


三大评级机构顶风唱多中国楼市 Three major rating agencies against the wind sing Chinese market

  地产股昨翻红 对股价走势不宜过分悲观

With property yesterday turned red to stock price movements shoulds not be too pessimistic


On Tuesday after the collapse,Yesterday the s&p sing Chinese market,Says that the sales increase/Developers to improve liquidity,Will China's residential real estate development industry rating outlook from negative adjustment to stability.S&p think,This year, real estate developers from overseas market channels broaden,And from a domestic bank and trust financing channels and will not return to tight situation.Affected by this,Vanke A/Investment real estate(000024,guba)[micro bo] and ltd.gemdale corporation(600383,guba)Or are more than 2%.145 only 63 of the sector's rise.


but,Large securities analysts YangGuoHua and the dongguan securities [micro bo] LiuZhuo average said,Policy tightening will be big probability event.


but"It is not likely to the whole of the pyramid,With property adjustment will be short-term."LiuZhuoPing said.YangGuoHua also called,Economy just recovery,Real estate investment growth in the low post,At present in the structure of the deal just need to be the mainstream."as‘lianghui’near,Housing policy again into the sensitive period,Suggestions in policy clear before,Investors need not worry copy the bottom."A fund company chief analyst pointed out to reporters.Northeast securities and(000686,guba)Analysts pointed out that gao jian,Real estate regulation policy"lianghui"Period or will be made.so,He is expected to this most blue chip with property and 10% drop in space.(Pan for/ZhangZhongAn/ZhouYuNing)

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  今年信托公司或抢地产项目 This year the trust company or the real estate projects


China's trust industry association figures showed,In 2012, the real estate industry to the trust fund balance is about 688.069 billion yuan,And the compared to 688.231 billion yuan fell slightly.A trust company personage points out:"In 2013 the trust company will focus on real estate project returns,May even have the program."(ZhouYuNing)
