- ·Libor监管离不开美国的积极参与--亲
- ·海通证券上半年净赚20亿同比降9%--亲
- ·浙江现象的启示--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- ·B股屡屡“吓坏”A股 制度改革箭在弦
- ·“银行系垫底公司”总经理离职幕后--
- ·宋冰接手蔡金勇 高盛高华首位女性总
- ·基建投资热潮下 警惕平台贷风险抬头-
- ·德国联邦外贸与投资署:欧债危机未影
- ·中国银行业加快融入全球化浪潮--亲稳
- ·DIY货币——重建熟人社会--亲稳舆论
- ·美国能源市场恐受波及--亲民维稳网络
- ·财经-宜信财富中国财富管理系列论坛
- ·孟文能:让金融业回归本质--亲稳舆论
- ·国际油价止跌反弹国内成品油调价添变
- ·万得诉同花顺侵权索赔近亿元--亲稳网
- ·金融秩序重构--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- ·出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳
- ·出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳
- ·一周财讯--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- ·张承惠:不差钱的金融市场难匹配城镇
- ·专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆
- ·理顺机制尤为重要(明星教授)--亲稳
- ·假新闻袭击金融--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- ·支付行业快速扩张--亲民维稳网络舆情
- ·“三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- ·“金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰
- ·IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维
- ·小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳
- ·对外资产结构失衡FDI撤资风险、资产
- ·一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比
- ·分析机构预测:汽油将微涨0.06-0.09

When the leaves to fall,It is larger than Beijing/Shanghai/Chongqing whole slow a winter,It withered and yellow leaves falling at the same time,Bud will be emitted,Very natural complete life cycle.
You back to their hometown,Is now and the last two you in comparison,Can draw clear coordinates and logical line;
You went to the land,Is now you and land in contrast with others,Can get what can do what not to do;
You travel in Europe,You are now in the past you look into and reflection,Can know to do what do wrong;
You go to New York,Is now you and the future of you in a dialogue,Can remind yourself this also can do that also can do;
now,We in China,The future is in front of you?
Now it is time to we should be able to talk about the future of the time.No matter you have middle age,Whether you or a student.Even the"For the future"In the tone of the relationship between the us and the world/Our relationship with China/Our relationship with the market,These large perspective understanding and treat.Otherwise, they will be real covered their eyes,Interest will be covered their eyes,Will be pattern covered their eyes.
Last week,This JuanShou of"Open market order",The emphasis is China is constructing a open society and open market(The basic stage of the free market),It is social justice and fair society's overture,Is the foundation of China's future.
How to open society and open the market to do a core competitiveness of the media,This is the most important financial weekly work this year.We won't because of news and news,We won't because the media special function and enlarge their rights,We won't because of their own interests and damage the public interests - we pursue for reports and produce public value,We pursue for public value and produce commercial value,We pursue for respect and equality and identity for the participants.
We will focus on more new into the open market assets and material,And thus calculation multi-level interests expression reports.Hope that through the same subject under different benefit calculation relationship,Let the public know the cost of participation/Risks and benefits.
Such as assets in the interests of the seller(Assets first premium,After the asset securitization second premium),Asset purchase the interests of the company(Asset purchase amount and assets return relationship/Buying assets and the relationship between the market value),Asset purchase company shareholders' interests,PE, VC and asset strategic investors interests,Organizations and the public in the interests of the investors.Through five layer relationship,Can understand the same assets different interest subjects, income,Let the public have complete resolution.
We will focus on more Banks/trust/securities/fund/The listed company contract relationship and fiduciary duty,Also the mechanism on the open market conditions with the control,Let the public to do more be sure judgment.
We will focus on more basic material,Especially its activity and sensitivity,For the public to establish can trace and tracking memos.
If your side have a globe,You will more understand around the Caribbean sea and the gulf of stalemate and opposition.
Pacific(601099,guba)/Atlantic(600558,guba)/Indian Ocean/The arctic ocean will be in front of you in plain sight.
Originated in the Atlantic basin Brazil south equatorial current/Cape Verde basin formation of north equatorial current/The eastern Pacific sea hill marquesas islands of the south equatorial current/Northeast of the Pacific basin north equatorial current will be in front of you in plain sight.
Originated in the depths of the ocean of air flow for the global climate formation and change/Animal and plant ecological/Human activity characteristics,That business/war/Political form in front of you in plain sight.
We have before in the future,Together we look for the future.
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 一周财讯--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 张承惠:不差钱的金融市场难匹配城镇化的资金缺口--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 理顺机制尤为重要(明星教授)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 假新闻袭击金融--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 支付行业快速扩张--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- “金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 对外资产结构失衡FDI撤资风险、资产收益率过低并存--亲民维稳网络舆情监测
- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室