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全球失衡与汇率操控 Global imbalances and currency manipulation
CF40:Since 2007,The financial crisis become the focus of attention,In your opinion, what is the main cause of the international financial crisis?How do you comment on"China lead to global imbalances/Global imbalances caused the financial crisis"This idea is?
Adam posen,:I belong to the minority in the United States on this issue,I don't think that is Chinese, or other events led to the global financial crisis.The root of the crisis is that beauty/Britain and other western countries financial system regulation failure,Failure is the main reason for the excessive financial liberalization/Corruption and banking regulations.
Crisis triggered by buried in 2000,From then on,Relax the U.S. regulatory system.If the first deregulation is because before the regulation is too strict,So the United States on this road is going too far:High budget deficits/Subprime mortgages and mispricing appeared in the process of asset securitization,Before companies like fannie mae has contributed a lot to the American economy,But with its business expansion into new areas,Controls in the gap.
China and the world within the scope of the imbalances only exacerbated the crisis,Because capital owners hope to find safety and a high return investment opportunities,This opportunity is very lack.It is true,Such investment demand exacerbated the crisis,But the crisis is the root cause of the weak supervision of the bank,Is the crisis in the banking system.
CF40:候任美国财政部长Jacob Lew最近声称,如果他的任命得以通过,“处理中国的汇率问题将是最优先事项”。PIIE一向在人民币汇率问题上对于美国政府有着巨大的影响力。作为PIIE的新领导,您在这个问题上对于美国政府有什么建议?您如何看待对于中国操纵汇率的指责?
CF40:Incoming us Treasury secretary, Jacob Lew said recently,If his appointment through,"Dealing with China's exchange rate will be the most priority".PIIE has always been on the issue of RMB exchange rate for the U.S. government has a huge influence.The PIIE new leadership,Do you have any advice for the U.S. government on this issue?How do you think to accuse China of manipulating its currency?
Adam posen,:Radical changes have taken place in the current relationship between China's exchange rate,This from the level of wages/Wealth levels and current account surpluses, etc can all see it.The change in China/America and the world would be beneficial.so,The United States and China on the issue of stress levels may fall.
美国财政部当前关注的主要问题不是汇率,而是中国的行为。在谈论中国问题时,经常用到的词语是“操纵”。我同事Joseph Gagnon 的研究表明,政府直接实行货币干预会影响贸易盈余。所以,无论是中国、美国还是日本,在实行货币政策时,都应该针对国内而不是国外。当中国采取货币政策时,如果是基于控制国内通胀和确保经济平稳增长的目的,即使影响了汇率也是情有可原的;但如果中国政府只是出于增加贸易余额而干预汇率,而忽略了国内的通胀水平,就不合情理了。
The U.S. Treasury Department at present the main focus of the problem is not the exchange rate,But China's behaviour.When talking about China issues,Words are often used"Manipulation of".My colleague Joseph Gagnon study,Government direct currency intervention affect the trade surplus.so,Whether it is in China/The United States or Japan,When monetary policy is implemented,Should be aimed at the domestic rather than foreign.When China's monetary policy,If it is based on the purpose of controlling domestic inflation and ensure steady economic growth,Even influence the exchange rate is also understandable;But if just for the Chinese government increase the balance of trade and currency intervention,While ignoring the domestic inflation,It doesn't make sense.
This view in last week's G20 summit also got approval,That is beautiful/In the/In countries such as the exchange rate level is not the main problem,Main question is whether a country through currency attacks,Realizing their own growth at the expense of others.I think the Chinese government in recent years this tendency has a lot to ease more earlier,But the two sides still need to discuss this.The G20 summit,If the United States such as China/The United States/Japan/Country such as Britain and Russia by sacrificing other countries' interests to achieve their own growth,All countries should negative pressure is applied to.To sum up,I don't agree with the U.S. Treasury Department some ideas,I think should not focus on a country's exchange rate,And should focus on a country's exchange rate policy intentions.
CF40:Now China's foreign exchange reserves have on more than a year of time to keep basic stability,The central bank's intervention also dramatically reduced.Does this mean that the marketization of China's currency has been basically completed?Whether the RMB exchange rate close to the equilibrium level?
Adam posen,:My colleagues and I always pay close attention to this problem,But we think the renminbi exchange rate equilibrium level exactly how many,It is difficult to determine.Can be clear,Five years ago, the yuan is significantly undervalued,Currency imbalances and inflation is very serious.The current,We are sure that China's exchange rate has greatly close to equilibrium level than before,It also can see from the many economic data,This is a good phenomenon.deregulation/Exchange rate is close to equilibrium/Domestic inflation is stable,These are synchronised.But even if the RMB exchange rate liberalization is nearing an end,It is just a small step of interest rate liberalization and financial liberalization,China's capital market reform is still a long way to go.
量化宽松引发货币战争? Quantitative easing (qe) trigger a currency war?
CF40:During the visit in the United States,Many scholars talked about quantitative easing effect on developing economies,For this,What is your concept?
Adam posen,:On the issue,I and the federal reserve officials take the same view,Although this view belong to the minority.We believe that,The current U.S. quantitative easing spillover effects to developing countries and the influence of the federal reserve cut interest rates are the same.Quantitative easing is nothing more than to countries such as South Korea and Brazil complain about something.
Realistic point of view,Current U.S. short-term economic growth is relatively slow,The descent of the economy for a long time in the world of,This means that in the short term, America needs to return to normal growth through monetary channels,In the long term national currencies in general should be against the dollar.so,China/Brazil/Countries such as South Korea and Australia's currency against the dollar is inevitable,Because no matter short term or long term,The growth in these countries are higher than the United States.
so,Governments to quantitative easing (qe) of the unreasonable,The domestic currency appreciation can help control inflation in these countries.instead,Control currency rise will only backfire,Can lead to its inflation and asset bubbles in these countries.
CF40:Current us loose monetary policy will not lead to a new round of worldwide economic crisis?
Adam posen,:As is said above,The U.S. economic crisis is caused by a lack of bank regulation rather than monetary policy was too loose,so,The current loose monetary policy is unlikely to trigger a further crisis.It should worry about is the effectiveness of monetary policy to promote economic growth,The monetary policy risk of failure.
At present,There's still some countries in the world,The idle private capital,A large number of private and corporate savings in Banks or used to buy national debt,Without effective investments.Quantitative easing and a proactive fiscal policy is to encourage these funds back into the capital market.From that perspective,We are not successful,But there are signs that all is getting better.
so,The current monetary policy only two possibilities:Moderately loose and not loose enough,There will not be too loose.Throughout the world,As Hungary/Turkey and some Latin American countries of the economic crisis,Their bank regulation and have the same disadvantages before the crisis of the United States,Is not money led to the crisis.
CF40:Currency war this concept in global and China are very popular now.In your opinion,Now if there is a currency war?How quantitative easing and the relationship between the currency war?
Adam posen,:First of all, from the"The war"The definition of the analysis,Reference of the cold war in the 1980 s the Soviet union and NATO,This is not a real sense of the war,Because no one had a gun,No territorial changes.United States may at the expense of the interests of other countries to revive domestic manufacturing,China may also be at the expense of the interests of other countries to achieve export growth,But all is not a war,Because there is no currency market intervention or purchase other countries to force the currency appreciation.Both the appreciation of the renminbi and the dollar,Are smooth.The United States in the process of depreciation does not deliberately raise any other countries' currencies.Japan from the new government took office,Threatened to large purchases of dollar assets in order to realize the yen to the dollar,But has been alerted.After the Japanese government also said publicly that they will not intentionally manipulating its currency.The G7 and before the G20 summit also reached a consensus on these issues.
Before the IMF and the G20 agreed economic stable development on global economic stability has a positive role,And beauty/day/Europe's quantitative easing is to the stable development of the country's economy.These measures in the short term may influence on the exchange rate,But the benefits far outweigh the short-term costs for a long time.Quantitative easing is not considered by governments as deliberate currency war.
货币政策的立足点 The standpoint of monetary policy
CF40:In the tide of national competitive devaluations,Is there a country's currency appreciation appears?If you have,Which country is?
Adam posen,:Countries faced with three options:A devaluation is all developed countries,By easing monetary policy to promote economic growth.2 it is depends on the people's bank of China monetary policy is loose is close,If you take loose monetary policy,Will bring a series of reactions;If the central bank of the real estate market overheating and consider tightening monetary excess capacity,Will bring another series of reactions.The third is the countries to tighten monetary policy at the same time.Whether to adopt what kind of choice,Depend on their own.From a security point of view,The choice of monetary policy has no fixed direction,By sheer economic situation and national conditions;From a global perspective,beauty/Day in countries such as China's economic development is slow,In the long run will inevitably to the currency to rise. The,Not what monetary policy can change.
If countries are to take looser monetary policy,Although will become a global event,The orientation of monetary policy continues to be a problem itself.When I work in the bank of England,Sterling has been a steady value,But because no one want to change the currency for a specific monetary policy.All the foothold of monetary policy is the domestic economic and business conditions,Every country is doing what he thinks is right.From a global perspective,It also makes sense,If major economies' currencies have depreciated,That money will flow to the small country,Such as Brazil/Australia/Norway etc.,These countries will face asset prices.so,Their choice of all countries and there is no contradiction between global situation.
CF40:At the end of the gold standard,Currencies are relatively gold in value.If countries are quantitative easing,If I can draw a conclusion,The relative exchange rates between countries are remain unchanged?If this is the case,The loose monetary policy effectiveness will be discounted.
Adam posen,:You have said makes sense,But experience has some discrepancy with history.Over the past few years,beauty/Between the,Slightly dollar depreciation,On the current account balance is increased.But we measure the quantitative easing of America main foothold is the domestic economy.In the process of value of the dollar,We see America's housing market recovery,The banking system of bad also got a certain degree of clearance.These are the domestic situation,Has nothing to do with foreign trade.Look at the UK,The situation plummet,We don't think may be easing effect.So countries take the loose monetary policy at the same time,May suffer is a small country,For the United States/Large economies like China,Or the UK/Medium-sized economies like Japan,There will not be in vain.
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