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周小川两次避开留任问题 坦承“有做错的地方”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

周小川两次避开留任问题 坦承“有做错的地方”   3月13日下午,十二届全国人大一次会议新闻中心在梅地亚中心多功能厅举行记者会。中国人民银行行长周小川中国人民银行行长刘士余,中国人民银行副行长、国家外汇管理局局长易纲,中国人民银行副行长潘功胜就“货币政策与金融改革”的相关问题回答中外记者的提问。图为周小川答问。中新网记者 金硕 摄 On March 13 in the afternoon,The 12 th at a meeting of the National People's Congress news center held a press conference in the center of the MeiDeYa.The people's bank of China governor zhou xiaochuan,The people's bank of China deputy governor LiuShiYu,Deputy governor of the people's bank of China/Yi gang, director of the state administration of foreign exchange,Mr. Pan is a deputy governor of the people's bank of China"Monetary policy and financial reform"The relevant question answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.The graph is zhou answered questions.News agency journalists Jin Shuo perturbation

  中新社北京3月13日电题:“川”行十年 周小川步履依旧矫健

China news agency Beijing, March 13 (Reuters):"sichuan"Zhou xiaochuan is still vigorous line for ten years

  中新社记者 马学玲 周锐

China news agency reporters Ma Xueling Zhou Rui


"zhou,Could you please tell me,Whether you will win a second term?"


"zhou,How do you evaluate yourself over the central bank of this decade?"




13.,After answering a reporter's question,The people's bank of China governor zhou xiaochuan in various television reporters,But same as before,He once again to"Is faster than all the journalists"The speed of the breakthrough success.


Grey hair,Gentle manner,On the familiarity of all kinds of financial affairs,Sometimes come up to the English vocabulary,Is Mr. Zhou always impression to the person.Since December 2002,Mr Zhou has been ruled the central bank.


In ten years,China has completed a series of major landmark financial reform,State-owned commercial bank joint stock system reform,The rural financial reform,Major breakthroughs were made in the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism,China successfully survived the severe challenges of the international financial crisis.


Ten years have gone,For Mr Zhou's every move is always pay close attention to.


Change the approach of the node,And has successfully elected vice chairman of the CPPCC national committee,The parties focus on zhou more apparent today.From zhou xiaochuan, appeared at the beginning,In the hall of the shutter sound is almost uninterrupted,Cooperate with reporters cross-examine,The scene of the"noisy"A few degrees covered zhou himself speak.


but,The scholar official as usual,In the face of all sorts of questions and test,He is always smiling,easily,freely.


today,Have two journalists on formal questions to test whether the term.The first time,Mr. Zhou"forget"answer,The stage to reporters a commotion.


"This problem,If should not be answered by me.It has established procedures.So far,I did not know this thing."He answer.


Asked in a second,He is still not a positive response,Just say,"I believe that no matter who as governor of the central bank,These policy will maintain the continuity and stability."


As the head of the central bank,Zhou xiaochuan, is no stranger to such temptations.In 2011 two sessions,Mr Zhou had been blocked by journalists in the elevator"The coercive"When to raise interest rates,In desperation, he made a"six"The gesture,Cause the media competing interpretations.


It is said that zhou xiaochuan suggested to raise interest rates on Saturday,Someone guess governor according to add 6 basis points,But in the end, only to find people,Zhou xiaochuan, just to remind there's a his press conference on Saturday.but,During the conference,Zhou xiaochuan success again"Run away".


In the past two years,With a deep correction in the world economy,The internationalisation of the renminbi is accelerating,After ten years of zhou xiaochuan ruled the central bank to the watches.Authoritative magazine in the international financial field[The European currency]Voted best after the central bank governor,A reporter asked two sessions in 2012,On the occasion of world bank President Robert zoellick outgoing,Many people are calling for nomination to you to do the bank President said support,"I don't know what do you think?"


Zhou xiaochuan also face numerous times about the internationalisation of the renminbi"International requirements"The scene,Let the scene into a smile.Zhou xiaochuan was remind said with a smile,We need to know more about the world bank and history in this organization.The bank's President has always been an American,While the G20 said,Later, President of the international monetary fund/If the scope of the bank's President candidate can be adjusted,But at least so far has not happened."So I think don't have to worry about this matter".


At the conference,Zhou xiaochuan, still did not say to yourself,But he is one of the few in their work:"To be frank with you,I often also have do wrong place,No place has done.The modified to fix these places,In general,Sure to maintain the continuity of policy/The stability."


today,After 18 questions answered,Zhou xiaochuan, again break success,Is still vigorous.(After the)
