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AMC功能再造 变“不良资产处置公司”为资产管理公司--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

AMC功能再造  变“不良资产处置公司”为资产管理公司 赖小民 Lai Xiaomin


In the Treasury/The people's bank of China/The China banking regulatory commission/Securities regulatory commission (CSRC)/Series of innovation policies pushed by circ,The boundaries of mixed management is substantial open,Financial integrated operation is the trend of The Times,The bond market/The derivatives market,And pan will be deeply integrated asset management industry,Financial innovation to depth.


In the mixed wave,Vision of army force cannot be ignored.The linkage/Huarong completion of restructuring,The Great Wall/Oriental also launched earlier this year share reform,The four financial asset management company(AMC)Will be fully completed from policy-based financial institutions to the transformation of business organizations.


A new historical point,The function of the AMC defined needs"reengineering".


"Company is bad asset disposal of financial asset management companies,Be sure to drop the radical changes in traditional concepts."On March 10, in the afternoon,In a rare sunny days,The National People's Congress/China huarong asset management co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"huarong")Chairman Lai Xiaomin accepted our reporter's interview in both houses of the station.


Lai Xiaomin put forward,To make AMC asset management company, in the true sense.His bold ideas,AMC should have the four functions in the future:Asset disposal/Assets management/Asset management/Wealth management.


He told the"The two sessions"A bill,Suggest to modify[Financial assets management companies ordinance]Or in the form of research under the state council issued policy documents,Given the corresponding legal status of financial asset management companies and assets management means.


This would be tantamount to AMC for"The top design".


however,Propulsion of financial reform in China must not by large state-owned financial assets quickly so that economic imbalances.If the AMC as an industry,The healthy development of industry depends on the diversity of financial main body.In the long run,Four major state-owned AMC the pattern of monopoly must be broken.


Lai Xiaomin agrees."The asset management industry needs a large number of market main body join."He suggested that,In risk control/Professionals have/Under the premise of industry standards,Reduce the threshold of market access,Development of all kinds of the nature of the asset management company,Including the introduction of more private capital.


"The local government to build its commercial Banks,Why can't we set up their own asset management company?"Lai Xiaomin asks.

  金融整体创新不足 Overall financial innovation is insufficient


[The 21st century]:How to evaluate financial innovation in various fields process?Do you think the whole bond market in the national unified the need to establish what mechanisms?


Lai Xiaomin:Bank over the years/securities/Insurance in the field of several major financial innovation go hand in hand,Achieved good development,These achievements obtained thanks to financial reform,The next step will continue to deepen financial system reform.I think we will deepen reform of the financial system should be conducted from two aspects:The first increase innovation,The second strengthen supervision.


China's financial industry,Whether the banking industry/Securities or insurance,Innovation ability is not enough,The performance in financial products,Financial service ability is also weak,Relative to the development of the society/The people's growing demand for the financial gap is very big.


We also noticed that,From top of the country/"A line of three will be"Lead innovation continually.Especially the CSRC's recent strength is larger,Securities company a lot of business will be let go;Banking regulatory commission (CBRC) in asset securitization,Circ is out of the insurance investment policies,And so on.


[The 21st century]:The direction of the future financial innovation how to design?Financial assets management companies, for example,What will the future but the change of phase?


Lai Xiaomin:Financial innovation will intensify efforts in several ways.The first is the innovation of ideological concept;The second is the innovative development model.The financial sector to transform growth mode,Especially in the profit space/Profit model/Trade structure more innovation.


Such as the banking industry,In 2012 net profit of 1.24 trillion,Is very high,But 80% 90% or a savings and loan spreads,If the interest rate marketization,Banking profitability will be significantly reduced,At least can reduce more than 40%.


The third is the innovation of financial products and financial services.Product and service innovation spawned many new financial instruments,Such as asset securitization/The futures/swaps/A new asset management, etc,These operations are also has the very big space.


AMC now is not a proper asset management company,In fact a misnomer,Can only be called bad assets disposal company.Because the business side of AMC/Business scope is very narrow,Only for banking non-performing assets/Only in view of the financial creditor's rights in the disposition.I call on,To increase the financial innovation,Make financial asset management companies in the true sense of asset management companies.As in the past to comrade deng xiaoping"Make bank real bank",Truth is the same.

  《21世纪》:国际上既有从事“优良”资产管理业务的AMC,也有“不良” 资产管理业务的AMC,你提出做真正意义上的“资产管理公司”,是否有标杆或目标?如何给AMC的功能重新定义?

[The 21st century]:Both engaged in in the world"good"Asset management business of AMC,There are"bad" Asset management business of AMC,You do in the true sense"Asset management companies",If there is a post or target?How to redefine the function of AMC?


Lai Xiaomin:References to these asset management companies on international,Goldman sachs/Morgan Stanley/Wells Fargo bank/Fidelity, etc.,There are many places worth us learning,But I think China asset management co., LTD,Cannot just copy them.China's AMC should not only follow the economic laws of asset management companies,Also want to draw lessons from foreign some good asset management mode,Combined with China's actual building a Chinese characteristics/The real meaning of assets management companies.


Four AMC1.4 trillions more non-performing assets disposition,Cash back only 50 billion - 70 billion,Cash recovery rate was 17%,It is very low.Looking back on it now,In the past some asset disposal out prematurely,YiMaiLeZhi,Rarely consider asset appreciation of the value of the future,No real exercise of assets management responsibility.


So I offered to make AMC asset management company, in the true sense.Not only do disposal of acquisitions of financial creditor's rights,Distressed debt so that a single business,Should also be running quality,Good property.

  四大职能设想 The four functions


[The 21st century]:To be specific,In addition to financial distressed debt,What assets AMC can run?


Lai Xiaomin:At least six aspects of asset AMC can do,The first block is the financial creditor's rights,This authorization,Other than in the AMC's business scope also,But the market more.The second piece is lowered/State-owned enterprise debt,A lot of state-owned enterprises/State-owned enterprises,Years of accumulated to form a lot of high-quality assets,Also precipitated a lot of bad assets,Can't dispose of according to the current law/business.


The third is the government financing platform.Local debt and the balance is 10.7 trillion yuan by the end of 2010 so big,Including bank loans has a more than $70000,There is no doubt that the government financing platform is a very potential risks,I'm quite part will appear bad judgment.


The fourth piece of high-quality assets is the government's hands,Such as the hospital/infrastructure/Affordable housing, and so on.Can put the packaging good assets tied up,By some means of securitization operation value.


The fifth piece of military assets.The army is a special asset,General can't touch,But there is no doubt for so many years,Defense has some of bad assets by professional treatment,You can activate the,Increase the value of the larger,Don't cause waste of assets.I think may be entrusted to state-backed asset management company to operate special asset disposal,Such as huarong,We are fully capable to enter.


6 pieces of national wealth,More and more national wealth accumulation,Urgently need the value of wealth,There are quite a few can be managed as an asset.


[The 21st century]:Means that in addition to the function of assets management,You also want to AMC are endowed with wealth management functions?Are there any other functions?


Lai Xiaomin:yes.Money market now/The capital market/Asset management market three big markets are synchronous,We immersed the traditional money market in the past,Ignore the two markets,Should now be more focus on asset management market.Of course,,Wealth management function on the degree of specialization of asset management companies/Personnel quality, etc. Put forward higher request,Assets companies need to have the ability to match.


I think,Asset management companies should give it four functions in the future:The first,Asset disposal function;In the second,The function of the assets management;In the third,The function of the asset management;In the fourth,Wealth management.To sum up is"diversification".

  《21世纪》:AMC做财富管理的模式,跟银行、券商、基金等有什么不一样? AMC旗下子公司其实已具备资产管理的功能,你倾向于在母公司层面做,还是子公司层面?

[The 21st century]:AMC for wealth management mode,With the bank/brokers/Funds have what different? AMC subsidiary actually has the function of asset management,Do you tend to be in the parent company level,Or unit level?


Lai Xiaomin:Asset management companies can start from setting up financial center in the first place,Some business there are some financial homogeneity with the bank,And there was a financial asset management company's unique features,Belong to the alternative financing.Bank finance is counter,And asset management, financial management through asset securitization can achieve higher returns,At the same time a greater risk.This requires the investors' money in combination with effective asset allocation,Better use of the trade structure to realize the property to maintain or increase its value.


I hope in huarong across the group to promote the level of wealth management,Top design on the system.This has to do with trust/securities/Bank subsidiaries as financing does not conflict,The two did not affect,Two levels have their unique some operating channels and deal structure.


In fact,We have started to research,Plans to set up huarong wealth management center,In the form of quasi divisional system set up,But it need the support of regulators,Need to give access.


We also want to do something in terms of asset securitization.For us to,Do key must first find good asset securitization.Found that the ability to balance/Pricing mechanism of asset prices/Market risk control mechanism/Professional talent team,The market allocation of resources and assets,This is a test for us.

  四大渠道补充资本 Four channels to replenish capital


[The 21st century]:You make AMC real asset management company,At the same time to its market positioning/Scope of business to do a very grand/The design of the imagination,Do you think if future market the dishes really have so much,Is home to four AMC to do?Whether should let go of market access,Break the monopoly of AMC?


Lai Xiaomin:I am in favor of breaking up monopolies,Since the development as an industry asset management market,Need to be more/The addition of different nature of the market main body.Now the national asset management company has more than ten thousand large and small,Many are privately owned,But there is no doubt in a short period of time no one can replace the commonly known as the four amcs,The huarong/cinda/The Great Wall/The east.


But I think the next step to gradually break the monopoly pattern.To reduce the barriers to entry,To develop more of the nature of the asset management companies,This is similar to absorb more private capital to develop small and medium-sized/Community Banks,It also an embodiment of deepening the reform of financial system.


[The 21st century]:Now there is an argument for example,Provinces can set up their own asset management company,This is a good solution?


Lai Xiaomin:I noticed the news,Although the relevant departments of the retort,Said without this thing,I would agree with place to set up own asset management company.Now province/The municipal government can be formed/To set up their own Banks,Why can't we set up asset management companies?


With the development of AMC does not conflict,There is competition inevitably there is cooperation,Can we develop in the competition,Win-win situation in cooperation.Such as the,Local financing platform, 10.7 trillion of debt,Even if only 1%/5% bad form,Numbers are very large,Depends on four state-owned asset management company disposing of also not too realistic.


Of course,,Open market access does not mean that the herd/You can get one who has the capital,First of all should formulate access standards/Industry threshold,Have the professional personnel/Risk control ability.On this basis,I am in favor of developing more asset management company.


[The 21st century]:We have seen,AMC transformation since the development is very rapid,The future market space is very big also,But the AMC capital is relatively limited,A single funding channels,High capital consumption assets accounted for is larger,These problems,As the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) to AMC and table management/Increase the minimum regulatory capital strength,How to solve the problem of capital pressure?


Lai Xiaomin:This question is very important.AMC so high speed development for a long time/Multiple profit growth is unsustainable,So I put forward the transformation of the mode of growth this year,Cut down the high growth initiative,"WenZhongQiuJin,Stability in the new,Stability of realistic,Stability of change",Stick to the bottom line of thinking,Control risk/Scientific and sustainable development.


Development one of the biggest problems is the capital pressure,The future way of supplementary capital,For huarong,The next step is the issuance of first,Huarong late last year has been approved to enter the national inter-bank lending market,This is a major breakthrough.Followed by step is listed,A third way is through private placements.


In addition,We hope that we can apply for national capital injection,Such as major shareholders of finance capital,Or huijin capital injection.China's foreign exchange reserves so much,Take a bit to inject assets management companies,To ensure national absolute control is feasible,I think invest in AMC,Yield will also be very high.


At present the factors affecting the development of asset management, mainly including:capital/liquidity/Risk control/Team construction,As well as the potential risk of the five aspects of business.Establish the risk compensation mechanism,According to the central"Ensure that no major risk of systemic and regional,Risk to the bottom line"Is critical to.
