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After the Asian financial crisis,The association of southeast Asian nations (asean) and China, Japan and South Korea(Hereinafter referred to as"The 10 + 3")Financial cooperation is up and moving forward.Among them,Particularly striking is,In order to promote east Asian countries help each other for the purpose/Bilateral currency swap as the main content of the Chiang mai initiative(The CMI)And then the establishment of a regional stockpile(The CMIM,The Chiang mai initiative multilateralization (cmim)).With the evolution of the European sovereign debt crisis and the European stability mechanism(The ESM)The launch of the,Asian regional financial stability mechanism of the construction of the meaning is more outstanding.In this situation,In 2012,,Remarkable progress was made in the construction of regional financial stability mechanism.But on the other hand,Asian regional reserve itself, there are still many aspects need to be further perfected;On the other hand,Regional reserve after all is only a single aspect of the whole financial stability mechanism and safety net,Still need to cooperate effectively with the mechanism of bilateral and global level.

  CMIM最新进展 Recent advances in the The CMIM


The international financial crisis pushed to the Chiang mai initiative multilateralization process.In 2010,,Regional reserve was formally established;In 2011,,Related decision-making process was established,Macroeconomic research office and set up(AMRO)As a watchdog.In 2012,,And new breakthrough in many ways the multilateral process.


Macroeconomic research office in January 31, 2012 formally established.AMRO is the main task of the regional economic monitoring and analysis/Strengthen risk early tracking/Rapid implementation of rescue operations and realize regional stockpile of effective decision making.Is the agency's first director of the original Mr Mr Wei, vice minister of China's safe,He is responsible for the preparation process and the initial operation.In May 2012,He will be replaced by former Japanese finance ministry deputy phase.At present,Has three senior economist respectively responsible for the financial institutions/Monetary and exchange rate/Three groups of financial markets research work.Since its establishment,The agency published related research report quarterly.


"The 10 + 3"Into a finance ministers' meeting mechanism"The 10 + 3"Finance ministers and central bank governors meeting mechanism.From 2012 on May 15th"The 10 + 3"Finance ministers' meeting started,Into the mechanism"The 10 + 3"Finance ministers and central bank governors meeting mechanism.after,"The 10 + 3"Dominated by finance minister under the mechanism of financial cooperation,Central bank can only to attend deputies and the corresponding work meeting.In the evolution of the financial crisis period,Discuss financial cooperation lack of active participation by the central bank is not realistic,Effect will be limited.From the beginning"The group of seven"To the present"The group of 20 nations",All continue meeting of finance ministers and central bank governor mechanism.Specific to the regional financial cooperation mechanism,Regional reserve management/Coordination of macroeconomic policy and so on all need the central bank's active participation,Central bank of professional resources to join would enhance cooperation in depth and breadth.


Regional reserve scale increase,With the IMF decoupling ratio increased,Crisis prevention function.In May 2012, the finance ministers and central bank governors meeting declared:Will reserve scale by a factor of 1,The increased from the original $120 billion to $240 billion.Second, with the IMF's decoupling ratio in 2012 from 20% to 20%,Depending on the situation advance up to 40% by 2014.3 it is to extend financing,Will be linked to the IMF's conditions with part of the financing period of 90 days to 1 year,And in accordance with the original deadline be renewed three times,Practical support period from original two years to three years,At the same time,Will work with the IMF conditions with decoupling of a part of the financing period of 90 days to 6 months,The actual support period from 1 year to 2 years.Four is created which has the function of crisis prevention crisis preventing arrangements, regional reserve arrangement(The CMIM - PL),Original crisis rescue arrangements are referred to as the regional financial stability facility repertory(The CMIM - SF).Prevention of credit by the regional reserve executive decision-making body,According to the following five factors considering prior qualifications or conditions after the event,The external positions and the possibility of financial markets/Fiscal policy/Monetary policy/The financial sector's robustness/Regulation and the adequacy of the data.


The meeting rules prevent arrange drawdown period is 6 months,Can be renewed three times,To make the withdrawal period for up to 2 years,Review once every two years.Since to the design of preventive arrangements have withdrawal period,Request YongKuanGuo pay 0.15% commitment fee accordingly.The hook and hook part of loan time limit is 6 months and 1 year respectively.At the same time also provides,Any member can choose this two kinds of flexible arrangements,But rates shall not exceed the maximum amount of for the country,And strictly limit the two arrangements used at the same time.Once the actuators that a recipient has taken a hit in crisis and the need for additional support,Should be to financial stability facility instead of prevention facilities.Regional financial stability mechanism from a mere post-crisis aid to crisis prevention in advance,So that relevant countries won a commitment in advance,Make regional reserve funds of the available resources at any time,Thus greatly improving the efficiency of decision making.

  未来完善之策 The future perfect


Asian regional reserve can play a role,Still pending inspection.For a long time,The impact of the Asian countries face is mainly external shocks,That deal with massive outflows of capital.The current,Asian countries face the risk is still very big.In the short term,Is facing a crisis of European and American developed countries and its own stimulus policy spillover risk for return to growth;In the long run,Asian countries also face economic structure transformation and economic growth mode change may lead to internal risk,This risk is also need to guard against in advance,Save for a rainy day.

  增强储备库资金的放大效应。从规模来看,这一基金已经扩大到2400亿美元,欧洲稳定机制的初始规模是5000亿欧元,相对于经济总量,本区域的基金规模似乎仍不算太大。实际上,这一规模是外汇出资额的规模,也是整体可用资源的总量,按照现行的分散管理模式显然不够。欧洲稳定机制以及IMF的可用资源,除了会员认缴的份额外还有外部借款,而本区域分散管理的储备库模式无法具有类似的杠杆效应。因此,最终的解决办法是需将分散管理的储备库转变为集中使用的基金或类似安排。将区域储备库转变为亚洲货币基金或类似机构的实体,应是方向之一。不论是取名为亚洲货币基金(Asian Monetary Fund)还是亚洲货币组织(Asian Monetary Organization),抑或亚洲稳定基金(Asian Financial Stability Fund),具体落实问题都不大,其关键是要实体化。只有变成真正的实体,将一部分资金集中管理,才可提高资金的使用效率。成为类似的亚洲货币基金或实体后,这一组织本身不仅会集中各国的外汇储备作为份额,且可以通过在金融市场发行债券、向成员国借款等方式筹措资金,进而增加这一稳定机制的金融资源,使其具有杠杆效应。

Enhance the amplification effect of reserve funds.Judging by the size,The fund has been expanded to $240 billion,Initial size of the European stability mechanism is 500 billion euros,Relative to the economy,This region of the fund size seems still to be not too big.In fact,This scale is the scale of foreign exchange capital contribution,Is integral to the amount of available resources,According to the current decentralized management mode is not enough.The European stability mechanism, and the IMF's resources available,In addition to subscribed members share and external borrowing,Decentralized management's model of reserve and the region with similar leverage.so,The ultimate solution is the stockpile of decentralized management to focus on use of funds or similar arrangement.To transform regional reserve for the Asian monetary fund entities or similar agencies,Should be one of the direction.Whether Asian monetary fund(Asian Monetary Fund)Or Asian monetary fund(Asian Monetary Organization),Or stability fund in Asia(Asian Financial Stability Fund),Specific implementation issues,The key is to substantiate.Only real entities,Will be part of the funds centralized management,To improve the efficiency of the use of funds.Become a similar Asian monetary fund or entity,The organization itself will not only focus countries in foreign exchange reserves as a share,And can be through the issuance of bonds in financial markets/Borrow from member countries and other means to raise funds,Which increases the stability mechanism of financial resources,Has the leverage effect.


To deal with sexual relations with the IMF conditions at the same time,Additional categories of financing.To prevent the reserve become vulnerable or nominal"A paper tiger",Need to improve effectiveness in system design.To do this,Top priority is to improve the liberal use of proportion(The conditional decoupling ratio with the IMF loans),Which can quickly respond to the crisis.

  关于与IMF脱钩,我认为: On with the IMF,I think:


The first,Moderate decoupling is necessary.Get rid of the IMF's conditional constraint is at the beginning of the Chiang mai initiative to accomplish his purpose,For some members of the association of southeast Asian nations (asean),Want to decouple the higher the ratio, the better.If not the rule,The association of southeast Asian nations (asean) countries may lack motivation.Professor of economics at the university of California, Berkeley, Barry eichengreen(Eichengreen. B.)think,Asian countries have not interfere in internal affairs of tradition,To blame other countries domestic policy mistakes is very difficult.so,Potential creditors will not blaming each other for borrowing,The fear of moral risk,In the absence of reliable guarantee for general, are reluctant to lend too much.


In the second,Need to urgently improve AMRO supervision ability.The existence of moral hazard need to strengthen the supervision mechanism,This arrangement needs certain constraints,If it is not linked to the IMF's conditions,Just need to set its own standards of different from the IMF.Its premise,Is AMRO supervision and ability are improved rapidly.


In the third,Even if AMRO supervision ability was improved,May not need to completely decoupled.In many cases,Aid is often regional stability mechanism with the IMF bailouts.Especially when the big crisis,Need more joint operations,As Mexico during the financial crisis,The United States and the linkage,As well as the European debt crisis of the European Union/The linkage of the euro zone and the IMF.Even since then become the Asian monetary fund or other similar arrangement,All need to maintain good relations with the IMF.Based on the above analysis,Held in May 2012"Asean + China, Japan and South Korea"Finance ministers' meeting:Decoupling ratio to increase to 30%,After the increase to 40%,Later whether to raise depending on AMRO monitoring ability,- I think this consideration is appropriate.

  第四,提高效率的关键不仅在于提高与IMF条件性的脱钩比例,更重要的是形成不同类型的救助安排。众所周知,全球金融危机后,IMF已在反思其贷款的条件性和决策效率,并创造了灵活贷款安排(Flexible Credit Lines)等不需要条件的紧急贷款。如果东亚区域储备库无法创造出比这种安排更灵活的融资,则这种区域储备库的吸引力会大大降低。有人建议,对前6个月内的贷款可以无需与IMF条件挂钩,但6个月后如果继续借款,则需要按照IMF的相应贷款条件来约束。另有人主张,要将IMF的灵活贷款安排与区域储备库很好结合起来,——这种意见可以考虑。但我认为:可以考虑另一种安排,即在本区域储备库中设计不同种类的贷款安排,包括不需要先决条件并在紧急情况下可动用的自由紧急贷款、根据AMRO自我开发和成员同意的条件性贷款、与IMF条件挂钩的贷款。

In the fourth,Key is not only to improve the efficiency of the conditional decoupling ratio increase with the IMF,More important is to form the different types of aid.As is known to all,After the global financial crisis,The IMF has been conditioned to rethink their loans and decision-making efficiency,And create a flexible loan arrangements(Flexible Credit Lines)Don't need conditions, such as emergency loans.If east Asia regional reserve can't create more flexible than the arrangement of financing,The regional reserve appeal will be greatly reduced.It is suggested that,For six months before the loans can need not linked to the IMF's conditions,But after six months if continue to borrow money,You need according to the IMF's lending conditions corresponding to constraints.Others argued that the,To the IMF's flexible credit arrangements with regional reserve is very good,- this opinion can be considered.But I think:Consider another arrangement,In this region pool design different kinds of loan facility,Including don't need a prerequisite for free and available in an emergency emergency loans/According to AMRO self development and the members agree to conditioned loans/Linked to the IMF's conditions of loans.


Effectively promoting Asian regional reserve crisis prevention function.According to the agreement reached in May, 2012,To set up new financing arrangements to prevent function,- which of course is useful.But prevention is not the capital of the crisis,But in how to eliminate the root of the crisis and the crisis nipped in the bud.The members on the one hand depends on the stability of the financial system and the sustainability of economic growth/flexibility.On the other hand depends on the crisis early warning capabilities.To improve the early warning ability,Need to enhance AMRO monitoring ability.And increase the stability of members within the financial system,Need to strengthen the regulatory cooperation,Namely to strengthen technical assistance.Medium and long term view,Asian financial security comes mainly from the threat of economic structural adjustment is not timely, leading to economic growth.Excessive dependence on external demand mode of economic growth,Asia's financial stability long-term dangers,Asian countries must be out of a development model based on local needs.To maintain the sustainable development,Can structure adjustment in the future Asian monetary fund loans.These structural loan can be in local currency to pay a certain amount of money paid by all member countries,And by issuing bonds to raise.In addition,Since Asia has accumulated a lot such as the dollar and the euro denominated in foreign exchange reserves,And the United States and Europe's economic downturn,Asia has suffered huge foreign exchange risk,so,Asian financial security hidden danger of another way to go is dollarization.To do this,Need to push their currencies used in local,And accelerate the construction of local currency settlement system.


Bigger and stronger AMRO,Give full play to its function.Regional depots to really play a role,AMRO is the key.


First of all,AMRO monitoring function must be strengthened.AMRO could not have all the areas of study,National macroeconomic analysis and member states should be capital flow analysis as the key,Risk warning in time,To formulate the preventive measures.To do this,Need to improve AMRO research and analysis ability.Although AMRO may with the international monetary fund and the Asian development bank and other institutions to share data and research information,But AMRO's research is focused on regional reserve member economy,Focusing on the capital flow analysis.Of course,,It is also important to aspects of the exchange rate cooperation mechanism.Even so,AMRO currently only has more than 10 economists,Staff too little,Can't bear the heavy study tasks.so,Increase the researchers become inevitable.


The second,Total AMRO will be completed the east Asian financial cooperation platform.At present,East Asian regional reserve and economic evaluation/Policy dialogue mechanism has been on this platform,The next step should be east Asian bond market initiative/Regulatory cooperation mechanism and so on are included,So as to improve the efficiency of the financial cooperation.The Asian bond market development and regulatory cooperation can help countries to the stability of the financial system,At the same time,Can also promote global integration.AMRO should become the secretariat of the east Asian financial cooperation,At the head of the mission of current and future cooperation.


Once again,,As a watchdog,AMRO should not only aid after the crisis,Should be involved in crisis prevention/Crisis warning/Crisis and post-crisis assessments, and other links.From the point of view of the crisis in advance to visit,To improve the effectiveness of supervision,Adhere to the reasonable macro economic policy,Timely adjustment of macroeconomic structure,Suitable for their own situation and take the financial liberalization and financial opening policy.From the point of view of the crisis warning,To timely found potential risks in the process of supervision and warning in time,play"Peer pressure is"role,And to monitor the.By strengthening technical assistance,To establish a stable financial system,Eliminate the risk hidden danger,Improve each member of the financial system stability,Avoid large financial risk and financial crisis.From the point of view of the crisis,To immediately in the event of a crisis when the motion to evaluate crisis,Whether you need immediately assistance/How much and how to aid decision aid.From the crisis after the evaluation,Needs to be donors in hindsight,The cause of the crisis/The rescue process and effect assessment,Try our best to prevent a similar crisis from happening again.


The last,AMRO on the name of it is too conservative.As an independent watchdog,Though study is very important task,But its purpose is not the research itself,But early warning/Put forward the conditions/To supervise members especially YongKuanGuo.For this,The title of this peace seem to be some lack,Need to change the name.Of course,,This seems to be AMRO in initial development stage"A low profile"The performance of the.


To handle the relationship between the bilateral swap arrangement and area.At present,There's still some bilateral swap arrangements in the region,And the bilateral arrangement is regional reserve added.Bilateral swap has a flexible and efficient,At the same time,Based on the local currency of bilateral currency swap is to promote the region to reduce dependence on the dollar/A good design to hedge their exposure to the dollar.Bilateral swap arrangement can reduce the current regional reserve early,Stress on various aspects have not yet fully mature.There is no denying that,Bilateral currency swap and regional reserve compete in some extent.thus,Will promote regional reserve in the application/To use and make reimbursement of better design.As compared with bilateral currency swap reflects its own distinctive characteristics,Need in a program/Borrowing more flexible types and conditions, etc.Of course,,Area of bilateral swap can promote understanding between the member states and bilateral surveillance,These exchanges and supervision is needed to reserve in the operation area.


Deal with the relationship between the fund.The IMF as an international financial organization,Although there are many problems,Have left this region countries"The pain"The type of,But when the big crisis arrives,We still need to cooperate with the IMF.The Asian monetary fund was established in 1997,The IMF is not"Happy to".later[The Chiang mai initiative]Is the beginning"Be careful"Reference to the aim is to address the issue of liquidity within the region,Is a complement to the IMF.Since the"The group of 20 nations"Since the Seoul summit,The allied leaders spoke highly of the role mechanism of regional financial stability.Just finished this"The group of 20 nations"Finance ministers and central bank governors meeting,Put forward to strengthen the dialogue between different regional financial stability mechanism,Enhance cooperation between the regional financial stability mechanism and the IMF,Strengthen the complementary.Asian regional reserve and its supervising agencies need to strengthen cooperation with the IMF,Do it in the financing facilities/Complementary information communication,At the beginning of the current development,You also need to get the IMF on capacity building support.In recent years,The IMF governance reform,Increase financial resources and the ability to make loans,Reform of the way.The IMF in this crisis stronger and more stable status,We need to respect and applications.In addition,Given the IMF's are under reform,Asian regional reserve members should actively action,By finance ministers and central bank governors meeting mechanism and platform of macroeconomic research office,Coordinated action in the IMF and other international financial institutions,With one voice,For in the IMF governance reform and rescue mechanism play a more active role.The current,It is because of the IMF international financial organization is not reasonable,Many Asian countries in crisis,East Asian countries are still in the under developed countries for a return to growth easing bring spillover effects for a long time.The crisis gradually to gradually far,When the pressure is relatively less developed countries reform,Asian regional reserve members necessary to form a consistent action,By increasing the driving force for the reform.


(The author unit:Foreign affairs college international financial research center)
