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Jiang ping in more than a decade on Wall Street look well,As his personal hard work and dedication go hand in hand.
40多岁的江平是Alliance Bernstein 资产管理公司另类投资风险管理部的主管。该公司是一家管理4000多亿美元的全球性资产管理公司。公司在曼哈顿中城有一栋气派的大楼。见到江平时,他穿着烟灰色的西装,显得干净利落。当时已经是晚上6点45分,他仍在灯火通明的办公室工作。
Jiang is in her forties Alliance Bernstein, asset management, head of alternative investment risk management.The company is a company with more than $4000 of global assets management management company.Company has a grand building in midtown Manhattan.See jiang at ordinary times,He wore a smoky gray suit,Look clean.At that time is 6 PM 45 points,He was still working in the bright lights in the office.
After 19 years,Jiang has escalated from a product consultant to senior vice President.
Work 60 hours a week
和江平说话时,他总是面带微笑,慢条斯理。掐指一算,他来美国已近20年。 回想当年,一切都显得那么顺利和理所当然,江平大学本科毕业并在国内工作两年多后,于1994年来到美国攻读计算机硕士。毕业后先在一家咨询公司工作,1998年进入美林证券,负责计算机数据分析,并同时在职攻读哥伦比亚大学金融工程专业。
And he spoke,He is always smiling,slow.Pinch refers to a calculate,He came to the United States has nearly 20 years. Back then,Everything is so smooth and taken for granted,Jiang university undergraduate course and work at home more than two years after graduation,Came to the United States in 1994, master degree on mba in computer.Before working in a consulting company after graduation,Enter the bank of America merrill lynch in 1998,Responsible for computer data analysis,Majoring in financial engineering at Columbia University and at the same time working.
"Around the year 2000,Along with the network era of bubbles,Financial sector development.At that time,Many financial companies, recruiting,Of my friends can hear job-hopping news every week."Jiang Pingshui,"But I think I still have a lot of things to learn,So has been stay in company."
2003年可以说是江平事业上的新起点,他离开了工作近5年的美林,来到当时还是很小的一家公司Risk Metrics。当时公司员工以白人为主,相当部分为犹太人。
In 2003, is a new starting point of jiang's career, so to speak,He left the work nearly five years of merrill lynch,To Risk Metrics was still a small company.When employees is given priority to with white,Quite a part for the jews.
"The company culture is very good,Equivalent to a newly formed company,I hope to do analysis,But backfire,Went on to become a and customer face-to-face product consultant directly."
Jiang's task is to do quantitative analysis and model,Explain the company's financial risk management products to the customers,Answer questions associated with technology.His work must often make a speech or telephone communication,The non native speakers of English he is a challenge.
"Pressure is very big.But the company is willing to invest to help employees grow,We have all kinds of presentations and sales training;On the other hand,I do technical advice is my good at,I just have to clear the problem analysis."Jiang Pingshui,"The financial industry is a very practical industry,Regardless of your language ability,Ultimately depends on whether it can solve the problem."
In order to let their technical ability,Jiang's work 60 hours or more per week on average.In 2005,,Jiang Pingjin company after two years,Be promoted to manager for the first time,Management of four people.
"My colleagues are my friends,They are also good,So if they promoted at that time,I gave them to do,Also can take orally."Jiang Pingshui,"My standard is high,High to own request,Requirement is high also to others.Stress is a self-imposed."
从小经理到资深VP From the manager to the senior VP
Risk management,Not as stimulating as traders work,They won't be in and out of millions of dollars in the hands in a twinkling of an eye,but,They are indispensable to financial firms.
"Fund managers consider the investment risk from their point of view,And we are like two way.We will use and their different models to determine present and future risks and sustainability.Because our customers not only depends on the situation,Also look at whether the risk can be expected in the future/If there is a stability."He described his work.
江平在Risk Metrics公司7年多的时间里,这家主要为金融客户提供各种程序和服务来进行风险管理的公司,营业收入几乎每年上涨40%。江平回忆,2003年公司收入5000万美元左右,到2010年它和MSCI合并时年收入已经达到4亿美元,公司雇员从最初的约200人成长到 2000人。江平也从一个小经理成长为管理40多人的部门主管,负责管理公司的南北美洲售前售后业务。
Jiang ping in Risk Metrics company more than 7 years,The major offers a variety of programs and services for customers of financial company to risk management,Revenue of almost 40% a year.Jiang recalled,In 2003 the company around $50 million in revenue,By 2010 it and the MSCI combined age income has reached $400 million,Company employees from the initial growth of about 200 people to 200 people.Jiang also grow from a small manager for department in charge of more than 40 people,Is responsible for managing the company's north and South America pre-market after-sales service.
"I also grow together with everybody."Jiang Pingshui,"Has much to do with our company's growth and the environment,As more and more financial firms began to attach importance to risk management,Willing to use our product,So our sales more and more strong."
For he,Development together with customers is very important,In the current risk management requirements meet the customer at the same time,He also often pay extra time,Understand the industry trend,To ensure the company's products to keep pace with The Times."Efforts to half a step ahead of competitors."
2011年,江平进入Alliance Bernstein,工作强度更大了。
In 2011,,Jiang ping into the Alliance Bernstein,There is a greater intensity of work.
"I usually start reading financial news on the subway in the morning,And now the positions together,Under the background of the market,Considering model and data analysis."
Enter the office,He started to read internal risk report,If you have any questions,It discussed and fund managers.Morning has been so often.
"If I have my doubt to a position,I will go directly to communicate with managers,Most of the time,Both sides will agree on a certain risk positions."Jiang Pingshui,"Back ten thousand steps,If and fund managers after the communication,I still think the positions too risky,But fund managers are reluctant to adopt my opinion,Then I will report to our CEO and chief risk officer.They are generally supportive of me.Such support before the financial crisis is unlikely,But after the financial crisis,Financial industry is obvious for risk management."
In the afternoon,He has to and fund managers for the meeting,Deal with various affairs, etc;After the market closes,He is concerned about the market that day,And it fits the risk forecast yesterday.
"If the market has great changes,We will be more nervous,Because want to make sure that all of the risk control."
It was also because of his dedication,Now he has is senior vice President of the company,Level just below the CEO, etc.
下班不代表工作结束 Don't work on behalf of the end of work
Like many adults financial worker,Jiang's family lived in one and a half hours from the office of the central Livingston, New Jersey,It is a upper middle class gathered place.Jiang said,I chose it,Mainly considering the good school district,Suitable for son to read,However the price is he and his wife to and from work every day to transfer to the subway car,Three hours of traffic back and forth every day.He generally more at 7 o 'clock in the morning to go out,Not into the office at 9 o 'clock,At least 7 at night:Only after 30 out of the office,Don't get home more than 9 points.
"Arrived home just in time for son to go to bed,There are about more than ten minutes to talk to him."Jiang Pingxiao said,"I will make up for the weekend,Give him when the driver,If he will take part in activities,Or play with your classmates.
其实,对于江平来说,回家并不代表一天工作的结束,由于Alliance Bernstein是一家全球性的大公司,有些信息会很晚才获得,所以,回家有时还要工作。
In fact,For he,Home doesn't mean the end of the day's work,Due to the Alliance Bernstein is a global company,Some information will be very late,so,Sometimes working at home.
"Sometimes, the boss will be busy during the day,In the evening to write to us,Ask related work,Generally they are important mail,I see will reply."Jiang Pingshui.
Talk to jiang,The company's employees go about already,The whole office was quiet.Jiang Pingshui,In fact his boss also still in the office.Not only he a man of hard work.
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