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《陆家嘴》2012年8月刊 《lujiazui》August issue in 2012


The whole of Europe in the development of the financial industry all want to compete to young people“to”The city of London,Here is like the New York of the Europe。

  文/特约记者 严婷 发自伦敦

Wen/special reporter YanTing originated in London

  渣打银行经济学家凯思德(Thomas Costerg)是个法国人,2007年,在巴黎一读完大学,他就迫不及待“投奔”伦敦。因为伦敦是整个欧洲所有想在金融业发展的毕业生梦寐以求的目的地。

Standard chartered bank economists KaiSiDe(Thomas Costerg)Is a French,2007 years,In a Paris finish college,He can't wait“to”London。Because London is the whole Europe in the development of the financial industry all want to graduate dream destination。

  “我很喜欢金融城(the City),这就像是一个小村庄,你会感觉自己是社区一员。我也很喜欢这里的悠久历史, 伦敦金融城从罗马时代以来一直都是经济活动的中心,所以事实上金融城起初就是由罗马人建造的,现在也到处都是外国人,尤其是来自欧洲大陆的人。”在伦敦金融城摩尔门(Moorgate)17号的星巴克咖啡馆,凯思德向《陆家嘴》记者讲述他与伦敦的故事。

“I like the city(The City),This is like a small village,You get the feeling that you are a member of the community。I also like the long history of here, The city of London from the Roman time has been the center of economic activities,So in fact the city is built by the Romans at first,Now are there foreigners,Especially from continental Europe。”In the city of London's door(Moorgate)17 starbucks cafe,KaiSiDe to《lujiazui》Reporters about his story and London。


Statistics show,London financial city nearly 400000 financial employees,Has more than 100 kinds of foreign language said practitioners。


After the 2008 financial crisis stray,KaiSiDe think now of the London financial circle reason a lot of,The whole financial system become more sustainable。


Although one thousand people's eyes have one thousand London:Bad weather、Financial center、old、fashion、Internationalization......But can you think of any a description of the London words,All someone posted on the label,Some tear dropped the tag。

  “一平方英里”(Square Mile)的金融城是伦敦的心脏。但目前的金融中心已经往东辐射到泰晤士河岸高楼林立的金丝雀码头(Canary Wharf),往西延伸至隐藏着各种对冲基金的富人区梅费尔(Mayfair)。你若要想象,可以在脑海里描绘这样一位英国绅士:头顶礼帽、臂夹文明杖,无论这个世界经历了多少繁荣与危机,变得多么危险与疯狂,他依然会微笑着说:Keep calm and carry on (保持冷静,继续前行)。

“A square miles”(Square Mile)The city of London is the heart。But the financial center has to east radiation to The Times the bank buildings stacks of canary wharf(Canary Wharf),To the western extension to hide all kinds of hedge funds of the rich area may phil(Mayfair)。If you want to imagine,Can describe in mind such an English gentleman:Head top hat、Arm clip civilization rod,No matter how much experience the world prosperity and crisis,Become how dangerous and crazy,He will still be said with a smile:Keep calm and carry on (Keep calm,Move on)。

  巴黎还是伦敦? Paris or London?


“I in lehman brothers failed a week before on the choice of the left。Some people do perceive unusual sightings,But I don't know。”KaiSiDe recall four years ago things,Still remains vivid。


KaiSiDe speaking,There are many people outside the window glass with a coffee cup of beer or standing on the street and chat。The afternoon the city there are always some people go out members,Or is it just a drink alone。London people always love the stands in the drink,Whether chun xia qiu dong。

  2007年3月起在雷曼兄弟实习3个月后,凯思德在那一年的7月正式加入这家曾经的美国第四大投资银行的股票资本市场部门(投资银行部),成为了一名分析师。巧的是,2008年9月雷曼兄弟倒闭的一周前,凯思德选择离开了雷曼兄弟。此后,他成为LCF洛希尔集团(LCF Rothschild Group)的经济学家,并于2010年12月加入目前任职的渣打银行欧洲经济研究团队。

Since March 2007 in lehman brothers practice after 3 months,KaiSiDe in that year's July officially joined the ever of the fourth largest investment bank of America equity capital markets department(Investment home),Become a analysts。Skillful is,In September 2008 the lehman brothers collapse a week ago,KaiSiDe choose to leave the lehman brothers。Since then,He become LCF los hill group(LCF Rothschild Group)economists,And in December 2010 to join the work today standard chartered bank European economic research team。


In KaiSiDe seems,The financial industry has been through a unusual fluctuations period,But in the city are still is a very attractive place,Because here is the perfect combination of life and business:On the one hand,London is the whole of Europe“Financial capital”,On the other hand,In your personal life,London is also attractive living place:“Everything changes,You can always feel fresh air and new ideas。This to an economist speaking especially attractive。We need to not only creative work environment,Also need to enjoy entertainment at the weekend。London can give you all things。”KaiSiDe said。


But a long history and rich life is not unique to London,KaiSiDe from the romantic, Paris, France,Another exciting European financial center。Why give up Paris and London?


KaiSiDe reason is simple:Paris is not the London。


“Paris is also attractive,But Paris not London。This is why there are so many French people in London reason,London's labor market than France and more energetic,London life and more energetic。London is the whole Europe in the development of the financial industry all want to graduate dream destination,London is like Europe‘New York’。I like working here。”KaiSiDe told reporters,In Paris after graduation,He did not hesitate to choose the London。In one of his classmates,In the development of the financial industry want,All come London,Because this is a truly global financial center。


He think that London a large natural advantage is the time zone:“We often have to and Asia、The United States is a meeting,The meetings usually on our side at 9:00 in the morning、Held at around ten o 'clock,Can you early in the morning in London and three time zones colleagues or clients on conference call,This is a bit of a strong competitive advantage。”


“If you want to be in the banking industry has a global professional career,You must come to London。”KaiSiDe laughingly called,“I'm not so homesick,But I will also go home。But I think British very hospitable,Especially London,Although the weather in London is sometimes let the midfield。”


Talking about the present job,KaiSiDe said,His work in standard chartered trading floor,General 7 a.m. he would to the company,Because during the day will be very busy。As an economist,His main work is for traders daily news analysis、To write a report、See customers, etc。

  由于凯思德目前工作的一大重心是跟踪欧洲债务危机,这场危机让他比以往忙得多。 “尤其是在举行欧元区财长会议或者欧盟峰会的时候,这些会议有时要持续到凌晨,所以有时我不得不在公司待到凌晨3点,不过当然不会每天如此。”凯思德说道。

Because KaiSiDe currently work of the center of gravity is tracking the European debt crisis,The crisis let him busy than ever before。 “Especially in the euro zone finance ministers' meeting held or the European Union summit,The meetings sometimes lasts until the wee hours of the morning,So sometimes I have to stay in the company to 3 a.m.,But of course not so every day。”KaiSiDe said。


The busy work let he still didn't have the chance to go to the famous the bank of England walk。All KaiSiDe said regretfully:“One of my dreams is to visit the bank of England,But unfortunately I haven't visited,Because the bank of England only in the opening working days,The weekend is not open to。”


Talking about the crisis on the influence of the city,KaiSiDe complained that the:“I remember when I first to London,Here boiling emotions,Filled with revelers。The city of the bar is always crowded,There is all party。In fact at that time, I was very surprised,Because the atmosphere there was some crazy。But now here's the atmosphere has changed,And now I think it probably better。Because at that time is the peak of the banking industry,Now the entire financial industry learned,At present our financial system more sustainable。I think this is a good news。”


Can imagine,In September 2008, before the 15 th,The city most bar are full black one,In noisy music,Wear a suit or shirt but has worked under the tie bankers with one hand of beer to talk。But now the city appears more quiet,A party to the rational from transformation are creeping happen。

  未来十年的“伦敦梦” In the next decade“London dream”

  在金融城工作了六年的查尔斯·瓦哈比(Charles Wahab)毕业于英国名校——伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)。由于2008年的这场金融危机,这些年他主动或被动地换了两次工作,但一直都在伦敦金融城,他笑称“基本上六年来我都去同一家咖啡馆”。

In the city work six years of Charles tile hubby(Charles Wahab)Graduated from British universities, the London school of economics (lse)(LSE)。Because of the financial crisis in 2008,During these years he initiative or passivity to change it twice,But has been in the city of London,He laughingly called“Six years I went to basically the same cafes”。

  在金融城的巴比肯中心(Barbican Centre)的餐厅里,瓦哈比讲述了他这六年来的点点滴滴。

In the city of bobby Ken center(Barbican Centre)restaurant,Watts hubby about his six years the drops。

  “从LSE毕业后,我在FactSet Research Systems工作了两年,从事软件工程师的工作,为对冲基金做定价相关的应用软件。然而,当我的学习曲线开始放慢时,我辞职了,之后加入一家名为Copperdime Systems的初创企业,就在Bank地铁站附近。当时,它还是一家只有七个雇员的新公司,其中三人是公司创办人,用自己的资金建立了一个点差交易(Spread betting)和差价合约交易(Contract for Difference, CFD)

“After graduation from the LSE,I in FactSet Research Systems work for two years,To be engaged in the software engineer,For the hedge funds do pricing related application software。however,When my learning curve when begin to slow,I quit my job,Add a Copperdime Systems called the start-ups,In Bank near a subway station。At that time,It is only seven employees of a new company,Three of them are company founder,With their own capital to build a trade points of difference(Spread betting)And the price difference contracts(Contract for Difference, CFD)


Many of the assets transaction platform。That is a very interesting joint venture,I was one of four new employees。”He remembering the scene at the time。


Watts said al-harby,The first six months everything went very well,The company size tripled,The number of staff increased to 25,The company income has doubled。Twenty-four hours a day,16 hours of coverage from London office,Eight hours of Sydney office covered:“Our work plan is‘Follow the sun go’,Sometimes it will let us start work at six in the morning,Sometimes even have to work late zero。”


however,2010 to may,It suddenly plunged。


“We in Australia's largest customer suddenly declared bankruptcy,Another major European Banks have stopped and our project,Because in 2010 the global financial market into a period of an unusually difficult period,Countries in economic stagnation,Others in the double bottom recession。The company immediately sank into financial difficulties,A few weeks,More than half of employees were laid off,Including me,The company has been an investment company with very cheap price of acquisition,Founder were driven out,And disastrous。”At the time of the crisis of the watts hubby seems still vivid。

  幸运的是,他在这家公司的背景和经验受到了许多公司的重视,瓦哈比此后顺利地拿到了许多大银行和金融公司的面试机会,也收到了不少应聘通知书:“我最终选择了Markit SERV,成为了一名商业分析师,这也是我目前的职务。”

fortunately,In the company of his background and experience by many company's attention,Watts hubby since then to get the smooth many big Banks and financial company's interview,Also received many apply for the notification:“I finally chose Markit SERV,As a business analysts,This is my current job。”


Talking about the future of 10 years“London dream”,Watts hubby thoughtlessly said:“One day I will hope to open a company of his own,Very involve technology business、Software or around technology services,For example, financial institutions or large enterprise provide how to build better technology consultation service,Or to offer them a better solution。I hope that in five years to achieve this goal,But it depends on where am I,Because at the moment I'm related financial company learning,And the work very happy。A few years later I may want to explore the different fields and new opportunities。”


Watts said al-harby,Markit's CEO in his 40 just founded this company,But now this is a company with billions of assets,So he should still have some time to think about 10 years after the will in where、do。


In London the city in a crisis has“Unemployed army”in,Watts hubby story may be a spirit of articles,There may be millions and millions of other unknown story。


“Financial crisis changed everything:People lost your job is commonplace,In the city all the friends I almost all be cut at a certain time,Otherwise is in trouble and had to change my job;The focus today is about to cut costs,With fewer resources to do more things;In addition,Because this is a tough time,We always pay close attention to the news,Because the crisis is not over yet,If Greece default,It will affect everyone。”He said。


Financial crisis to the city's influence is huge but subtle,People quietly changing way of life。He told reporters,The city and the number of employees has significantly smaller than before the crisis,Stay in the city of people choose to live in relatively cheap area,Even some people choose to live to Oxford or Cambridge,Because the train can through to central London。Also on my way to work to spend an hour and a half words,Compared to Oxford、Cambridge than live in a London suburb even more economic and comfortable。

  古老却生机勃勃 Ancient but vitality


What have the charm of London how,Let the rain man still experience walks out?


The city of London is the traditional actually refers to the financial district,The city covers an area of about one of the predecessor of the square miles,And there is surrounded by walls。The wall has been removed many years ago,now,People can still wall in London and bobby Ken area to see some old walls of the walls remained。Some of the city's place name also reflects the history of the city of London,Such as ruud door(Ludgate)、El door(Aldgate)、Moore door(Moorgate)And these places are actually in London when there is the name of the city wall gate。Although the different age,But place names but as traditional and have been retained。

  人们现在习惯性地把这一地区称作“The Square Mile”或“The City”。金融城南至泰晤士河,北至巴比肯艺术中心,西至霍尔本

Now people habitually put the area called“The Square Mile”or“The City”。To the south of the river Thames to finance,North to bobby Ken art center,West to the hall

  (Holborn) 和舰队街 (Fleet Street),东至埃尔门 和利物浦大街(Liverpool Street)。

(Holborn) And fleet street (Fleet Street),East to el door and Liverpool street(Liverpool Street)。

  在这区区一平方英里内,银行、证券、外汇、保险、期货、金属、商品、衍生业务、船运、咨询等交易与服务密集而有条不紊地运营着。金融城不仅是英国及伦敦市的经济心脏,也是全球领先的金融、商业和经济中心。而伦敦金融城政府(City of London Corporation)则是支持和推广金融城及城内企业的机构。

In this just a square mile radius,bank、securities、Foreign exchange、insurance、futures、metal、goods、Derivative business、shipping、Consultation service trade and dense and orderly operation。The city is not only Britain and the city of London's economic heart,Is the world's leading financial、Business and economic center。And the city government(City of London Corporation)Is the support and promote the city and the city enterprise institution。

  伦敦金融城政府是英格兰地区最古老的地方政府,其根源可追溯至中世纪时代。如果你在金融机构林立的Gresham街上突然拐进市政厅(Guildhall)广场,会有一种“穿越”到中世纪的感觉。伦敦市政厅坐落于伦敦金融城的格里歇姆街(Gresham Street)上,包括中世纪大厅、老图书馆、文印室和艺术博物馆等主要建筑。罗马人统治时期,这里曾是一个巨大的圆形竞技场。

The city government is England in the most ancient of local governments,Its roots back to in the middle ages。If you in financial institutions stacks of Gresham suddenly turn into city hall on the street(Guildhall)square,Will have a“through”To the feeling of the middle ages。London city hall is located in the city of London Gerry's street rest(Gresham Street)on,Including the medieval hall、Old library、WenYinShi and art museum and other main building。Roman rule period,This was a huge circular arena。


Of course,Financial city the most obvious sign is the bank of England,That was established in 1694, the central bank of England。The bank of England's building is a house has a history of three hundred years of old buildings,Bank of early trading floor now changed into the bank of England museum。


Through the bank of England's Chinese can not pay attention to the one step away from the bank of China(601988,Shares it)。


From the Chinese city of wuhan TaoHuiLing the same girl graduated from the LSE,At present is the bank of China, London branch of risk analysts。In 2009 the London branch of bank of China at the 80th anniversary of the founding of the time,TaoHuiLing join bank of China,So far has entered the fourth year,2012 years and at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the bank of China,TaoHuiLing a myriad of。


The London branch of bank of China and bank of China(British)The headquarters of the limited company on 16 September 2010 moved to the new site-now adjacent to the bank of England's city core areas。

  “中国银行搬到了位于Lothbury 1号的新高楼,可以‘俯瞰’英格兰银行。”陶慧玲说,“现在英格兰银行已经被我们中国的几家银行包围了:中行、农行、交行和工行,都已经抵达了世界金融心脏的位置。”

“The bank of China moved to Lothbury 1 in the new high-rise buildings,can‘Overlooking the’The bank of England。”TaoHuiLing said,“Now the bank of England has been our Chinese a few Banks surrounded:boc、Agriculture bank、Handing in travel and icbc,Have arrived at the world financial the position of the heart。”


Talk about in the city,TaoHuiLing will take her to the old city jinding pearl,And twinkle of modern light echo each other at a canary wharf,Contrast their。“Just the new than financial,Its buildings more British,Style more British,British wind will pursue more like it here。”


indeed,City like New York Manhattan buildings that not line。Financial city are mostly old buildings,House usually only four or five layers,Tall buildings usually very few。The 1860 s,St Paul's cathedral was built at the north of tall buildings,A commercial building and apartment,Even have their own art center。


but,The old city is changing。Watts al-harby told reporters:“Of course is the skyscrapers。We four house more than high buildings,The change of the city's skyline,Let a person feel the city is more like a world financial center。”


“The canary wharf is also very good,There already is a very strong financial center。Canary wharf facilities general modernization,The building also have many live entertainment facilities。But I do prefer in old city life,For here have charm more,More history。”KaiSiDe said,“Standard chartered bank at present in the city has a gleaming new building,And the other old buildings form bright contrast。So I don't think we would consider moving to canary wharf,We are very happy to work here,As a new modern facilities,At the same time, can feel in the city with a long history and ancient charm。”


The city of each building the history behind the story and we said all enough on a day and a night,But let a person shine at the moment is undoubtedly the and tile first day bobby will meet at the door of the installation art center-neon lights that had written in Chinese characters with a let people confused words:“dad,Don't worry!We and mother are nice。”


For unknown truth happened to pass by the Chinese people,It is through to medieval buildings more“surreal”。


Until the end of the interview went to look at what is,The reporter just know this is Chinese contemporary artist song and mother ZhaoXiangYuan cooperation of installation art works《Make the》The exhibition in London。As the exhibits,The mother of the song 50 years accumulate more than ten thousand pieces of old wreck of the daily necessities and London spectators。


Perhaps you can't imagine,In the heart of the city of art center is going on a Chinese art collision-you can see the memory and forgotten、Scarce and affluent、Destruction and cure、East and west、Past and present。Perhaps this is London。

