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Recently the international gold prices to unprecedented gesture dive,Associated with gold ETF investment products such as falling more than 20%.Compared to physical gold market is popular to snap up situation,Other gold paper assets such as gold/Gold and gold futures investment situation is not clear.This plutus cat Tan Huimin invited Morgan fund vice President as well as our financial market watchers Tang Xuepeng answer for everyone.
1/Wealth and risk in,Now is the time to bottom of gold assets?
2/If from the perspective of balancing risks,Over the next three to six months,Should be how to configure the stocks/The bond/Share of commodities and precious metals?
Tan Huimin(Morgan fund vice President/Asian markets strategist)
A1:There is no doubt,Gold cliffs of fall makes gold stock valuations fell into the abyss,For long-term investors,Market opportunity is on.But from a technical perspective,Gold etfs unwind trading activities may also lead to gold prices in the short term,If the bottom is too early.
The disappointing first quarter GDP growth in China,Directly trigger and contributed to the slump in the gold.Investors worried about,China's weakening demand for gold.Gold has been as a hedge against inflation and financial crisis"Sharp object".But at present the global inflation,Tail risk reduction caused by Europe's debt crisis,Lead to the gold investment properties.As the European central bank practice OMT unlimited bond buying program,The overall demand of the market for gold is greatly reduced.
Gold short-term investment prospects are grim,Especially as the U.S. economic recovery and a stronger dollar,Combined with the federal reserve may end QE3,But I still suggest that long-term investors configuration part gold asset class.I don't have"The crystal ball"To predict whether gold bottomed out,Investors can take period of time purchasing strategy,In the current price to buy a small amount of gold assets,If prices continue to fall,Can increase the positions as appropriate,Capture the rally.
A2:Compared with metals and other commodities,Gold is similar to the basic"money".In addition to hedge against inflation,Some investors buy gold as a hedge against unknown hazards on the market/Deflation and currency devaluation.so,Properly configured in the portfolio of gold is still necessary,But must pay attention to short-term fluctuations in the price,Do not put all your eggs in one basket bottom.
Consider investors can be subject to appropriate market volatility,We suggest that over the next three to six months to increase the United States/Japan and Asian equities,High yield bonds including corporate high-yield debt/Emerging market debt also worth buying.At the same time,Reducing their holdings of American advice/Japan and the eurozone government bonds,Be alert for gold on behalf of precious metals.
Tang Xuepeng(Our financial market watchers):
I have repeatedly stressed that gold is not a permanent assets.Gold rose and inflation has nothing to do,Has nothing to do with overall growth of the money stock,Has nothing to do with stock market boom or recession,And the bond market dividend level has nothing to do,Gold even independent of the economic cycle.Before and during the subprime crisis, such as subprime,Inflation was gold, gold under deflation,The dow fell up the dow soared gold also rose.Once again,Gold is not eternal,2000 years ago"Clinton for ten years"Gold is a decade of decline.
Based on my own"The growth rate of difference theory",Dollar is the world's needs,But America's power is local of the world economy,Local support overall there is paradox,Dollars to meet global needs,The value of the dollar falls,According to the U.S. dollar power supply,Is a global monetary tightening.Even if the dollar as the global need even grossly excessive,As long as the economic growth in the United States or its acceleration is more than the global average velocity or acceleration,Then people will be the United States still holds up its currency in the future.But in this case,The dollar will overwhelmingly against gold.otherwise,Gold will soar.
In Clinton's new economy(310358,Fund?)period,That is 1991-2000 America's average annual GDP growth rate reached 3.7%,At a time when global economic growth rate is 2.6%,The United States and the world difference is + 1.1%,Gold fell for ten years.And from 2001 to 2011,The world's average GDP growth rate reached 4%,While the United States at less than 3%,The United States and the deviation is - 1% of the world,Gold soared for eleven years.
Whether it is worth gold bottom?From a large scale,It is dangerous to bottom.Because of the growth rate in the United States are catching up with the pace of the world,The strong recovery in 2012,Gold wandering into the flagging.But there is a possibility,The U.S. economy will suddenly became worse.The maximum thrust of this round of economic recovery is a delegate with apple's high-tech companies,Unit is the real economy.But the company's profits began to fall sharply.The root cause is that,The world is cross-infection.Emerging markets economic variation,They don't have enough cheap and spending power of supply chain to meet the real economy,A negative infection happened.The U.S. economy began to feel the chill of the global economy,Is a natural result,U.S. stocks will fall from high,The federal reserve will continue to QE to save,But now its role is to quickly improve the stock of inflation,The inflation fears continued to make U.S. stocks fell.Once the weak us economy than the world average,The gold will timely recovery,Make gold bottom action into a wise move.On the tools,Like a gold ETF/Physical gold are both feasible choice.From the perspective of asset allocation,U.S. stocks should be cut,Bonds can be retained,Gold point positions.
(By jing jiao compiled in this paper)
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