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暑期“实习大军”涌入职场 新人企业都有委屈--亲稳舆论引导监测室(2)

# p# subtitle # e#


她很委屈 She very grievance


收进假钞,无奈自掏腰包 Gathered into a counterfeit money,But the surge


East China university of politics and law/freshman big the student of 2 small sung this summer after open back,He went to a restaurant waiter practice,Every day do four full hours,Salaries for $30。recent,She encountered a troubles one day,As usual she took the guest to pay the bill,The unexpected discovery this c-notes, please is counterfeit currency。

  “为了方便客人,我们服务生一般会替客人将钱送到收银台,客人吃饭在楼上,收银台在楼下,我就拿着钱下楼付款了。 ”小宋说,没想到这张百元大钞是假币,可客人却坚持这假币不是他的,怀疑有人“中途调包”。

“For the convenience of,Our waiter will generally guests will to the cashier for money,Guests to dinner in the upstairs,The downstairs,I'll take money down payment。 ”Small sung said,Didn't expect the c-notes, please is counterfeit currency,But the guest had insisted on this counterfeit currency is not his,Doubt anyone“Midway switch”。

  “我们从楼上走到楼下,总共也就不到1分钟的时间,而且我们餐厅有规定,服务生上班时,口袋里不准装现金。 ”小宋不厌其烦地向客人解释,可这位客人就是不依不饶,又吵又闹,还报警叫来了110。 “结果,他只付了70元,按实际消费价格,他还需付13元,餐厅要求我自掏腰包补上差价。 ”小宋说,尽管13元看起来很少,但这也意味着自己一天一半的工资“打水漂”了。 “每天站着为客人服务,站到腰酸背痛,还要自掏腰包,想起来就心酸! ”小宋告诉记者,他们有不少实习生都被客人骂哭过,有些人实在受不了,干脆不要工钱,当场“炒”老板“鱿鱼”。 “餐厅规定,不管客人有没有道理,都是员工的错,我们只好默默忍受。 ”

“We went downstairs from the upstairs,There is less than a minute of time,And we restaurant has a regulation,The waiter at work,Pocket with no cash。 ”Small sung took pains to explain the guests,But the guest is adamant,And noisy and make,Also alarm call the 110。 “The results,He only paid 70 yuan,According to the actual consumer prices,He also pay $13,Restaurant asked me to own up to the price difference。 ”Small sung said,Although $13 looks very little,But it also means that a day of half his salary“Skip stone”the。 “Standing every day to serve the guests,Stand to waist sour backache,Also own,Want to be very sad! ”Small sung told reporters,They have many interns were guests scold cry,Some people can't stand,Simply don't wages,On the spot“fry”The boss“squid”。 “Restaurant provisions,No matter the guest is there reason,Are employees of wrong,We had to endure。 ”

  但小宋说,实习可以结交不少朋友、打发时间。再加上这种短期的暑假实习很难找,“你不干,还有很多大学生排着队想干,有苦只能自己咽。 ”

But small sung said,Internships can make many friends、Sent time。Plus this short-term summer internship was hard to find,“You quit,And many college students lined up to want to do,Bitterness can swallow their。 ”


【HR的烦恼】 【HR troubles】


“想来就来,说走就走” “Really want to,go”


An interview is responsible for enterprise human resources per capita said,Today's college students' knowledge、skills、Horizon and other aspects have ascension than ever before,The enterprise according to demand more and more willing to open internship position,Selected intern from potential、Can continue candidate。but,The management of interns have been let them“headache”。


An anonymous top 500 enterprise human resources officials said,Part of the interns responsibility low、Professional weak、Work emotional、Don't abide by the rules and regulations of the enterprise、And the workplace environment are antipathetic,It is hard to make the enterprise and employee and their equally;Plus enterprise can't like employee appraisal as assessment interns,For their work hard to control the quality,A lot of work also difficult to arrange。

  “有些实习生自我定位模糊,觉得自己是来‘体验生活’的;但企业天然地认为既然来实习,就是一个工作状态。 ”这名负责人说,一些实习生只是看重500强企业的名号而来“混经历”,并不好好工作,有的还常常在工作时间看视频、电话聊天。

“Some interns ego orientation fuzzy,Think you is to come‘Experience life’of;But the enterprise natural that since to practice,Is a working state。 ”This official said,Some interns are only after 500 strong enterprise name“Mix experience”,Doesn't work well,Some still often work in time to watch video、Telephone chat。

  最令企业感到“棘手”的,是部分实习生 “想来就来”、“说走就走”,工作的连续性和稳定性很难保证。这名负责人告诉记者,经常有实习生一个电话就打来请假,理由千奇百怪“我今天学校里有讲座”、“我临时有点事”、“我要参加同学聚会”。 “你说管他们好还是不管他们好? ”该负责人无奈地说。

Most make enterprise feel“tough”of,Is part of the interns “Really want to”、“go”,Work hard to ensure the continuity and stability。This official told reporters,Often have a phone call interns ask for leave,Various reasons“Today I school with the lecture”、“I'm a little temporary”、“I will attend the students gathered”。 “You said they good or whatever their tube? ”This chief reluctantly said。
