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暑期“实习大军”涌入职场 新人企业都有委屈--亲稳舆论引导监测室(5)

# p# subtitle # e#


善用实习扭转从业方向 Make the best use of the internship reverse direction of employees


Ciic recruitment center campus recruitment experts think tube,College students should be based on their own character、interests、Factors such as professional,The future direction of the employees make roughly interpretation,In order to select internship units。He suggested that,College students might as well use holiday,Come into his future is in the industry practice up first,Understand the industry ecology in advance。

  “有些学生在大学里所学的专业未必是他真心喜欢的,更不是他未来想要从事的,这部分人就可以通过实习来‘扭转’今后的从业方向。 ”管说,“是否有相关行业的实习经历对求职的成功率起到极其关键的作用。 ”

“Some students in the university major is not he really like,More is not his future want to pursue,This part of the people can through the internship‘reverse’The future direction of the employees。 ”Tube said,“Whether there is a related industries to the success rate of job internship play a crucial role。 ”


Tube but also points out that,The school rules professional practice has its important value。For college students,As early as possible as sure career objectives、Do career planning is the best,But even if can't think about their future as soon as possible to do the work、Want to get into a business,Serious professional internships still concern is good it can help college students' professional knowledge added、Exercise practice ability。


带着目标实习,抑或不断“试错”? With the target practice,Or constantly“Trial and error”?


The rise of big to fudan university student Grimm this summer and not very specific internship programs,Think of to go where you practice,He calls himself a“Free interns”。

  小葛告诉记者,他希望利用暑假好好实习,但却 “没有什么方向”。他有个学长办了一家自主招生培训的公司,他受邀去做计算机科目的讲师,但档期不固定,主要是听从学长安排。他在少年宫的计算机中心担任助教,每周为小朋友上一到两次课,培养他们对计算机学科的兴趣。

Grimmjow told reporters,He hopes to use a good summer internship,but “No direction”。He has a senior did a autonomous recruit students training company,He was invited to go to do computer course instructor,But sessions are not fixed,Main is listening to the senior arrangement。He is a computer center of the children's palace in teaching assistant,For children a week for one to two sessions,To cultivate their interest in computer science。

  尽管这些实习看来都比较有意义,但小葛有时难免觉得迷茫。 “我现在在复旦的社会科学实验班进行一年的通识教育,还没有分专业,我也不知道将来要做什么。想过要有一段正式的实习,但因为缺乏方向,漫无目的,我不知道怎样规划我的大学四年的实习,也不知道去怎样的单位实习更适合自己。 ”小葛说。

Although these practice seems more meaningful,But grimmjow sometimes hard to avoid feel lost。 “I am now in fudan social science classes in a general education,Still no points professional,I don't know what to do in the future。Want to have a formal internship,But because of the lack of direction,aimless,I don't know how to plan my university four years of practice,Also don't know how to go to the unit practice is more suitable for you。 ”Grimmjow said。


不同年级实习策略不同 The different grade practice different strategies

  前程无忧首席人力资源专家冯丽娟表示,如何留下一段有意义的实习经历,需要学生用心做 “攻略”。她建议,从大学二年级开始,就应该争取在每个假期或时间比较充裕的时候寻找多样化的实习机会;从大三起,就应选择与就业方向相关的实习机会。

51 job chief human resources experts FengLiJuan said,How to leave a meaningful internship experience,Students need to carefully done “strategy”。She suggested that,Since my sophomore year,You should try every holiday or time is plenty of time to look at the diversity of internships;The junior from,Should choose and employment direction of related internships。

  “企业其实蛮怕方向性不明确的‘试错型’实习生”,管毖圆换涞厮怠=岷隙嗄昀吹男T罢衅妇验,他指出,若大学生简历上经历过于 “繁多”、即与应聘职位关联性不强的经历过多,对求职反而有害无利。

“The enterprise actually quite afraid of directional ambiguous‘Try the wrong type’interns”,Tube Bi round in Lai fellow idle = Min gap ah Mary studies hard.now blow male T granted them amnesty "woman inspection,He pointed out that,If your resume college students experience too “various”、That is not strong correlation with applied position of too much experience,Instead of to apply for a job without the harmful。
