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暑期“实习大军”涌入职场 新人企业都有委屈--亲稳舆论引导监测室(3)

# p# subtitle # e#


HR亲自开车接实习生 HR personally pick interns


mention“interns”,This city another top 500 enterprises of HR specialist miss zhou said,A last summer vacation“Gourmet interns”Made her so far“jittery”。


This name interns and company signed three months internship agreement,The unexpected three days,This name interns“disappear”the。Miss zhou and he learned that phone call,He found another internship units。The business department and communication,Miss zhou was commissioned to hire a interns。She gave this name“Former intern”call,Please he terminated the practice to pay formalities and settlement。This name interns phone promised to very well,But not in the agreed upon period of time to come to do procedure,Call again,Just how also couldn't get through。Miss zhou contact after he traveled,Learned that interns don't care 3 days reward,Don't want to run a visit。

  然而,周小姐却得依照公司规章办事。 “当初签好协议写明报酬的,我们就要把报酬结清给他。 ”周小姐说。

however,Miss zhou is, according to the rules。 “At the beginning of the signed agreement remuneration,We will put the remuneration settlement to him。 ”Miss zhou said。


Miss zhou golf clubs、And do a lot of“Ideological work”,This name to intern finally agreed to do procedure,reveals“Your unit too far,Specially run a true is too hard”mean。but,Miss zhou had to personally drive take him to the company deals with formalities。


实习生傲慢挑工作 Interns arrogant pick work

  “曾经有业务部门的领导跑到我们这里投诉,指名某大学的实习生今后他们部门一律不要。 ”本市某国企一位人事主管说。这名“牵连”到校友的实习生太过傲慢。实习生一开始难免被安排做一些基础的工作,这名实习生马虎了事后,直接对上司说 “以后这种简单的事不要叫我做,这种事不适合我”。

“Once had business leaders ran to our complaints here,The potential for a university diet, they are not department。 ”This city on some state-owned enterprises a personnel supervisor said。This name“Involvement in”To the alumni's interns too arrogant。Interns a danger to be started to do some fundamental work arrangement,This name was careless interns afterwards,Directly on the boss said “After the simple things don't ask me to do,This kind of thing isn't for me”。


The original,This name was forced to play 20 intern effective customer satisfaction survey of the phone。In fact,This is not a simple job,Play 20“Effective telephone”Not equal to only hit 20 phone 20 the phone,Half perhaps couldn't get through;Get through that 10,Half may not willing to cooperate and answer the questions,Need patience and communication skills。The name simply dial interns 20 number,Only get four effective information is a job,Responsible for the analysis of the data to subsequent employees to work on。


“Now many interns seems to be get over it,Whether a job do not done yet、how,They have to work on time、To practice‘comfort’Is required”,The personnel supervisor regrets way。
