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暑期“实习大军”涌入职场 新人企业都有委屈--亲稳舆论引导监测室(6)

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实习补贴,为什么有的人没有? Practice subsidies,Why do some people have no?

  在珊珊所处的公司,每个部门只有一名实习生可以获得每天100到120元的实习补贴。在珊珊之前,已经有一名比她更资深的实习生。尽管部门里四名实习生一样天天来“上班”,但只有这名“资深实习生”能领取到实习补贴,珊珊和另外三名实习生只得充当 “免费劳动力”。不过,这名实习生不久就要结束实习,珊珊和她的“竞争者”们都在积极表现自己。

In shan in company,Each department only a trainee can get 100 to 120 yuan every day of practice subsidies。In shan before,Have a more senior than her interns。Although the department four interns every day to the same“work”,But only a“Senior interns”Can get practice subsidies,Shan and three other interns have to act as “Free labor”。but,This name interns will soon end practice,Shan and her“competitors”We are in a positive performance。


Many interns speaking,“money”Is a very delicate topic。The largest human resources service provider 51 job had interns do special investigation,Findings not only college students obtained during the internship pay less than regular employees,Some necessary working costs,If TongXinFei、Fare and lunch,For most not“Agree beforehand”,Once the expenses,College students often don't know is whether we can submit an expense account,Even after put forward,Also most because without prior application was rejected。


外企大多给实习报酬 Most foreign companies pay to practice

  冯丽娟表示,目前对实习生的报酬并无明确的规定,不过,大部分主动发布岗位招实习生的企业通常会支付一定报酬。 “既然企业对学生的知识、技能、工作职责有要求,那就应该支付报酬。 ”冯丽娟说,“最终仍要取决于市场的力量,现在就有很多企业考虑到,若没有薪酬作为激励手段,好的实习生难招,招来的实习生也更难管理。 ”不过,若企业本身没有招聘意愿,学生通过私人关系前往实习“体验”,则企业很可能不给报酬。

FengLiJuan said,At present the interns remuneration and no clear rules,but,Most of the active release of enterprise usually post recruit trainee will pay for reward。 “Now that the enterprise to the students' knowledge、skills、Job responsibilities have a demand,That should pay the remuneration。 ”FengLiJuan said,“Finally still depends on the forces of the market,There are many enterprise to consider,If there is no salary as the means of incentive,Good interns difficult to recruit,Recruit of interns to management。 ”but,If the enterprise itself is not the recruitment will,Students through private relationship to practice“experience”,The enterprise may be don't give reward。


Tube is introduced,He met with in the unit,The foreign capital enterprise、The private enterprise to pay interns in doing better,The foreign capital enterprise for more than a day 80-100 yuan,The private enterprise slightly lower;And state-owned enterprises、In public institutions pay much,Part of the enterprise may give some car stick、Rice stick。but,Some of the large IT company research and development department of the pay remuneration to compare the interns well educated,One day 200、They are the 300 yuan,Of course,These companies to intern skills requirement is high。


“办公室打杂”,怎样摆脱这种命运? “Handyman office”,How to get rid of this kind of destiny?

  很多实习生在高校BBS上抱怨,一些公司的实习职位 “名不符实”,“助理、专员”的背后,可能仅仅是一名从基层做起的客服,或莫名其妙成了一个每天煲电话粥的销售,而专业知识和相关技能,得不到有效实践。

Many interns in university BBS complain,Some internship position of the company “A misnomer”,“assistant、commissioner”Behind the,May is only a start from the bottom of the customer service,Or puzzling became a every day to talk on the phone sales,And the professional knowledge and skills,Without effective practice。


In this city a foreign enterprise engaged in the personnel administration work of white-collar Li lady but said,She found that many college students in the process of practice,Only finish the task of mechanical boss distribution,But not with the aid of this internship opportunities,Actively understand found,For example,Other colleagues in do???????His work team to the value of the work is?The company whole system is what kind of?


主动沉浸到职场环境中 Active immersed in the workplace environment

  “不主动投入、不把自己沉浸到公司这个大的环境氛围中去,这样的实习其实意义不大,这也是一直让很多大学生忿忿不平的‘打杂’。 ”冯丽娟建议,学生要利用实习这个机会来接触社会、了解所在的企业乃至行业,要多问问自己是否适应、是否喜欢这个行业或者工作氛围等,从而调整自己的职业方向,切忌为了实习而盲目找个单位打发时间。

“Not active in、Don't take yourself immersed in the atmosphere, the company,Such practice actually meaning is not big,This is also a lot of college students has been incensed‘Odd jobs’。 ”FengLiJuan Suggestions,Students will use this opportunity to contact the social practice、Understand the business and even in the industry,To ask yourself whether to adjust、If you like this field or work environment,To adjust your professional direction,Avoid by all means is to practice and blind find a unit sent time。

  她提供了一些摆脱 “打杂宿命”的小贴士供实习生参考:首先确定每件任务的完成时间,务必准时完成;有效地利用业余时间,学习更多的技能和知识;如果没有其他事情可做,可要求更多的工作;做到准时上班,提前五分钟到达办公室;显示对工作的热情和责任感。(记者 朱蒙雪 张骞 钱钰)

She offered some get rid of “Fatalistic odd jobs”Tips for interns reference:First make sure each task completion time,Be sure to finish;Effective use of my spare time,Learn more skills and knowledge;If no other things to do,May require more work;Do go to work on time,Five minutes in advance to arrive at the office;Display work enthusiasm and sense of responsibility。(The reporter he QianYu zhangqian snow)


(Source: evening news)
