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暑期“实习大军”涌入职场 新人企业都有委屈--亲稳舆论引导监测室

Subtitle # e#少年宫的助教工作,给大二学生陈陆的暑假带来很多快乐 何雯亚 现场图片 The children's palace assistant work,Give a sophomore of lu Chen brings many happy summer vacation HeWenYa pictures

  “这几天办公室实习生明显增多。 ”在本市某外企上班的吴小姐前几天改了这个新的MSN签名档,还与闺蜜感慨了一会儿“岁月如梭”。吴小姐如今这位闺蜜,正是她五年前第一份实习工作的“带教老师”。

“This few days office interns significantly increased。 ”A foreign enterprise in this city to work a few days before the change of miss wu this new MSN signature,Also with ladies honey regrets for a while“senility”。A: miss wu now the boudoir honey,It was her first practice work five years ago“Take to teach the teacher”。


Summer vacation and to,A large number of interns from the campus flocked to the office。Some of them came from to practice,For a good opportunity;Someone is very not easy to enter the world 500 strong enterprises,Dress to close all talk deliberately white-collar;Some internship units don't arrange for and parking“LiaoTiaoZi”……Fresh practice in this summer on story on time。


【实习故事】 【Practice story】


她很奋进 She is very progressive


自己贴钱去外地实习 His TieQian go abroad to practice

  上海外国语大学新闻专业的大三学生叶梦蝶是江西人,这个暑假她一个人奔赴广州某媒体实习。 “我开始没有想到能拿到这份实习,只是抱着试试看的态度,没想到只有10%的机会竟然被我拿到了,所以我决定不轻言放弃。 ”

Shanghai international studies university news professional student YeMeng butterfly is JiangXiRen,This summer vacation she guangzhou some media to practice。 “I began to not think of can get this practice,Just hold try attitude,Didn't expect only a 10% chance of unexpectedly is I got it,So I decided not to give up。 ”


At the end of June a finished the test,Lobular would take the train to guangzhou。Look at the two days of houses information,Sure good house,Unexpectedly moving out again on the day of the accident。Before a tenant say the move,Results drag for 4 days,And the four days,Lobular can only live in the hotel,For this unexpected cost her dearly unceasingly。


“Two more weeks,I take out money has to go with more than half。I am now very frugal,In addition to eat,No other spending。”Said to cost problem,Lobular says the practice not paid for,But she says she,This profession of the practice of paying much,Her students to practice some units,Will fall into“ShiXiFei”。In her eyes,“Into line”The most precious opportunities,Everything else is secondary。


Lobular told reporters,To this practice is so serious,In the future because she really want to engage in the professional。before,She also have considered,If you are a foreign company to go and see,But in the end to professional love,Or let she established the guangzhou road of the internship。


他很“大牌” He is“big”


实习没车位,果断退出 Practice no parking,Decisive exit

  暑假开始后,经爸爸牵线搭桥,本市某高校自动化专业大三学生小凯开始在一家证券公司实习。可实习了一周多,小凯就决定不去了,原因是实习单位交通不方便,他开爸爸的车去实习,可单位又没有停车位,一周内,他的车已经被贴了三张违章停车的罚单,再加上早高峰遇上的车辆碰擦事件,小凯果断决定“我不干了! ”

After the start of summer vacation,The father matchmaking,This city a college automation major student kai began in a securities company internship。But the practice more than a week,Little kay decided not to go,The reason is not convenient traffic internship units,He open to dad's car to practice,And there is no parking space can be unit,Within a week,His car has been put up three a parking ticket,Plus the vehicles in the morning rush rubbed events,Kai decisive decisions“I quit! ”

  小凯家住黄浦区小南门附近,实习的证券公司在浦东,开车需过一座南浦大桥,两地直线距离只有3公里,若交通顺畅,从家到单位只需15分钟。 “因为没有直达公交,坐地铁又要走路,干脆就开了老爸的车去实习,只好委屈老爸坐地铁上班。 ”小凯说。

Kai live taste traditional huangpu district near the door,The practice of securities companies in pudong,To drive across the Nanpu Bridge,The two straight distance only 3 kilometers,If the smooth flow of traffic,From home to unit in 15 minutes。 “Because there is no direct bus,Take the subway to walk again,Simply open the old daddy's car to practice,Had to injustice dad take the subway to work。 ”Little kay said。

  但由于单位没有停车位,再加上为了保持低调,他只好把车停在离单位有一段距离的路边上。 “单位同事都不知道我开车来实习。没想到,一下班就发现车上多了‘黄色罚款单’,真倒霉! ”

But because the unit no parking space,Plus in order to keep a low profile,He had to put the car in a distance from the unit on the roadside。 “Unit colleague all don't know I drive to practice。Didn't expect,A car after work more than that‘Yellow a speeding ticket’,What bad luck! ”

  除了“停车难”外,每天上班遭遇早高峰,车多人多,碰擦事故在所难免,这也是小凯放弃实习的原因之一。“有一天,我就擦到了别人的车,责任主要在我,出于安全考虑,老爸‘没收’了我的座驾,禁止我开车上下班。 ”小凯说。父亲拿儿子没辙,只好又帮他重新找了一家单位,“从家步行到单位最多只要20分钟。 ”

In addition to“parking”outside,In the morning rush to work every day,Car more than many people,Rubbed accident is inevitable,This is little kay give up one of the causes of the internship。“One day,I just came off on to someone else's car,The main obligation in the I,For security reasons,dad‘confiscated’My seat in,Banned I drive to and from work。 ”Little kay said。Father and son can find no way out,Have to and help him to find a unit,“Walking home from most units as long as 20 minutes。 ”

  其实,小凯放弃实习还有一个原因,他已对证券公司失去了新鲜感。由于没有证券从业资格证,小凯的工作基本就是在柜面打杂。 “每天的工作内容都差不多,没有固定岗位,有时打印文件,有时回答客户关于开户的疑问等,搞得自己像大堂经理一样。 ”小凯自嘲说,无聊时,就跟另外一位实习生一起看看K线图,或者探讨一下学习、人生、未来发展等。 “感觉挺枯燥单调的,就不想再去了! ”

In fact,Kai give up practice still a reason,He has lost the freshness of the securities firm。Since there is no securities from job seniority card,Kai work in basic is noodles at mealtimes。 “Every day the work content is about the same,No fixed position,Sometimes print files,Sometimes answer the question about the customer to open an account,Make yourself as the lobby manager。 ”Kai self-mockery said,bored,As another intern see K line together,Or explore the study、life、The future development。 “Feel pretty boring drab,Just don't want to go again! ”
