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  2007年报载,一位智商超群的青年,高考脱颖而出,几次被国内名校录取,但都因为迷恋网络,导致多门功课不及格,又离开了大学讲堂。他的父母说孩子是自负和自卑两种极端性格的复合体,他的老师说这学生单纯到几乎透明,完全不懂得世事复杂。心理专家叹息,说这青年既不懂得如何跟人相处,又不懂得对父母感恩,智商极高,情商极低。 2007 journal,A IQ super youth,Stand out from the university entrance exam,Several times by domestic school admission,But because the infatuated with the network,Than to work not pass,And left the university lecture hall。His parents said children is conceited and inferiority extremes of the character of the complex,His teacher said that the student pure to almost transparent,Completely don't know the complex。Psychological experts sigh,The young man said neither know how to get along with people,And don't know how grateful for their parents,High IQ,Eq is extremely low。


This is a very TanXi is not rare reality。IQ and eq,The eagle is the two wings。You see a lonely one wing eagle,Fly high in the sky?The answer must be negative。But modern society,But very many more single wing to the birds。Parents are focusing attention on children's mental growth levels,Ignore the emotional intelligence of the students。


eq,Refers to emotional intelligence,Is human understanding、Control and adjust their own emotional ability,In short,Is the ability of feeling moved feeling。After the study psychology and IQ than proof eq,To the person's life,With more powerful role model。It concerns the moral quality、Interpersonal relationship and the leadership to a series of management for modern people,,Very important valuable energy。


Some researchers simply down the conclusion:Success is equal to 20% of the IQ and 80% eq。


See here,There may be friends will say,well,I know the importance of emotional intelligence。but,How to improve the emotional intelligence?


Say a discouraging words,Intelligence is the gift of the hand of fate,70% ~ 80% from genetic。That is,Artificial intelligence raise space is not very big。Some may defy spirit,Said I not the letter,Za Chinese not has a proverb?called"Diligence redeems stupidity",I can't"The early bird catches the worm"?!


That is true,But don't forget to,Have the ability to recognize themselves"a",Is only"Stupid bird",And not inferiority and give up after,But have the determination of perseverance"fill"and"fly",And can continue"diligence"down,Find the correct method--"First to fly",This is not the category of IQ,And into the"eq"territory。


See here,You probably would say,Eq though precious,But it will also like IQ,Mainly from genetic?


Let us can optimistic is:Emotional intelligence and IQ is just the opposite,It only 20 to 30% from genetic,The main part,The feeding and breeding from the day after tomorrow。Especially the teenage years studying and exercising,To a person of high intelligence,crucial。Increasing in the process of emotional intelligence,Let's is wide space,promising。


The cultivation of emotional intelligence is a gradual process,You can find a mental doctor,Also can be self cultivation。Self cultivation have a good method is reading。For example a magazine,Green cover,Remind you of youth and linhai,Let your breath to oxygen,Glow spark。I know that we will have a book called《Meaning for》magazine,With a story way,Moistens everything silently and finished the heart to moisten。


Quietly read the book。It is like clean and warm,Intelligent and fragrant spring,Let your emotional intelligence high tide。
