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  本报讯 昨天,北京市教委下发《关于切实做好2012年北京普通高等学校家庭困难新生入学及各项资助工作的通知》,通知要求各市属高校采取措施保证家庭经济困难学生顺利入学,对支付入学交通费有困难的特困生,高校将为其提供全部或部分补助。

Report from our correspondent yesterday,Issued by the Beijing municipal education commission《About to do 2012 Beijing ordinary higher school admission family difficulties and the notice of assistance》,The notice requires all Beijing college take steps to ensure needy student smoothly admission,To pay admission transportation has difficulty obtains,College will provide all or part of the subsidies。


Subsidies transportation


Ensure timely report it


Notice points out that,In the usual freshmen when registering,Have been part of the needy students for raising irregularities travel to report on the situation,For this city education commission request various universities should understand and grasp as soon as possible new family economic condition,To carry out family economic special difficult new machines、That work,Actively take measures,For admission transportation have difficulty of new provides full or partial subsidies,Help them to get to school on time to report for duty。


The expenses may be from the school for special funds of expenditure,In order to solve the family economy particularly difficult from one new family seat to be admitted between colleges and universities of transportation and after admission and short-term living expenses。


For the poor students


Handle loan“Give the green light”

  市教委指出,各区县教委要按政策要求切实做好生源地贷款工作,做到“应贷尽贷”。 对于在京外高校就读的学生和今年被京外高校录取的新生家庭因“7·21”特大自然灾害造成家庭经济困难的,学生提出办理生源地贷款的,凡持有村(居委会)和乡镇出具的证明,区县教委学生资助管理部门要给予积极办理。

Municipal education commission pointed out that,Each area county education commission according to policies require to do a business loan work,do“Should credit do credit”。 In Beijing university for the students to attend and this year was the other university admission of new family for“7 · 21”Natural disasters caused large family financial difficulties,Students proposed to deal with business loans,Whoever holds village(Neighborhood committee)Villages and towns and certificate of proof,Area county education commission the student financial assistance management departments should give positive to deal with。


scholarship、Grants use


Put an end to the average distribution


Aiming at the various aid funds management,Municipal education commission requirements,Various universities should business income scale full extraction funds used to aid students whose families are financially difficult,Shall not carry and weaknesses、Give more little branch or direct recovery。In any form、Any reason entrapment、occupy、Divert funds,Ensure that aid funds timely issue to students' hands。


At the same time,The universities should earnestly the evaluation work of the national prize stipend,To ensure national scholarship award for academic and social practice, comprehensive ability the most outstanding outstanding student,The country pursues a scholarship for reward excellent students whose families are financially difficult,State grants to support family economic difficulties students,Resolutely put an end to the average distribution、“Take turns to the dealer”The occurrence of the phenomenon such as。


From now on September 15, play,Municipal education commission opened the university student financial assistance work hotline:83551285,Accept social for college entrance aid policy advice and complaints。
