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又到小学新生报名时 家长抱怨要证太多--亲稳网络舆情监控室

又到小学新生报名时 家长抱怨要证太多 又到小学新生报名时 家长抱怨要证太多 审核疫苗接种情况 Audit vaccination situation 又到小学新生报名时 家长抱怨要证太多 报名点排起了长队 Expected queue forme


Is the city of zhengzhou annual new primary school when signing up,The parents suffer in the call:Why do children registration or so hard?For parents proposed scribing if there is a shady、Registration certificate can reduce the problems,Educators the explanation is given。


不同的场景:一边家长在吵闹,一边孩子开心玩 Different scene:While parents in noise,While children happy play


记者的感受:懵懂的孩童尚体会不了家长的难 Reporters feel:Ignorant children experience is not difficult to parents


Yesterday's erqi district of zhengzhou city university BaoMingChu road primary school,When the migrant workers because Mr. Wang certificate not qualified not immediately give daughter registration when life,The atmosphere of the room suddenly nervous。Originally ordered registration process,So once interrupt。


meanwhile,The other end of the room,A small boy was squatted on the ground the playing marble,Two little girl is laughing heartily with the“You take a I clap one”game,After brain YangJiaoBian as they silver laughter pendulum string。


For these ignorant for children,Let the parents of losing“Registration difficult”、“Entrance difficult”problems,And although they share joys and sorrows,But a far less and do a little game more interesting。


期望的落差:高价买房,却没能划入心仪的小学 Expected head:High price to buy a house,Failed to delimit the right primary school


现实的情况:很多家长面临同样的问题 Realistic situation:Many parents facing similar problems


To let the son into the right primary school,Mr. Zhang a couple years ago began to do prepared,They in the original of sand dunes hazard elementary school recruit students within the scope of the central district village bought a small house。


But this year,When the school announced scribing area,Mr. Zhang silly eye:Qilihe south road edom、Corning south road、East west of south road、Are road north of sand dunes hazard belong to primary school,He bought the plot is row in the new built the discoordination of sand dunes hazard。


Two schools though not far from interval,Only a crossroads,Mr. Zhang but in his heart he made a whisper:The discoordination of sand dunes hazard was not completely build,Teachers can guarantee?Children can accept in the quality education?


Although know not delimit area,Mr. Zhang still would not give up hope,At 5 o 'clock of sand dunes hazard to the elementary school queuing,For the children for admission opportunity,After the school refused,Mr. Zhang in the two schools intermediate return several times,Want to's efforts,Let the children packed into primary school of sand dunes hazard。


Like Mr Zhang's example and a lot this year。The parents for the children at high price to buy a house,Scribing results but let them devastated。Erqi district south tricyclic and azure clouds near the intersection of a hundreds of parents,Because the adjustment,Even the collective response,Erqi district bureau of requirements from the change scribing results。


共同的梦想:用尽各种手段,只为上个好学校 Common dream:Exhausted all sorts of means,Just for a good school


老师的委屈:面对家长的指责,心里想掉泪,还得笑脸解释 The teacher's grievance:In the face of the parents of the accused,Heart want to tear drop,Still have to smile to explain


Whether cram for,Fake contract、Affiliated account;Or long-term planning,In the hot spots around the school to buy a house、Transfer account……Different family has a different story、Different methods,The goal but all roads lead to Rome:Can't let children lose in the starting line,To make them superior school,For the future to lay a solid foundation of life。


Every child that sustains several generation of people's dream。therefore,When a child registration blocked,It is not difficult to understand the parents dissatisfaction。“Every year when registration,Will meet all kinds of parents。Someone says,Someone cry like a tears,Others as we face said,‘You don't just want money?say,How much?’In fact,We just ordinary teachers,According to the superior policy act,We speak is not ah!So sometimes injustice want to tears,Still have to compensate with a smiling face to parents patient explanation。”A primary school for many years engaged in the work of teachers to reporters complained。


家长的想法:报名证件能不能少要点? The idea of parents:Registration certificate can't be little point?


教育界人士:一旦放开或降低限制,结果可能是灾难性的 educators:Once let go or lower limit,The results could be disastrous


Zhengzhou requirements,With the city of permanent residence of school-age children,When signing up must hold“Four card”;Foreign migrant workers live with their children to school,Shall provide“Six card”。this,Many parents quite have the objection。


“The threshold is too high,Certificate so much,For one hour where gather together register?For example unwelcome card,Often opened,We'll have to return hundreds of miles back to reopen,If miss registration?The government is to spite us。Want me to say,Should cancel the registration limit,At least should reduce requirements。”Yesterday's application field,In the words of Mr. Tian work zheng,Many parents get the response。


Lower threshold?Sounds good。A in zhengzhou for many years engaged in the education work of people admitted,Education department is not deliberately set a threshold of the parents,It is the city education resources are limited,Placements across。Even now, there is a certain requirements,The school“Executive frontal”Still difficult to control in fact,In recent years,Every year,Zhengzhou new degree,Almost just enough migrant workers rise in the number of children。Once let go or lower limit,Identity fraud more easily,The result could be disastrous:Various cities to students will be flooded in,Many schools may even normal teaching work is difficult to spread。


“All parts of the country have this problem,For applicants limitations,Also not zhengzhou have。We also hope to see the day,With the development of the city,All the children are without any worries,Take up bag can go to school。But at present,We must for all the children is responsible for。”The people said。


家长的疑问:教育部门划片有黑幕? Parents question:Education department scribing a shady?


教育界人士:所有的划片都是在充分调查的基础上敲定的 educators:All the scribing are in full on the basis of investigation of the square


“Everyone Shouting the difficult,But the vast majority of children can sign up smoothly;begins,Zhengzhou every school-age children can do have school。Behind this,Zhengzhou do a lot of work,A lot of decision are scientific basis。”Erqi district bureau of combination of the relevant person in charge said,“In erqi district as an example,Every year when scribing,We sent a large number of skilled workers top the sun,One village make a survey,Then analysis data、Preliminary understanding students situation,According to the actual situation finalized scribing area。”


“For example south tricyclic and azure clouds near the intersection,There are district was scratched the happiness south campus road primary school(Original Buddha sloping elementary school,Next referred to as the south campus),But parents put forward,Since the year before last and last year's students are in the Yangtze river road in primary school,Why can't this year?Parents put forward,Children to the south campus school,Traffic across the south tricyclic,There are dangerous;The south campus is a new school,To guarantee the teaching quality。”The chief introduction。


“Are parents,We can understand parents worry;But it is the south campus for the construction of the village form a complete set,Village and south campus is also closer。Before two years,Village children can into the Yangtze river road primary school,Because the south campus haven't completely build,Add the Yangtze river road primary school and a small amount of acceptance ability,Weigh over and over again,Crowded together。so,Last year the south campus plan recruit six classes,The actual only recruit the 3 classes;The Yangtze river road plan recruit 5 class,But the average class size to 75 people。Eating enough,Side burst。If this year also unified scribing into the Yangtze river road primary school,The school will be the average class size is close to 90 people。Even this year the children are all squeezed into sprouts squeeze down,Next year the Yangtze river road a row of tall buildings are under construction,The new more nearly children how to do?……The south campus, the education quality through high quality education resources multiplication engineering,Has improved significantly;Traffic light we can contact adjustment,How much more will not far away someone line bridge。Executive amount is not for children's physical and mental health effects more big?”The official advice parents say。


记者的追问: Reporter's questions:


新建学校能否缓解“入学难”? The new school can ease“Entrance difficult”?


教育界人士:家长对新学校的接受有个过程 educators:For parents to their new school accept a process


The reporter understands,Although education departments do a lot of work,But for the new primary,Parents often doubt,Don't want to sign up to,If the recruit students often exist“Do not have enough to eat”problems。The enrollment of nest of sand dunes hazard teacher also remind area residents:“The east end this years development soon,Old town relative mature development,Scribing is not easily change,But our two schools also was around,Teachers are almost。Parents can be at ease completely to send their child to our school。”


“Our school register much this year,Mainly because to row the school district some are new。But the future 3 to 5 years,Can reduce a lot of entrance pressure。”Pratt &whitney road primary school is one of the new primary school this year,The whole school is not finished,The new recruits will be the discoordination of sand dunes hazard“lodge”,Waiting for the school to build。The school DingQian constitute member,Before also zhengdong the juyuan road primary school vice President。She recalled in 2006,Juyuan road primary school freshman is 56,The development of today's nearly 2000。


存在的问题: problems:


“报名难”究竟难在哪里? “Registration difficult”What difficult in where?


教育界人士:教育欠账太多是根本原因 educators:Education: to pay off longstanding arrears in too much is root cause


“Along with the urban framework widening and city population increase,Urban education resources shortage is becoming more and more serious phenomenon。Although according to the government's planning,Every year there are a number of new school put into use,But the speed of school far couldn't catch up with the city expansion process of the speed of population growth,Education: to pay off longstanding arrears in too much,This is a‘Entrance difficult’The root cause of the。”A educators analysis。


On the one hand,A large number of new residential area in the development of construction,Not according to the uniform city education planning set aside construction school land,Make the city some lots of school construction appeared blank。Caused a new corner the original school packed,Some primary school average per shift of more than 80 people,“Executive frontal”、“Large class size”unavoidable。


On the other hand,Compulsory education resources allocation between the disequilibrium phenomenon。This imbalance,Reflected in between urban and rural areas、Between urban、Between schools、By education groups,, etc,And further aggravate“Will be hot”Collect fees in disorder, etc and not normal phenomenon。


“Building school,Sure is the most effective way to alleviate,But it is not easy。For example,A new primary school,Not land cost、Teachers equipped with、Instrument equipment, etc,Only the foundation construction well,Will need 20 million yuan。Where the money came from?This is a fundamental problem。”Concerned personage analysis,“China's education inadequate funding is not a day for two days。Solve entrance difficult,Government departments need from policy、Funds on、planning……Various cooperate,Solve this in education concentrations outbreak but not only is the education department of big problem。”
